HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-06-18 Safe Community Minutes.pdfCLARINGTON SAFE COMMUNITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE June 18, 2015, 3:00 PM MEETING ROOM 1A Present: Chris Newman, Firehouse Youth Centre, Chair Len Creamer, Manager of Municipal Law Enforcement Sheryl Greenham, Erin O'Toole's Office Pastor John Wildeboer, Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church Judy Gales, John Howard Society Leah Bourgeois, Ontario Power Generation Steve Motschenbacher, Region of Durham Ruth Ciraulo, Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board Trustee Councillor Willie Woo Mayor Adrian Foster Also Present: Laura Preston, By-law Clerk MINUTES Moved by L. Creamer, seconded by J. Gales THAT the minutes of the meeting held on May 21, 2015 be approved. CARRIED 2. BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MEETING Chris Newman, Chair, welcomed new attendees and thanked them for coming and provided an overview of what the committee's purpose is. a) Graffiti Initiative Chirs Newman, Chair advised the Committee of the location for the mural wall, near Tooley Park. The idea behind the initiative is to have youth create and design artwork for the mural wall. There would be a judging panel, including a representative from the Region of Durham. Promotion of the contest would run in local schools with the school board and principles approval. There is tentative approval from the Region of Durham to use their wall, Mayor Foster will provide additional details to the Region before any details are finalized. The details will be worked out over the summer, including whose responsibility it will be to maintain the wall. The goal is to have a sub -committee work throughout July and August, on the initiative and have a proposal ready for September, 2015. The Committee discussed potential themes for the mural wall and the potential of applying for Federal funding for the wall, to celebrate Canada's 150t" anniversary in 2017. Clarington Safe - 2 - June 18, 2015 Communities Committee Moved by A. Foster, seconded by J. Wildeboer THAT the graffiti wall be one large mural. b) Key Priorities J. Wildeboer, Committee Member, addressed the Committee and asked what the focus will be moving forward. Pastor J. Wildeboer would like the Committee to pick a few initiatives and focus on follow through. C. Newman indicated that he will be addressing Council in October to let them know what the Committee has been doing. 3. NEW BUSINESS 4. OTHER BUSINESS L. Bourgeois advised the Committee that there is graffiti in Courtice, close to the Roy Nichols on a Jeffrey Homes Courtice Crossing sign. L. Preston, secretary, will forward the information to By-law Enforcement. 5. DATE OF NEXT MEETING September 17, 2015 6. ADJOURNMENT Moved by S. Greenham, seconded by J. Gales THAT the meeting adjourn at 4:27 PM CARRIED Chris Newman, Chair Laura Preston, By-law Clerk