HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-01-21 Safe Community Minutes.pdfCLARINGTON SAFE COMMUNITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE January 21, 2016, 3:00 PM MEETING ROOM 1A Present: Chris Newman, Firehouse Youth Centre, Chair Len Creamer, Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement Marten Wind, Durham Regional Police Services Pastor John Wildeboer, Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church Leah Bourgeois, Ontario Power Generation Councillor Ron Hooper, representing the BIA Linda Ainsworth, Trustee from the PVNCCDSB Sheryl Greenham, Erin O'Toole's Office Also Present: Laura Preston, Committee Secretary MINUTES Moved by R. Hooper seconded by C. Greenham THAT the minutes of the meeting held on November 19, 2015 be approved. CARRIED 2. BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MEETING a) Mural Wall — Update from Sub -Committee The Sub -Committee met last week to discuss details of the mural wall. After speaking with Todd Treemer, local artist, the Committee has had to adjust the reality of the project. T. Treemer identified some logistical concerns the Committee had not considered. The Sub -Committee will continue to make considerations and adjustments to the project, based on Todd's suggestions. The Sub -Committee introduced the idea of hosting a community based event promoting the mural wall. It would be open to the public as well as, local businesses, and community service clubs. The Committee discussed several ideas to streamline the project including the use of stencil pieces to control the image on the wall, but without compromising the integrity of the final product. If this approach was taken, the mural could be completed in a day. The Committee agreed that we are going to have to start promoting the idea soon through local art departments, social media, and the Municipal website. S. Greenham suggested that the mural be done on a separate surface and then mounted to the wall. The Committee liked the idea but permission is required from the Region of Durham before we can move forward with this idea. C. Newman will reach out to his contact from the Region of Durham for approval. There are liability and safety concerns with drilling into the wall. L. Bourgeois, has accepted the position of Chair for the Sub -Committee Mural Initiative. L. Ainsworth suggested separating the wall into three sections, with Bowmanville, Courtice, and Newcastle represented. The Committee thought this might complicate the project and leave out other areas of Clarington, such as Orono, Kendal, and many smaller Hamlets. Overall, the Committee agreed that having a one day event is the most realistic option. By leaving the top and bottom a solid colour we would only need a ladder and a Road Occupancy Permit for one day. The goal for this year is to focus on a simplified process that we can build on moving forward. L. Ainsworth will contact the local art departments in her district to see how involved the schools would like to be. The question of funding was raised and whether the Committee can solicit funds from sponsors. L. Preston to contact N. Taylor, Director of Finance to see if there are any donation or charitable receipt implications. M. Wind, thought we should get the idea out to the schools as soon as possible, so draft ideas can be produced while the Committee continues to work on the logistics. b) Community Clean -Up Day 2016 C. Newman, asked all Committee members to reach out to their contacts to see if anyone is interested in helping with the planning for the 2016 Clean -Up Day. Contact information for those willing to help should be forwarded to L. Preston. The Committee discussed possible dates for the Clean -Up. April 23rd is Pitch in Week' and April 30t" is `Youth Week'. If the Clarington Safe Communities Clean — Up takes place after `Pitch in Week', we can target areas that haven't already been done. There was also mention of including a rain out date, and having an online portal where residents can indicate specific areas that they would like cleaned up. 3. NEW BUSINESS a) Durham Regional Police Trending Reports Marten Wind advised of the following: • Increase in shoplifting for the month of December. • Mischief has decreased 24% from 2014. • Theft from motor vehicles has decreased. Signs reminding residents to lock their valuables have helped with awareness. • The new Police Station will open February 1, 2016. R. Hopper asked M. Wind if there has been an increase in pedestrian fatalities, and questioned if there needs to be an emphasis on promoting wearing light coloured clothing. M. Wind advised that this topic will be addressed in the 2016 Community Patrol Plan. 4. OTHER BUSINESS M. Wind advised that he is working with Ron Albright of the Engineering Services Department on some new initiatives regarding graffiti removal. L. Bourgeois advised that there was an official announcement from Ontario Power Generation that the refurbishment project will move forward. 5. DATE OF NEXT MEETING February 18, 2016 6. ADJOURNMENT Moved by S. Greenham seconded by L. Creamer THAT the meeting adjourn at 4:11 PM. CARRIED Chris Newman, Chair Laura Preston, By-law Clerk