HomeMy WebLinkAbout99-155 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 99- 155 Being a By-law to authorize a purchase agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board, in respect to the Purchase of Kendal Public School, Kendal. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington with the Corporation Seal, a purchase agreement between Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board, and said Corporation. 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By- law. By-law read a first and second time this 25 day of October, 1999. By-law read a third time and finally passed this25 day of October, 1999. Mayor �lerk By- law 99- 155 The agreement , regarding the purchase of the Kendal Public School , attached to By- law 99- 155 , is not available . However , the deed has been attached . • ' ^ ProNnce Do Process Software Ltd. • (416)322 1 Of Transfgr/D o f Land ►amt— orm Act File 30(164137 z (1)Rwisty® Land TkMs❑ (2) Pape t of r�3 r--t n ls) opaty Brock Property Addtlkrtd: ❑ rn a �= �(s► 26727-0042(R) ssee.dcr. 00 6 , t:`D �� 4•; (4 Consideration ONE HUNDRED FIFTY FIVE THOUSAND------------ o Doihre s 155,000.00 z .Y ti5 ° (6)Deacrlptiorn This Is r. Property ❑ Consolidation ❑ a Part of Park Lots A&B,Plan No.H-SM72(formerly Village of Kendal) rn being Parts 1 and 2,Plan 40R-19461 Subject to a right-of-way over Part 2,Plan 40R-19461 New Property kknUflers Municipality of Clarington ' Regional Municipality of Durham See sdwwuw ❑Land Reglstry Office for Regional Municipality of Durham(No.40) Executions as previously described in Deed No.N 13227 s« � ttcn.aw. (6)This (a)Rednalptim (b)Schedule for: (7) pg �strte Transferred C ns PWW ❑ "'. ❑ Parties ❑ OUror ❑ (6)Transtaror(s)The transferor troretry transfers ttm lend to the transferee ..................................................................................................................................................................................I.I Pow►�a.rts ti4 of �. �ur, Mame(s) Sipnaturt(a) �' ���•`'ylt- iC W RTM R N .RGRP IU .,SC QS? BQlI ..... et:............. .. ........ Name, Catharine.2=o t ;••fit 2 .................................................................................................................. Qfei.0 i r�er ' _.......................................................................... ........... Namei ;T. Ma ow e' r••... ; r.. (6) apou a)of Transferw(s)I hereby coneent to this transectlon „ I t u„N► *10 Signature Name(e) Signatures) Y" . D (10) ses'ke Aadrus 1994 Fisher Drive,P.O.Box 719,Peterborough,Ontario,Ontario K9J 7A1 (11)TraraMee(s) Dale of Birth T[�y��v/��p�D AT /�r�r flp Tpp fA 1�f�/+/p *iT�//�y�l+f Ap�1►i/ T/�1►, , Y M 1*D . .AAAle4.SrT lIIM.M.rll�.Allii.MR..A.I.r{�AiAA�.f.N.rh.�ML f.A.A..I/.�C..NM(Z/fkUA7.7d.A Mi7............................................................'. ...... '..... ....... Travis a)e)aaar'es 40 Temperance Street,Bowmanville,Ontario,Ontario L1C 3A6 Tratrater�t(sy The trofAfefef vwMes tlut to Ufa best d 1tro trenehror s Ivaaledge and troller,this transfer does not contravene section 50 01 Uro PlerwtNtg Ad KAWAItIAA l IINCg $CHOOLdllAlip Date of signature Date of SO IA" Y M r D €€ I Y M 0 Signature...... ............. �6`w�: .. ..a5Snwurs .... ...........SoNcaor for T of section Pthtrans I made Ingtrhies of the trevroferor to determine that this transfend txnasd on ktforpplled by the my fetovAedge and belbf,thle trsnsfer does red oar. bttor let good stmdlnp• Date of tahoe iaeano� ilea tton Street.,Port Hope,Ontario.,L1A Solloltor Signature.. .. ..a�29 .� ..�.. . ......................................... .. 114_ .. (14)Solicitor for Trensferse(s) I have Investigated the transferor(s)file to this land and to abutting land where relevant and t am satisfied that S the title records reveal no contravention as set out In subclause 50(22)(c)(II)of the Planning Act and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this transfer does not contravene section 60 of the Planning Act.I act Independently of the solicitor for the transferors)and I am an Ontario solicitor In good standing, PIN: Name of Tonawoo(a): Name and Jft A. CoorW g`Q Na Z5T17 12(R) the Corporation of the on Addressol 130 Adelaide St. W. #250p DafeorsMafcreo ! Ad SehsduA Schedule Solicitor Sc Municipality Of Cldrirlgton � 11999 12 115 Sipnetu e (15)Asps PO Nunbq g .awn Map SIA Pat, Fees and of Property(16)Municipal Address;of Properly (17)Document Prepared by: Repfatratbn Fee J.Douglas Mann Lena Transfer Tax 6742 Regional Road 18 Brooks,Harrison,Mann&McCracken Bowmanvtilk,Ontario Barristers&Solicitors 114 Walton Street L A NS ,Ontari o Total E SCHEDULE WHEREAS The Public School Board of the Township School Area of Clarke obtained title to the lands by Deed Number N13227 dated the 276 day of December, 1960 and registered on the I Vh day of January, 1961. AND WHEREAS Pursuant to Section 8 of The Secondary Schools and Boards of Education Amendment Act, 1968.Chapter 122,which established divisional boards of education;boards of education The Public School Board of the Township School Area of Clarke and various other school boards became part of a divisional board of education known as"The Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education"and all of their real and personal property became vested in the Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education, AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 145(1)of The Regional Municipality of Durham Act, 1973,The Northumberland.and Durham County Board of Education became known as"The Northumberland County Board of Education"; AND WHEREAS The Northumberland County Board of Education passed a resolution changing its name to"The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education',and the same was confirmed by The Ministry of Education on or about the 17th day of April, 1974,all pursuant to Section 29(5)of The Secondary Schools and Boards of Education Act,R.S.O. 1970,Chapter 425; AND WHEREAS The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education passed a resolution changing its name to"The Northumberland-Clarington Board of Education',which name change was duly approved by the Minister of Education and Training on the 13th day of January, 1994; AND WHEREAS the said Board became known as"Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board"pursuant to the Education Quality improvement Act, 1997,O.Reg.460/97 and the Fewer School Boards Act, 1997 and Regulation 213/98 dated the 146 day of May, 1998. r 1 Uo 12400ea6 SFRwore Ltd. • (416)322-6111 page 3 Affidavit of Residence and of Value of the Consideration Rderto all instrucdons on revetseaide. Form 1-Land Transfer T IN THE MATTER OF THE CONVEYANCE OF (brsertMMdeaer(odon dl,rrtQ Park Lot,Part City of Bowmanville.Re onal Minlilr*psillity of-Durham BY (print names ofait trarafsraa In Rdg Kawartha Fine Ridge nistrict School Board To yea babusaon i and part trainee orom eata/we,e in Adr) The Corporation of the MunicipAllily of Cifildngon i, y.el»ebrxaonx.ttd(xb,rrwn.(e)bnRrs The Corporation of the Municipality of Clariogton MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1. Ism p>rae•a ekr mta wiawn M.agrrrr oppoelh Met ante erne fatowitrg paragraph$ear deetriw,n»epoxy of ear.depaww(i)):gee baaucaon:) (s) A person In trust for whom the lend conveyed in the sbovo4ascribed conveyance is being conveyed; (b) A trustee named In the above described coney ice to whom the land Is being conveyed; (c) A transferee named in the abeve.desodbed conveyance; (d)The authorized agent or solfeltor acting in this transaction for pnaet pame(V ofprinobraKO) described In paragraphs) �. 04, (o)abaft;Arens seat nArs Bess to kupplk+eHe peraaralsby ❑ (e) The President,Vlee PtesWeM,Manager,Secretary,Director or Treasurer pmutnuae(s)of corperWoolV) described In paragraphs) (a), (b), (e)above;(seat out rahraeses to Soapposaws paraary1 0 ❑ (f) A transfam described In paragraph( ) (euartonyerre dparagrlolt(p,(b)or(s)above,u apptksbly and am making this affidavit on my own behalf and on behalf of(Insert mire ofspouu) who Is my spouse described in paragraph( ) pmarrerdy omaperprrpb pi(b)w(a)abov.,u eppeea6ls) and as such,1 have personal knowledge of the feats heroin deposed to. 2. (TO be completed whim Me value of Me considaedon for Me conveyance exceeds S Im000). 1 have road and considered the definition of'single family residence'set out in clause 1(1)Qa)of the Act.The land conveyed In the above-described conveyance contains at Isast one and not more than two single family residences. Note:Clause 2(l Xd)Imposes an additional tax at the rate of on*.h R of one per es do not contain a single family residence. tent upon the value of consideration In excess of$M000 when the conveyance contains more than two single family resident*$,0"knituteon a) contains at least one and not more than two atingle family resident**. 3.1 have read and considered the definitions of'non-resident corporation'and*non-resident person'set out respectively in clauses 1(1)(f)and(g)of the Act and each of the following persons to whom or in trust for whom the lend Is being conveyed In the above•d*scribed conveyance Is anon-resident corporation" or anon-resldent person'as**tout in the Act.y«buwedora4.nartp none 4, THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: (a)Monies paid or to be paid in cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 155,QQ(�,QQ (b)Mortgages(i)Assumed(show principal and Interest to be credited against purchase price) . ,$ NII (0)Given back to vendor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ Nil (c)Property transferred In exchange(dera9below) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$. Nil ANillfaaks (d)Securities transferred to the value of(detaebelow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ Nil Must (e)Liens,legacies,annuities and maintenance charges to which transfer Is subject . . . .f Nil FNed As W Other valuable consideration subject to land transfer fax(detae below) . . . . . . . . ,t Nil breed NH' (g)VALUE OF LAND,BUILDING,FIXTURES AND GOODWILL SUBJECT TO WWI,LAND TRANSFER TAX(rotatof(s)toM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 154,000- $ lss,ono.Ot1 (h)VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS—Items of tangible personal property Appmo 1 (Retail Saks Tax It payable on the value of aN sharkk unless exempt under Nil Ow provisions of the"Retail Sales Ax Act,R.a,0.11100,1.464,as upended) . . . . . . . . . . .Z (1)Other consideration for transaction not Included in(g)or(h)above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i Nil p)TOTAL CONSIDERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 15$.000.00 5. If eomkleratkrn Is nominal,describe relationship between tronsf•ror and transferee and state purpose of conveyance,free instruction e) S. If the consideration Is nominal,Is the lend subject to any encumbrance? 7. Other remarks and explatadons,N necessary, n/a swom before me at the City of Toronto in the province of Ontario this 13th door December is 99 / WAN SEMIRA,a Commissioner.elo.. 6 And Ontat o,fj Robins Applatn►ll� h A.Cooney if A Comm A vlfs,etc. > Kd Property Information Record For land Registry Ofto Use Only A. Describe nature of Instrument: Transfer/Deed of Land ti^a No. B. m AdMees a property bOv convwM daraeabld 6742 Region id 19,Bowmanvilles Ontario M Assessment Ron No.(IrtwaaabW 19 17 030 040 05001 C. Mulling address(es)for future Notices of Assessment under the Assessment Act for property being conveyed(+,,instruction 7) epkttrMlgf Deb Lend Rpbby Oela tie. O. m Registration number for bat conveyance of property being conveyed(earn") N13227 (9)Legal description of property conveyed: Same u in D.@ above. Yes© No❑ Not known❑ E, Names)and addross(es)of each tran$}sr**'s solicitor Tohn A.Cnnnry,,Robins,%ply&Taub 130 Adelaide Ctreet 3Nesta�Suitr",0r Toronto,Ontario.M5H 2_M2 File 9900591 School Tax Support(Voluntary Election) See reverse for explanation (a) Are all individual transferees Roman Catholic? Yee❑ No❑ (b) If Yes,do all Individual transferees wish to be Roman Catholic Separate School Supporters? Yee❑ No❑ (o) Do all Individual transferees have French Language Education Rights? Yes❑ No❑ (d) If Yes,do all Individual transferees with to support the French Language School Board(where established)7 Yee❑ No❑ NOTE:As to(c)and(d)the land being transferred will be assigned to the French Public School Board or Sector unless otMtwt"directed In(a)and(b). 0660 festal 1r� PARCEL REGISTER (ABBREVIATED) FOR PROPERTY IDENTIFIER / LAND PAGE 1 OF 1 Lr Ontario ServiceOntano REGISTRY PREPARED FOR JBarchard OFFICE #40 26727-0042 (LT) ON 2012/04/19 AT 14:58:03 * CERTIFIED BY LAND REGISTRAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAND TITLES ACT * SUBJECT TO RESERVATIONS IN CROWN GRANT PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: PT PKLT A PL H50072 CLARKE; PT PKLT B PL H50072 CLARKE AS IN D543861; SIT D543861; CLARINGTON PROPERTY REMARKS: ESTATE/OUALIFZER: RECENTLY: PIN CREATION DATE: FEE SIMPLE RE-ENTRY FROM 26727-0169 2000/05/26 LT CONVERSION QUALIFIED OWNERS' NAMES CAPACITY SHARE THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BENO REG. NUM_ DATE INSTRUMENT TYPE AMOUNT PARTIES FROM PARTIES TO CERT/ CHKD **EFFECTS 2000107129 rHE NOTATION OF THE "BLOCK IMPLEMENTATION DATE" OF 1998109114 ON THIS PIN** **WAS REPLACED WITH "PIN CREATION DATE ' OF 2000105126** * PRINTOUT INCLUDES Al L DOCUMENT TYPES ANI DELETED INSTRUMENTS SINCE: 2000105126 ** **SUBJECT, ON FIRST REGISTRATION I UNDER THE LAND TITLES ACT, O: * SUBSECTION 44 (1) OF THE LAND TITLES ACT, EXCEPT PARAGRAPH 11, PARAGRAPH 14, PROVINCIAL SUCCESSION DUTIES * AND ESCHEAT OR FORFEITURE TO THE CROWN. * THE RIGHTS OF ANY PERSON WHO WO D, BUT FOR THE L7 TITLES ACT, BE ENTITLED TO THE LAND OR ANY PART OF * IT THROUGH OF ADVERSE POSSESSION, PRESCRIPTION, MISDESCRIPTION OR BOUNDARIES SETTLED BY I * 'CONVENTION. 7TH * I ANY LEASE TC7 WHICH THE SUBSECTION 70(2) OF THE RE ISTRY ACT APPLIES. **DATE OF CONVERSION TO LAND TITLES: 2000/ 5/29 ** 40R19461 1999/12/13 PLAN REFERENCE C D543861 1999/12/17 TRANSFER $155,000 KAWARTEA PINE RIDGE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON C NOTE: ADJOINING PROPERTIES SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED TO ASCERTAIN DESCRIPTIVE INCONSISTENCIES, IF ANY, WITH DESCRIPTION REPRESENTED FOR THIS PROPERTY. 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