HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-05-21 Safe Communities Minutes.pdfClarington Safe - 1 - May 21, 2015 Communities Committee CLARINGTON SAFE COMMUNITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE May 21, 2015 Meeting Room 1A Present: Chris Newman, Firehouse Youth Centre, Chair Mayor Adrian Foster Len Creamer, Manager of Municipal Law Enforcement Judy Gales, John Howard Society Marten Wind, Durham Region Police Service 1. MINUTES Moved by L. Creamer, seconded by M. Wind THAT the minutes of the meeting held on April 16, 2015 be approved. CARRIED 2. BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MEETING a) Community Cleanup Day There was a review of the cleanup weekend. All felt it was a huge success with 123 volunteers from upwards of 35 different groups. Chris reported that Walmart has called to express their appreciation for the cleanup of the area around the perimeter of Walmart and the Manager stated the store wants to be directly involved next year. The laminated maps provided by Planning were a big help to the groups. b) Future Cleanu Suggestions for next year's event were as follows: • add Boswell area, • possibly different locations, the Bowmanville valley was not in bad condition so we may be better served moving out to other areas, • Marten suggested expanding to the hamlets and doing a different one each year, • possibly add Lake Road and area around boat launch. Clarington Safe - 2 - May 21, 2015 Communities Committee 3. NEW BUSINESS a) b) Future Course M. Wind advised that there may be funds available to us through the Police Awards and Dinner Night fund. This could be used to purchase a banner for the Cleanup event for next year. From there a general discussion ensued on the future course of the Committee. Mayor Foster suggested a motion come from the committee to GPA to hire contractors to assist with cleanups when needed. This would make it easier for the Committee to tackle larger, more complex problem properties. This was discussed but no decision made. In order to get ourselves better known Marten suggested the use of social media. In the end the Committee agreed to hold off on further discussions of new priorities until Pastor John Wildeboer is able to attend. Since he had facilitated the last meeting discussing priorities and directions, the Committee wanted his input. Graffiti Initiative Graffiti and the wall mural competition were further discussed. It could be done late this summer or fall in Courtice in conjunction with Courtice concerts and themes could be developed that were more appropriate to that area. The Mayor suggested that a paint store in Courtice could be brought on board and help set up an info table for us at the concerts. M. Wind asked if Basia Radomski and Corporate Communications or possible one of the high school art departments could be used to assist with advertising for the event. Mayor Foster offered to have his office help coordinate a meeting with the Visual Arts Centre and the school board Trustees for the event. c) Nature of the Committee In response to a request from the Committee the Municipal Clerk submitted a letter regarding status of the Committee and its relationship to Council. The Committee is a Committee of Council but does not have a set budget to cover any of its expenses. 4. POLICE TRENDS M. Wind reported on behalf of the Regional Police. The new 16 Division headquarters will be open by this fall. With this will come more officers and possible boundary changes for the Division. The Regional Police are going to be taking a more active enforcement profile on speeding within the Municipality over the next month. Clarington Safe - 3 - May 21, 2015 Communities Committee 5. OTHER BUSINESS Mayor Foster reported an increased interest among the GTA Mayors in the return of photo radar for school zones. Committee discussed merits of this idea. Committee agreed to prepare a resolution for the Mayor to present to Council recommending support for the return of photo radar but only in the school zones. 6. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting is scheduled to be held on June 18, 2015, in Meeting Room 1A at 3:00 P.M. 6. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by J. Gales THAT the meeting adjourn at 3:59 P.M. CARRIED Chris Newman, Chair Len Creamer, Manager of Municipal Law Enforcement