HomeMy WebLinkAbout1389 rx ...rr esr ayeecr9-'rnl:i+�k1H'IAiYlr .w Yf,f A Bym-law of the O orpor at i on of the '1' Own of Bowmanvi lle for the regulat ion and management of the .bowmanvi l le uemetery. uounoil of the uor orat ion of the Town ofi Bowmenvi llel The Mun i a i pal p lot , hereby enacts as follows'; - ( Y uema ter rounds lots and graves are hold sub jea t t o I he 1st . That the y g p , following and to such rules and regulations as may be from time to ' x g time adopted .by the uounoi 1 . shall be used for an other purpose than the 'burl al of { 2nd e No plots y human bodies and shall not be subdivided , resold , or transferred by t. the owner thereof to any other person without the consent of the Mayor and ulerk first had in writing. A 3rde All landmarks of plots must be kept within the lines of said. plot s and no plot shall be enclosed by a hedge , iron, Stone ,or wood fence. 4 the The owner of a plot or plots may a re,e t any proper stone or monument. thereon , but n o head. stone shall ex need , four; foot in heighth and no foot s t one above the - level of the ground. th . Flants may be planted but no trees or shrubs shall be planted or , 5 e Demeter �ommitte®either cut oir removed without the consent of the y r through the 5uperibtendant , and if any tree or shrub on any plot 8 becomes detrimental the commit tee may. cause the same or any part thereof to be removed. 6 Tombs and vaults ma be ereated but in all eases ; plans and th y -s ecifications must first be submitted t,0 and approved by the Torn �.ounoi 1 and no alterations in such plans - shall be made without their -k. aonaent and app royal and no bodies shall be placed in any 12omb or n single Qom artments and closed .hermetically with { Vault except i g P brick or stone and cement * 7th . In the erection of monument s , wQU1ts Tombs or other st ruetares , a 5; P lace - will be designated by the Dupe r i n t e ndan t f or the deposit o , the stone brick , or other material , which shall not remain longer on the round than is actually necessary, for their construction � :, g and after their completion , all debris shall be promptly removed in the, rounds b the parties , causing the same . -fro g y •. Bth : Foundatio�as for monuments must be constructed with , cement , and to be not less than six ' feet in' depth and of sufficient size for the }P superst rue tune, a nd till such foundations as well as t hose for Iffombs or Vaults must be done bar the Superintendent , the charge for earns ' to be cents per cubic foot , with a minimum charge of § 5 .00 45 ed in erformin s.ny work wit hin and mate rials us p g �9 Implements lot or adjacent ground must th. That all t he Ueme t ery whi ch may' be left s�ey, p be removed by the owner or ornery thereof without de ley', otherwise the obstructions will be removed by the a�.perin'tendent and the es pe n ee s .hanged.. : t.o. ,..the. owner or owners . a]. 1. arsons em to ed ' fn the construct ion ' of vaults, erection of 10th. That p p . Y x any ament, or r�eadst ones shall be' subject t o the control of . the y � an vemet.ery committee or, any' agent the � oune i 1 may appoint n y x ersc,n fai ling t-o 0 onform t o , this regtilat i on .wi 11 not be permi t red i ,a ,t o . work rin the grounds. ' 11t h . That mason$ and stone cutters shall lay planks on t her paths over r which heat/ materials are to be moved in order to 'protect the said , y } . paths from i :n jury. Ya 12th. That no heav$ loads shall be allowed t o� enter-- the uemet ery without ; the permission of the ziuperintendant . r 1 th., Thai app lieations for the purchase` of burial plots in the �erneery 3 h shall be made to. the x oven u lerk who shall upon payment by the a licant , rant him or her a deed for such plot or plots so sold ,, _ pp g and the following rates shall be made ' and charged; 9*00 ( pZOTS ) Single .Tot 5 We I1ot ( 9 A 9 l 50 .00 ;r x p Each addi t t onal , r1 of 4 50 . 00 e . 0: 25 00 per plo t of shall be applied , for pe rpe.tua1 care 1 : R pill � TOLUMr6 r ......... 2 BURIA 348 Standard Graves Adult a 12 ,000 Chi a Grave a . 00 Lx tra depth graves , the abarp.* will be ;p 5 . 00 e!x t ra, 00 f or vau",I t 8 -als , each prave opened will be ebarged - the siime rate -In remov q 4o-able the ammin t will as for a burial ,, and for iwnnday funeral be oharged for ordtnary fitnerfil,sl* r rpertint.endant, to dIg 14th'. That the Mayor shall have power to orle ' the 3 of the for Internment of the body of any. person . resident a grave annot afford to pay the e3c pe se s. 12own ,, whose friends or relaticPs c oC such Internment, .* has been given , Y 15tho e hat the T own lerk shall immediatel ' after not tee ter'7 , gi ve ' him that an int.ernment , is t o take jAnce I n the sat d ueme t he necessary. information and Instructions to the ouperin,t6indant . ought TlUthe That any person who shall reqvlre the� tnternment pf a body br hall give due notice thereof to the' from any other burial, ' place , S amonnt, of charge's Town ulerk and. 8hall pay to the said ulerk the lai d. down in i>ecti,on 13 of t. h I s b77-19.w, I uemelte ry shall Mho, That all persons . when visiting the said Conduct ndi shall not violate themselves In a proper and, clecorous manner a bi� flowers , monument the , Uemetery by In .1-uring any tree , shru and or fence or In any other , manner whateveri hea4st one ,, grave inless , that no children under the ape of 12 yea.rs shall be admitted i s wbo will be acoomp4nied by their -naren t s guardi ans or, pe ra on res Pon- sible for their ' concluct . lo d to large vithin the encl,, osure 1801 'Chat n o 'dogs, shall be . al we run at f 1: re arms Wil I I n ot be permitted of, the Cemetery and, the discharge o lar volle s at burial , n and around the cemetery , other than repu 71! se rvi ce s to a C!, -f bot, 19th , That it ' shall. not be, lawful . for any pers,on rect any woo board post or wool structure of any descr­lp, tior within the Ten.ce boundar7 fence enclosing the said cemetery. , Uemeter 'hall be wholly under the co�t ol of the Y, 20th That ' thiie ubmetery a r ort to the Uounciliat least twice in , every k; ommit'tee who sha I Y re' lo UZ o year giving the' firjancial. condItTon or aniv, ther matter pertaininfgr to the interest of the' uemeter7. . That a -nerson shall be appointed ' annnally by b7-law who shall be o - shall devote all his time called t he, ORretaker of t he e me t e ry. wh to the duties of the office ninder - the clire' ction , of the' uemetery -Qo mi, t tees m rom , the xay o r or Ulerk having received - due not- tee f A ) , 'He shal19 pare 'a fr not t hat an interment', ' is to take, pince , - pre rave o ee lie,se t a .......... .................... ears of' age , and fill up t he grave for children ' under' , 12 t7 9 , sible ' turf the s P rne, in a nd he shall also as- soon as jovs , a workmanlike manner * M 0 _ht fro ( ( B ),' , He ' shall supertinten(l , all Ipterments of, b dies brou ' from other' pajts ,_, Of the,' said Gemetery other burying places or before ame nea'rly as inay. be t he s man ne r as herein provided for ordi �nary interments, O tery free - the said u e .0 . He shall keep ' the, roads and paths in d weals and train bnd prune all tree and from long grass an the k; e m e t e r 7 and perform sach ot hn r , dut I e a as'. Oommt, ttee may ' directe , -the occurance of any vi olat I on. of D ) He shall Immediately a of anvy violation of the provisions contained SaIA Uemetery or I -the 7th se'etion of this B-rri­laqw , report sl-n-ab violation n to the %.;ounct a f Oot st.ones are kept all the head.stones , an He shall see that other thinfr In * the and every in a perpendionlar Tosition -good o rdero said, k;emetery as , far 'as possible in goat-s cat it le horses F He shall not,­ permtt an�7 sheep , Tigs ,, 9 tethered ,, in said uemeteryo mules , tLo be at large or or 7 1: VOLLM 4 MOW-_ 3 22nd • T b-St ca non the anpoint men t of a Snpert itandant as, herein be f ore' provi. ded , f- be, person , so appointed ' shall bofo're enterint:r, upon the do t to a of his offs. ca s1fTn an agreement bef.ore, the kinilror that he will:, carry ont the -provisions of thIs .13y-.bnw , dlsoharpo his do t I es ,as herein defined and consent, t .o his dismissal. as provided In the erect ion next foH. nwjnFra 23rd. • Vint nT)on a complaint 'beinir made to cn17liell that the Si7perintendent ' has ne ,( loate (l the proper d1schartye of his duttes as deft.-ned by this BV-Law, or for Incompetency , the bommittee shall enquire into sueb complaint and should the same be proved , shall. re -port, same, In wri (Ing to the uouncil and said report beln ?. adopted by the Uoi7neil ., he shall be dismiosed from his office after one ' ' t o b m n F3 not I a e Ij 24th That no person shall be permitted to drivi any vehicle of any deser Irt ' on Int o the ueme tery ei cept The hearse with out the perml sat on of the 3upert-fitendant1 Szoept on comete' ry buslinese , 25th• That all digging , turfing; , arranging any - plot or plots 'that may be required by the owner , shall be done by the ' 6uperintendent or under hi a supervl's' f ono 26th That all , work performed by the Superintendant at the , request ' of the . owner of any plot or plots other than tbat mentioned in section 13 of , this By-Law shall be, pail for at a fair ren'urneration by the owner of such plot or plots 10 the Town Ulerk or such other person as may be appointed to receive such m6heys , 27t•h That a book shall be kept at the office In the' Uemetery In which the Juperintendant shall , enter ,, any and all such word that may be U done by him and an ace outfit of the same hande d to the lerk on the first of the month . al A 28the ny , joerson or persons violating the provisions of ' thls -8.7-Law shat I 't t on before the ol I ce , Mag' istrate or any ,' irstice or upon convic Justices of the Peace having j1irIsd1ctjoh ,, shall - be. finddAn' 'a sum not exceeding Twenty ,Dollare inclusive • of cosh and , n case, default be made in the payment of, such fine and cost s , ' they 'may be made and levied b - 'e T distress sale of goo ds and chatt Is of the off6n(ler and An default of sufficient distress , ' he or she may be imprisoned In. the common . gaol ' of the 'United Gounties of 14 or thumber land and Durham for any time not eiceedin6 ' twenty* d' a7so 29th . All .87- laws Inconsistent , with the provisions ofothis By-Law, be, and t hey are - hereby ,, repealed.. yygyq .......... ...............­19 ............. ........ ..... ............ ..................... P888941 ........ f Mayor r 007 VOLIM 4 l 13 MEN IF I 1 , I I : I 11 �" ') I I ( ! i S! !il /., I I I ' ` , ,i , 1 li! 0 ., I I• �'�xr` C 1 t „ 1 . • I , I �; I , I 1 , 4 01 " . - ), A / , , .i.k , .,.,b A, :.'1� I.•w ."I w ,.MyillL yIY'�I.•; 1 1 - n...w 51.._.:I u.r,:LM , .!4t.»ri '�, `1'� ' , 4 R °.,».n. R :L"'"„*- '— •.'IT';' •fi,:,t..yp'1a' ”:.»r.1,. I, i h, 1' '.,i - ' :1 -.4,,.:I r i k ,,"„n!'-'i,'y'iii. 11,ui•.'Mi;ir4.-dry 4,:' ”. , e 1" y,1„:y. -11 tb0r Iw _IW h�=1P� �. t � n I :. Yf ,... .,ia: M• `s .,5.1, ,{� '- . ;.:,'. .1e Irll i .+ ,... . , ,. ..: .. 1 V I I” 1 r}f ,i 1 1 F Llfi li of : I . . 1 4,1 �I' 1,1 I ,1�.I I, - I I " I I I I I I I . . � I . I 0 �'I'll" it.; � I I - } t: 1 o ,r I 11613o .;�" I .'�tt-! 11 p--, r •f4+ /M I . ' 'I' .. 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