HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN 28-81CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Ll C 3A6 lc.57- rl J — I Chi TELEPHONE 623-3379 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF OCTOBER 26 1981 ADMIN. NO. 28-81 Subject: A request for capital funding to provide handicapped access to the Bowmanville Library Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that: 1. This report be received, and 2. That Council refer the request to staff for consideration in the preparation of the 1982 current budget discussion; and 3. That Mrs. Barbara Schon, Secretary -Treasurer of the Newcastle Public Library Board be advised of Council's decision. Background: At the Council meeting of September 21st 1981, representatives from the Newcastle Public Library Board presented a request to Council for the Town's participation in the proposed renovations project by the Bowmanville Library to provide access to handicapped persons. Council considered the request from the Newcastle Public Library Board and passed Resolution #C-1045-81 in respect of this matter. Staff felt that it would be appropriate at this time to acknowledge the attached correspondence of September 24 1981, and to again advise the Newcastle Public Library Board that their request will be considered during the 1982 current budget discussions, on the basis of their application to receive a grant. A copy of the Town's policy in respect to grants has been forwarded to the Board for their consideration. Resp ec u y submitted, D. N/JSmith, M.C.I.P. Administrator newcastle public library board 62 temperance street, bowmanville, ontario LIC 3A8 The Mayor Members of Council Town of Newcastle Re: Reouest R CE-JVf0 SEP 2 41981 24 September, 1981 ing to provide handi< Dear Mr. Mayor and Council Members: OCT 2 01981 BY ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE :cess to Bowmanville Further to the Board's presentation to Council, Monday, 21 September, 1981, this will confirm the timing of the project that was approved under the Wintario ACCESS program for the Library Board. September 11, 1982 - Program must be completed March 31, 1982 - Full report provided to Ministry of Culture and Recreation In order to meet those deadlines of the Ministry, the following deadlines must be met by the Library Board: November 2, 1981 - Architect must have approval to proceed with working drawings January, 1982 - Call for tenders The above information is presented for your consideration. Although the monies needed are 1982 budget items, approval in principle is requested by the end of October, 1981, in order to comply with the project deadlines that have been decreed by the Ministry. Sincerely yours, Barbara Schon Secretary -Treasurer BS/jp e newcastle public library board 62 temperance street, bowmanville, ontario CIC 3A8 Proposal to Provide Handicapped Access to Bowmanville Library Revised estimate - (from Phillip H. Carter, Architect) Handicapped Access Total $86,966. Provincial Grant 55,275• Difference $31,691. September 18, 1981 t V — I(13) r OO�QnO aster Ministry of e Culture and Recreation Minist6re des Affaires culturelles et des Loisirs APPROVAL Ms. Barbara Schon Secretary -Treasurer Newcastle Public Library Board 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A8 Dear Ms. Schon: Re: ACCESS Project File # PET -80-62169 6th floor 77 Bloor Street West Toronto, Ontario M7A 2R9 FZ1612LIfflu 6e etage 77 ouest, rue Bloor Toronto, Ontario M7A 2R9 September 11, 1981 Your application for capital assistance from the Wintario Access program has been reviewed and I am pleased to confirm APPROVAL of a grant up to a maximum of $55,275.00. This grant is for the installation of an elevator and renovations to the washrooms to render the library more accessible to disabled people. This APPROVAL is subject to the principles, criteria, terms and conditions of the Wintario Access Grants Program. Subject to your project being carried out in accordance with these conditions, funds for payment of this grant will be available during our fiscal year ending March 31st, 1982. Payment after March 31st, 1982 will be subject to availability of funds. In confirming this maximum amount approved, I must advise you that no further assistance from the Wintario program will be available for the project should costs increase in the future. The estimate of requirements for payment of this grant, in your Request for Approval, has been noted. However, my staff will shortly be asking you to review and confirm your forecast of cash-flow needs. You will also be required to keep us informed of any changes that may occur. You will, I am sure, appreciate our need for this information and its importance in our efforts to ensure that fund disbursements can be adequately planned. .....2/. :2: Progress payments as construction proceeds, will be provided upon submission of statements of percentage of work completed, accompanied where appropriate by a certificate of an architect or professional engineer. These payments will be in amounts up to 850 of the total grant. The final payment of 15% will be provided upon submission of the final project cost report substantiated by a certificate of completion from an architect or professional engineer or a statement by a qualified accountant of all costs incurred to complete the project or a copy of all invoices for all goods and services. All requests for payment up to the maximum amount of the Wintari6 Grant approved should be submitted to the Capital Grants Unit of this Ministry on the above address. Forms for this purpose will be sent to you shortly. If you require any assistance when requesting payment please contact Leslie Wilson at 965-5399. My warmest best wishes. sincerely, R ben C. Baetz Minister (g) Council Minutes -5- September 21 1981 Resolution #C-1042-81 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Woodyard Town of Fort THAT the resolution of The Town of Fort Frances relative Frances to income tax indexing be endorsed. resolution "CARRIED" Resolution #C-1043-81 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Woodyard Resignation THAT the resignation of Mrs. Pat Irwin from L.A.C.A.C. be from accepted with regret and a letter of appreciation be sent LACAC to Mrs. Irwin. U.N.ITIM Resolution #C-1044-81 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Prout United THAT permission be granted for the United Way of Oshawa - Way Whitby -Newcastle flag to be flown at the Town Hall during Flag the month of October 1981. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-1045-81 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre Newcastle THAT the delegation from the Newcastle Public .Library Public be acknowledged and they be advised of the Town's policy Library relative to Grants and invited to apply. 11roDoTrn Resolution #C-1046-81 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Prout Mr. Whiting THAT Mr. Tim Whiting's request to speak, not, be granted. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-1047-81 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre Planning THAT the Planning and Development Chairman's report of and the meeting held on September 14 1981 be approved, except Development for Item 1. "CARRIED"