HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-10-15 Safe Community Minutes.pdfCLARINGTON SAFE COMMUNITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE October 15, 2015, 3:00 PM MEETING ROOM 1A Present: Chris Newman, Firehouse Youth Centre, Chair Len Creamer, Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement Marten Wind, Durham Regional Police Services Alison Jeschke, Communications Co-ordinator Gord Weir, Fire Chief attended until 3:25 PM. Pastor John Wildeboer, Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church Leah Bourgeois, Ontario Power Generation Councillor Ron Hooper Also Present: Laura Preston, Committee Secretary James Campbell, Visual Arts Centre 1. MINUTES Moved by G. Weir, seconded by L. Creamer THAT the minutes of the meeting held on September 17, 2015 be approved. CARRIED 2. BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MEETING a) Question Period for James Campbell and Update from Sub -Committee C. Newman, Chair, introduced and welcomed James Campbell. The Sub -Committee Members informed the Committee of the changes to the Mural Design Contest, Rules and Submissions. The Sub -Committee also advised there could be potential by-law and insurance concerns to address. A. Jeschke spoke to Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance and confirmed the Committee is covered under the Municipality's insurance, and also advised that any minors would require supervision. The Committee will have to apply to the Region of Durham for a Road Occupancy Permit. The Committee took time to read through the updated version of the Mural Design Contest Rules and Submission Form. The Committee established there should be 5 people on the judging panel, which may include a representative from the Committee, local artists, a local business Clarington Safe - 2 - October 15, 2015 Communities Committee owner, and a representative from the Region of Durham. The Committee discussed the possibility of offering incentives to the winning person or group. Incentives could initially be something small, such as recognition from Council, or a plaque on display at Town Hall, These incentives can be built on each year. J. Wildeboer and J. Campbell will reach out to the Ontario College of Art and Design to pursue potential scholarships. The wall is 64 feet in length with varying height. There was discussion regarding dividing the wall into sections, and including areas stating the theme, town, and an area for sponsor logos. There are currently many variables that cannot be addressed until we determine how many applicants and the types of designs. J. Campbell will discuss specific details with Todd Tremeer and get his opinion on the specific contest details from an artist's perspective. J. Campbell will follow-up with Chris Newman. L. Bourgeois obtained approval from Linda Kent, Library Director, regarding including all library branches as a drop off area for contest submissions. A. Jeschke, stated the contest could be advertised on the Municipal website and there would be an option to upload a digital submission. The Committee decided it would not be realistic to have youth responsible for the maintenance of the wall. The Committee is still discussing options regarding wall maintenance but it is believed that maintenance can be done at the committee level through our resources and local art departments. The Sub -Committee is still discussing details surrounding obtaining school board approval and participation. J. Campbell, indicated that there is a local art show that takes place in January and the contest could be promoted at the event. b) Graffiti Reporting L. Creamer provided an update and a presentation on the graffiti reporting system. Concerns regarding graffiti can now be directly reported at www.clarington.net, and forwarded to the appropriate contact for removal. 3. NEW BUSINESS a) Durham Regional Police Trending Reports Clarington Safe - 3 - October 15, 2015 Communities Committee Marten Wind advised of the following: • Property crime, break and enters, and vehicle thefts have decreased over the last month • There has been an influx of fraud schemes • Mischief has decreased 4. OTHER BUSINESS John Wildeboer, Marten Wind, and Councillor Hooper have been involved in educating seniors on fraud and talking to parents about the importance of internet safety. C. Newman advised the Committee that the Firehouse Fright Night event is happening on October 23rd and 24th. There are free tickets available to children 9 and under. Tickets are available online. `Casper time' will be available earlier with 'Terror time' being offered later in the evening. The `Hype for Hoops' event is taking place at the Newcastle and District Recreation Complex on November 7th. Registration is open and question can be directed to Chris Newman or Marten Wind. 5. DATE OF NEXT MEETING November 19, 2015 6. ADJOURNMENT Moved by L. Creamer, seconded by J. Campbell THAT the meeting adjourn at 4:16 PM. CARRIED Chris Newman, Chair Laura Preston, By-law Clerk