HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-12-10Newcastle BIA MINUTES December 10, 2020 www. vi llageof newcastle. ca Attendance: Janeen Calder, Helen Vatandoust, Marni Lewis, Leslie Ray, Donna Wood, Valentine Lovekin, Jane Black, Lina Schmahl, Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Tracy Yates Regrets: Greg Lewis, Granville Anderson, Ann Harley, Ken Easbey 1. Meeting called to order at 9:05 a.m. 2. Approval of November Minutes: Jane Black Seconded by: Helen Vatandoust 3. Business Arising from Minutes: n/a 4. President's Report Downtowns of Durham are doing a blog series about supporting local businesses. If you are interested it is free advertising, please let me know and I can connect you to Jason King 5. Council Report: n/a 6. Treasurer's Report: Our current bank balance is $31,700.00 We are holding a $2000 cheque from the MOC for the Parade, Jane advised it can be deposited to use for next year. The budget and levy has been submitted to MOC Anthony Dodd from Dodd Et Company has taken the BIA on as a new client. Sue at his office will continue to look after the BIA bookkeeping and accounting needs. She is familiar with the BIA. The fee is $250/month. Leslie will finish up in February once the audit is filed. 7. Committee Reports: Safety Et Decor: Our 2 Volunteers did a great job on the planter boxes at Beaver and King. The snow removal contract with Troy Foster has been signed. Theresa received a quote from James Printing to do new banners, $91.50 installed. That is comparable to what we were paying. She will confirm with James in the next month. Marni has been in touch with Chris from Classic Displays to order new lights (similar to Orono and Bowmanville's decor) to replace our wreaths for 2021. She will have a quote for the next meeting. Advertisine: Facebook likes for the last 28 days - Nov > 1798 - last month 1768 - up 30 Post reach for Nov > 8K Post engagements > 4300 Top Posts November Two new businesses in Town -Canabis stores! reach of 444K > engagements of > 120 Lighting of the Christmas Tree wonder lights > reach of 2.8K > engagement of 362 The Snug Christmas on the patio ! .... > reach of 624 > engagement of 108 Which BIA Business has the best window decorations this year? This year's theme is 'Favourite Christmas Movie'.> reach of 2.3K and > engagement of 537 Well done! No Frills warming booth> reach of 757 and > engagement of 137 K Shirt Sales - Newcastle Gear - 73 orders To date, November we have a profit of - $1169.94 September $974.90 Special Events: a) Town Hall Lighting - Great feedback from community so far. The cost was $1435.00. Music will be playing from the Hall daily from 3-8pm. The Best decorated business contest pictures have been posted to Facebook, the voting ends December 18th. b) Breakfast with Santa- cancelled c) Santa Parade - Static drive by d) Harvest Festival - n/a 8. CBOT: Lots of newspaper and social media advertising shop local campaign. Virtual Christmas Party December 10th. 9. Chamber News: n/a 10. CIP: Grants are still available at: https: / /www.clarington.net/en/town-hall/resources/COVID-19-CIP-Grant-Pre- Application-Form. pdf 11. New Business: Email question regarding the tree replacement on the main street. At the 4 corners in front of Roselina's where the large tree was cut down, can a new one be planted? 12. Next meeting, Annual General Meeting Tuesday, January 26th, 7:00pm on ZOOM, details to follow 13. Motion to adjourn meeting by Janeen Calder seconded by Lina Schmahl