HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-02-13Newcastle BIA MINUTES February 13, 2020 www. vi llageof newcastle. ca Attendance: Marni Lewis, Lina Schmahl, Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Councillor Granville Anderson, Leslie Ray, Donna Wood, Valentine Lovekin Regrets: Greg Lewis, Janeen Calder, Jane Black, Tracy Yates, Karen Bastas, Ken Easby, Helen Vatandoust 1. Meeting called to order at 9:11 a.m. 2. Approval of December Minutes: Lina Schmahl Seconded by: Donna Wood 4. Business Arising from Minutes: n/a 5. Council Report: The GO bus is reducing services to Newcastle. Durham Transit will extend their services to provide continued transportation in the area. An "On Demand" transportation service will be available to residents in Wilmot Creek and Orono to pick them up and drop them off at the nearest bus route in Newcastle. A Public Meeting for Special Events on Farms bylaw changes will be held at the Newcastle Library on February 19th from 6:15pm-7:45pm. All are welcome. 6. President's Report: The attendance at the AGM was a little lower than usual but that is ok. The BIA is working and getting results, there are no complaints - which is reflected by the low attendance . We are going to set a date of January 19, 2021 for the AGM and hand deliver an invite to BIA businesses. Some potential ideas to get more members to come out to meetings would be, to invite speakers to the meetings, possibly have a public meeting to get input on BIA events. 7. Treasurer's Report: The bank balance is $16,000, $11,000 of that is spoken for 2020 events. The 2020 budget is submitted to MOC. The audit will be done by the end of February. 8. Committee Reports: Safety Et Decor: Businesses are responsible for clearing the snow in front of their businesses. The BIA will do an initial plow but you must continue to keep it clear throughout the day. You will be responsible if anyone slips and falls while walking on your property. There has been feedback about the 4 planters at Beaver and King Ave., that the greenery is a little high and difficult to see when stopped and going through that intersection. In the future we will ask that they be lower plants/flowers. Advertising: Facebook likes for the last 28 days - Jan 15 to Feb 11 > 1617 - last month 1599 Post reach for September > 3036 Post engagements > 2290 Top Posts #Repost Cclaringtonpolarbearswim video • • • • • • Bondhead Parkette > reach of 1 K > engagements of > 127 What do you think Newcastle? Do we need another entrance to our Shoppers Drug Mart > reach of 1.6K > engagement of 566 Refinery Salon and Barber, Open today till 7pm, stop in for a cut and a conversation. > reach of 1.6K > engagement of 207 Vatandoust House listing in Newtonville > reach of 716 and > engagement of 325 And Vatandoust Free March Break Public Skate > reach of 820 and > engagement of 49 Special Events: a) Town Hall Lighting -n/a b) Breakfast with Santa- Hall contract and checks signed and ready to be dropped off c) Santa Parade - Confirmed the date is November 15th, 2020. d) Harvest Festival - Lina motioned to have a Co-op student help for the month of April and May, Seconded by Donna Wood. They are also in the process of pricing T-Shirts to sell at the Festival this year, they will get back to us with a quote at the next meeting. e) Canada Day - n/a 9. CBOT: Lots of events coming up in the next couple of months - Breakfast with John Henry on February 19th, Speaker Series - Joe Roberts on March 6th, please check out their website for all the details. 10. Chamber News: AGM is Thursday, February 13th at BOAA. 11. CIP: n/a 12. New Business: MOC passed a resolution to support banning single use plastic handled shopping bags, and encourages our local business community to reduce or eliminate their use of the shopping bags. See attached letter. 13. Next meeting, Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 9:OOam 14. Motion to adjourn meeting by Theresa Vanhaverbeke seconded by Donna Wood Cigtv If rI,i5 inf:mr.iLr.n IS regviri a Inan aham sia format, pleas" i-ontsct t" Awe9si Ga-ordinNor ai 965-432%i--3379 ext. 2131 Februaiy4, 2020 ShnXi lit II, Executive Director Clahngton Board of TMdo v1e t;,mpil aheilaQcbotca Dear Ms. Nak Re, lBanof$Ingle-V%ePIAFliC Handled Shopping 1301)s Flag Number. PG,25,06 Al a meeting held an JarkuarY 20. 20}0- the Couneil Df khe Municipality of CladfH Passed fhp following Resolution 40-021-20. rhal Communication fbem 10-G, Amelia Hurnphrkm, City Clerk, Oi;y of Woadsiack- regarding QIv o of ingre-L) C PloskiC H �in01e0 $tL4pping Bag< endorsed by the Mun ki pa% of Clarington. Endaising this resoluifon shows Cauncil'a support for banning single -use pins ii handled shapping bags. As such, Council encourages pur loCaI bLminCSS Cvmn reriice or efmrinaie iheir use of the shbpjping bags. j ly, nlrae, B.A Muriiapal Clerk CAGY Bowmanville BIA Newcaslfe BIA Orono BIA _ CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OFCLARINGTON STREET. jy,7 ,NyiLL[.pM ARIO LiC3A6 iM-62$-1079 WWW.C3arinBton.not