HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-04-11 Minutes I - 2 CLARINGTON MUSEUMS AND ARCHIVES BOARD MEETING MINUTES April 11,2007 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present: K. Isnor S. Laing M. Carlton P. Ford B. Colville J. Rook J. Richards Regrets: J. Murray Mayor Abernethy Councillor Robinson Staff: M. Rutherford Conrad,Administrator M. Horne,Recording Secretary Guest: W. Tanner, Volunteer, Clarington Museums and Archives 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the Administrator at 7:10 p.m 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA The Chair advised he wished to add an addition to the agenda, under New Business, item c) and that 4b) Business Arising would be heard before 4a). Moved by: J. Richards Seconded by: S. Laing THAT the amended agenda be approved. MOTION CARRIED DRAFT 3. APPROVAL OF MARCH 7,2007 MINUTES Moved by: J. Richards Seconded by: B. Colville THAT the minutes of the March 7, 2007 Board Meeting be approved with the amendment deleting the name of M. Carlton from those present at this meeting. MOTION CARRIED 4. BUSINESS ARISING: b) Priority#1 Budget Request: Discussion was held regarding the budget request and the recent decision of Council to change the position type to part time. Concern was identified about the ability to attract the appropriate person to the job if it is listed as a part time position. The Administrator advised that with the approved Council funds and a delayed start date of June 1, 2007,the Board could afford to hire a full time position. Board requested that Administrator review business plan with Treasurer of Municipality for input. a) By-law Review: A copy of the latest proposed By-law was distributed to the board. Moved by: J. Richards Seconded by: J. Rook THAT the Administrator inform the Municipality that the board has received the amended proposed By-law and will include it in the agenda for the May board meeting. MOTION CARRIED C) EHT Premiums: The Administrator advised that the Ministry of Revenue has ruled in favour of the Museum being a separate entity from the Municipality of Clarington. As such,the Museum submits EHT premiums at a lower rate than the Muncipality due to the amount of remuneration paid to their employees. The museum will be reimbursed for the amounts submitted in excess of what they owed retroactive to 2003. The Administrator is working with Municipal payroll staff to rectify these amounts. DRAFT 5. CORRESPONDENCE: Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: J. Rook THAT the correspondence be accepted. MOTION CARRIED 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS: a) Finance Committee: The Finance Chair provided handouts to the board members and discussion was held. Moved by: B. Colville Seconded by: M. Carlton THAT the Administrator be authorized to move the accounts to another financial institution in order to save funds. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: J. Richards THAT the Administrator be authorized to change the telephone system to Rogers if analysis shows savings could be realized. MOTION CARRIED Moved by J. Richards Seconded by: B. Colville THAT the Finance Committee Report be accepted. MOTION CARRIED 7. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: The Administrator advised that Pioneer Day will be held at the Clarke Museum on April 16. The Medieval exhibit at Sarah Jane Williams Centre was very successful, a very busy time for staff and greatly received by the school programs. As well,the Administrator stated that every weekend is booked in the immediate future including outreach programs. The Board of Directors Open House is scheduled for May DRAFT 19th. This will coincide with the opening of the exhibit"Things Unseen" at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre and promises to be a prestigious event. May 26 is the museum's annual Garden Party, or plant sale. The Administrator has applied for a total of six positions for summer students. A statistics sheet was passed to the board members with a detailed analysis of usage of the museum services by visitors. Moved by: M. Carlton Seconded by: J. Rook THAT the Administrator's Report be accepted. MOTION CARRIED 8. NEW BUSINESS: a) System Updates: Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: J. Richards THAT the Administrator advise the Municipality regarding the use of$12,000 from the Sturch Estate as per the approved 2007 budget for the purpose of purchasing office equipment upgrades. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: P. Ford THAT the Administrator be authorized to purchase the equipment listed on the Summary of Systems Plan. MOTION CARRIED b) Kirby Church Request: B. Colville reported on the Kirby Church, stating that the trustees require funding from the monies collected for the church move project to complete to the year ending December 31. These funds are required for potable supplies, Ontario Hydro as well as a UPI fuel bill,totaling $1,013.00. Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: P. Ford THAT the Administrator be directed to pay the $1,013. to the trustees of the Kirby Church for heat, water and hydro from the Kirby Church Project. MOTION CARRIED DRAFT c) Personnel Issue Moved by: J. Richards Seconded by: J. Rook THAT the Board of Directors move IN CAMERA. MOTION CARRIED The Board moved in camera at 8:50 p.m. Moved by: J. Richards Seconded by: B. Colville THAT the Board move OUT OF CAMERA. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: J. Rook THAT the motion in camera be ratified. MOTION CARRIED 9. DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT BOARD MEETING: The next meeting of the Board of Directors of the Clarington Museums and Archives will be held MAY 9, 2007 at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre, at 7:00 p.m. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Moved by: B. Colville THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:45 p.m. DRAFT