HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-11-12Newcastle BIA MINUTES November 12, 2020 www. vi llageof newcastle. ca Attendance: Janeen Calder, Helen Vatandoust, Marni Lewis, Leslie Ray, Donna Wood, Valentine Lovekin, Jane Black, Councillor Marg Zwart, Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Tracy Yates Regrets: Greg Lewis, Granville Anderson, Ann Harley, 1. Meeting called to order at 9:03 a.m. 2. Approval of October Minutes: Janeen Calder Seconded by: Leslie Ray 3. Business Arising from Minutes: n/a 4. President's Report The Municipality of Clarington has requested what they can do to help businesses, if you have any concerns please let Valentine know and he will pass them on. 5. Council Report: The Municipality CIP-COVID Grant is now available to businesses to apply for funding. Please see their website for the application and details of how to apply. 6. Treasurer's Report: Our current bank balance is $36,894.00 We are holding a $2000 cheque from the MOC for the Parade, Karen Bastas will follow up with Leslie regarding that. The 2021 Budget has been started. The levy will remain the same as 2020, giving us a small reserve fund. We may have to pay for accounting/bookkeeping services for 2021 as we are in need of a Treasurer. 7. Committee Reports: Safety Et Decor: 2 Volunteers will be looking after the Holiday Planter boxes at Beaver and King. The snow removal contract with Troy Foster is ready to go, just waiting for a signature. Theresa is looking into new banners through James Printing. Advertising: Facebook likes for the last 28 days - Sept > 1768 - last month 1745 - up 23 Post reach for Sept > 5853 Post engagements > 2977 Top Posts Two great contests running through A Gift of Art this October!! A Gift of Art!! reach of 1.1 K > engagements of > 30 We have a few more spots open in our Art Club for Kids starting Saturday, October 24 > reach of 1.1 K > engagement of 36 Buddha Belly Bakery - The return of the Mummy Doughnut > reach of 1 L > engagement of 36 The Vatandoust Sirrs Real Estate Team FUN FACT Posters > reach of 1.2K and > engagement of 96 WEAR YOUR PRIDE!! SHARE YOUR PRIDE!! GIVE YOUR PRIDEH Order your Newcastle Proud Shirt or Product by November 23rd for Christmas delivery. > reach of 4.2K and > engagement of 1.3 K Shirt Sales - Newcastle Gear - 61 orders To date we have a profit of October to date - $974.90 September $587.81 Special Events: a) Town Hall Lighting - The committee has hung lights in the gazebo, trees and railing. We are looking at putting a real tree in the gazebo, we will be able to secure it well. Power is a bit of an issue, there are only 3 outlets on that side of the building. The Best decorated business contest is back and we are encouraging all businesses to decorate in their favourite holiday movie theme! Judging for the winner will be December 18th. b) Breakfast with Santa- cancelled c) Santa Parade - RONA is organizing the Santa Drive -by this year. d) Harvest Festival - n/a 8. CBOT: Launching their shop local campaign. Joe Roberts Event on November 20th - Free event, contact tanva@cbot.ca Digital Main Street has been out helping BIA businesses with their online presence, if you are interested contact adamCcbot.ca 9. Chamber News: n/a 10. CIP: Grants available at: https: //www.clarington.net/en/town-hall/resources/COVID-19-CIP-Grant-Pre- Application-Form. pdf 11. New Business: There were some questions and concerns regarding the parking at the new Cannabis store opening on King Ave. in Newcastle. Suggested to contact landlord and possibly By -Law offices. We have a new community police officer. It is nice to have a police presence in town. 12. Next meeting, December 10th, 2020 at 9:00am IN PERSON AT THE TOWN HALL 13. Motion to adjourn meeting by Jane Black seconded by Tracy Yates