HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-09-15Historic Downtown Bowmanville Business Centre (BIA) Board of Management Meeting Minutes Tuesday September 15, 2020; 6:30pm Virtual Meeting due to COVID-19 pandemic Present: Edgar Lucas, Chair Laura Holmes, Secretary Gerri Lucas, Treasurer Cathy Holmes Ron Hooper (departed 7:22pm) Absent: Justin Barry Carrie Hooper Erin Kemp Delegations Present: Adam Jeronimo — Clarington Board of Trade Zoe Ferguson — Digital Main Street The meeting was called to order by the Chair. 1. Presentation by Delegations Adam Jeronimo is the project manager of the Digital Main Street program for Clarington. Adam discussed how CBOT became the successful applicant on behalf of Clarington main street businesses for the new 2020 Digital Main Street grant program. With the grant, equipment has been purchased (laptops, 360 degree cameras, etc) and there is money for advertising. CBOT has hired three students to cover Bowmanville, Newcastle, Courtice, and Orono. Students are employed until the end of January 2021 as a Digital Services Squad. Zoe Ferguson will be mainly responsible for Bowmanville. The more rural areas of Durham Region are being covered by BACD. Zoe explained that she will be reaching out to qualifying BIA businesses by email and offering an initial 30 minute virtual appointment to explain the program. Subsequent appointments can be made to assist the business owner with grant applications, set up of google my business accounts, taking 360 degree images, digital assessments and basic assistance. Grant applications for businesses are available until November 30 or when monies run out, whichever comes sooner. Demand for the 2020 DMS is expected to be much higher than the previous session, as businesses saw first-hand the necessity of a digital presence with the pandemic shutdown. The Board requested that periodic updates on the progress of the program be provided. Zoe was asked to send information that could be distributed via email to all BIA members. Adam is going to have postcards/flyers produced that can be distributed by hand to businesses. 2. Adoption of Minutes Moved by C. Holmes, seconded by G. Lucas Historic Downtown Bowmanville 2 September 2020 Business Centre (BIA) THAT the minutes of the meeting of June 9, 2020 be approved as circulated. CARRIED 3. Business Arisine from Previous Minutes (a) Updates from Task Force Meetings with Mayor Foster Legal has been consulted on the possibility of the BIA hosting an evening shopping event. Decision will be pending, based on future trajectory of COVID numbers and restrictions. Mayor Foster has asked Sheila Hall from CBOT to put together a meeting with the Clarington BIAs to brainstorm an idea for a joint BIA COVID improvement project. (b) Updates on OBIAA Meetings Councillor Hooper reported that this year is the 50th Anniversary of OBIAA. A press release from OBIAA was shared at Council about the anniversary and comments about the importance of BIAS and the events they host. The Bowmanville BIA was founded 43 years ago. (c) Parking in downtown Bowmanville The Chair requested that the Board support the following measures to be presented to Council; increase of hourly parking rates, elimination of two-hour free parking, elimination of December bagging of parking meters. The Board raised concerns about support of some of these measures, particularly in light of the current pandemic situation. To encourage shopping locally, and in respect of the financial struggles of many families and business owners, the Board is reluctant to support these measures without further information and discussion. Moved by L. Holmes, seconded by C. Holmes THAT a request be sent to the Clerk for an update on the 2019 pilot project of bagging parking meters for the month of December. CARRIED ***** Quorum no longer present ***** 4. Correspondence Correspondence was received from Historic Downtown Bowmanville 3 September 2020 Business Centre (BIA) i. Sarah Allin, Planning Dept MOC, regarding art project mural update (via email) ii. Annette VanDyk, Planning Dept MOC, regarding notice of public meeting for proposed COVID-19 Community Improvement Plan (via email) iii. Simon Gill, Director Economic Development and Tourism Durham Region, regarding Regional Council response to request from BIAs for support (via email) iv. Michelle Chambers, Clerks Dept MOC, regarding zoning by-law amendment 2020-50 and official plan amendment OPA 123 passing at Council (via email) V. Lindsey Patenaude, Clerks Dept MOC, regarding Bowmanville Neighborhood Character Study PDS-015-20 (via email) vi. Cassy MacDonald, Clerks Dept MOC, regarding #GG-230-20 and by-law 2020-046 referencing electronic participation at meetings (via email) 5. Treasurer's Report The Treasurer presented the following: i. $131 000 current account, $0 Edward Jones ii. 2019 Audit is complete 6. Directors' Reports 7. New Business 8. Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Board of Management is scheduled to be held on Tuesday October 13, 2020 commencing at 6:30pm in Clarington Meeting Room 1-C, unless COVID-19 restrictions are still in place in which case the meeting will be held virtually. 9. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.