HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN 26-81CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT TO SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL ADMIN. 26-81 RF: RECOMMENDATIONS: 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LIC 3A6 Storm Sewer Project, Courticc August 1981 Tender. O.H.A.P. Loans It respectfully recommended that: 1. This report be received; and TELEPHONE 623-3379 OCTOBER 14 1981 2. That the Town re -tender the Courtice Storm Sewer project to possibly allow the construction of the storm sewer portion of the project in 1.981-82 and the dam and pond portion of the project at such time as required through additional development approvals; 3. That the Town again consid(n Lhc Ilnancing OF Lhc storm sewer project on the basis of the above reduced tender; and 4. That the Town now advise the bidders of the tenders as called for the Town Sewer Project in August of 1981, that the Town will not be proceeding with the tender as set out, and hereby directs the Director of Public Works to ensure that each of the Kidder:, i.�, cippropr_ialel.y advised and their deposits refunded. -2 - BACKGROUND: In•1977 the Town entered into two agreements with the Ministry of Housing through the Ontario Housing Action Program (O.H.A.P.), to provide housing in the Courtice Urban Area. The first agreement provided the Town with a grant to aid in the costs associated with developing housing units for low or middle income families (an incentive for expeditious planning approvals). A total of $249,225 was advanced to the Town and was set aside in a reserve account. In 1979 approximately $50,000.00 was drawn from the account to pay for planning studies undertaken on the 'Town's behalf. Currently the account stands at approximately $235,000.00, (further interest adjustments are i() be mnde in 1981). The second agreement provided for an interest free loan for the provision of storm sewers in l.hc Courtice Urban Area to drain two drainage areas including two plans of subdivisions (Courtice Heights Subdivisions). (These subdivision plans were referred to the Ontario Municipal Board by the City of Oshawa and others and subsequently approved. The Town executed subdivision agrecnxnlr wiLh Courtice Heights Ltd. in 1977 and extended the agreements once. The agreements have now expired. The draft plan approval of the plans was due to expir.c :in Juno of 1981 and was extended for a further 1 year period to June of 1982). The second agreement in respect of'. !;Wr:m sewers, war to provide the Town with an interest free loan for the construction of storm sewer works, set out as f.ol.lows: -3 - Area #1 (South) Storm sewer $91,200.00 Head Wall $ 5,000.00 Erosion Protection $10,000.00 Retention Pond $25,000.00 Sub -total $152.,000.00 10% Engineering and 10% Contingencies $ 30,420.00 Total Construction $182,520.00 Land acquisition $ 56,000.00 Surveying and Legal $ 23,850.00 Total Project Cost $262,370.00 Area #2 (North) Storm sewer $44,900.00 Head Wall $ 2,000.00 Erosion Protection $ 5,000.00 Sub -total $51,950.00 108 Engineering and 10% Contingencies $ 10,390.00 Total Construction $ 62,340.00 Land acquisition $ 7,500.00 Surveying and Legal $ 6,900.00 Total Project Cost $ 76,830.00 Total Gross Cost of Projects for Drainage Areas #1 and 42 $339,200.00 CMHC Grant Estimate $ 56,500.00 Total amount of loan from the Minister $282,700.00 -4 - The second agreement calls for the Town to undertake several matters, highlighted as follows: 1. Repaying the loan (any part) 5 years from the date any money was given to the Town by the Ministry; 2. Constructing the storm sewer work and expediting the development of the lands; 3. Obtaining necessary Municipal Board approvals to borrow the money. The Ministry of Housing indicated in early 1981 that they would advance $350,000.00 to the Town recognizing that the original amount was subject to inflation and that the $56,500 shown as C.M.H.C. Grant was no longer available (cancellation of C.S.C.P. Program by Federal Government 1980/81). The Town has received Municipal Board approval to borrow up to $350,000.00 for the storm sewer project. Additional borrowing will require additional Municipal Board approvals. In accordance with the provisions of the second O.H.A.P. agreement, the Town undertook a proposal call in August of 1981 and, as members of Council are aware, received several bids in excess of the loan amount. The bids and costs; incurred to date are summarized on the following tables. Please note that the funds listed cu; expenditures to date for land, legal, survey and engineering costs are rounded figures and do not represent our final costs. -5 - SUMMARY OF BIDS RECEIVED FROM AUGUST 1981 TENDER CALL PROJECT COSTS FOR CONSTRUCTION Contract $481.601.00 Contingencies 14,500.00 Soils 6,000.00 Design, Tender, Supervision and Layout 73,899.00 Total $576,000.00 Part A Part B Dam Sewer Total Tripp Construction Ltd. $245,881.00 235,720.00 481,601.00 J. C. Romano Sons Ltd. 316,049.00 206,520.00 522,569.50 Dagmar Construction Ltd. 330,881.51 195,850.54 526,732.05 Ron Robinson Ltd. 317,466.00 216,786.00 534,252.00 Repak Construction Ltd. 274,496.00 281,880.00 556,376.00 Craftwood Const. Co. Ltd. 452,065.00 247,801.00 699,866.00 Engineer's Estimate 250,919.00 289.100.00 540.019.00 PROJECT COSTS FOR CONSTRUCTION Contract $481.601.00 Contingencies 14,500.00 Soils 6,000.00 Design, Tender, Supervision and Layout 73,899.00 Total $576,000.00 -6 - SUMMARY OF COSTS TO DATE Land acquisition $113,700.00 * Legal fees 8,500.00 * Appraisals 9,500.00 * Engineering 21,400.00 * Land Surveyor 4,700.00 * Preparation of tender design 3,200.00 and advertising $161,000.00 * (Not final costs) TOTAL COSTS TO DATE * $161,000.00 * (Not final costs) PLUS PROJECT ESTIMATED COSTS $576,000.00 SAY $737,000.00 $740,000.00 * ullg 0 -AREn� I'M 4 2 IM. Following the tender opening in August, staff convened a meeting with Ministry of Housing staff to discuss the possibility of 1) obtaining additional loan funds and 2) adjusting the loan repayment schedule to correspond with the receipt of lot development charges through the approval of development. Staff note that is has been the municipality's intention to repay the O.H.A.P. Loan through lot levies, i.e. at no cost to the Newcastle ratepayer. The attached letter to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing was forwarded by the Mayor as a result of the staff meeting. The Town has been advised by the Ministry that no additional funds are available under the O.H.A.P. agreement. Staff have also met with the owners of the Courtice Heights Subdivision Ltd. (the major property owners in the two storm water drainage areas) as to what their financial participation in the project might be. They have indicated verbally that they are not in a position to make up the d.iffercncc between the total estimated project cost and the loan amount. It was suggested that it might be possible to phase the storm sewer project in order to take advantage of the $350,000.00 interest free loan and to "spread -out" the total cost to more closely match the approval of development. Staff have reviewecl this possibility and have discussed same with the Town's consulting engineers, and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Autthoiity staff. Briefly stated, it is possible to phase the project by modifying the tender call and proceeding with the sewer portion first, and installing the dam and pond portion in the future as development proceeds. -9 - This possibility, acceptable to the Conservation Authority would require re -tendering the project according to modified designs. The phased construction program would allow approximately 100 units to be constructed in the southern drainage area, on the basis of the piped portion of the project alone. Development of' over 100 units in the southerly drainage area will require construction of the drain and pond portions of the contract. It is important to note that the tender calls to date pertain to the work in the southerly drainage area only. None of the figures presented pertain to the northerly works (land costs are included). The Town's consulting engineers have prepared the following cost estimate for the construction of the sewer portion of the southerly storm sewer. $246,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 39,000.00 $ 9,000.00 $320,000.00 Sewer Control structure Soil tests Tender, design supervision Contingencies -10- XON16l01"s On the basis of the information above and the decisions made by the Ministry of Housing staff feel that the Town is not in a position to award a contract for the full storm sewer project (sewer, drain and pond) at this time. Staff feel it would be appropriate for the Town to advise the bidders on the August tender call of this immediately and to direct the Director of Works to return the tender deposits forthwith. A recommendation has been included in this report to that effect. The tenders must be awarded under the provision of the tender call by October 15 1981. -11 - Staff feel that there are three option:; available to the Town in respect of the Courtice Storm Sewer Project: Option 1. "Do nothing" Option 2. Option 3. Proceed with a phased construction project Proceed with the total project at one time Staff have already dismissed option three as an alternative as noted above. Staff have outlined the three alternatives as follows: Option 1. "Do nothing" * Do not proceed with tendering; no project under the agreement. * Do not receive Llic O.H.A.P. interest free loan. (Note that O.II.A.P. funding will be withdrawn totally March 31 1982). * Absorb costs of expenditures to date; (take out of O.II.A.P. reserve under first ayrecmenL?) * Renegoatiate subdivision agreement in future to have developer/developers inr,tnll works at their "front-end" cost. DevclopmenL becomes a "longer-term" proposition. * Do not utilize cap.iitul investwunL i.n ground (i.e. Regional sanitary sewer and water systems). Loss of revenue to Region because of prolonged development * Legal implications? -12 - Option 2. Proceed with a Phased Construction Project * Proceed with sewer portion of project on basis of phased construction ($320,000.00). * Finance existing expenditures through budgets on first O.H.A.P. Loan. * Finance difference between total project cost and loan through budgets and first O.H.A.P. Loan * Pursue sources of financing. Option 3. Proceed with the total project at one time * Proceed with $576,000.00 (npproximaLely) project by letting tender to lowust bidder. * Finance existing expenditures through budgets or first O.H.A.P. Loan. * Finance difference between total project cost and loin through hudycl a and I i I nt U.II.�.1�. Inv,u, * Pursue sources of financing. RespoQtfully submitted, D.N. Smith, M.C.I.P. Administrator att. C(DD ?4 � IQ D I I A "A I D N A) OFFICL Of 1111_ MAYOR GARNET B. RICKARD w tI UXI I, IJ I(,C ! fREET I:OWMANJILLE, ONTARIO K C 3A6 IELFPHONE 6233379 eplcwhvr 101h, 19MI _ The Ilunourable Claude BennetI Minister of Municipal. Affairs and Housing Fourth Floor Hearst Block Toronto, Ontario M7A 2K5 Dear Mr. Minister: RIC: Ontario Ifousiny, _cl ll H PIor,r:10 Lunn Courtier Storm k i l� l r, l c i l i l i s 1, l u :✓ I, of Nomrar.tlr RveonLly, stall of „nl mi"n"I lV mv! Willi municipal staff to review the stnin: of they ouLst:inding "O.H.A.F." loan agreement with the 'l�WH of ?JPWcJ1 ;t ie, III the provision of storm water control Inviliti,5 in the Courtice area of this municipality, following; on the staff's discussions. I now resperllully roqu,ml on WWI— of the own, Ihot you r(,I1Kidvr IHPIV1, I H n Illi' nill„IIIII 01 1 h interest free loan to the Town ,II NPwunnLle in 111,'1'1 ,(!_11:1l. project costs and further [hat _v,n r,"nidvr rovi::inn the repayment schedule for the loan, t o ,' „ I I I c l d v with the actual. rate of development in the Enurl_ftc [Iron. As of March of UK Ycni, your Minintry ham, indicated that up to ;350,000.00 in :Ivniiable to the Town for the construction of storm walor ,,,nlrol facilities in the Courtice area of the Town „I N('wcartle. The 'town has now received tenders for 1111d"rtnK illp the rnn::l_rurl ioa of the works req ui red for ::t „rm do I o.l;.l,l� oleo Illilnk( I oar (as set out In the agrvomont with th, l"Wil); 151111 111q Ill(' project cost to an estimatod $57t,, uuU,l,n. Thi_c :imuunt includes the lowest tvnd&r of ;�4:,I l.nl .0(i; `i171,5un.utl I"r contingencies; $6,000.00 for soil i,•.An nod V/i,01 .45 for design, tender, supervision and Iiv ui ecpcn;r:;. In addition to this amount of mono,, ; h f, urt Ila;; a I rondl incurred expenses of .1611, 111,0P, 1. (., 1.111,1 W%aL, The Honourable Claude Bonnotl 1n.p Y Solrlrmhrr loth, 1981 surve Y and enTineerincosts annori:tvd with the project. 'There � b will be some minor upward adjustm-u t to theso fiy,nrv5 to reflect outstanding, legal cnl:lm. In W1:11, the 'I Ir:,u HPOA': at least $136,400.00 (pIu:.) In M I o 1 r_.i:I Ing nnd ozln•rLrd expenditures. The $736,400.00 Iipnio rvpresenlm an increase in the loan amount of at least W b,400.110. It should be noted again that this flgnlp in Tui &nivagV We" oum1bPr one only. The Town of NQwrastle in dependent on Che development of the Courtiro areal .In the source of financing, for the O.H.A.P. Loan. In order lot the Town to reasonably proceed with the project, it is imqursted LhaL the repayment schedule be revised to coincide with the receipt of develop- ment levies. For your information and further consideration, the tender received by the Town expires on October 15th, 1981. We therefore would appreciate your rnmmrnin before that time. Thank you very much for your attention to these matters. Kindest regards, GARNRT B. RICKARI) IN ; u r GBR/mr cc: Mr. G.M. Farrow, FxccnLiv 01rrctor, I'Inns Administration Divis!"H . Mr. L. Finch,: Dlrpcloi .,I uPrrntioln: C„uLrol Branch Mr. W. Dew,,0hcrntionc Cunlrol IiranrL Air. 3. Dunham. Direcioi of I'n1,11r. Wnrks, Town of NewcasC Mr. D. Smith, ,Adminint ini„r, '10WH of 'irWUng1 le Mr. D. Sim::; 5 o 1 1 a i i , : , 'I -- H � I i:1rr�a:I Ie e CORPORATION OF IHi= TOWN OI NI WCASTI 1_ d0 I N%P[RAN( I '.IPII I hown�nrlvll I I � III I,.I� II, t It IAr, II I HV)HC. 627-9719 September I.Oth, 1981. The Ministry of Municipal- Affairs and Housing Eighth Floor 56 Wellesley Street West Toronto, Ontario M7A 2K4 Attention: Mr. Q M. Farrow, P: ;,i rnl ivy Ui rerlor Plans Administration nivini,n Dear Sir: RE: OntarIU Ho usinn :Arti„i, Pingrim Lunn t,ourLlro K Iorm U I I u I rat'i 1 iI Ir', Town of Nowcasl l,' 1 would bike to than!. 1"H nud your nt:Ifl, fur taking time out of your busy schvdulos to meet with Mr. Jack Dunham and myself in resporl I IIT ih„vc. Following from our digcuKninu, Mayor hickard of the Town of Newcastle, his ✓rillan lu the. IlonouiNhle G. Bennett regarding UP Town's Iinan,ini position and the O.H.A.P. loan noted nbova. A C ,pv ul his Iott, r is attached. It in my un,lerutandim lhdl your still will be reviewing the t'own's requ,•st for additional Loan monies and a revised repayment schcdulo with Treasury and Economics staff and will he rev1aw1np the m a L V P r 1uteroa11y with a view to replying, to the W" n within the noxi two weeks. I certainly would appreciate• "ulr reply within this time frame as our t,•nder c>.nir,•n ,.n U1 tuh��r 15th 111 i;1 and as you are aware, then Iioivu �li.IlK inrlhrr Iilrrl =nr loan requirements. Fivasean n"I hositil "--�nI", I Nu i! I cnn The Ministry of Mnnir.ipnI Affairs and Housing be of any assistanrr. DNSJmr Enc. (1) cc: P.,;, !;vPI �MhvI 15th, 1981. Y.urw very truly, D. N. SMITH, M.C.I.P. Admi.niutrator. Mr. D. Sims, Sollcilnr, 'fnw" of NeWvantlre Mr. J. Dunham; DUr ctur of Public. Work:;, Towu ur NeweasO Mr. L. Fincham; Direc1oi „I Uperal-ionr. Control, Branch Mr. W. Dew,-Operntions Control Branch