HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-09-18 Safe Community Minutes.pdfCLARINGTON SAFE COMMUNITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE September 18, 2014, 3:00 PM MEETING ROOM 1A Present: Chris Newman, Firehouse Youth Centre, Chair Len Creamer, Manager of Municipal Law Enforcement Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk attended until 3:37PM Sheryl Greenham, Erin O'Toole's Office Pastor John Wildeboer, Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church Martin Wind, Durham Regional Police Services Cathy Abraham, Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board Judy Gales, John Howard Society Maria Perrino, John Howard Society Lindsey Dafos, Ontario Power Generation Rolf Kluem, Durham Region Police Service Also Present: Laura Preston, By-law Clerk Basia Radomski, Corporate Communications Officer attended until 4:06 PM 1. MINUTES Moved by R. Kluem, seconded by S. Greenham THAT the minutes of the meeting held on June 19, 2014 be approved. CARRIED 2. BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MEETING a) Marketing/Events — Acquisition of A -Frame Signs L. Creamer has signs available, in storage from previous years that can be white washed. C. Newman will meet with L. Creamer to pick-up signs and will have the youth group reface them. b) Parachute Safe Communities Checklist — Update on Date for Presentation P.C. Wind informed the Committee that he plans to arrange for a presentation from Parachute Safe Communities, in the New Year, for the Clarington Safe Communities Advisory Committee. Additional community groups will be invited to the presentation. Committee discussed the issue that Clarington has some key groups which could be invited (Members of Council, BIA's, Board of Trade). C. Newman and L. Preston will arrange a date and time that will suit the needs of the Committee Clarington Safe - 2 - September 18, 2014 Communities Committee members and all community groups involved. An invitation will be extended to one or two members of the selected community groups. P.C. Wind provided a description of the Parachute Program and its proven community benefits. He noted that Ajax -Pickering, York, Halton Hills, and Brampton have their designation and this is a program that could benefit Clarington as well. Moved by C. Greenham, seconded by L. Dafos THAT the Safe Communities Committee will invite a representative from the Parachute Program to make a presentation to the Safe Communities Committee and community representatives, and THAT the presentation will take place in January 2015. CARRIED c) Graffiti Cleanup Day - Update The Committee discussed possible methods of handling graffiti complaints. Chris Newman added that the graffiti cleanup day had limited community outreach, mainly due to the weather, but that the residents contacted were supportive of the types of initiatives and appreciated the student's initiatives. Basia Radomski added that graffiti reporting is not just about cleanup but also getting the youth involved. The idea of a mural wall was presented. She explained that this would provide an outlet for youth to use their talents in a positive way. The Communications and Marketing Division will be willing to help in any way. d) Standard Event Poster — Final Design Chirs Newman to provide update at next meeting. e) Family Safety Day - Friends of Simon Weisenthal Centre for Holocaust Studies Committee contacted Jennifer Delaney, Fire Prevention Officer, regarding the possibility of including the "Friends of Simon Weisenthal Centre for Holocaust Studies" as part of the September 27, 2014 Family Safety Day event. No update at the time of meeting. 3. NEW BUSINESS (a) Safety Survey Safety Surveys are still being accepted. There is a possibility of setting up a table up at Family Safety Day. Clarington Safe -3- September 18, 2014 Communities Committee b) c) 4 61 0 Discussion of Membershi The Committee discussed Committee Membership and decided that the question of membership would be included in a Terms of Reference review. Terms of Reference The Committee decided that the Terms of Reference will remain in place. Anne Greentree was asked to prepare a report to Council regarding the Terms of Reference, the Clarington Safe Communities Committee and its structure. OTHER BUSINESS P.C. Wind and C. Newman will be participating in a "3 on 3" basketball tournament on Saturday, September 20. 2014 and Sunday, September 21, 2014 at the Clarington Central Secondary School. The event is open to the public and anyone can attend. C. Newman has asked that all Committee members think about who they think could be beneficial to include in this Committee. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting is scheduled to be held on October 16, 2014, in Meeting Room 1A at 3:00 PM ADJOURNMENT Moved by R. Kleum, seconded by L. Creamer THAT the meeting adjourn. CARRIED Chris Newman, Chair Laura Preston, By-law Clerk