HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-11-19 Safe Community Minutes.pdfCLARINGTON SAFE COMMUNITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE November 19, 2015, 3:00 PM MEETING ROOM 1A Present: Chris Newman, Firehouse Youth Centre, Chair Len Creamer, Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement Marten Wind, Durham Regional Police Services attended until 4:08 PM. Alison Jeschke, Communications Co-ordinator attended until 4:28 PM. Gord Weir, Fire Chief Pastor John Wildeboer, Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church attended until4:01 PM. Leah Bourgeois, Ontario Power Generation Sheryl Greenham, Erin O'Toole's Office Also Present: Laura Preston, Committee Secretary Todd Tremeer, Artist Marie Visser, President, Courtice Rotary Club John Parkinson, Durham Regional Police Services MINUTES Moved by L Creamer seconded by G. Weir THAT the minutes of the meeting held on October 15, 2015 be approved. CARRIED 2. BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MEETING a) Mural Wall C. Newman, Chair, provided an overview for our guests on the mural wall project. Chris indicated that the Sub -Committee has not met since the last Committee meeting. C. Newman introduced Todd Tremeer to the Committee. T. Tremeer, provided a history on the murals he has completed in the last twenty years and some insight into the scope of the project. He indicated that there will be challenges with the project including; size of the wall, keeping the artists engaged, physical discomfort (no washrooms, standing on scaffolding). Youth are generally unfamiliar with using large brushes and stated the project could dwindle. C. Newman stated that the mural wall initiative has risen to create an outlet for artists and to help stop tagging. The original plan was to have a mural re -painted each year. Todd's experience shows that murals last for over ten years, and it would be a large project to take on annually. Leaving blank spaces, and building Clarington Safe - 2 - November 19, 2015 Communities Committee on the mural each year might invite taggers to vandalize the wall. T. Tremeer, offered many suggestions to help ease the workload of the youth involved, including: • Breaking the wall into smaller pieces • Using step latter where possible • Having some space as straight colour • Having someone do finishing touches at the end • Using geometric shapes, 3 by 3 or 3 by 4 • Limiting colours • Using latex paint J. Wildeboer, asked about the submission process and if youth would be required to submit a drawing. There was a discussion, and the Sub -Committee will still have to discuss details surrounding submission, but there will need to be a commitment from the participants. The idea of using a proposal sheet with dimensions was discussed. The proposed submission deadline of February or March was a concern as students might lose interest by May. Todd added that the weather has to be above 10 degrees at night to prevent damage. We must also consider the other school commitments that students have in May and June. Overall, there are still a lot of variables to consider. Is the work being done after school, on weekends, or summer holidays? Can students use this towards community service hours? Are there any incentives? Through discussion, the Committee members considered various layout options. What grade/age participants should be from, and how we are going to get support from local businesses and schools. T. Tremeer thought that High School Art Departments could take on the responsibility of choosing the winning designs. They may be in a better position to determine individuals capable of handing the responsibility and completing the project on time. Sgt. J. Parkinson, stated that taggers rarely tag over other artist's work so in his experience projects of this nature have worked in other areas. He also stated that in many Municipalities, new By-Law's stating that any approved new developments must have a provision that builders use wraps on utility boxes to prevent tagging. G. Weir indicated that the Committee should draft a letter and send to community partners to solicit donations, and funding for art programs. 3. NEW BUSINESS a) Community Clean -Up Day 2016 C. Newman indicated that the V annual community clean-up day is approaching, last year there was a turnout of approximately 200 people. The Committee members were asked to start thinking about who would like to participate in the organizing Committee. G. Weir stated that we should look into co-ordinating with the Operations Department and conduct the clean-up during the designated Earth Week. G. Weir will contact Susan Hajnik and inquire about dates. Once a date has been finalized, the Committee will ask the Communications Division to promote the event through various media outlets. b) Durham Regional Police Trending Reports M. Wind indicated that property crimes have declined. No other update that this time. 4. OTHER BUSINESS L. Creamer introduced Sgt. John Parkinson from the Durham Regional Police Service, Community Response Unit. Sgt. Parkinson was invited to speak about the recent symposium on graffiti. Sgt. Parkinson provided an overview on the different types of graffiti that we see within the community. He stated that gang tags are legible, the goal of these tags is to be seen and indicate territory. There are some gang tags in Oshawa. Taggers don't use someone else's tag, their aim is to get their tag as far and wide as they can to gain a reputation. Taggers often travel among train routes. Sgt. Parkinson stated that the goal is to have by-laws that will send offenders though the Provincial Court as well as a fine. Once convicted in Provincial Court, the prosecutor is asking for restitution. Each time charges are applied, a search warrant will also be executed and any materials for tagging that are found will be confiscated. Last year in the United States it cost 12 billion dollars graffiti removal fees and expenses. Sgt. Parkinson also indicated that there is a database of tags. Business owners that are impacted should report all damage and have the tags entered into the database. If the tagger is known they will be issued a ticket for each tag. Clarington Safe - 4 - November 19, 2015 Communities Committee L. Creamer is to send a copy of the Municipality's By -Law to Sgt. Parkinson. 5. DATE OF NEXT MEETING January 21, 2016 6. ADJOURNMENT Moved by L. Creamer seconded by C. Greenham THAT the meeting adjourn at 4:35 PM. CARRIED Chris Newman, Chair Laura Preston, By-law Clerk