HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN 40-81CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L7 C 3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 30 1981 ADMIN. NO. 40-81 SUBJECT: Guidelines for Preparation and Timing of 1982 Current Budget Discussion Papers RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That this report be received; and 2. That Council adopt the following resolution: "Council hereby endorses the attached Guidelines for Preparation and Timing of the 1982 Current Budget Discussion Papers." BACKGROUND: As members of Council are aware, the attached guidelines were initially discussed by Council in September, and discussed in additional detail in early October. The expanded guidelines have been circulated to Council and one Councillor has provided comments. For Council's information, Staff will be reviewing Discussion Paper Three this week. Respectfully submitted, DNSrnof D. Smith, M.C.I.P. Administrator b5 C`1 1982 Current Budget "Guidelines for Preparation and Timing" "To improve the efficiency and quality of service provided by the Town of Newcastle to its residents". 1. Each Department head will submit their initial budget discussion papers by December 1 1981 to the Chief Administrative Officer and the Treasurer for review. The Chief Administrative Officer and the Treasurer will request Council to attend several workshops during December to review the 1982 Budget Discussion Papers. 2. 1982 Current Budget Discussion Papers will include: Discussion Paper One: The Organizational Structure of the Town of Newcastle (An outline of each Department's function and statements of their objectives as well as job descriptions for non-union staff). Discussion Paper Two: The Administrative Policies and Procedures of the Town of Newcastle (A catalogue of currcnL procedures and policies, and would include financial practices). Discussion Paper Three: 1982 Current Estimates A three part document including 1982 expenditure estimates, working papers and summary following the existing format for budgeting and accounts). Discussion Paper Four: 1982 - 1987 Capital Estimates (A forecast of capital requirements by expenditure area). M 3.Council will review the discussion papers in formal sessions starting in January of 1982 with the goal of approving the budget by March 1 1982. 9. The discussion papers will be prepared by staff on the basis of: a) the need for staffing, meaning staff will make recommendations as to the possibility of rcdtic, ing, incrcasin<) and/or reorganizing the existing staff complement. b) The need for administrative facilities, meaning staff will make recommendations as to the possibility of obtaining additional facilities, modernizing, and for renovating existing facilities or completely new facilities. 5. The discussion papers will be prepared by staff on the basis that a job performance system will be introduced in 1982 and that the job performance system will include a merit system for non-union staff. 6. The discussion papers will be prepared by staff on the basis that no additional programs will be undertaken. Program means an activity orproject identified within the existing budgets. 7. The discussion papers will be prepared by staff on the basis that all existing programs will be critically reviewed, and if justified, will be recommended for continuation in 1982. 8. The discussion papers will be prepared on the basis that any program that is to be continued or introduced in 1982 will be financed up to a maximum of 12 per cent above 1981 expenditure levels. General Notes 1. The "Third Discussion Paper" has been suggested so that it is clear that the preparation of the 1982 hudgef is a co-oper_ati-ve effort between Council and staff, requiring review and analysis. 2. Discussion Paper 3 will follow the format of previous documents. 3. Workshops will be informal sessions between Council and staff to review the "Discussion Papers" and to deal with particular matters that may arise_ 9. The requirement to "justify" existing programs is a concept used in zero base budgeting. The Town is not equipped to undertake. zero base budgeting at this time. 5. The staff is not in a position this year. Lo provide detailed cost comparisons of different program alternatives.