HomeMy WebLinkAboutFND-015-11 ring REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION Date: JUNE 27, 2011 Resolution#: ' �" By-law#: Report#: FND-015-11 File#: Subject: 2010 AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report FND-015-11 be received; and 2. THAT the 2010 Draft Audited Financial Statements for the Municipality, its Trust Funds, the Clarington Public Library and the Business Improvement Areas be approved. f ' / COCu Submitted by: ; ,./8 ✓ LA" Reviewed by: r �' Nancy - lor, V:. C.A. Franklin Wu, Director of Finance/ Chief Administrative Officer Treasurer NT/hjl CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 REPORT NO.: FND-015-11 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND: 1.0 Section 296(1) of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25 provides that "A municipality shall appoint an auditor licensed under the Public Accounting Act who is responsible for, (a) annually auditing the accounts and transactions of the municipality and its local boards and expressing an opinion on the financial statements of these bodies based on the audit;" 1.1 Grant Thornton, Markham, Ontario, were appointed as the Municipality of Clarington's auditors through RFP2010-6 for a five (5) year term to expire January 31, 2015. 1.2 Section 5751 of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountant's (CICA) Handbook deals with "Communications with those having oversight responsibility for the financial reporting process". At the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of December 5, 2005, Council approved report FND-019-05 formally appointing the Audit Review Group to include the Mayor, as Chair of Finance, the Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Finance/Treasurer. This group has the oversight responsibility for the financial reporting process. 1.3 The Municipality of Clarington's 2010 audited financial statements were presented to the Audit Review Group on June 23, 2010. A complete copy will be circulated to Members of Council after approval by the audit committee, made available for public viewing, and posted on the Municipality's website. The Clarington Public Library statements will be submitted for ratification by the Clarington Library Board at their next meeting. 1.4 A copy of the excerpts from the financial statements for 2010 are included as Attachment "A" to this report. 1.5 The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing also requires an audit letter as well as specialized financial reports entitled Financial Information Returns. The ministry reviews these and provides Financial Indicator Reviews based on the information submitted and comparable municipalities. 1.6 It is important to note that the financial statements are the responsibility of the Municipality's management. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applicable to local governments, and conform with accounting standards established by the Public REPORT NO.: FND-015-11 PAGE 3 Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. Where the determination of assets and liabilities is dependent upon future events, amounts are based upon reasonably determined estimates and judgments (i.e. Post employment benefit liability). 1.7 The responsibility of the auditor's is to express an opinion on these statements based on their audit. A draft copy of the Auditor's Report for 2010 is included as Attachment "B" and reflects what is generally referred to as a clean audit opinion. A final report will be issued once Council approves the financial statements. CHANGES TO FINANCIAL REPORTING: 2.0 Section 294.1 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25 provides that "A municipality shall, for each fiscal year, prepare annual financial statements for the municipality in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for local governments as recommended, from time to time, by the Public Sector Accounting Board of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants." 2.1 Effective January 1, 2009, the Municipality was required to change its accounting and financial reporting to conform to the new revised guidelines in the Public Sector Accounting Handbook on financial reporting presentation (Section PS 1200) and tangible capital accounting (Section PS 3150). These were two of the most significant changes to municipal financial reporting ever introduced and required an intense and lengthy effort by municipal staff and auditors to implement. As part of this exercise, 2008 was also required to be restated in order to be consistent and comparable to the 2009 financial information. Details of the significant policies are included in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. 2009 required a prior period adjustment in the 2010 financial statements reflecting further refinements to our tangible capital asset reporting as explained in Note 2 to the financial statements. 2.2 The sheer magnitude of the changes and work required cannot be emphasized enough. It is critical to note that the financial statements are dramatically different than what was required in prior years and may take some time for all parties to become familiar with both the pros and cons of the new reporting requirements and the impact of the tangible capital assets on the financial statements. Improvements to the tangible capital asset reporting process are ongoing by all municipalities including Clarington. REPORT NO.:, FND-015-11 PAGE 4 HIGHLIGHTS OF 2010 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: 3.0 The first statement included in Attachment "A" is the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position. There are several items of note. This statement now includes tangible capital assets with a net book value of approximately $386 million at December 31, 2010. Schedule 1 of the complete financial statements distributed under separate cover provides the breakdown of tangible capital assets by infrastructure category and between cost (approximately $580 million) and accumulated depreciation (approximately $194 million). 3.1 The second item of note on the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position is the accumulated surplus of$421 million at December 31, 2010. It is critical to note that this is not the "traditional"'surplus in former financial reporting formats where the objective was to determine any surplus or deficit pertaining to operations that needed to be recovered in the subsequent budget year. The surplus now incorporates tangible capital asset implications and reserves and reserve funds and capital fund together as an overall number. Details on the surplus can be found in the complete financial statements under Note 18. 3.2 For clarity for Council it is worthwhile to expand on the surplus/deficit issue. The actual year end accumulated surplus at December 31, 2010 based on the former financial reporting methodology was approximately $2.4 million. As per approved Council policy, this will be transferred into the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund in 2011. The 2010 surplus relates primarily to supplementary taxation revenue and building permit revenue, both of which were very unpredictable in 2010 due to the prevailing economic climate. Savings in winter control due to favourable weather conditions was also a contributory factor. 3.3 Also worthy of note, the municipality's debt has reduced to $29.5 million at December 31, 2010. Our long-term debt is at a very reasonable level and is significantly lower than Ministry guidelines for debt capacity. Cash flow issues around development charges were in place for 2011 but are likely to lessen in the future. 3.4 The Consolidated Statement,of Operations is the second item included in Attachment "A". Again, it is critical to be aware that the annual surplus noted of approximately $9.9 million is not the same as determined under previous financial reporting methodology. The $9.9 million annual surplus reflected on this statement is inclusive of contributed assets (i.e assumed roads/subdivision REPORT NO.: FND-015-11 PAGE 5 works), amortization of tangible capital assets, changes to reserve and reserve fund balances, as well as typical operating impacts and capital activities. 3.5 Ultimately, the financial statements reflect a strong financial position for December 31, 2010. CONCLUSION: 4.0 It is recommended that the 2010 audited financial statements (complete set distributed under separate cover) be approved including those of the Trust Funds, Clarington Public Library (subject to Library Board approval) and Business Improvement Areas and the auditor's be thanked for their assistance and support provided throughout the year as various issues arose. Attachments: Attachment "A" — Excerpts from Financial Statements for 2010 Attachment "B" — Draft Auditors Report for 2010 ATTACHMENT "A" TO FND-015-11 The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Consolidated statement of financial position as at December 31, 2010 2010 2009 Financial assets Cash and cash equivalents 30,488,537 29,801,786 Investments (Note 6) 24,640,255 25,035,899 Accounts receivable 9,035,957 6,899,979 Taxes receivable (Note 5) 12,255,738 11,814,175 Inventories for resale 39,326 42,968 Land for resale 146,409 223,521 Promissory notes receivable (Note 7) 8,321,000 8,321,000 Investment in Veridian Corporation (Note 8) 13,639,630 13,196,195 Total financial assets 98,566,852 95,335,523 Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 11,039,132 9,337,072 Employee future benefits liabilities (Note 11) 4,721,719 3,822,465 Net long-term liabilities (Note 12) 29,535,078 32,348,198 Deferred revenue - general 5,461,019 5,533,704 Deferred revenue - obligatory reserve funds (Note 9) 13,815,939 11,778,692 Total liabilities 64,572,887 62,820,131 Net financial assets 33,993,965 32,515,392 Non-financial assets Tangible capital assets (Note 17) (Schedule 1) 386,323,159 377,889,999 Prepaid expenses 590,813 609,743 Inventory supplies 337,510 273,268 Total non-financial assets 387,251,482 378,773,010 Accumulated surplus (Note 18) 421,245,447 411,288,402 Clarington FS-schedules 61011(2)xls,•2010612011;1:38 PM Page 2 The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Consolidated statement of operations year ended December 31, 2010 2010 2009 Budget (unaudited) Actual Actual Revenues Taxation and user charges Property taxation 37,520,679 38,082,181 36,132,168 Taxation from other governments 3,105,381 3,266,401 3,367,444 User charges 7,250,294 9,805,861 8,404,223 Grants Government of Canada - 2,735,275 158,871 Province of Ontario 76,000 3,003,323 535,196 Other Deferred revenue earned 10,837,368 9,572,950 8,613,613 Investment income 1,882,899 2,167,020 2,531,308 Penalty and interest on taxes 1,050,000 1,833,647 1,559,214 Fines 144,500 219,987 248,209 Donations and contribution from others 760,000 182,629 504,521 Veridian Corporation Equity share of net income - 1,153,416 1,495,777 Contributed tangible capital assets 4,163,541 4,163,541 5,747,821 Other income - 460,645 274,188 (Loss) gain on disposal of tangible capital assets - (878,739) 10,256 Total revenues 66,790,662 75,768,137 69,582,809 Expenses General government 9,434,889 10,110,357 8,635,853 Protection to persons and property 10,977,472 11,773,255 11,703,512 Transportation services 20,364,195 19,649,216 20,267,828 Environmental services 1,021,561 1,163,370 1,045,006 Health services 209,321 222,893 197,528 Recreational and cultural services 17,635,527 19,029,450 18,710,583 Planning and development 3,728,224 3,862,551 4,984,031 Total expenses 63,371,189 65,811,092 65,544,341 Annual surplus 3,419,473 9,957,045 4,038,468 Accumulated surplus, beginning of year As previously reported 409,166,607 Prior year adjustment(Note 2) (1,916,673) As restated 413,205,075 411,288,402 407,249,934 Accumulated surplus,end of year 416,624,548 421,245,447 411,288,402 10C 1arington.x1s,-17 10612011;2:22 PM ATTACHMENT "B" TO FND-015-11 (deport to the Audit Committee—Communication of audit results 7 The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington For the year ended December 31,2010 D a INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT To the Members of Council,Inhabitants and Ratepayers of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington,which comprise the consolidated statement of financial position as at December 31,2010,and the consolidated statements of operations, changes in net financial assets and cash flows for the year then ended,and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards,and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement,whether due to fraud or error. Auditor's Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards.Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment,including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements,whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments,the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Municipality's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances,but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Municipality's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion,the consolidated financial statements present fairly,in all material respects,the financial position of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington as at December 31,2010,and its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards. Audit•Tax•Advisory G:mi I ho nbn LLP.A C,qad,on MI,,,of Grans Theme l h1,T,A0nPJ LIA Report to the Audit Committee—Communication of audit results g The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington For the year ended [December 31,2010 DD F2q'V Other matter Without modifying our report we draw attention to the budget figures which are provided for comparative purposes only. They have not been subject to audit procedures. Accordingly,we do not express an opinion on the budget figures. The financial statements of the Municipality of Clarington for the year ended December 31,2009 were audited by another auditor who expressed an unmodified opinion on those statements on August 30, 2010. Markham, Canada 2011 Chartered Accountants Licensed Public Accountants Audit•Tax•Advisory G,nl Thomtnn LLP.A Ganadian Memh,r 0 Grant Thamtnn Intematio,,J Lld