HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-12-06 Minutes CLARINGTON MUSEUMS AND ARCHIVES BOARD MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 6, 2006 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present: K. Isnor, Chair P. Ford M. Van Dyk H. St. Croix J. Witheridge J. Murray T. Oke S. Laing Regrets: J. Vinson Councillor P. Pingle Absent: Councillor G. Robinson Staff: M. Rutherford Conrad, Administrator M. Horne, Recording Secretary 1.CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 7:05 p.m. 2.ADOPTION OF AGENDA S. Laing wished to add to the agenda the Friends report 6(e) Moved by: H. St. Croix Seconded by: J. Vinson THAT the agenda be approved with changes. MOTION CARRIED M. Van Dyk entered the meeting at 7:25 p.m. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved By: J. Murray Seconded By: J. Witheridge THAT the minutes of the Board meeting of October 4, 2006 be approved. MOTION CARRIED 4. BUSINESS ARISING a) The administrator advised that $50,000. has been raised by the community for the Kirby Church move. Apparently federal funding is available for large museums now, but funding for smaller museums is yet to be forthcoming. The administrator advised the board that, in talking with Bev Oda, the Minister is responding favourably to the project. The administrator is currently enlisting the help of John O’Toole and is requesting a letter from him to the Ministry of Transport to waive the fees in the move of the church. $200,000. is needed to move the building, and as the community has raised $50,000. it would be hoped that all three levels of government will help in this endeavour. b) The administrator advised there has been no follow up from F. Horvath on the air quality test which had been requested for the Sarah Jane Williams site. Discussion followed regarding the safety of buildings and a solution was sought. Moved by: T. Oke Seconded by: S. Laing THAT the administrator be instructed to have an air quality test conducted by a licensed firm, and that funds be released necessary to accomplish this. MOTION CARRIED 5.CORRESPONDENCE The letter from the Newcastle Village and District Historical Society regarding the partnership with Clarington Museums was discussed. M. Van Dyke stated when asked if there was a problem that the Historical Society wished to maintain their autonomy. Moved by: H. St. Croix Seconded by: J. Murray THAT the correspondence be received. MOTION CARRIED 6.COMMITTEE REPORTS a)Finance Committee: Discussion was held re various items in the finance report and the proposed 2007 budget. The Finance Chair advised that a new payroll company had been selected and the Administrator was in the process of moving the payroll process to the new company for January 1, 2007. The Finance Chair advised that the museum has received bequests in the amount of $58,000. and $30,000. respectively. The administrator advised a new bookkeeper has been hired. Moved by: T. Oke Seconded by: J. Murray THAT the board accept the policy put forward by the Finance Committee. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: T. Oke Seconded by: J. Murray THAT the October and November bills be approved. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: H. St. Croix Seconded by: J. Witheridge THAT the Finance Committee Report be accepted. MOTION CARRIED J. Murray left the meeting at 8:00 p.m. b)Property Committee: Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: J. Witheridge THAT the administrator revise the list of capital expenditures and the board endorse same and that the list be forwarded to F. Horvath, Public Works. MOTION CARRIED c)Executive Committee: Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: T. Oke THAT the Executive Committee Report be accepted. MOTION CARRIED d)Collection and Event Planning: The administrator advised the Country Christmas Open House scheduled for December has been moved to January 21, 2007 and will be a Hogmanay at Clarke Museum. Moved by: P.Ford Seconded by: J. Witheridge THAT the Collection and Event Planning Report be accepted. MOTION CARRIED e) Friends Report: S. Laing reported the Friends Committee held their annual Christmas Craft and Bake Sale November 18 and collected in excess of $1200. Two of the Friends members are retiring this year. As a result a cheque for $2500. was received from the Bell Employee Giving Group and donated to the museum. The board members congratulated the Friends of the Museum and stated they are to be commended for the work they do on behalf of the museum. Moved by: T. Oke Seconded by: P. Ford THAT the Friends report be accepted. MOTION CARRIED 7.ADMINISTRATOR’S NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 REPORT The administrator advised the birthday party at the Bowmanville museum was a great success and thanked both J. Witheridge and S. Laing for attending on behalf of the board. The Edwardian Christmas was held December 1 at the Bowmanville museum and was attended by over 300 people. Hogmanay will be held January 21, 2007 at the Clarke museum. The museums will be closed between Christmas and New Years. th On December 18 the administrator will be making a presentation to the newly elected councillors of the municipality. Discussions were held as to the make up of the presentation. Plans are to introduce a new concept when making the presentation, stressing the importance of history in the community. It is important to everyone to remember these early settlers, for without them, where would we be? Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: T. Oke THAT the administrator’s report be accepted. MOTION CARRIED 8.NEW BUSINESS a)Donation of Alfie Shrubb book: The administrator advised a request had been received from the new Clarington Senior Retirement home for the donation of the Alfred Shrubb book for their new library. Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: P. Ford THAT the museum donate the Alfie Shrubb book. MOTION CARRIED b)Acquisition of Eccles Painting: The administrator advised the first dress painting of the Jane Eccles exhibit is available for purchase, and feels it would be advantageous to purchase this painting, as the dress itself is on display in the museum. This painting can be purchased for $1500. plus taxes and will only increase in value. Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: S. Laing THAT the funds received from the Bell Employee Giving Group be used to purchase the painting for $1500. plus taxes. MOTION CARRIED c)Review of Estimate for Bowmanville Museum: Discussion was held regarding work to be done in the boy’s bedroom/parlour of the Bowmanville museum based on received quote from RCI Reconstruction. This firm is currently working on repairs at the Clarke museum. A recommendation was made by J. Witheridge that the Property Committee meet with the Mayor, the Chief Administrative Officer, Councillors and F. Horvath of the Public Works Department. Also recommended by J. Witheridge that board meetings be held later in the month in order to better deal with the finances. It was suggested that council be invited to an early meeting. Moved by: H. St. Croix Seconded by: S. Laing THAT regarding correspondence from the Newcastle Village and Historical Group, the board recommends the by-law be rescinded regarding the appointment of this group. MOTION CARRIED 9.DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT BOARD MEETING The date and place of the next board meeting will be determined by the administrator. H. St. Croix expressed his pleasure of having served on the board of the museum for so many years, but regrets that due to work commitments he would not be returning to the board. T. Oke expressed thanks on behalf of the board for his service. 10. ADJOURNMENT Moved by: H. St. Croix THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:25 p.m.