HomeMy WebLinkAbout1587 ° n R T H& CO RPORAT ION OF THE , TOWN OF H04MAN V ILL.E 'BY-ILAW NUI BER A .BY LAW TO �RMMAT'E ' AND RESTRICT THE "USE 'AND LOCATION OF BUILDING ANh PPM113.ESs THE HEIGHT AND BULK OF 9013IIGS,_,.� AND THE OCCUPANCY OF LOTS WITHIN THE TOUN OF BOWNA WTi= 10 AND FOR THE DIVISION OF THE SAID 'I(AIN 1N`I17 US E ZONES FOR SUCH PUR?03 ES ; THr.. 'GOUNCIL OF THE MUNICIPAL GORFORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOAIMANVTLLE 'RiACTS AS FOLLows J (a )' 'aAccessary building" shall meanx a subordinate building or structure whether separate or attached locates ,on the same lot as a main building, the use of which is Nearly incidental 'to that of the madn building and, shall net be used for hue �� habitatlon and includes a _ . ..,..._ _ . ._ ,� private garaged _ - -- " g" s the building in which i.s carried on the principal b sns�.n building" means purpose for which the building lot is usedp and in the resid 'atiial zone,) the dwelllM is the wain building, ..r .W,...,,r,------ ..» n.we.,... ' ro •rs,., s .u, nv!!'. !'.,. .or, .w...a 1 1:._.... .__..,._� i,s:,,..q 11 a ...� ,..:.• ,F, we.^rtr+•.,•. t^'.. r e r r..t r r.,. .. ,.,_ .,.„„ n �^�' .:..... ....-. -P3 _ 4 �+.r' . •w;p. A 1 Ht f PI x t 1 1l.. �� _. - .. .. r of .a, btiR: ..c ;in f.h ,ltd erd per a s, but exsive stepap tenoes and coral ees ; _ (0) , "height of building" shell mean the vertical di stance between the average elevation of the finished surface of the ground at the front of the building and (1) In the case of a flat, roofs, the highest point of the roof surface or the parapet, whichever is the greater9 ' (11) In the case cif a mansard roof, the deck roof line .r. and r r a ' lI� In the case of able hip g a p or gambrel roots the mear►• height between the eaves and ridges, • ••exclusive of any roof construction used only as ornament' such as a peat- ' - thim _ au�e�4 tower or ste' l,e s 4p t. t r .. {+e "building` . line" , shall mean $rW no regu l8ti.ang t he•. p a } build- Y oeitlon ©r .. r irw or stmetuTe can a lot _ . ..-._ _ - - f) -"e tablished building lineU where the combined frontage of the ax- iating -buildlagaa on _ _, . ._..:.... ..... ... . ,_ a� side of one block, exceeds more than one half of , the. frontage of the said sides there RM11 be' determined an ' established building line as at the' average set back from the street line of existing ' buildbAg$s provided that this distance i.s not less than forty 'feet from the Centre line of the streets and further provided that the foregoing proviso Shall mot apply where the said eaiatAng bAldings front 'vn a ,,,btreet having a width Zees than sixty-six feet , Where Less than sixt + n- • feet and y o "established building line" the building line shall not be lose than fifty- five feet f rca the centre line of the street . g) "dwoU i.rk " g unit" mean a room or a suite of two or more roomeD designed or inteadtd for into- by an individual or family for dwallingspu'- poses 8Ad within which sanitary conveniences and facilities for cooking or the inetsUation of cooking equipment are provided (h) "fwdly4 means one or more persons living as a si to and" �p housakeeping unit in a dwel snit and ng non refit . iincr],u,deas (x domatle eervantes (a 1. romerl s or boarders, not exceeding two n ' r. , i, f. 1 If t r •Pry ,I r 1 ` 1 ' T Y3 h'S sr kinw C � "one family or single family dwelling" shall mean a' separate' buil oonta fining one orb► dwelling trait a { "duplox" or two dwelling units divided horiaont "36Mi­d etach ed" two units divided vert i cal]. Ck) multiple dwelling ' shall mean a .building containing three or more . . dwelling units C1 "lot" in a residence area& shall mean the land, aropriat ed for the t exclusive use of one dwelling and elsewhere the parcel of land on �?hich it building or group of buildings is errectedo u "from lot line" shall mean the line which divides a building lot _ . rcam the street, provided that in the ease of a corner building lot, the shorter building lot line that abuts a street shall_ be doemed. to be the, frolit dine, and the longer that so abuts shall be t ermod a "aids tot tine" gyM, `yard" Cana an open, uncovered an unoccupied space appurtenant to a biding "front yard's soma a yard extesdiog eaross the ruu width of , the bu Ll& 1 } +,.fir, -., , ) y � `'+•� , � pest ,a ,+ _.... .d d the ._ ► - , r. "rear yard" means a yard ext ending across' the , full width of 'the . build ing lot between the rear bmW ary. 'jq the lot wW' the nearest , 'wall of the Maizi. buildings - "side Yard" mews a yard extendi. �g from the front rd to the ea yard rear yard and from the side boundary,;of the building lot to th a nearest Kali of the main building. . 8 Y {n� "storey" shall mean the portion of the building other , than than the g ce11aP which lies between the sntrface of the floor and the surface of ' the'next floor above it, or ' if there is no floor above It then the ee b such floor and the coiling or roof next above i .0 between "half—storey" shell. mean a storey. •which is situated whoUy or in in a sloping par ping roof a the area of which, at a height of not 'lass, than four Feet ,k above the floor, does not exceed one-half of the floor area of the atoreV s below it C � "hotel." shall mean a 'separate building two or otoro connected. buildm i e used rah ng to the needs of 'the travelling og Per the se .off : cater B public by the supp lying of food and also by the furr4ah ' of 81eepin8 _.. _ accommodation modation of not lose than six bedrooms as dial - 3 distinguished from xtY other t - building or connected buildings used za inly for the purpose Of eupplAng food and 10d6ing by week or otherwise, camaonly known as - 'vboarding houaea" 1 or of furnishing living quarters for familie9D and havi a di�nin ro - or � - � g au restaurant, commonly known as "apartment hoousee" or "private hotels"., . P "light industry" % al mean arW iftd e t ry which is not offensive or likely to be offensive by reason of the amount of noise, amnoke, alour or vibration, "Ins Inspect o p f buildings" shall mean and refer to such office o -of the Corporation as may be designated as such r r employes 8� by res�ulution of the Gow*il of the Gorporati,on, and in the absence of such designation $hale, mean and refer to the officer or eer 1 � p oyes traits tine to brae emp2.oyed by the --- -- Corporation in the capacity of Town Assessor. Y 2 ohs provisions of this by-law shall,,, apply to &11 of the lands included in the hru .cipal.ity of Bowaranvi.11e# the 80undariee of which are described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, 3a When the regulations or requirements of am De rtment of l� Gkatreratnent ida4pose greater restrictions than the reetm ctionb J&Voged by t !d,a !rJ-.lam, then snob greater restrictions shall oontrol'. 2 r i 7 IT F 7r ' - ..,.......s wee .w,Nw+ •..:....... .: .4...- ... .. .+.. .... ... .-. ,. - !� Ada �� '4� +64v„ .•da^ _ s, ' . y k°u-rtnf< P M z 1 S+CO� ; OAF BY 4: '.No dwelling, business* trade or indu Btu sha11 be loe aced, nor shall WW building or structure be erected or used, nor ehall any land be used, except in c0nformity with the regulations and provisiona of ' the By-law and any amendments thereto The germis smile uses, the minimum size and dimensions of ,building lotsip the minaax+um size of yard and the maxim um per c enta g er of building, lot which may 'be :o�;Cup�ed by buildfngs' a:a set out herein for the respective land use zonees b , Uses at?�ar, than tease stated hereinp lots or yards envier and coverage ley • buildin reamer than that stated here g g are pr4lt .bi.ted •, _ reneral Regulations .ln Ail. Zones ... ---------- - ._ r l'':....,.T .,•A,1{µN4l,n.,P.r=ilM1lk,N4A IY^ � Y ::r2 ,,.. ,.,. ,••, ::,:, ., '•.:+>':. '.. ,.., ... '... .. .. - ..4,.tiY M-.,+Y Ww..✓x.Iwd.,,:Y%4,v YNi.,'JU:.wu46•M ISw w...Yi,wxWY.wM'IXIWNNNMMYwMINMyp'M!i2N1Yli1WXNMwyyy{'4✓..WMMv6F1M+WM111NNMM:NMiNY4f:fWUAq(PWIwMW+ ......_ 1 , `: ,...a�''a �+.• ,:, s '" € ..t"'• ' -;a '".d'+P' !'fit;'a-' - ' , �����_ park, commn rR `_ pL ..uru„ ox �.g n�ray►o (b) No buiMing shal.l exceed thirtypfive feet in height➢ and no accessory Wilding shall exceed fifteen feete or one storey in -heighto wept in .ones 4 and 5v where' no buildings shall exceed 50 ft : in height (c) In calculating the height of a buildings, any construction used as orrecaental or ror the mechanical, operation of the building, such as 'a pent" house chimey, towers cupola • or steeple, shall not be included d) The erection or use 'of •any, bj.lding for residential, comaaerclalp` or #f Industrial purposes on a hii1ding lot which is too low to permit propel' dr nage i � is pxohibted�, (e) The total area oneupi.ed by accessory buildings ahll not wwared eight percenA of the area of the building lot, on which it is situate&) (f) No .accessory building . shall be erected, or used at a distance .or hers 1. tY five.° f ee C from , the, rear .or side, .bo daxy.rof . any building lot' AM when attached to the main buildi.rgp shall be located in the rear yard_, C PTi Provided that where d;�a l.i.ng�e each.eted can abuttias lots -prior to the_ ._... _..,.._ .........passing of this By-law and . the foregoing provisions as to . side yards for a garage cannot be adhered to: �a) A double garage may be erecters with a common Nall., on the commdn side lot line for such lots and in the rear yards thereof at a distance of not lase than 14 ft o from the rear walls of concerned dwellings V $ 1 (b) A AngWattachedAoedwetlling garage may be,, erected providing a M!,ni mum side yard of 2 ft be Left &nd• providing all other regulati.cns are a0keered tom ae B off' U ?D� S o For the purpose of this bgr�-law, the n�un3,cipality is 'hereby cL�.vl.ded into the following use zones,, the boundaries of which are more partimAarlq described in the schedules of descriptions of use zones annexed hereto, which ar harebY dew „a clared to fava part of this bjr&)Awo 1, ,t ' ZOW all that parUon of th a Town of Sawo�acir�,�,aa ' boundari ee o which are described In. eGhed 1. s herrtoo C3aaan►orQial �onei all.. that portion of the Town of BowmanviUot boundaries of which are described in a chodules hemtoa MOM S : ys ty mss` Y , i An that poarUan of U4 Town of rk a-MM grille, ( boundaries o �bllalj are described in echectzlYsar hereto, f 1'V • Beams lagu all that portion of the Twin of Boraaanville, bouadealfes of which are described in schedules hereto° V zones all twat portion at the Tom of Bwm=Yille, boonda ri efs of which are described In schedules hereto 0 The lands in each of the 2onea aforesaid are' sho rn graphiosllq on an attached pUn, Exhibit 'IF" hereto annexed wept as hereinafter provided, all bailydingsil structures and parts _ thereof erea�ted and buildin . any g, structure or leads oz� promillses steall be used _w...:_ for the se permitted In.. the sotze in which 'such bull P' P ding, strutcturea or ,- lands or premises are locatel and no other,, ` ._ - , .., ...ai6ri'ptR4w...•..T.T .. ....t?.";(. -.,,-'°r a. .. ..,.. i I; .. .. '.. r _.-,,. r-r.. ..,•,'. ....r,; ..(r ,.Z; h_cr ..r;..° Y � 15rY ua �, 1 Q "P �r,. •�_ �` `' r . .Cr,.r.♦m,. ,:. _.,. .::,:.Js'l �'+' .,..;1./ �_. ...... , ..t. }.n .,.. v.. r. nf.. -d grY a w ^„' � .,; ,.�.• �_.r. ewa; eic� ` = � cb �, ed to usr�� , the r+a � b be as fohoi�rs and r no bu 1di s or structure or ' • tag � part thereof st�atl� bs . ersated# altered or used. . and no land shall 'be used except for one or 'more of the tallow- lag useea ; i Cl') 9i,r4e and two fad &&Clog ' and daplex or` double: duplett spare a sent houses and - � r _ �iaen�ti lamil�r dwellings. (Z) Churcha - << (3) I�unicipai. buildgs with no out�idc a►tiorage (4) Ca MMILty► Centrese R T, 1 f F _- s S) . "►k and pl+aygrounds� P .. .. ,. .... .:.... .s .r...,.r...,U.fYr1Yl..,n-r.r ..n-.;...... r r.....,,., i-:.. .,. ....... ... ., .. ..,. ,... ......... /- 1 ..In..' Y♦rr.I ..... .. .... .,. ,.,.i�_. nT .. hale �b _i r Y ♦ r - Y mouse, bet not wbsre operated ae s business with no outside staVS*c, C9) AW professional office when part oaf the praatstioe�►er'a own haain } prat►3�ded this shall eat bs deemed trr pearmYit the c oa of a� I . lunaral baan or any of the servilee , perto�ed bey► an 'undertaker° A sign is permitted to ehaw practitioner”s ume and calling° Pam"� same is not move than vane foot by tyro toot, ors two square feet In area. r. 10) agn used anly ror adrerti sl the sale or rental of r to which P ��y t' it ins attaahsd, provided same is not more than tour square feet ten ages (11) An eedet � drr�e21].l.n�g asy be ooi�t►�ed into dwRh, units � hsvir� e►aat �s than eft hundred square toot of floor area each, ,� � ) . Aaaassoa�r b�ui�,l dinga incidental to any of the abore (13) Provided that nathipg in this bvmUw may be construed to iaotea�legrr with ate! N aonIg or ope�cations pacy►sant]�y �d on, -or � M • -owdon of the m, within the pa Wit Limits of the prop�rrties whom are now carried on. (,b) Nothing In this section shre�,]. prevent a► psrsan i' WSAX In a d "am g: ! 4 an ark► domestic or househaad aft wbigb dws eat the off" the ne art if a protie►e MMI p�rsan, rest get in t1W Wa ding &M using one or s rome� as an offi,aet than 4 f ••w44r.yMWYgPIP I y y, 11 .,,, , r vd 5 G b s (1) There shall be no display of goods or, advert other than an un- illrtaai hated &L gn not over 2 square, feet in arei. J. (2) No person other than thus• resident in tht 'dwelling ie Mpl'aYed thsreM In and not more than 25, percent of spy, 4coW of my, building is used otbeur than as a dxela.fngo CDS.=iia area Of buiading, For a single family dwelling, a one stvray building shall have a ground floor area of not 1 os e t ben 750 square feet and for a 1.1/2 and 2 storey building a ground floor area of not lose than „ 60o square feet, a dwelling unit in a semi--detached duplex or double duplex of not lose than 6W square feat, and a building unit in a multiple dxelling of not lose than 500 square f est. (d) No d"ni.ng including accessory building shall occupy more than 34% 2 of the area of the building lot on which it its situated* _e. Xinim m area and fraz*age of residential building lots where them is' k. neither public water supply nor sanitary sewer ahatl be not less tittsa�� . l For a one family dwelling: 100 ft. frontage with a m3.nimam area of 15e000 sq. ft. o area . free buildings lot . ._ 1....•hy�p .. r + r, , . l.w' ; r:. '. ,;� f, ... .. .��0 .:S:1+t4A,.r.It.ri43 S.a if:,.:wiiY?I.zfsaF..s.1J"`1«O Nr' ' .°' } ,,. .,_. � 'Sy.,;-t ,,f ,.i.:-•r ..i( Y � :. . .3 t: '1 �� ". .. ._.............. pF..n .., -T , u.r r .. . 2) For a two family duel,li.ng a 100 f"t a frontage with a :ai.nIrmn area of 15,ptOQ ' sq a ft. area free from 'buildings a 66% of total lot area,* , C3� For a multiple family (3 or more units) s 100 ft. frontage with s area of 15,p000 aq4 A. The minis= area free from buf.ldi ngs for this type is to be 120000 sqa ft.,, plus 28,000 sqe ft. for each additional dwslli.ng omit in moons of 3 unite* � ) •Far a boarding or roaming hogse containing up to 8 persona, laclud3.gg fa4lya "..100 ft4 frontage with a aminimua area of 15 j M sqa ft FAnIam. area free from bitildiegeo 66% of total lot area* ( Four bosrang or rooming house containing more than 8 persona, including family: 1.04 ff a frontage with a mininnu�n area of 15 9000 sqo ft.14 arm free -from buildings-for thin 'type, 10j.000 sqa tt-*n,.. plhs ,:. 0�? esoh add ' or - -_ sqe fta for i�i✓oncl son 1�04o sqo to each• :_ • add3,tioma3, rom,% r , Where thaws is a pblia waterp'PIY, butt' no- is 7 _ e►rp } (1) For a one family dwallingt mm 50 ft. fratage Frith s mioiaix area of 7*50a eqo !t a Miai=%]a area free of bni.ldIng, of tote I lot armo (2) For a two fud.1y dwelling: 75 ft. frcmtage AM a MinIMM area of 10,000 sq. ft. In UJ=Mare& !"tars of butIAIngs, 1W of total lot soon* �3) For a multiple family. C3 or more units) s 84 ft o frgmtege, with a rainimeum awes of 3010000 sq. ,ft n, plus, 3,90W sqe. Me for each chit over 3 unitse area tree of buiildias, 8,500 sqe f t e, plus 2,1= aq 4 ft a for each additional dwelllm unit emoss of 3 uclts ar Muchwer be the la seer n (4) For bcNUrding or rootaing house 00 t aini ft ap to 8 persons, , ia+alitd l�a:ri]y: g0 tti 4 t�antsge, Id" a W aIMM area Of lo,U00 sq. !'t. area r"s of UdIdIncoo 66% of total. 14t ar",C r , For boar nor r+o B din8 omtng haves oontaiur Nate than 6 persons, olvr�l ra dly s 00 fte, gage with a alai-am ere& of 10,OOo eq. 1't1. area tree of bu of t*All Lot wsav pUe X Woq. !�'• MW each &MUonal/ "me ' : Fk ' um 11as r s t " c A 1� whWO, thsre is public wat4o r suppl„y�and sanitaxT sewwat R t8) tom' For a one family d = � i 50 ft e l r►7i1Va$a with a area of 51,OW sq 0 .L Y 4 1-d-nialm area free Pr=-"buildinsss 66% of toUa lot area o (2) For a two family dwea. AM= ,1 75 i V a frontage with /it minimuft area of 6 , 000 sq* ft,, Mal-Mam area froe fry m bufldinses 66% of total. lot aria �3) For a Mltiple fami.ly, 0 or more unite) s g4 ft o fyrontago with a Minin3m area of 7,004 sq o ft d dun area free Pram buildimet 66% of total iat arm a AQ For a boarding or rooming hou-se oontai.ring up to 8 persons, ineluding fstailyt 80 ' ft,e f restage w,fth a min area of 69400 sq. ft,, - xjn4nim area `Free from buildinge, .50% of totaAl. lot aareaa i )' Minl== , yards for dweUingal _. 's_; ,�,:>:rJ rricrl' In,?z.j•:UGI,.I,mi.�,tlJl .,wi..,,y,,•�.r rlc. •' ,M "" " _•�, ......,, ....� _. .. r- .' . budUing lfne") , whichever be the grater, -� (2) me one side yard shall be les is than b fte in width$ and the A-Waregate width of the two 'side yards Wwdl not be leas than 307of the -Adth of the bulMing late _ Roar Yards one third of the de p th of the building lot, but Fitt to Vaasa, lose t han 35 ft o in deptho O1) ism yards for hospital.so charchess schmIss WO iL centres, p�nblia buildings: W- Prouto side and rear yards, , eac h 25 ft.. ' _ , . , w }, :.:.:.,..:m«. ...:x•...m..,.... .,,•s.:....,-... ,,.., na,.x,Jx, u, a.UauJWwslti-' •uuI,ILILWa yul .uuulu,.,.au+.+,u�a,u„ ,..IA.,, ,u,.11,.,N v,Ir� .�-e..�..�..,��,:�,A4N 11u w.luAU.MH,MW,v4>7+24 kIN11d++�� ,� .•.-.•:- ... ,.✓,..:x,...-.'�✓,-w .,...L U1 If!„ut.uu :M,Inku�iti:yi ' x 4 A -•• —••—L� �-'.r- +'•.iu,n L,e.fL.ea~unaH ••,••••_ -........ _-e.uu e 1 � r•vawnmvaxvn s3v+le«�ywle:e�,ura�..pmmww.,n ......r...,.s,,........ery-am-.n...r r.....w�me•+a✓�•.w •. 'ry.,���,..,_. .._._._.. +i � _:._.u.:,,a..uuu.,ii,:• ..•.-'-=_-Wass isss.Lal, naa'u.Ln+u.Y iuL'tL+' , u,. � � .. .,, - ' ' 1 ' r , , 1 r 4� , , : , ' , : r a , w r , Ali , 1 , Ilk Nt , f w! w•wwM.e,. ..w fi a y c• z ' Via= i ` TMr ! 5 M ' C�eroial Zone herein referred o. as Zane U, the requireaMni�e lQo In the . R shall be as follows, and no buildings or structures or part thereof shall be u erected, altered, or ueed,� and no land shat.]. be us ad wmept, for one or more of the following uses - and mly where not pedibtted. under Pro�rinQir+t ' (a) PERM - _ rlded that th �iaofoa to lIll uses permitted in Zone l ,P o�r and the W ovdilg Z ;A all requirements herein set out for one 1 Atop/ retail store not engaged in wnufaettwing on the i premaesp unless such In f actur tg, to incidental to such retail business, s -does not axceed fifty percent of the floor area, and the parofta�ts manufactured are primarUy for ,m at retail. in the premaises3 , ,(2) Office .. -.. _ _ T _ h ~ u (4) Kotel, or 3) Club R+ooei Thfttroo " t�) Services Station y (8) Barber Shop and Beauty ParlOUi'o . , V, M1 r 3 - Bohr ng l► ' � X1.1.e (l0) Bihiard or Poo a- 0 ° s Undertaking Sstab i;a►b�t t 1 � or �enersl 1A ryo 414) Newspaper r ' Office P _ r � 5) Ts],� .W { . lid LodginN Iioueeo 02) ftke &4*0 ; X16) coif Cauraa Te�lnia Court, Soar ,lag Gresgo t19) Greenhouse when operated as a b�ssisa�ss. a - (go) Private Horpital or NursjAg Haas4 (lx) 8e►uuk 1,+ , Towrlet Roos: t , � ) Pu1ba ft places of. Amo " Arent * } (25) Public MUtoleen (;6) Clowi and ,PresidnX ag 1 (27) plibIUc GaraVe ' (;s) Aoaeseoer Ld "9140W 0 m' of tke Abort O %W** YMM { t Z9) Par�c�g �o�►. ' a is �rt r~z ME= Sam � •. .. '1 . — - am (b) Where' there is neither a public grater, supper, nosy aanii►ar�► carer: (1) , A business employing up to six per wai IIi.uimm lot area, 10#000 3q* f t Q Y Maim m, area free of buildings, 6,ow sqo it a r (2) A businesa employing more than six persons, including, enplayar$ . 1�+linion lot area, 10#000 sq* f t I irm area free of buildi , 6,004 eqo ft oa plus +500 sq* fto for k I each a4ditional person over Tin nsr o 3) A business accormmodating more than six transient, perms and 9UXf, _rsuQh as hotels) s MI nimm lot area, 15,,000 iqn ft r H.r I area free of buildings, 10,000 sq a ft. , plus 500 sq o ft e e for each additio nal person over aiz, or 1,,000 eqo ft f�sr. each ::•r..r.:l...'4 r-,r . r r . ..r r elvt.. .rl r.,.,..:. r _.yL..ww. ..1 �rL...:.__• .-,. :::.,: .... .. - -.-.. .. ... .... .. ....«.. ... L.LL 22 LfT'1.1' 11A3lLVJC4l$t/t1.d 1 :Y!(FV tf R F11 Y?17F,T,i � j.••ydfT ,. _ , .. -qa . ....'..,ua :.war.. ..r..,._a........ .„.1.....-.-.-_... ..._...._... _... - - (c) �ihere there is public water supply, but ' no sanitary aawears to six arsons: (1) A business emP�ing up P Minimum building � area, 6,000 sq. ft. area free of buildings, k,OOD sq* ft* r ( �. A business mploying more then six persme, including employer= rt Minimum building- .lct area, .6 00W sq e f t e. I�tininm area free of building 9, 4' 000 sq. ft a o plus 5W sq. ft 4 for each addhtioua person over six in number. A business accommodating more than six transient pars=* and sta! . (such as hotels) s o e �nia�atu building lot area, 109000 q e ft 1Kin4mura area free of bui.ld3a ss, 6#500 sqo' ft plus 1,000 sq for each additional pore= over six, or 1,,000 sq. ft ' for loch uwitf oosa. roam ; Ss�ctione 10 (.b) and jaerk Was #r if 31v#/ft qu_axter*_ e. trombine4 with b ercisl.' bu3.lAing -the requirments as '!' r _ minimm size of lot for residential use- shall apply T" g d Where there Ls a public water supply and sanitary sewerst (1� A business employing up to six personst =` 114 ni.aua lot area free. of bu it dInge is sq. f t CI , 25% of bnildim ]at,,, (2) A business employing more than six persons, ii.nduding employert Nalon lot' area free of building in sqe ft.,, 25% of building lots A bttsitwad saaommvdatiaag more than six traasi.sat persons and etal'fo - (such as hotels)t Minion lot area free of b l- dIn a Ins e f ti o 20 of ( ) le a Yards: Front Yard - 20 ft o Rear Yard - 25 fta � but where e4joins a residential aroa a side yard of 20 ft* rear Yard Of V ft 4 sad, it' tro&&4 a residential - area a trmt yard of 50 !"t6 (!) !Space for off watrest parking and l oadtag shall be witbin, the Merits of t1w psrool or lot in aoaordswo w ith section 13 belove At r , r 'rr ti s {p . ..�.+., 71 ' ' w•11e r,lr.1.-WN:.,1'td M+n+Hk,.:.,,::,,,.,.1. • C` JR�L ,�- 9 to "k ;2 k t ' ,fir,- , AM ZONE ll o Industry herefna.ftor referred to In Light Industr as Zone 13.1D the rho' meat a W a9h ow$11� be as f oll : and no b�ttil'dling e 'or St or part thereof shall • erected, altered or used, and no land shall be us ed except for one or more be exec , . of the follawing uses' P tTTS.D sus {1) � use pe reAte�d in the Cas�src3�► . Zone : { � alvage yrs,yard e p sutainobil Any t Indu St rY� acc ep t i wreckimg yard . or shop t 3) Blacksmith' s shop, or horseahoeing shop. (4) Bottling EGUblishmsut _ r , e r , .m s r ......... .. •,.„�. H �)5 N ka„ .YS Mt t ltJ ,:41'l�r.R, .. . ��' . r,l.- n. \ ,.. I r .�. ,�.",{�+i.� ... ... .. .. l,.,i,.. r, .. '.. .r.� .. .• .'. . r, r '.i': •. '.. :. ..,. ._. C ,.� +4'�1� /I11gr ., .1.V�4+. t� 1 ..l.l ,pg I.tt., .11 Ysrrvi). .t. t) (/, '�Il A ..» .: :r. J..,; ,,. , r � r. .., ,.,. /„ ,r..r � ...,.. 1t.igS ,. .r-.r.., ., >'.}, . .�.._l .,...t ��.•.%. -'YA'Fri,..AAf�. f r. >�5��1�r.£xL�rr i�i511Sei 1 :1'�'., ,',??,., °¢L r w i,a�v 2 iU.{t $r ,,�9 + x4V1 o t+ tv,l S.+.l..�l. Ik rW ,r• ,cr the sale Ycuppl:3es, a thereof C 6), Chic3d hatchery$ pool try dressing n �7 G *3 e�iabl ishment�. '{?) ooPer - Ir tg) g ar Cet home, kennelsa veteri=7 hospital,° C9� Dyeing or diy cleanir% establishm9nto u (10) 1%9 ProcsssiMQ {ll) iriW, a stabliebment a Fun3t ure � f ctur 8 o� Yvriture reps tE lr. x,'•71 _ ._.._ ..� � ., , r (13) leather good madUfaoturi MO 24) Machine Shop —T_ fi ., rr, I,irr. ,.'rr,:,:r. ..:....:1:�, 1. �r '_r::::•. - '.1"tt.Y .• .. • ^,....� .... 1 ..... .. ... _ ... -... , ,.' ".� a .�4, t ;�GLzrTr1C329 ? eTa T, s F 1 1g i. bt e f . ._ AA% ..i^�Y..(..'..5tl..,JiY..:eJ1Lfi k?•YYttl.t.�:i.'.f... , (16) Wt drinks menuf aetory - r {1?) TexUls mftzwfact=7 r � ) TraaapWt depots,, 119) ice CreaVa mutaatuSAtatg.� A1 (2D) Ise ftnufacturfng o r _r , • ' A � ��, 8alcer, �sa in 3.ndust�►')4 � `r, ,I , � r r I , Dim �boardro _ __ ._._-.._. (23) Acconary build-Me in dental to of the above usea4 dbb a (b) ft i�ustrial bulldl ar parti the�rsof, s2 U be used for hUMMn MUM � i a�laa, wept 2 the Case of an ess"I&J. watctnwip and &W dwell. erected tart 6010 use of such a watah an or other emgplWSeo whose goed4enae as tbs preAses Is •sseadbial, together trig �uoh eq ley es• e3�ah. conlora to all the requ3.renrette !br a drna.].in,6 in Zane 10 r „ ' 1 1 And }y��Y 1.,'�y'' {y{y�y��'iA4w.wxxv�, SN ,�.IJ'�-'+IAA MAW) tY r�"k-f.e •1'I fr r ` •,n q z� vamm t. P , i + • i • i Mm s; , . u o Cad• .u�, �: � ; . • � � . • � � � � : - �, , � • •. 401M BUILDING LOT AR$ S AND YARDS (A) , Who re the I s nsibher a public water supply nor aanitw y sewers : - (1) A bul nsas aMploying up tea six persons: M t�i<iimuao� sire of building lot p 10,9000 a g o f t a r MI-al um area free of bui,ldiAgs9 6,000 sq o f t o (2) A buaarwa►s employing more than ;-six persons including employers ; ldnismuin lot , area, 10#000. sqo ft o Hinfmom area .frog of buildings p 6,000 eq,, ft.s, plus 500 sq.* f t n for each additional pwaon ovear sick in number a (A) there there is a public water supply but no sanitar7 sew: _ a _(1� A business amployi ng up to aix per sons s _ _- _ ___ _-- - __ _-- ___-- _ _ Miani=nm size of building let, 690M s q Q ft 4 Mml man area free of buildings# ii,CX�o eqo !t o .rirrrw :,, , .... ... a .. . :., :. , .., ,,. �a .1,.'..s .�1 .,.. ._ .. _.. .�.. .. ..'.S : •.. .:Y' .fe k !4. ....r�,�. .b t.. /,a'.. _�:. 1 ";7 X11.� i. :, .# S,i,i1<.�t<n q'�*rY�.,�`. .,�r,..s,,� .Yk���•,.'�-�tt. c�.,,{,�.� r,,.,,{r L,, •. : �. ,: y � t, t�. f�, t..+�,a c.'•�,w� ,1°s`iLCi'�Ld ^+�'J � `+Ifit•1 �':,.^.�i9;i'UA, S� °���1� .;,. .,: :-. v .vf' 1,4 �•'S. _ !l�'4•w;k�dr��6�..vuF. r-+nit6,le,� .+�x!�' ..ds',J►' r .a six a of building lot, 68,000, #000 sq o ft Mllan1=nn area free of building s# 49000 sqo ft t* # plus 5W sq ft o for Y each additional per sun or or Ax in uaebor. (C) Where there i9 -a public water supply and sanitary seaters$ (1) A business employing up to six personas Iftnfnsna area free of buildings# 25% of building loto� (2) A business employing more then six persona including employer Fti Mi ninam area free of buildings# 25% of building Iota (D) No buMing including aoaessory baLUMags therstoo shall occupy Moro i than 75% . of the area of the lot. or pareal of' INA as xb3a!► it In �8) Regulation for ml yards be as s: k �- - ....... .•. ...,-,,� ,.:,,�ni,r,.:.,r-"Sn�ey-rrw�e•••FtmeT tl,+„ryn;ronfM)'110SmNIl 52ii1R1Y64Y[n4�iiS}. ,,,ji�siA[>,Rq17 S$AA1.�C1!1:'?-'TTT6fl+'IYTfiS�XMkCS,'\nllP#M`.!�TTMY.I•T,A1R)41W iV\4NIRYJI,MVPIY'IMT i.�.,W r.n r , Fes-Tard 4 yard ._ 1 `� ,:._ ,-.,us'r. •uwarm mµ..roai rmm{ ##nmml. axaomul uuu..vur r. . w.,:.•-, ,... ,. ,,, ,_,,,t 1.c .,, ...,. ..., ... y 25 ft� Yard .• ,. . , , , ... , . , . , .,•., . .. ... ; { r 1 " but wiener ad3oi,Ulu a reAde ttal ,alreat ;} F Yard - 50 i"'t r` , - i w , r Side Yard 25 !'to r and IS hoc►tIng a r(uMent.3�r►1 arm= t Yard .. 5fl M l"r ft , ' Yard - 25 � . , Sue Yarsi . 20 Me r : l�: r • 30 I - +� r 1 , f � , �_ ,' 1 ;ff 5 1 lily_ Fp � I•., r - .. • j - fi,151*1�1,btl.lvtln eer\r.:.. MO aL..'k y arcs._ 1• °i }.' ice : x_ xc.1 [ a-•' .v ,,. � 4. _ x J ` { J 1�� In the He&V Industry Zmwo hereiraftw referred, to as Zow ITS the quireumts shall be as tollvws, and no beUdinss or rtrw ire, oar part thueor s , shall s be erected, altered, or used, end no land all be used ezeept for one 1 or more of the feU&Ang uses, i1yITTSD USI S TM)t 19 In the Heavy Industrial Zames No industrial building or part Lhwoof steal] be used for hwnana habitation, excep& in the case of f an essential watchman, and any dwelling erected for the sole use of such watchnen or other eerpleyeea whose residence on the premia}� is essential, together with such anployseee family, ,,hall ewfors La all the r irments for a dweUing in, Zone It 2. No industrial building or part . thereof steals be used for mW pur-� pose which fZQa U3 nature or the interials used therein is, wader The Pubtic Hm1m Act or regulations therewidera d4*1ard to be a IT ,., .! x ...C';`, .r .dF rrtkyvt-t. rx'• r x r.9' ..J r;,, ha. ... , ;,: ..:qi .'; ,: +;..,:. . a/. - Vf tJt:c,¢"hs.,tan>1Tr.n7i,V^R.Ka,i.. rck';.d,.•.xr..,:r , ' 'rj •u . .t r ,r1. M' r M. . rvn�r�t � t'��''��►��4..d �t . ,.W v,�� .C�?..'a�,L,�uc w c:J'', }+,�. .ld► `,`w:+}s.y,",� ��w •ir,. .a•'k:aj.. w."�n,.'�w ..ni .. 'the- fo3loi4as tradeo, businesses, or Main-11facturars shell be caarried. on, without the consent of the local Board of Health,* as provided. in , Section 89• of the Public Health Act: / Z Hoge bailing ua o .r r f k Extracting oil fma fish � S SWri.ng hides 6 soap boS 4 tilt r �7 Tallow malting ,. : (g Trips boiling � '-•� - aughLering animks • - r - . _ 1!0►) arming hides' or T sjcita t 11) Mamfacturing gas £:y /• ,.t. • l 12, Manuf80turing ue . , ° fl (13) Menufkaturing or etwius of fefrti Users from (lead aa�sls or kA l"rota human or UdMI waste e Fvloeivss or tirew+orks 15) Glue Ma»iaf actory or Coll eation- 16 storage or reduction of dead t aui�.ts 17 wrecking of motor vehiel.es - -- - - _ t .._ .•. 4 U Junk , 4 (19 Dump - --- (24 3ewaga •df spoea►l -- ---- Cb) Maai� Yardst - Requirements as In Sectiaa It$ . Par�aph �a AM M IM k, I2a (A) bibsre theme Is neither a pubUa water ottyply nor emu' (1) A bustmen set u to six P perearuat - --- - -- - also of building lat, 100000 sqo ft�, _ _--- _ _____ _-------- area fres of buiLdinge, 69%* sqo ft e (2) -A badness snploying store thmt six eons inalud eat . �' . . X16 plaprere s ginimm, lot arms 10,000 sqo Ct o w 000 1Kirtimeum area itires of buts s Ldhng ,, 6#000 sqo fto, plots 5W sqo ft, s for each auWthonal pereoa over six in number. { pu lip but no sarA ,ts) -Where 'there ie • b],ic Hater supply, sswrt (I,) A business a WIWing up to oft pearomes also of buiLd3x00 l+ot, 6,000 sq n ft o •tee,. f*N of fC MC 4 buildfq�so 6,000 sqo .p11 i4 y. s ll r"f ir;1y,"r Y- 1 r f•' zp n . Cr 1 U s• Y' +, • 'L Y 12C. t ) tnihsre there is a pub. .i.�; wra p ' at�� p �'I, but +�sarit� 6 ) , a {�j A business emplQy�g tore than six ermons :incl. sl(I.A.T.g t iml,'a.��er� xa �i,rnimum size of building lob j u,WO ac � ft ., Minimum area fr*te of buildings, 4,OM sr for each additional person ov(• sip; in ivp!1Deru C� Where there is a public water supply and sa r..it��:�r seKt. t 1) A bassi nes s e. P10yi.ng up to six persona NJ pilaw area free of baildings 2 of 9 5 bu ii3ing .at u • (2) A business employi•ng more than ;six psraoz�n Minijimm area free of buildings E: 25% of buy:ceding ���t r In Sections 12 (A) and 12 (B') marked this , , i.f . 3.ivis►. , c �iar�-9r , 1 are combined with industrial buildings, t1w r ! . , e art minimum size of lot for reside d• , shy apply ,, ;;::;�� P=zge 6.=A : et..n ' i ,•c•.. .�'�TiQ1.c1Xra5l P..:��Qd9!te_, �"pnsr.y...•,!rafe+.1vK.F.l1,.,. 0 1x lding including accessary buildings theret.aF �h�� t-Iq(v ::• ).� more than 75% of the area of the lot g or parcel, of la. on its in sf t u at ed S) For Employee Parking and Company Loading faaflitre eha],3. be as in section Z3 below, �l 1 - w • y r. 1M .. __-_ +r -.•.._._ _-___ _�- _ ._—_ _.-_,._ Yom- __ --__ •__. _._ - --.__ - -.__ - __ .__ - 1 y:. rY • t 1' i , r • .tm fig' I .. ,', ., u ., , • r 1 • a' r r „ .. ... __..,,........,._,.._._......_ :_._.. �...,.-w.u:...._..r..... ..,-...a.,..... :�r.nu.0•,.«,.. 4._•Pr«. ty Yr !.*`1,.uW ... ..,..,r......_„"•,.._,1.a..+ ,..,...« _ ., ..-.. .--'f ...p1.�mnt : • R _ d r e- I r , s • • ' - ,rrataa'ms " • r r •. w • r• y , rr I r ' r r , I r r r1 t , , I � , r r: 1 , r r + r : r r .r , i t r r • r, : 1 1 � r 1'i ill � , .r I 4' i r , ' ry 1 ' r , � Fr , , - • 1 _ f r r , r. , r r . y , • y � �: ' , � I r : 1� r I r • '� I �I, r 1 f 1I r r . ,,. ' i I 1. �A =Q I ,vT6�NMAi( it�„t1FM�K�Oi'� w� rxz ,+.u,.,,..,..,•.,..:_. , ff WWI '..:3. ;,;= s,,s =; �''- z :�;;&. :..a.r�.. s ,,fi.-r,<,�r_et s.s•�_, a,s.. § .w€nr •}A, .i-c,,U'S.;' • t 2 (SWT ].3) WIMAND _10ARING F1 Off street parking -facilities on the basis of equate feet o!" park-Ing area for h square Foot of ground floor area ' shall be provided for both ampl grses and austamers parking. ac for light- and henvy industry where the mid parking , requirements shall bet- One parking apace for every four er a sss o , . sq a ft iaimtn area for one parking apses shall be 200 with ammas thereto ° 'tr, all places of assoa►bly 1 parking space for match 1Q mati u ,�:, ..,., ,.,_. '•,?�c., r� ,�. ,.w-. , t i.t:�:. .♦ `i� .. _ h * r I , ..,-.. ,.� X�. r � r.. '°"... {:..1 in.:. C .._..,,: f ....s;. ;,,.I..�� � .....fC1 t...y..•;..., ,,... :7 _.S15``N,:i...,'.,,,,., .... K•J..fie., ,,, n.'.f.1,rtf�t.�., r-�I,.,. ,,,i I.,, ,.'l,�,. I ;(r,,,. .. ... I Ills ,_,,,.,, � H.�i ,t�'wsc.Le.,.��.7ry�`w.�r,..•.h�1 t4:.,Y5 ,.q�tM" ... ....., ae — .. i or hot elm and- lodging houses l " " " n 3, gtiset roses for motels 1 "' n R n guest hospitals 1 &peas for each beds and I space for t each emplo'yess . , f t this By- Law,,' oft--street loading .f aailitiea' tai' both Commercial and Industrial use, shall provided as tolfllows Huer oaf mb : t dotal floor Ares R l 3, 000 sq.. f"t_. to 25p40d sqa �0 1 to 000 1 q sq ft 1 a a , , tt o to a sqO e sy1 ft �w a� ' .. ..,., ... . :-..,..� .. ,,,.r'. .,.. „ :.�_. ,,'I,.,�..xrr„znar.n �: ,,.:'r.,. . ,♦ r , ri,s,..alabra�t,d'1 t.x,.:an�.aly.n�.,n�n.a a„r,�-.�'n+,�, .r.4. i For awls additional 100p00� aqo ft at float area over .320e4W additional• Yvac� - 4 berth is required., N. � eq � �sah �nvch berth t�h�►`uld have idnim m dimensl ems of 2 -- -- f t a x 0 fti with .a verkical Cloarande . of- : „ • r , , • „ •-n µ, , , r l 1 , ' v r • R u 13 % r r , r , ':� W� �IIk�tAf�Mf#}ull ftlkltMtllMlf,�t�te,..a..nrtr.1:�, � s� r 9 L LI ,ti w ,I , ,J • r 1 to M ' • �� ,^ • r RURAL ZONE, In the Rural ,Zone, herein' referred to as Zone V j9 the requirement s Rhal.l be 6 as follows, and no building or structures or part thereof;, she•I be +�z ;��b�e��,, alter- ed or used , and no land shall be used except for one or more of ,;,he f c, r-)Arig ($} PL MITTED USESt ; (1) Agriculture - (2) Forestry and the processing forestry products.- r r (3) Dining, quarryitig and the operation of gravel, pat e Hunting, fishing 'and trapping 15) The production and tranamiesion' of hydro-electric - e Recreatfaa {?) Summer cottages with accessory.: .buihdiMs Q ja o V ( i rV s! ;• . V.r,"•• •\t 4+-;,, .,. , _h 7+•.,r:d7Ur hX.`at'17l,+ , :u;r.w- _,. a'.. .,. Cr, '♦ ,�j•"� _ .,..•_ _ - -�-. ..•_�. .-_�- _. _-- ,roi�.:inga and sta��' h�a�.ses _fo�.��hg an 8gr61 ga�rt- af"• ��i� b� ,.. -- , ,. ,. .:, -! _, —J , '. :',•, i'. ;84 q, ,r.,a yyf 1,/-.:!A;..± q,;., d 1 'i ,p;.ltt'rt:..b It :e' ! v„ !. d1v, t. . .�T�tiN .1�.'.wr�'�+� v ,.i, ✓':lrlr,.J \L?17�Jr�-,S..'.C.w 114 rw ill' i�:.r I� e_�.(�•Y J`a��I ' ,� .'�� y k.' .1� i L/ A �J the work as an integral part of such activities,s, proved�d that such buildings - in so far as they are applicable., conf cry n to : requirements for buildings of similar use as set ;cut v 1 :5,3ahe re in this By-law, and -are equipped with water and : anitax-, L aci li.ties satisfactory to the - Medical Officer of" Health. (10) AW dwelling not an integral part of D and nacessa►7 f og the atarryd ot�t of arty of the above u9�3sy shall be locate- d on � individu� y" al holding or ,.building lot, having a minimum area of 2 acres, and x; a a of 200 mit�f frontage tL a v except that where t3 W3sdIIio3. 8 ?;ot : - _ - -_- hair g a lesser area is held under distinct and separate owner.,. ron ad acs chi �, . f: Ig• 1.Ots. e'1;• :t`h . . tf,7e of Who, ss of thi �By�law as shown by the records of the ,Hegisfi ry or ..and Titles Of f a dwelling m be erect�:d and used on such smaller build - Of in lot, provided that it' comarms to all other requirex�ients of r this By�1awv b 1 nimuml Ioot 3 dw. , .w. h r: _ _ (1) Primt, Yards N _ _ -- -- y feet► for ,a dwa �-�r�y - ' s rl, } r r,..;:tl.,Ia.• ,•„r:hF..it!.1r0v,:4'.'l51.. H'ts'.^m2 yr.. ,•., ;. . .... •a'r s+.r.c.• .• .i...,: ,.. .. ,. .Y,r •- r., ..:1•�T t R•H. ..7...r!t..i.....N,...... t. ,.... ... ).',:�;1:-)Y:l :+.:'Yrl'I•'.'.C: �ft. r.. A2) Side Yard: F xO feet for a dwelling and IOD feet ' for' e -f, ng s �: other bud. � . ' do , r , „ r r. r '6 • u i • \ r r , ' ' f r ,1 r• H r r ' i' „ , : r I' .• a, .i - r. ”. ,, A r it r ,d r s " r f r < r , 'r 7, �s r s ' 15 The purpose for which any land or building is used, shall not be changed, no new building or addition to any existing 'building shall be erected, and no .and shall be severed from an existing building lot, if the effect' of Such t change,, erection or sever,.nce is to create a situation in which arW of the requirements of the By-law in regard to each individual r ecaaini.ng building,, accessory buildings 9 or building lot is c6ntravened, 26 - This By-law Shall not apply to ar7 land or building -ehich, on the day o!; tha passing of this By-law, is used or erected for any purpose prohibited by this By-law, so long as it continues to be used for that purpose,, nor shall y building,, p P this By-law apply to ark, the Sava for which have rigor to the day of the passing of the By-law been approved by the municipal building In o • r u f t uu a a . ... n i. which it was erected o r 17 Any rergon convicted of a breach of the • provision,,; of t his .ay-lawj sMU torf sit and pay, at the discretion of the convicting magistrate,, a penalty, not exceeding the seam of $5000 for each otle11� axcluceive of costs 18 Thin Ay-law shall come into off eat on the day it is pa seed by counel uh�ect 5'•i; . nce o! Ont►�cri to the approval in writing of the Municipal Baerd of t he 'Pro wi • r .D' a first time this day o a . / 1 ay o!. . . RF�fiD a second time th f s d • v . :.�.::.. „o ♦..r tint rl'+ h�A' 1,n,.. ., ;.,. - .. RL�AD a' third_,t1i and final1 paaa thisi day of yy. .. ,.'e ;.may@ r a 7w hf aa.af l /f a 4.1 > .e.uvw•„.,., f . ... .. ._ ... -.... . ..:.... .._. ....J ... .. .. .. • 41^{r"�'kn'B•?'iin lfeia.:::cYr w+,r.u::.usi,r u...:..v..:.::..::::: .:..._. ..:... .... ........_..'.e:.._........_... _... ._._. .._.._ .... __.. ,... _...... ._.".... ... ..,.,..-..,...•, .......r,.., ...... ....._.._ ... __, ..__..__...__. ____..._.___. ....._.._.. __._„____.....__._....._... Y. r a , - (MAYOR) 1 I K''1✓ a r� t IlV „ , , , A I• , r , , : , r ., , .. , -, '., - '. is :.., ,. •..: : r 1 r w , 1`±'1 1 v ' , , J , , c , ! r . M 1U1 ♦ '. , , m ' i 1 ,.,r,:w,:,..:«..... n-. -I++rr••,u ws.e + r + K y x . Al s' '_. ;.;; . :_- , . ' • - ♦ r I • . I % RXHISIT "_A" . Qb , I . ' . . I 1 .L'�, ; I ' , . _. . 11 I The deeaription of the lands horeinabove referred to as FMUIT "A"v that Is to , r 11 .11 aVj' the I�ieipaUty of ,the Torn of BoNm4 nville, „ie as fo1] OWSS . L; I; b I,: , 0 1 I 'ALL OF THE LANDS CONTAINED IN LOTS S 9 9, 10, 12, 12, 13 and 14 in the 2ND CON- CESSIOT OF THE TO',�1AiSHIP OF DARLINGTONo I w w s , • �. .I I.�: _._.-_ .I.r • _._ .._. .._._._._.._ ...__.-. __.___-_� --_ -_.. -__-. . ,'1 .. ... : . - ALL UNDS CONTAINED IN LXS 80 ,99 109 111, 12, 13 and 1!s YID THE 1ST CON ION � Ili I OF. THE T INSHIPI OF DARLIIGTONQ .11. . . _ _ _ _ , r - ' r • I _aw'y I, r 11 ,...,.,r ,�,.v...., ., ,.: Y. .. :: ,..,.,: ,,.,. r:. r..::1 , i I-- ..: 1 .w::. ,..�,.I�.3,�.I+�I.t ,.111, ,��,v 1 ! t '•.,.vri ;I;..: ,. I , :.1. !r'-" •f1 ,'4} .�7,p,...n,.,1. fr�„L_, r,r,... .... I -...----. ,-- . r l'r�,r,.1 'Y--.,.,:-,1-„ -A.-ti':P,{...• r.I:Y;'I .1Y. ntr.:l i -. 6.1 , '.,... t ::Ytn a1j 1',�,.. M �If,1141hr.IrSJS�!\t,.11.1`I,a,t. 1110.-.1 i .d .. I.C I _ -.I 1. . , ALL LANDS OOi�TAINED IH LOTS 9 a 110 and 11. IN TH F 8R{OKEN FRONT CONCESSION� OF THE I TOWNSHIP OF DARLIMTONO r , . . 11 11,��� 0 .. i I I � . . I r I Ii... . . , , ,1.. 1, . . , r I -- - - - �I,'. .,.;' -------, -- ---- -----�”- ---- . r,y _F r ' I� qP _ , S : l .. . . „ . 11. . . . F A'11- - - - - - - -: -- - - - —,�,. - „.. ._. — , - ` , 1.1. 11.11 - 11�; . ,1, '1.,.. - -t -- .. N xz r -- -- 11 . . 1 , .. i . I 1 - •-a--r--- , ' '.- - -W..»...:»r--.�..� ..:.:..- . ...�.... ......................a...-nn.....,..,rn.rinnt.. rt,.....wn r it_I,"�v:yN. ..y,♦....... ... .. - 1• . , I. . .. .. . . .. I .... A: , J .r. - i " - _ _ _"_ ___ _ - _ - - __. -- — . - _-- — .,. __—._ I __ m _' „ • ,.- ..;_.ma:d .-........ .7..-..ry ....-..- _ - - __ _ - — .. _.w ..-,-_ -_ ,w q. !. „o........... _ -__.-... I' , , !,{ _ 1 . ,4 -._- ._ _.1. :..- _...._._.... .. ____... ._..... :. ' .... ............... - - .— .—_._ L ._ T I a . I , e nt f. I 1.. I! I �'. , . . t .. 'I I ����. 0 1. 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'i,. ^ _ L. �• ,1. * " I r 4 ' ", q 117�r " •P 1' I . -" w at ��, ' �Ty} ji �1, ,., Is x`4.4 ;c VOL1 Aye .�su ',' !' k 1 i ' ,: :", r g;: t 3 _..__._.. ti,£., ., . �...u., se-a,<s „a*-n ''2"a€ +' , ' ^r =,..;as h.esx , .- c>r mac•� `..,r z' C sa �. _d `"b,;r„ �. .,§,*-a' : - a M 1 r 4 ,i THIS. IS A �HEDi� OF ZOI�gS RWEMRED TO IN BY-LAW NO q 1�? 0" THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMA NV ILLEo BEING s A '-Aaw to regulate and restrict the use and location of buildings and premises., the height and bulk of buildings and the occupangy of ' lots within the Town of Bowaanville o and for the division of the said Town into use Zones for such purposes , In' Ggnc+essiaa All southerly of 6a . f N 2 2 � h 1r ayinAA00000 700A00004sa0OoOOO..UCOG9oZ�� �• } r�,� MUT the northerly 10 rods thereof,, in.a O Q a O O 0,0 O 0 0 0 0.0 0 o O o 4 tIon a All that portion lying northerly of No 0 2 Highway, to the northerly Unit of Lot 14, inOOO000000000000000000000000000OGOVZC nV _ _ In Conc212ion ll: a ' 1 All �y x %*SteJKV o! amok to the easterly bouuydary of .,�, ,. .:.,:..,. ... ,...., ... 1_ Y.. *.y4 , i, L" 0 G ADD ! • ,r 9 ;.7,�, ,O �.��, ��,�la•,���='GT!�3�tO?L'1!O':L>rr��'!AC? 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'" �, TCwHSHIP ?�0►P 13 a : : , ; In Coke 9sion � ' � � � � � � , 1: , From the southern limit of the lot to aline drawn across said lot, parallel to said sanithern liatit, at a d#.atanc a of" 5 chains _ theref"aDo Ina OOn0000 .0000000000004h0A00000000pO00.000000tt00000 '� � a ' All of sold lot in said Concession IyIM northerly of the ' 21ne F lsat-:petitioned, and extending to northern limit of said lat p _ in said Concessions inQO . 00OOQ0000000000 009000040009900001* * ', 10 -azoL3e ,.:, Mt A portion ismsdi'atr �wester' of Strdet 33► � 3�Bo8 to parallel with Seugog Street and 6 chains therefrom and i► - between the northern limit of Strest and the southern- ------- of Concession Streets in b 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 ago * 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P 400 040 04C. a0zono 'CU. e , of the s&M lot In sold Concessions Inn a 0 o 0 0'6 0 0 0 o a 4 A 0 0 0 c: a .374nrp That portion thereof lying northerly of Sougog Street p to ban 040000000 a a a0a0000a000a090000a00a00.00a009000009Q004,000a00ozone 1f � �oM�1sHIP LOT Ma In Concsss3.ort la , - ---- r That portion of said IA*. in maid Comess3on ing wpstar3y therly of creeks n0000A0000Q0000000'OOOOOOOOi OOOOCOOOOObOV 0.1iGOY1Q �,l�,l That portion of said Lot 171M northerly and easterly of mid 0"*# sad afttherly of the southern limit of Queen Street,, yr IYOOO000000000000000000000000900000000000400,0000000000. 000 O4D0Q * fM6 : . 1. rt 1 + ; 'R) ilk -1 ;9: ,1 ti ♦, l ,t - J 4 - - JI ' 1 i-i ' ( 1', r 'r:. IE � ,4 1' t " -rf 111` F ,f•, �C� ,is t,- r 1 - In — • _ + + It r , : bMR�AntM h�� t,1lttM'_, .+-:•ti .r :.' -".a.. , '..t. .}}. ;r. :.. A", ..,..,.. 'Ali .,.-.. _... " t .. s +t, ,��'e„Sitk, w:.: "n<...g,,. _.. x..%,:�,. i.x.,�� ...,,.9..v. ,L�t.s „tt.", F3.h,1;.•k: :! wl,A:, #. ":- .i';,�a 4 P 'i 4 d ,k'--� ,:3.ix �){:- ► 6 ` Schedule of Zones Paga 2 r 6 • qW W 40 an W 40 4W M w O w • do ea »4 o e ss s� CJ • w. a +r as ors • o sr m IN IMSHIP LOT 12, In on Garr ) That portion of Said Lot lying northerly of northern limit of Queen Street and extending northerly to 9oxth 4w era limit of Wellington Street,, in o Q o n (3 o c 0 ., 3 e) t> C, a O 0 C, o o ., D o 02ono" 11 , } That portion of said Lot in said Concessi on lying northerly of northern limit of Wellington street to aarthern limit of WLd lot in said Concession, ins � o o o e> G O r *Zone 1, ` �s'JCCM o That portio�a or block of land contained therein by the easterly limit of Temperance mperance� Street southerly limit, of Wellington' westerly limit of Division Street and north am limit of Church Street,, 0000 o o a Q (, %' O U r O h O v nLo►r<<s �_11 In Coicea Ali of said Lot in said Concession fran tha southern 3imit o! said mart to a line ruanir�g across said Lot psrall.el. tb ._._ said southern limit S2 chains in southern limit thereof and distant norti�erly Prorr, said ?wr COOo4 oO OOo0or; oOaa000r4u3nvp . 0pnt► A�IrA;� : �, o� _$aid _Lot .j n sa Concession. �+r� _. � .... +�w• :i,S',�:,� ,fir.• �.r��'.w► �J,fw� 'Iti '+' �`'�,. ., j Concessions 1oa � o :� o � oc �00000 � 0000 000 00 000 0'oo ��coo�oJ �,000 :, oco, JtrQ. PQZorne V IN TOWNS LOT lla r in the Broken Front Concession: ftm the lake to a line rwvAi a tag cross said Lot and para.- e� -11et to northern limit of said Lots, which l' i,�ne is distant fvw said northern limit of lot p b� chains,, in0 O O 46 O O o 7 O v C.[! U zone V „ - All of said Lot said Concession lying northerly off' said last--mentioned line to northern limit of said Concession, in 0. 0 '�r „ r ' �1 0 000 0000 0'O04bOh000000 � OOOPOgn0000 '20DOpOQo0090�W�1'� _�.��• „_ _. Ion : All of said Lot In said Concession � .wsstor�r o! 2 n ,f r e.+r•k r r a?r ! ... _. _. n Hatioriax ftil�A inn .. ' /` p.�.,� •!!".'b 11'Q�QAti A _. . ooAO4aoo40000r► 000000ti000 �E •. -.� -•- A por'tH#nt` �� :_ z v °r r--*-rr �-•�r .. oaaedfateayrea arly of Str. : 1 _ . .....�� _...:to- a ins parallel the�raxith and therefrom westerly x 21 chalns and extending from the northern. of the road allowance between the Broken Front 'and lot Concession and co�ntinulgg 21 in width noartbmwyeaterly pare &Wt Street a distance of 22 ahainsp In* 00 0 a O G 0 O on o O@ O o 0100' 0 10 0' O g Q O t,Z01'�e All of sold Lot in said Concession lyipg northerly • sod vaster of acid �1 . 1 ly way and lying southerly eat , M southern �� of �en Street, 1nO o 0 o 0 0 o o u o g 0 a 0 o 0 0 o • , .. ..._ 1 Cai1C� at the nortltwsstor�y corner of bus an and • 1 .Ltbsrty Streets s Thence northerly along western bound-- sear o! Liberty street to no rthweeRt angle of Church and . Mbeac�y Streets; Thence along southern limit of Church Streaet to southeast corner Uhurch and Division Streeta$ , Thence northerly along ear stern limit of Dlvisie�n Stcreet ' _A to southeastern angle of D vie*on and Wellington Streets j Thd�"iice westerly aUng southern Ilmit a►� Wel. :itreart to western limit of maid Lot: o O a o q • o O o a o 0 0 o a o a o a 0 0 a v 0 0 0 0 o g a n Zone 11 All of. said Lot in salad Concess�i�oan lying northerly of oaetor�,�► Of a 11A* domwibed as from the northwisetern { engl.e of Ghuroh and Liberty 3treete along northern limit of Church Street to northeastern turner eat Church enrol Uvision Streetsl Thence westerly along southern limit of Weni.ngton Street to ese�tem limit of said Late T� all lyigg noartherly and easterly of said Lim Budd extending to aoacrt►heM limit of ftM lot In mid CoAQe1►Mioet, 4•ace• cacaos •00000• • •n • oaoo • ooaeaaoop000sog0 •�pOb � 19 ii;410001 vM` M y'. " t� C '4156hodule of Zon' se Page IN TOWNSHIP LOT 13, (ggnt d) In Concession ,1= Fran V, a southern limit of said Lot in said Concession r to a 1-1 no drawn across said Lot and _parallal to GaJd - Southern limit thereof;, which said Une is distant 52 chains from said south ern limit of Lot in., a o r o-o 0 o o c o oi,, o o 0 o,.Zon All of said Lot in said Concession lying northerly of the line last' aforementioned and extending norther to , northem 14 mit of said L.otv In,, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.3, 0 0 Oil 0 ,0 ,0, 0 a O'D Olzme 1N T.0 IN S H I F LOT go In The Brohen F to Mt. Con• From Lake Ontario northerly to a line running across said Lot which said line is parallel to northem saidlAt air4 , ls dk1!1"nt#­L66- Chai, '51111.from�;, 1.) n 00 a 0 n C.� 0 0 a 40 0 0 0 0 1,) 0 a e> hiaTil UnAt %1 10 0 n 0 0 0 Q n 0 in 4 All Of said Lot in said Concession lying northerly of said last-mentioned line to northern limit of said 0 C n l000000000000000000aonoo 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0004 The whole thereofp ino 00000 * a 0,6 0010-00,o, 6cs,00,6 ago 00 0000 C0, 0000 00 ciconlzone EXCEPT That portion of 1xid lying easterly of St George 'Street to eastern limit of said Lot northerly of the northern Umit of th It easterly projfttlon of Queen Mrset amtherly of the aLstern pro jectim of the northern limit at Church Street to the eastam UnW;of said Lot, , -in Lon E ... . ....... -the waist' halt thereof from the settherii t ---------- said Lot In a ald 0cmeession to a line ,running across sa#d LaG and parallel with so4hern- limit thereof and diatiot from said southern limit 52 chains Ina 0 0 0 0 r, 0 0 ON 0 ce 4% .0 ev 0 0 Izone In the eastern half of said Lot in said Concession from the southern Ilmdt of said Lot to a Liao running aenne said em half of said lot and parallel to southern limit thereof o distant from said southern Undt 291 ahaep 1na * *a **000ao ** ooc, -oo* In It In said eastern half of said Lot in said and 2ying northerly of the line last abov"mentlamA a" v&erding northerly to a Une drawn aarcma said Lot and parallel with said isouthem limit thereof &W distant hi said southern Undit 743 chains inooeo* 6 *0 ,606006900,oLane in All remainder of said Lot In said Concession,; "a 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 Ame V r Schedule of Zome - Fage � _.-....._ Ir Y ab as s • r s r .a i r • ! •. • w w w of 4w + imi ... +w r r • 40 A _IN MWeRW iIP 1022 x! lA ? C4AM Off_ rim L,aR a Ontario aAandina norther do a line 4: ra►wrn acr cms said I,ot• and parallel to northei°n limit t ti or oof�,,and distant From said northern ,1Eizdt 66 chains,, r, 1 a �, O c, p r c, r rr n o 4 O o o n u o c O e. n r c r. n•a O 0o +,Zone • : 1 of said Lod in said Q oneession hying nwth-,; � rt� a r o 3 aid 'aut-ventioned line to north ern d Conesonn inn 0 Q r 0 j o o rj I t said hat in aa3 ?.one III AinI `j�m V,e southern limit of- MU Lot and extonftng port hol y to the amtherly -j isi t of $ creek iuming !ieret hA V" E in O O A C O .r p l+ Q 0 0 r e. GC` A G of sai r Lot in said Con ce s si on lying northerly • 41 we aterl of a&.-&` d crook and lying southerly of 4­awu w...r•.s♦ •...;� _. , .. ,. � i. ul.,,..,, . n,., d..i 4,.rY(.iv/ ., . _ ..,•Ir.a .,..3 �rr ''i, .� {:�i i .i:, U..v. ,.i.},•r J W •" :..% .C.' L7 7 it+� :10 coo..^ f EV Y ( ., A• > • . > �+ L f: 4 ! �, 0 C r e.\"n s 6, � f. O r • t SXCWT. ! 300 fftt frontage an H No 2 by 800 feet f firm :1mpson Ave~n j and 30Q1 feet frontage on «r gyp= kir-e by, SW Feet southerly from No.. , 2 1;i944 1 in,. .. , c 0 4 ". •.. 7 0 4 G 7 t, U p �''O p ti C v C �.n a p n r-i u o a - �; .; c• o^ �` o ri '�' O O Ozone .. ,. Leot of alt of sale. Lot lying north of No, 2 • g y ; eawvvd f cr and as , a aont3ntatl,on of � • -IMPSort kvo-- to conve"S sion .'ir, o0 o G0 n or. C i; vti Uu Q [7 Q M1 Go QC 0r. 400O 00.•-O n z 30o feet. northerly of Moo 2 Highway ,In said Lot uin said Ocacea@►Iong in npv,-) c; o 0 adou;0 0,0u0 40 Zone 11 Eiesaind er of said !at in std Carnaessioa to morthar �.f ltl�t there 9 �� � •_ 0 oa o anp oao � ' �' ttse i of �%&I � Lot in said G melon n o�rt r...�r ._:,_T r, ,�;t�rx:fir..,. „. Y.;,..�,f,,,.. .. ', ,. , . :.._he► ioti t th o a, t . .. �,.,,. ,, K« .,.•, i r ��l.nr -�,`T K xrH d rlsi".n dim'°„6i7fm.,ln u 11116 . reran ►fir 'a .w�� said Lot in said Conce"Un aid ,n�ii,lA-ili.ill,FV•.\.rt P(.1.,t�1,ye.,N1 , .. t...,,: F: t.,..,,... •a\r r x r , } pa rsUel. UP &out:iern limit of said Lot and distant ��-91 eftaim from said southern Umit,, in. o 0 o 0 0 o u O a o 0 o n o a o A a - o.•,n • Zone I XU of said Lot lying northerly of said la at $oned . trine and extending northerly to an other Una drawn aarosa ,saki Lot and paraUej to said southern JUAt at )At and distant ?S eMins fgve #ai+d 9outh1 t itr�►a a n b n p v n o ojilOrle A-11 of said Lot in said Conoeselon lying northerly of ."JA stwmsetioned line to northern limit of said Lato fA gold Concession, in4o �� oaoO �' cvaa041, an af* 0a0 !t-2 00Qo0 0U *in Aaadit0o i+ome 'from soothe m limit at salad Lot extatidi,ft noftherly to eauthern liai.t of a oreek rumdft thsrethraugbo ino o o 0 o b apMds V JN All of &Ad lest in said sJoneemajon lying narther3L y• Lt w and weatwly of said orwk &W • I$I6 AwAhrrl,y of saki ft$hw & lam L. tr4I0000 go* a* 0ua1Jp4 *Iva ob a411,11nr,a �ronOr. ��Opop040aW1� 4AfI��� stj ' r � � t •V a• i �M1 v,' � 1�'� ''i i i�'•"j}l ( � ,l7 d., g!',1 t)l�l i!i' I e: �{'Ity'tir • ' C E�11 ,, i , �.�'J��'{if''e..l •l ''Ira , (i '�:,t! TI/Al )� 1,}I,+ .r';t,1Y' :'F C s, f 1 JI.t 1M1 i .2: � d 1}�lt�rif�%{�A�� ,J�t {� fir'`� � • q - �,s is t �K: