HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-09-22 MinutesNEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD September 22, 2020 Main Hall 7 pm Present Were: Barry Carmichael, Chair Crystal Yaki Janeen Calder Marg Zwart, Local Councilor Sierd DeJong Regrets From: Robert Malone Grandville Anderson, Regional Councilor Also Present: Gabrielle Bell, Secretary 1. MINUTES Moved by S. DeJong, seconded by J. Calder That August 2020 minutes are accepted as presented. "Carried" 2. BUSINESS ARISING a) Garden Art - Chair B. Carmichael informed Board that a 24 x 24 concrete pad has appeared in the rose garden today. Plants have been removed and irrigation system torn up. The chair happened to come by just as the contractor was finishing. Contractor said that he was told to put it and wasn't informed about the irrigation system. Board was not notified that this pad was going to be installed. The last communication from S. Allin in Planning Dept. indicated we would meet with the architect to discuss placement of art. Board members were not happy with the lack of communication regarding Art. Chair will be getting in touch with S. Allin to discuss why this has happened and what will be done to repair the irrigation system. b) Garden Maintenance — contractor did not show up for 5 weeks. Chair B. Carmichael has been in touch with Director Brake. Since then mulch has been added to gardens, however, care still does not seem to be as agreed in contract i.e. weekly maintenance — weeding, pick up garbage, etc. Chair will follow up with Director Brake. c) CoVid19 grant of $4500.00 was received from Municipality. This was much appreciated by the Board. A portion has been used to purchase the misting machine for sanitizing. d) Window Cleaning-3 quotes received Shine Shack $508.50 Dan the Window Man $1469.00 Blue Diamond Window Cleaning $565.00 Motion by M Zwart, seconded by C. Yaki That Blue Diamond Window Cleaning is hired to clean windows 1st week of April 2021 as per quote. "Carried" e) Walk about the building and grounds tabled 3. FINANCIAL REPORT a) Moved by J. Calder, seconded by C. Yaki That financial report is received as presented. "Carried" Secretary reported on Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy — the website has become more detailed. Of the three questions that need to be answered to qualify we are sure of two. The third is one that indicates Municipal does not qualify. Secretary has contacted three different levels/departments of CRA to get a definitive answer as to whether we qualify as our employees are not Municipal. They are unable to give a definitive answer. We have also consulted with the Municipality who also were unable to get a definitive answer. It is the consensus of the Board that we continue to apply as we do not think the Municipal portion would apply to our employees. 4. INVOICES Motion by J. Calder, seconded by S. DeJong That the following invoices be paid as presented. B. Carmichael $175.00 Dyson Vacuum B. Carmichael $20.31 Hand Sanitizer "Carried" 5. CORRESPONDENCE a) Soper Valley Model Train Association has submitted their schedule for meetings with CoVid19 procedures in place. b) Historical Society will not be opening to public, but will allow members to enter for administrative purposes. Request more detail to schedule. c) Blood Donor Clinic requesting to arrival at 2:30 rather than 3:30 pm — received for information. d) Durham Lodge (Ian Moore) will not be holding meetings until their Ontario offices give them the go ahead. One member will enter for administrative purposes only. e) Repair to Tower Clock was $545.79 — this was paid by the Municipality. 6. CUSTODIAL a) Benefits have been updated 7. RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT Not available 8. NEW BUSINESS a) Christmas Lighting of hall — Chair B. Carmichael will speak with R.Groen about schedule for the masonry work. Hall budget prior to CoVid19 included $1000.00 towards the lights. Newcastle Bia would be covering the balance with fundraising. It was agreed Board would honor the $1000.00 using the funds from the fundraising account. b) Chair B. Carmichael reported we have had some vandalism around the hall lately. A planter was thrown at kitchen window, cleaner put into fountain, young people hanging out at west entrance. We have contacted Municipality (R. Groen) with thoughts of a camera. c) New limits to gathering numbers do not apply to our facility. d) Carmichael will check into Remembrance Day events. e) Two more cancellations have been received. f) Schedule budget meeting October meeting. g) Early On has let us know that their carpets can only be cleaned with a vacuum with a hepa filter. B. Carmichael has a Dyson that he has not used for sale $175.00 Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by M. Zwart That Dyson vacuum be purchased for $175.00 "Carried" Motion by C. Yaki adjourn at 8:20 pm "Carried" Chair Secretary