HomeMy WebLinkAbout99-177 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 99-177 being a by-law to authorize the execution of the Minutes of Settlement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the corporation seal, the Minutes of Settlement between Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited, and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the Minutes of Settlement attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this 6th day of December 1999. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 6th day of December 1999. MAYOR s f �I. CLERK Court File No. 98871/99 SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE BETWEEN: CANADIAN TIRE REAL ESTATE LIMITED Applicant - and - CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF CLARINGTON Respondent IN THE MATTER of an application pursuant to Rule 14.05 of the Rules of Civil Procedure and in the matter of lands described as Part Lot 15 and 16, Concession 1, Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, described as Part 1 on Plan IOR-3733 and Part 1 on Plan IOR-4058. MINUTES OF SETTLEMENT RECITALS: 1. Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited ("Canadian Tire") has brought the within application for, inter alia, an Order requiring that the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington ("Clarington") return a payment of $150,000 made by Canadian Tire to Clarington. 2. Canadian Tire has misnamed Clarington as the "Corporation of the Town of Clarington" in the Title of Proceedings and acknowledges that the proceedings and these Minutes of Settlement are properly made and binding as between Canadian Tire and Clarington. 3. Canadian Tire and Clarington have agreed to settle the within application on the terms and conditions set out herein. 2 IN CONSIDERATION of the respective covenants and agreements of the parties contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties covenant and agree as follows: 1. Clarington will exchange the $150,000.00 paid to Clarington by Canadian Tire for a letter of credit from Canadian Tire in the amount of$100,000 to be issued by a bank listed in Schedule "I" of the Bank Act in favour of Clarington to be held as security for the construction of a two lane access road on the northerly part of the planned alignment of the extension easterly of Bowmanville Boulevard from Clarington Boulevard to Street "G" as shown on Map "A" of the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan ("access road") in accordance with these Minutes of Settlement. The letter of credit is to be drawn upon only in accordance with these Minutes of Settlement. The letter of credit shall contain terms and conditions acceptable to Clarington's Treasurer acting reasonably. 2. The letter of credit shall be irrevocable and unconditional save only that it may make reference to these Minutes of Settlement and shall not be renewable beyond December 6, 2005. It shall be returned to Canadian Tire without deduction on December 6, 2005 unless Clarington commences bona fide construction of the access road before that date in accordance with these Minutes of Settlement, in which case the letter of credit may be drawn upon to pay for or to defray part of the cost of construction of the access road. 3. At any time prior to December 6, 2005 and before a plan of subdivision of lands which include the southerly half of the planned extension of Bowmanville Boulevard from Clarington Boulevard receives draft approval under the Planning Act, after first 3 consulting with Canadian Tire, Clarington's Director of Public Works acting reasonably, for proper traffic safety reasons, may determine that the traffic at the entrance/exit to the Canadian Tire site on Clarington Boulevard is such that the safety of persons or property at that entrance/exit and/or at the intersection of Highway No. 2 and Clarington Boulevard necessitate the construction of the access road. Forthwith after making such determination, the aforesaid Director shall give 60 days written notice of his determination to Canadian Tire prior to any authorization of the construction of the access road by Clarington. 4. (a) Notwithstanding paragraph 3 herein, if Clarington is not able to acquire title to the land required for the access road on terms that are consistent with these Principles of Settlement and are otherwise acceptable to Clarington,Clarington shall not make any draw upon the letter of credit deposited with it by Canadian Tire and shall return the letter of credit to Canadian Tire forthwith after any decision not to acquire title to the necessary land. (b) In the event that: (1) Clarington has drawn upon the letter of credit to pay for or to defray part of the cost of constructing the access road; and (2) before the access road is constructed draft approval of a plan of subdivision is given of lands which include the southerly half of the planned extension of Bowmanville Boulevard from Clarington Boulevard to Street"G"; 4 then, on the day on which approval is given, Clarington's Director of Public Works shall be deemed to have revoked the determination referred to in paragraph 3 herein and Clarington shall forthwith pay to Canadian Tire an amount of money equal to the amount drawn by Clarington from the letter of credit as aforesaid and shall forthwith return the letter of credit to Canadian Tire otherwise undrawn upon. 5. If before construction of the access road is authorized by Clarington as referred to in paragraph 3 herein, Canadian Tire gives Clarington written notice that it wishes to restore the southerly access from Clarington Boulevard to the parking area of its store site, and if Canadian Tire proceeds to restore at its expense the southerly access in accordance with Clarington's then policies and practices with reasonable expedition, then forthwith after the completion of the restoration of the southerly access to the store site from Clarington Boulevard to the Director's satisfaction acting reasonably, the letter of credit shall be returned by Clarington to Canadian Tire undrawn upon. 6. In the event that: (a) Clarington constructs the access road and draws upon the letter of credit to pay for or to defray part of the cost of construction of it; and (b) subsequent to the commencement of construction the owner of the lands which include the southerly half of the planned alignment of the easterly extension of Bowmanville Boulevard from Clarington Boulevard to Street"G" applies for approval of a draft plan of subdivision of such lands, 5 then Clarington (i) will impose a condition to the approval of the draft plan of subdivision, or (ii) if it legally cannot impose such a condition Clarington will recommend and use its best efforts to obtain the imposition by the approving authority of a condition to the approval of the draft plan of subdivision in either case requiring that the cost of constructing the access road in an amount not to exceed$100,000.00 be paid by the subdividing owner to Canadian Tire prior to the approval of the final plan of subdivision of such lands, provided that the imposition of such a condition continues to be lawful at the time of approval of the draft plan of subdivision. If Clarington imposes the condition, it will defend its imposition before the Ontario Municipal Board and/or the Court if the appropriateness or the legality of the condition is called into question before either of those bodies. 7. Written notice pursuant to these Minutes of Settlement shall be served upon or sent by telefax to Canadian Tire at: Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited c/o Cassels Brock &Blackwell Scotia Plaza, Suite 2100 40 King Street West Toronto, ON M51-1 3C2 Attention: Mr. Stanley M. Makuch Fax: (416) 860-6559 Clarington at: The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L 1 C 3A6 6 Attention: Chief Administrative Officer Fax: (905) 623-5717 The notice shall be effective on the date on which it is served on the party to which it is addressed, or is sent by telefax to such party. 8. Canadian Tire will provide Clarington with a Full and Final Release which shall be subject to these Minutes of Settlement. 9. These Minutes of Settlement may be signed in counterpart. 10. The parties shall execute a Consent to an Order dismissing the Application herein without costs. The Consent of Canadian Tire shall be delivered to the solicitors for Clarington to be held in escrow pending completion of the exchange referred to in paragraph 1 herein, after which time the Consent shall be released from escrow and the Order dismissing the action may be taken out. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have duly executed these Minutes of Settlement. CASSELS BROCK & BLACKWELL Date: December 1999 Per: Solicitors for the Applicant Canadian Tire Corporation Limited THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Date: December (0 1999 Per: s Diane H- re- ayor Date: December(G 1999 Per:, c/s Patti rie - rk Q:\FILES\9900172\DATNPLEADING\MINUT-2.SETt 1 A 03/12/99 12:50 TO-8*8156#1079*98680306 FROM-TOSHIBA TF 851 T-759 P.01/08 F-945 Cassels Brock & Blackwell BARRISTERS 8 SOLICITORS.TRADE MARK AGENTS Scotia Plaza, Suite 2100, 40 King Street West, Toronto, Canada M5H 3C2 Telephone (416) 869-5300 Fax(416) 360-8877 Lawyer#: 305 DATE: Friday, December 3, 1999 File #.: 8156-1079 TO: FAX # PHONE # Dennis Hefferon 868-0306 360-3326 Please report any problems with the receipt of this transmission to Lorraine Wafters at(418)880-2933 NO. PAGES: • (including this page) ORIGINAL: wlll not follow FROM: Stanley M. Makuch / (416) 869-5977 / Diroct Fax: (416) 860-6559 / Email: smakuch@casselsbrock.com U This facsimile is privileged and may contain confidential information intsndad only for th,j person(s) named above. Any other distribution, copying or disclosure is strictly prohibitea.If you have received this facsimile in error,pleaut notify us immediately by telephone and return the original transmission to us by mail without making a copy. CASSELS POULIOT DOUGLAS MACKIMMIL',NORIEGA TORONTO MONTRtAI,VANCOWER CALGARY MEXICOC N DEC 03 '99 11:35 501 PAGE.01 03/12/99 12:50 TO-8*8156#1079*98680306 FROM-TOSHIBA TF 851 T-759 P.02/08 F-945 LLB b.S 1'J`J'J 11:.'1 1 k KU1J t NL, H PLEBY I HUL 41b bbd b.Sr+b I U b.ib#Mb'/.ilbtfyHbb H.03/00 1 Court File No. 98871/99 SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE BETWEEN: CANADIAN TIRE REAL ESTATI,' LIMITED App6eant -and.. CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF CLARINGTON Respondent IN THE MATTER of an application pursuant to Rule 14.05 of the Rules of Civil .Procedwe and in the matter of lands described as Part Lot 15 and 16, Concession 1,Town ofNewcastle,Regional Municipality of Dub described as Part 1 on Plan IOR-3733 and Part 1 on Plan IOR-4058. M WMES OF SETTLEMENT RECITALS: 1. Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited("Canadian Tire')has brought the within application for, inter d* an Order requiring that the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington ("Clarington") return a payment of $150,000 made by Canadian Tire to Clarington. 2. Canadian Turc has misnamed Clarington as the "Corporation of the Town of Clwdngton" in the Title of Proceedings and acknowledges that the proceedings and these Minutes of Settlement are properly made and binding ;is between Canadian Tire and Clarington. 3. Canadian Tire and Clarington have agreed to settle the within application on the terms and conditions set out herein. DEC 03 '99 11:35 501 PAGE.02 03/12/99 12:50 TO-8*8156#1079*98680306 FROM-TOSHIBA TF 851 T-759 P.03/08 F-945 I UU_ U.S 11JU1J f k kUb1N:., HFI'LLbY IHUi3 alt, UW I SUD {U bSbLtbbb'rSlbilybbb �'.b4ib'J 2 IN CONSIDERATION of the respective covenants and agreements of the parties contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby ackaowledl ed,the parties covenant and agme as follows: 1. ClWington will e=hange the$150,000.00 paid to Clarington by Canadian Tire for a letter of cmdit from Canadian Tire in the amount of$100,000 to be issued by a bank listed in Schodulc"I" of the Bank Act in favour of Clarington to be held as seourity for the construction of a two lane access road on the narthcrly part of the planned alignment of the extension easterly of Bowr nanN ille Boulevard from Clarington Boulevard to Street "G" as shown on Map "A" of the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan ("access road") in accordance with these Minutes of Settlement. The letter of credit is to be drawn upon only in accordance with these Minutes of Settlement. The letter of credit shall contain terms and conditions acceptable to Clarington's Treasurer acting reasonably. 2. The letter of credit shall be inevoeable and unconditional save only that it may make reference to these Minutes of Settlement and :shall not be renewrable beyond December 6, 2005. It shall be returned to Canadian Tire without deduction on December 6,2005 unless Clarington commences bcaa fide construction of the access road before that date in accordance with these Minutes of Settlement,in which case the letter of credit may be drawn upon to pay fa.- or to defray part of the cost of construction of the access road. I At any time prior to December 6, 2005 and before a plan of subdivision of lands which include the southerly half of the planned exwnsion ofBowrnanville Boulevard fraam Clarington Boulevard receives draft approval under the Planning Act, after first DEC 03 '99 11:36 501 PAGE.03 03/12/99 12;50 TO-8*8156#1079*98680306 FROM-TOSHIBA TF 851 T-759 P,04/08 F-945 LLi W 1'JJ'J 11:� i k kUD 1NU HI'i'LLi t' 1 HUb 41b bbb b.Slob I U b.ibiiddd'I Sibi{ytibd N.b >iby 3 consulting with Canadisa Tire, Clarington's Dimctar of Public 'Works acting reasonably, for proper trafic safety reasons, may determine that the traffic at the entrance/exit to the Can&lian Tire site on Clarington Boulevard is such that the safety of per9ons or praperty at that entmncWWdr and/or at the intersection of Highway No. 2 and Clarington Boulevard necessitam the construction ofthe access road. Forthwith after making such determination,the aforesaid Director shall give 60 days written notice of his detmminadon to Canadian Tire prior to any authorizafm of the construction of the access road by Clarington. 4. (a) Notwithstanding paragraph 3 herein, if Clarington is not able to acquire title to the land required for the access road on terms that at consistent with these Principles of Settlement and are otherwise acceptable to Clarington,Clarington shall not make any draw upon the letter of credit deposited with it by Canadian Tire and shall return the letter of credit to(:anadian Tire forthwith after any decision not to acquire We to the necessary land. (b) In the event that: (1) Clarington has drawn upon the letter-of credit to pay for or to defray Part of the coat of constructing the access road; and (2) before the access.road is constructed draft approval of a plan of subdivision is given of lands which :include the southerly half of the planaed extension of $owmanville Boulevard from Clarington Boulevard to Street"G"; DEC 03 '99 11:36 501 PAGE.04 03/12/99 12:50 TO-8*8156#1079*98680306 FROM-TOSHIBA TF 851 T-759 K05/08 F-945 UtL i&S lyyy 11 s dG 1-k KUb 1 Ply HHHLt13Y 1 HUb 41b 43b8 0.3bb (U b ibt3 l�'1 ilbt{`lF3bb F'.tOb/b� 4 then, on the day on which approval is givea4 Clarington's Director of public Works shall be deemed to have revoked the determination referred to in paragraph 3 herein and Clarington shall forthwith pay to Canadian Tire an amours of money equal to the amount drawn by Clarington from the letter of credit as aforesaid and shall forthwith return the letter of edit to Canadian Tire otherwise undrawn upon. S. If before construction of the access road is authori2.ed by Clarington as referred to in paragraph 3 herein, Canadian Tire gives Claringt+m written notice that it wishes to restore the southerly access from Clarington Boulevard to the parking area of its store site, and if Canadian Tire proceeds to restore at its expense the southerly access in accordance with Clarington's then policies and promees with reasonable expedition, then forthwith after the completion of the restoration of the southerly access to the store site from Clarington Boulevard to the Director's satisfaction acting reasonably, the letter of credit shall be returned by Clarington to Canadian Tire undrawn upon. b. In the event that: (a) Clarington constructs the access road and dnows upon the letter of credit to pay for or to defray part of the cost of construction of it;and (b) subsequent to the commencement of construction the owner of the lands which include the southerly half of the planned alignment of the easterly extension of Bowmanville Boulevard from Clarington.Boulevard to Street"G-applies for approval of a draft plan of subdivision of such lands, DEC 03 199 11:36 501 PAGE.05 03/12/99 12:51 TO-8*8156#1079*98680306 FROM-TOSHIBA TF 851 T-759 P.06/08 F-945 UtL b3 11iy7 11 s Ld h-k FCUb t Nb HPPLEbT I HUB 41b bbd WSeb 1U bJOUOba'731b#9S60 F'.b'P/b5 5 then Clarington (i) will impose a condition to the approval of the draft plan of subdivision, or (ii) if it legally cannot impose such a condition Clarington will recommend and use its best efforts to obtain the imposition by the approving authority of a condition to the approval of the draft plan of subdivision in either case requiring that the cost of conetntcting rho access road in an amount not to exceed$100,000.00 be paid by the subdividing owner to Canadian Tie prior to the approval of the final plan of subdivision of such lands, provided that the imposition of such a condition continues to be lawful at the time of approval of the draft plan of subdivision. if Clarington imposes the condition,it will defend its unposi•don before the Ontario Municipal Hoard and/or the Court if the appropriateness or the legality of the condition is called into question before either of those bodies. 7. Written notice pursuant to these Minutes of Settlement shall be served upon or sent by telefax to Canadian Tire at: Canadian Tire Real estate Limited c%Cassels Brock&Blackwell Scotia Plaza,Suite 2100 40 King Street West Toronto,ON)ASH 3C2 Attention:Mr. Stanley M.Makuch Fax: (416) 860.6559 Clarington at: The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville,ON L1C 3A6 DEC 03 '99 11 36 501 PAGE.06 03/12/99 12:51 TO-8*8156#1079*98680306 FROM-TOSHIBA TF 851 T-759 P.07/08 F-945 LLB U.S 1'J'J'J 11; I k kLiBiNb H'f'LL1J) IHUB 41b aba b.%b I bSbi3bidld'/31bi3ydbb N.eliiby 6 Attention: Chiefndministrative Officer Fax (905)623-5717 The notice shall be cffccdve an the clue on Which it is served on the parry to which it is addressed, or is 3cnt by telefax to such party. 8. Canadian Tire will provide Clarington with a Full and Final Release which shall be subject to these Minutes of Settlement. 9. These Minutes of Settlement may be signed in coimterpae. 10. The parties shall execute a Consent to an Order dlisrnissing the Application herein without costs. The Consent of Canadian Tire shall be delivered to the solicitors for Clarington to be held in escrow pending completion of the exchange referred to in paragraph 1 ht3rein,after which time the Consent shall be released from escrow and the Order dismissing the action may be taken out. DEC 03 '99 11:36 501 PAGE.07 03/12/99 12:51 TO-8*8156#1079*98680306 FROM-TOSHIBA TF 851 T-759 P.08/08 F-945 UL(- U-5 1'J'J'J 11-_'s I W Nub L N:. HI'I'ALL v I HUkJ 41L, Ut.,U UJUD [U aSb{+4�b'l.ilbEi�lb1� r.b�ey IN WITNESS WHMOF the parGias have duly executed these Minutes of Settlement. CASSE OC LL Date:D==ber �1999 Per: So 3citom for the Applicant Ca udian Tire Corpomtson Limited THE CORPORATION OF THE MMICIPALMY OF CIARINGTON Date:Deccomber 1999 Per: c/s Diane Hamra-Mayor Date:Deccmber 1999 per: cis Patti Benic- Clerk ¢U'II.ES1990Q1r�IDA -zsarc DEC 03 199 11:37 501 PAGE.08 DEC 3 ' 99 11 :46 FP, POBINS APPLEBY TAUB TO 342#919056234169 P . 92i09 M-F,M_ORANDUM CONFIDENTIAL DATE: 3 December 1999 MEMO TO: Mayor Diane Hamre and Members of Council FROM: Dennis Hefferon SUBJECT: Application to the Superior Court of Justice by Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited Against the Municipality of Clarington: Special Meeting of Council on December 6, 1999 l. I have had extensive discussions with Mr. Stan Makuch,the solicitor for Canadian Tire in order to resolve the above Application by agreement of the parties. Attached are Minutes of Settlement which have been approved by Canadian Tire. If they are approved by you, the above Application will be dismissed without costs. It is urgent that this matter be dealt with at your special meeting on December 6, 1999 in order to stop the incurring of costs by both parties. 2. The substance of the proposed agreement is set out in paragraphs 1 to 6. These paragraphs have been prepared by me in consultation with Tony Cannella and are satisfactory to the Department of Public Works as protecting the Municipality's interests in this matter. 3. 1 recommend that you approve the Minutes of Settlement and pass the necessary by-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Minutes of Settlement on behalf of the Municipality. kORIG�"AL 1.t�i, T1 1bg �`Attachmen t s c. Mr. F. Wu Mr. S. Vokes Mr.A.S. Cannellatg A, .�� qq \-7-7 DEC 3 ' 99 11 : 46 FP. POBIHS APPLEBY TAUB TO 342#1919056234169 P . 03i09 Court File No. 98871/99 SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE BETWEEN: CANADIAN TIRE REAL ESTATE LIMITED Applicant -and - CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF CLARINGTON Respondent IN THE MATTER of an application pursuant to Rule 14.05 of the Rules of Civil Procedure and in the matter of lands described as Part Lot 15 and 16, Concession 1, Town of Newcastle,Regional Municipality of Durham,described as Part 1 on Plan IOR-3733 and Part 1 on Plan IOR-4058. MINUTES OF SETTLEMENT RECITALS: 1. Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited("Canadian Tire")has brought the within application for, inter alia, an Order requiring that the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington ("Clarington") return a payment of $150,000 made by Canadian Tire to Clarington. 2. Canadian Tire has misnamed Clarington as the"Corporation of the Town of Clarington" in the Title of proceedings and acknowledges that the proceedings and these Minutes of Settlement are properly made and binding as between Canadian Tire and Clarington. 3. Canadian Tire and Clarington have agreed to settle the within application on the terms and conditions set out herein. DEC 3 ' 99 11 : 47 FP, POBIHS APPLEBY TAUB TO 342#919 56234169 P . 04i09 2 IN CONSIDERATION of the respective covenants and agreements of the parties contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties covenant and agree as follows: I. Clarington will exchange the$150,000.00 paid to Clarington by Canadian Tire for a letter of credit from Canadian Tire in the amount of$100,000 to be issued by a bank listed in Schedule"I" of the Bank Act in favour of Clarington to be held as security for the construction of a two lane access road on the northerly part of the planned alignment of the extension easterly of Bowmanville Boulevard from Clarington Boulevard to Street "G" as shown on Map "A" of the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan("access road") in accordance with these Minutes of Settlement. The letter of credit is to be drawn upon only in accordance with these Minutes of Settlement. The letter of credit shall contain terms and conditions acceptable to Clarington's Treasurer acting reasonably. 2. The letter of credit shall be irrevocable and unconditional save only that it may make reference to these Minutes of Settlement and shall not be renewable beyond December 6, 2005. It shall be returned to Canadian Tire without deduction on December 6,2005 unless Clarington commences bona fide construction of the access road before that date in accordance with these Minutes of Settlement, in which case the letter of credit may be drawn upon to pay for or to defray part of the cost of construction of the access road. 3. At any time prior to December 6, 2005 and before a plan of subdivision of lands which include the southerly half of the planned extension of Bowmanville Boulevard from Clarington Boulevard receives draft approval under the Planning Act, after first DEC 399 11 : 47 FR ROBINS APPLEBY TAUB TO 3424919056234169 P . 05i09 consulting with Canadian Tire, Clarington's Director of Public Works acting reasonably, for proper traffic safety reasons, may determine that the traffic at the entrance/exit to the Canadian Tire site on Clarington Boulevard is such that the safety of persons or property at that entrance/exit and/or at the intersection of Highway No. 2 and Clarington Boulevard necessitate the construction of the access road. Forthwith after making such determination, the aforesaid Director shall give 60 days written notice of his determination to Canadian Tire prior to any authorization of the construction of the access road by Clarington_ 4. (a) Notwithstanding paragraph 3 herein, if Clarington is not able to acquire title to the land required for the access road on terms that are consistent with these Principles of Settlement and are otherwise acceptable to Clarington,Clarington shall not make any draw upon the letter of credit deposited with it by Canadian Tire and shall return the letter of credit to Canadian Tire forthwith after any decision not to acquire title to the necessary land. (b) In the event that: (1) Clarington has drawn upon the letter of credit to pay for or to defray part of the cost of constructing the access road; and (2) before the access road is constructed draft approval of a plan of subdivision is given of lands which include the southerly half of the planned extension of Bowmanville Boulevard from Clarington Boulevard to Street"G"; DEC 3 ' 99 11 : 48 FP. POBINS APPLEBY TAUB TO 342##919956234169 P . 06/09 4 then, on the day on which approval is given, Clarington's Director of Public Works shall be deemed to have revoked the determination referred to in paragraph 3 herein and Clarington shall forthwith pay to Canadian Tire an amount of money equal to the amount drawn by Clarington from the letter of credit as aforesaid and shall forthwith return the letter of credit to Canadian Tire otherwise undrawn upon. 5. If before construction of the access road is authorized by Clarington as referred to in paragraph 3 herein, Canadian Tire gives Clarington written notice that it wishes to restore the southerly access from Clarington Boulevard to the parking area of its store site, and if Canadian Tire proceeds to restore at its expense the southerly access in accordance with Clarington's then policies and practices with reasonable expedition, then forthwith after the completion of the restoration of the southerly access to the store site from Clarington Boulevard to the Director's satisfaction acting reasonably, the letter of credit shall be returned by Clarington to Canadian Tire undrawn upon. 6. In the event that: (a) Clarington constructs the access road and draws upon the letter of credit to pay for or to defray part of the cost of construction of it; and (b) subsequent to the commencement of construction the owner of the lands which include the southerly half of the planned alignment of the easterly extension of Bowmanville Boulevard from Clarington Boulevard to Street"G" applies for approval of a draft plan of subdivision of such lands, DEC 399 11 : 48 FR ROBINS APPLEBY TAUB T4 342#9190S6234169 P .07i09 then Clarington (i) will impose a condition to the approval of the draft plan of subdivision, or (ii) if it legally cannot impose such a condition Clarington will recommend and use its best efforts to obtain the imposition by the approving authority of a condition to the approval of the draft plan of subdivision in either case requiring that the cost of constructing the access road in an amount not to exceed$100,000.00 be paid by the subdividing owner to Canadian Tire prior to the approval of the final plan of subdivision of such lands, provided that the imposition of such a condition continues to be lawful at the time of approval of the draft plan of subdivision. If Clarington imposes the condition, it will defend its imposition before the Ontario Municipal Board and/or the Court if the appropriateness or the legality of the condition is called into question before either of those bodies. 7. Written notice pursuant to these Minutes of Settlement shall be served upon or sent by telefax to Canadian Tire at: Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited c/o Cassels Brock & Blackwell Scotia Plaza, Suite 2100 40 King Street West Toronto, ON M5H 3C2 Attention: Mr. Stanley M. Makuch Fax: (416) 860-6559 Clarington at: The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 DCC 3' 99 11 : 49 FP, POBINS APPLEBY TAIJB TO 3424919056234169 P . 08/09 6 Attention: Chief Administrative Officer Fax: (905) 623-5717 The notice shall be effective on the date on which it is served on the party to which it is addressed, or is sent by telefax to such party. 8. Canadian Tire will provide Clarington with a Full and Final Release which shall be subject to these Minutes of Settlement. 9. These Minutes of Settlement may be signed in counterpart. 10. The parties shall execute a Consent to an Order dismissing the Application herein without costs. The Consent of Canadian Tire shall be delivered to the solicitors for Clarington to be held in escrow pending completion of the exchange referred to in paragraph 1 herein, after which time the Consent shall be released from escrow and the Order dismissing the action may be taken out. D'E`C 3 ' 99 11 : 49 FP, POBINS APPLEBY TAUB TO 342#1919056234169 P . 09i09 e 7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have duly executed these Minutes of Settlement. CASSELS BROCK& BLACKWELL Date: December 1999 Per: Solicitors for the Applicant Canadian Tire Corporation Limited THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Date: December 1999 Per: c/s Diane Hamre- Mayor Date: December 1999 Per: c/s Patti Berrie - Clerk Q;\FILES\9M 1721DATTLEADINGIMINUT-2.SE D ** TOTAL PAGE . 009 **