HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-10-20 MinutesNEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD October 20, 2020 Main Hall 7 pm Present Were: Barry Carmichael, Chair Crystal Yaki Janeen Calder Marg Zwart, Local Councilor Grandville Anderson, Regional Councilor Sierd DeJong Regrets From: Robert Malone Also Present: Gabrielle Bell, Secretary 1. MINUTES Moved by S. DeJong, seconded by C. Yaki That September 2020 minutes are accepted as presented. "Carried" 2. BUSINESS ARISING a) Garden art — Chair updated board on garden art being installed. The board did not get to meet with the artist as requested of Sarah Allin, Planner with Municipality to discuss placement of art. With no notice a concrete pad was placed in the rose garden — plants were removed and irrigation system dug up and left sticking up 2 feet out of garden. There was no discussion with board in changing location to the rose garden. Chair reported this to Sarah Allin. We had irrigation system repaired by water company. As of today the wrought iron pieces have been placed in the fountain garden. The rose garden piece has not been completed. b) Garden Maintenance — Chair reported that company has not been doing work as contracted. This has been reported to Director Brake. c) Christmas Lights —J. Calder reported Newcastle BIA has agreed to put lights in west parkette. Arrangements have been made to install a large real tree in the parkette as well to be decorated. We will obtain 3 quotes for install of lights i.e. Skeddadle, Shack Shine. d) Remembrance Day - at this time we have no information as to whether a ceremony will be held. 3. FINANCIAL REPORT a) Moved by C. Yaki, seconded by J. Calder That financial report is received as presented. "Carried" 4. INVOICES Motion by J. Calder, seconded by S. DeJong That the following invoices be paid as presented: "Carried" B. Carmichael $59.90 (respirator) Chair will discuss invoice from Royal Rugs with custodian S. CORRESPONDENCE a) Durham Lodge has requested permission to hold band practice in main hall on Thursday evenings as they can't safely distance in their space. Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by J. Calder That Durham Lodge #66 may use the hall for their members to have band practice on Thursday evenings. Equipment may be left on the stage. Board will not be responsible for the equipment. There will be a $10.00 cleaning fee after each use. "Carried" b) Municipality has sent information that meetings maybe held electronically going forward. c) Appointments to the board have been advertised by Municipality for 3 open positions in January 2021 for 2 year term. 6. CUSTODIAL Motion by C. Yaki, seconded by J. Calder That discussions on personnel matters be handled "In Camera" 7. RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT Report received for information 8. NEW BUSINESS a) Gathering Limits — as per Durham Health Department permits with over 10 attendees as of Oct 4 2020 now require that we have supervision on sight. Municipal direction is to clean touch points and washrooms every hour during event. We will investigate what this will cost to have supervision on sight for duration of event. b) Security — Chair is meeting with Municipality on Oct 23 to discuss camera in west alcove. Request no skate boarding signs for parking lot. c) Budget 2021 was discussed and agreed that the Chair and Secretary would arrange to meet with Finance Dept. Motion by J. Calder adjourn at 8:20 pm Chair Secretary "Carried"