HomeMy WebLinkAbout99-10 Schedule"A" w MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 99-10 being a by-law to authorize a Standard Grant or Contribution Agreement with Natural Resources Canada THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNCIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Municipal Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the corporation seal, a Standard Grant or Contribution Agreement with Natural Resources Canada. 2. THAT the Standard Grant or Contribution Agreement attached hereto as Schedule"A" forms part of this by-law. By-law read a first and second time this 25th day of January 1999. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 25th day of January 1999. MAYOR L,77 MUNICIPAL CLERK Natural Resources Resoources naturelles STANDARD GRANT ACCORD STANDARD DE SUBVENTION Canada Canada OR CONTRIBUTION AGREEMENT OU DE CONTRIBUTION Appendix b fRec ip ia nt- Nom du b n fici i re Municipality of Clarin ton . Aendice Address of Recipient-Adresse du banaficiaire 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Maximum Amount in Canadian Currency $15,000 Montant maximum en dollars canadiens Effective Date and Duration of the Agreement Date d'entrae en vigueur et dur6e de I'Accord O' January 1, 1999 - June 30, 1999 Purpose of Grant or Contribution(Describe activity being funded and explain how the activity relates to NRCan objectives) Objet de la subvention ou de la contribution (DEcrire l'activitc financ6e at expliquer comment cette activity peut contribuer aux objectifs de RNCan) To contribute toward the cost of representatives of the Municipality of Clarington participating in discussions with Natural Resources Canada on the development of a locally-proposed option(s) for managing local historic wastes. Eligible Costs(The reimbursable PST/GST costs must be net of any tax rebate) Coots admissibles (Les coots remboursables de Is TVP/TPS doivent titre nets de tout cr6dit de taxe) Eligible costs include travel and administrative costs to a maximum of $15,000. Payment Schedule(Include annual payment schedule and, where applicable,holdback percentage or amount and conditions for release of holdback) Ventilation des versements(Include une ventilation des versements annuals at/e cas 6chEant,/e pourcentage ou montant de la retenue at les conditions pour son reldchement) Following receipt of a claim, acceptable to the Minister, for payment of eligible costs paid by the Proponent, accompanied by copies of invoices, vouchers and any other documents that the Minister may require, Canada shall pay its contribution towards the eligible costs of the project. The Proponent shall submit claims for payment at least on a quarterly basis and not more frequent than on a monthly basis. The Recipient is requested to submit a financial statement(including revenues and expenditures)on the following dates: Le b6n6ficiaire doit soumettre un rapport financier(incluant les revenus et les dapenses) aux dates suivantes: Final statement of expenditures is required no later than July 31, 1999. Miscellaneous Provisions(Where applicable,include specific provisions relating to official languages,repayable contribution policy,acknowledgement of Modalit6s diverses financial support and government decreed economical or political sanctions) (Le cas Echcant inclure les dispositions h 1'6gard des langues officielles,de la politique sur le remboursement de/'aide financidre, de la reconnaissance de!'aide financicre,at des sanctions dconomiques ou politiques d6cr6t6es par le gouvernement) Invoices are to be submitted to: Brenda O'Connell, Administrative Officer Energy Resources Branch Natural Resources Canada 580 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A OE4 Acknowledgement and Signatures-Reconnaissance et signatures The recipient hereby acknowledges having read the above terms and Le b6ndficiaire reconnaft avoir lu les modalit6s stipuldes ci-dessus at k Vendos conditions and those contained in the back of this Agreement or in de cat Accord ou dans tous les autres appendices A cat Accord,at les accepts any appendix to this Agreement,and accepts all of these terms and comme faisant partie de cat Accord. conditions as part of this Agreenlont. Signed half of Re ipi t-Signatai�naficiaire Signed on behalf of NRCan-Signataire de RNCan Ma �' L Fog D.W NELAW Title Pic T'tr d gent mandata Date Title of Authorized ficer-Titre de I'agent mandata Date Mu c1_ JR� 19 DG, Energy Resources Branch CO and 2 R turn to NRCan COPY 3 Recipient RES-957(95-041 COPIES 1 et 2 Retourner b NRCan COME 3 Ednaficiaire Natural Resources Resoources naturelles STANDARD GRANT ACCORD STANDARD DE SUBVENTION Canada Canada OR CONTRIBUTION AGREEMENT OU DE CONTRIBUTION Name of Recipient- Nom du be nd f(c(a it e Municipality of Clarington II V f<iT:EC3 1 <:: ? t 1#3 7lt1?1>:» X Appendice PP Address of Recipient-Adresse du b6neficiaire 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Maximum Amount in Canadian Currency Montant maximum en dollars canadiens ► $15,000 Effective Date and Duration of the Agreement Date d'entr6e en vigueur et durde de('Accord ► January 1, 1999 - June 30, 1999 Purpose of Grant or Contribution(Describe activity being funded and explain how the activity relates to NRCan objectives) Objet de la subvention ou de la contribution (DEcrire Pactivitc financ6e at expliquer comment cette activitd pent contribuer aux objectifs de RNCan) To contribute toward the cost of representatives of the Municipality of Clarington participating in discussions with Natural Resources Canada on the development of a locally-proposed option(s) for managing local historic wastes. Eligible Costs (The reimbursable PST/GST costs must be net of any tax rebate) Coots admissibles (Les coots remboursables de la TVP/TPS doivent titre nets de tout crbdit de taxe) Eligible costs include travel and administrative costs to a maximum of $15,000. Payment Schedule(Include annual payment schedule and, where applicable,holdback percentage or amount and conditions for release of holdback) Ventilation des versements (lnclure une ventilation des versements annuals at le cas EchEant,le pourcentage ou montant de la retenue at les conditions pour son reldchement) Following receipt of a claim, acceptable to the Minister, for payment of eligible costs paid by the Proponent, accompanied by copies of invoices, vouchers and any other documents that the Minister may require, Canada shall pay its contribution towards the eligible costs of the project. The Proponent shall submit claims for payment at least on a quarterly basis and not more frequent than on a monthly basis. The Recipient is requested to submit a financial statement(including revenues and expenditures) on the following dates: Le b6n6ficiaire doit soumettre un rapport financier (incluant les revenus et les d6penses) aux dates suivantes: Final statement of expenditures is required no later than July 31, 1999. Miscellaneous Provisions(where applicable,include specific provisions relating to official languages,repayable contribution policy,acknowledgement of Modalinss diverses financial support and government decreed economical or political sanctions) (Le cas Ech6ant,inclure les dispositions 9 1'6gard des langues officielles,de le politique sur le remboursement de l aide financidre, de la reconnaissance de Paide financiPre,at des sanctions 6conomiques ou politlques ddcr6t6es par le gouvemement) Invoices are to be submitted to: Brenda O'Connell, Administrative Officer Energy Resources Branch Natural Resources Canada 580 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A OE4 Acknowledgement and Signatures-Reconnaissance at signatures The recipient hereby acknowledges having read the above terms and Le b6n6ficiaire reconnaft avoir lu les modalitAs stipul6es ci-dessus at 6 1'endos conditions and those contained in the back of this Agreement or in de cat Accord ou dans tous les autres appendices it cat Accord,at les accepte any appendix to this Agreement,and accepts all of these terms and comme faisant partie de cat Accord. conditions as part of this Agreement. Signed on behalf tom' ecip( nt-Signatuire du b6ndficiaire Signed on behalf of NRCan-Si nataire de RNCan Ma K D.W NEL191J Title of or," r de-l'ag-bot mandatb Date Title of Authorized Ol facer-Titre de I'agent mandatd Date Munic',g a ` DG, Energy Resources Branch COPY 1 n Return t NRCan COPY 3 Recipient COPIES 1 et 2 Retourner h NRCan COME 3 B6n6ficiaire RES-957(95-04)