HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-02-18 Safe Community Minutes.pdfCLARINGTON SAFE COMMUNITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE February 18, 2016, 3:00 PM MEETING ROOM 1A Present: Chris Newman, Firehouse Youth Centre, Chair Marten Wind, Durham Regional Police Services Pastor John Wildeboer, Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church Leah Bourgeois, Ontario Power Generation Alison Jeschke, Communication Coordinator Linda Ainsworth, Trustee from the PVNCCDSB Sheryl Greenham, Erin O'Toole's Office attended until 3:30PM Also Present: Laura Preston, Committee Secretary 1. MINUTES Moved by S. Greenham seconded by J. Wildeboer THAT the minutes of the meeting held on January 21, 2016 be approved. CARRIED 2. BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MEETING a) Mural Wall — Update from Sub -Committee L. Bourgeois provided an update for the Committee regarding the mural wall. The Sub -Committee approached the Region of Durham for approval to secure a board to the designated mural wall. The Region was hesitant, and requested additional information, including all materials to be used, before making a decision. C. Newman approached T. Treemer, local artist, for a list at materials that could be used. L. Ainsworth reached out to several schools. Holy Trinity is interested in participating, and Linda is still waiting to hear from other schools. Cathy Abraham, School Board Trustee, was notified and she will be contacting schools in her district and advising the Committee of their interest. The Sub -Committee will meet in approximately two weeks and provide an outline of the project at the next meeting. b) Community Clean -Up Day 2016 Clarington Safe - 2 - February 18, 2016 Communities Committee C. Newman asked the Committee to reach out to their contacts to solicit volunteers. These volunteers would act as a team leader to coordinate teams of volunteers and clean-up locations. Since the last meeting, Chris spoke to Susan Hajnik of the Operations Department regarding the number of groups registered to participate in clean-ups across the Municipality this year. Susan indicated they have less groups registered this year. The Committee had a discussion regarding possible dates. The Rotary Club is not participating in a clean-up this year, so our individual clean-up dates will not overlap. M. Wind suggested promoting our community clean-up day through the schools, and students could collect volunteer hours for their participation. Moved by M. Wind seconded by S. Greenham THAT the April 30t" 2016 community clean-up day be approved. CARRIED Covanta is interested in sponsoring the clean-up day again this year. The Committee discussed if we should give volunteers something for their participation and decided that if the funding is available, it would be a positive gesture. The Committee agreed to reconsider the previous recommendation regarding the date of the 2016 community clean-up day and passed the following recommendation. Moved by J. Wildeboer seconded by L. Bourgeois THAT the April 23rd 2016 community clean-up day be approved with a rain date of April 30t", 2016. CARRIED The Committee discussed clean-up locations and whether or not we should ask the community for their input on locations they would like cleaned. The Committee also discussed whether or not we should extend our boundaries outside of Bowmanville. We could generate an email to promote the event through various social media outlets and offer the ability to sign up online. We could track areas of interest this way, and determine if we should extend the boundaries. L. Preston will ask L. Creamer to co-ordinate maps, once we have determined locations. Clarington Safe - 3 - February 18, 2016 Communities Committee The Committee also discussed having central locations for garbage bags, gloves, and a pickups organized. C. Newman will contact S. Hajnik and determine clean- up areas that might be of interest. C. Newman will send a mock-up of the poster to communications for approval and distribution. 3. NEW BUSINESS a) Durham Regional Police Trending Reports Marten Wind advised of the following: • Increase in theft from motor vehicles but some arrests made. • Fraud has decreased but with tax season approaching there is potential for an increase. • Break and enters and mischief have declined. 4. OTHER BUSINESS a) There will be no meeting March 17t" due to March break. The next meeting will be moved to March 10t" at 3:00 PM, with a possible tour at the new police headquarters in Bowmanville at 2:30 PM. Moved by J. Wildeboer seconded by A. Jeschke THAT the meeting date be changed to March 10tn CARRIED 5. DATE OF NEXT MEETING March 10, 2016 6. ADJOURNMENT Moved by A. Jeschke seconded by L. Bourgeois THAT the meeting adjourn at 4:13 PM. CARRIED Clarington Safe - 4 - February 18, 2016 Communities Committee Chris Newman, Chair Laura Preston, By-law Clerk