HomeMy WebLinkAbout1387 .w S..fi ,., _ .... .k. Howl..,. -.., .. z' a° ..,. 't-, c..r"'.'n cg °1.,t43t' x. • sr a., .f- 13 i ma --LAW 110 A B; w1jaw of the Run icip+ai 0ouncil of the Uorporat ion of t he 'down of Bowmanvi I le to license amusement machines . The Munie i pal Council of the Town of Bowmanvi l le hereby ehaot s as follows ; - k 1. " Place of Amusement " under t hi a . B y-Ijaw shall i nclude ' any premises { wherein any instrument . mechanical device , autometle machine , pin table , or other like device , le played for amusement and operated for hire , profit or gain . 20 No person shall carry on , conduct , operate or keep In any premises %u within the limits of the Town of Bowmeldville for hire , profit or gain . any Instrument , mechanical device , automatic machine pin table , or other like device for amusement without first obtaining k° a license t barefor , and paying the fee prescribed in this By-Law. r; 3• The provisions of this By-Law .shall not apply to premises wherein machines used solely for 'the automatic sale of paper„ cups , t owe ls , peanuts , candy , 8u m or other small art-te le s of merchendises or r weighing machines are maintained. 4 All applications for licenses ° under this By-low shall be , made rand addressed to the U hi e r o1 r o l i c a of t he ?own of B owma nv i t le , a nd there shall be levied and collected for ever such license the sum of One Hundred and olifty. Lollare ( 0 150. + 0 for each premises in which one machine or ,amusement device fe operated , and ,s further' sum or une auedred and A'ifty, Dollars V 150 .00. for each s addit i oval ' machine or amusement device * n11 licenses issued under ., l�l same - become -sooner forfeited shall- remain .R this .�y Law , unless the _same 4 . 1n force from the date of issue thereof' until the 31st dayr of em b er n ext succeeding and no longer* 5. every appl i,cent for a 1 i sense under the By-law shall specify and ; describe the type of machine to be used on his premises and no Machine shall be changed for another machine without , permission , M of the Uh.ief of .police . No fer,son licensed under this By-Law shall at any time , permit his place or premises to be used by any person for -gambli ng , wagering, raffling ,, lottery, or games of eharce , or for any uo lawful ur ose p P auto atic machine '�. Any license obtained for any premi se s wherein any or of her . amuseme nt devi ce Is held t o be i .1 le ga l , or maintained or ,, used in violation of rt he provisions' of the Criminal code of Panede, R shall be deemed to be revoked and cancelled from the :,date of t her conviction of the owber or operator of such premises . • h�t $. ` No person. under the age of eighteen years shall , be permitted t.o b play s t any , game on premises ` 1t tensed under this by-:Law , nor , sbal 1 any games be laye d between the hours of 11 O ' clock P.M. on Saturday and o ' clock A .M. on.. ..,the fo low-i ng Monday morning. 9. very licensed premises shall at. all times be open to Inspection ,70 of any Constable or .Police Officer , having Jurt'sdiet ion in r the as Municipality. • , r , . . �. 100 Notwithstanding the, provis°ons of this 'By-Law' , the Uouncil may » refuse to grant a license to any premises ,,' , or may at any time , and ' without notlee or reason stated revoke any license is0ued, under the } provi s t one of - this By-Law. 11 . dny person violating , any, of the., provisions of this By La shall for each offence be liable to - a penalty not in excess . of V 50 .00 eat o lu.s ive of costs , the same to be rec ove-rab le under, , the - provisions of the Ontario Summary Uonvictions Aot . . By-Laws Numbers 1317 and 1328 and all of hex - by-.haws inconsistent with this By-Law are hereby repealed . Passed the iUay of rN (/Cl, h.. Mayor. V OLU ANA 4 - 4$0 x r , 1 a r , 1 r / t t 1 I , i , , - �..� ,1:11 � �:I,I '�,�� v 1 1 t +• � 1 - rs , ) , - I •, 4'1 °.'xtq'r�r j�YML' 'Y 1 'h' �I , r � r lu ! is{' '1� � • t r + tt r n : r. , Tarr 1� • Y 4 ! I � +' 3�. 1'11 4 N I.r � �' � i • -. �1�� .. •. ., v i ` , .. 1 1 , r a • r < .< 1 .: ': r�, t^ .: .M1'i. •r 4,;11 • 1 -,/ , ♦. .. ' t.r M r.• 1 / :1 a :. • .. ,. y _ , .. <•..r ., : r • + i' r t r. r I Y' 1 rx c. ,,el.: ..sr4 : lY't'.• ,... • 'r- ! i ,. v ..: ..... I': t ,. it ... S.. , r t 1. „ , r .,e t ..-k 1 I .,.,: . . ... «,7 :..• „•-- .•',.. �.' ,. l: is .. � .. t • : >I r. t I t , r�} ,. r J , , n H y. , r , . , r , 1 S r z 4 < s, 1 r !4 t _ n.r 4 I v.l, 1: 1, , J . ,1 , . i 1 �t , , , r y Yr , "A r �t r' 1 , / f n ,4 k x,r` „n t1) u : ...1 ,. -' .: fit•,, .. .., 1+ .r > - �.�'.,�- � Y�♦ .. -, {.,... '., 'r � t 1.':it l • , r , I:r , f. 1 F- r w_ 1 f I < r . r f r , I I f• , : . , , , .. ,. _ , ,_, ,. , ...rr,t .. ,�r s. w r slr :'i.ryr.�;:m;,c ..,r..,.,ar..-+w• t , c , r.. c r , r , r r n_ 3�« ON JA tgo 3 WIT- to