HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-03-17 Minutes COUNCIL INFORMATION I-24 CLARINGTON MUSEUMS AND ARCHIVES BOARD MEETING MINUTES March 17, 2004 Location: Clarke Museum, 7086 Old Kirby School Rd, Kirby, Ontario Present: P. Ford K. Isnor S. Laing T. Oke M. VanDyke H. St. Croix J. Witheridge D. Climenhage Regrets: J. Rowe Councillor P. Pingle J. Vinson Absent: Councillor G. Robinson Staff: M. Rutherford Conrad, Administrator CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m. by K. Isnor, Chair. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Moved By: H St. Croix Seconded By: D. Climenhage THAT the Agenda be approved. MOTION CARRIED DRAFT APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 25, 2004 BOARD MINUTES Moved By: T. Oke Seconded By: S. Laing THAT the Minutes of the February 25, 2004 Board Meeting be approved. MOTION CARRIED BUSINESS ARISING a) Name of 62 Temperance Moved By: H. St. Croix Seconded By: S. Laing THAT K. Isnor be a delegation to Council to address the name of 62 Temperance Street. MOTION CARRIED b) Logo The Board reviewed the logo proposals from the Administrator. M. Van Dyke will check other historical society websites to ideas for a logo. The Administrator was asked to make edits to the logo including adding a binder and horse,Vanstone Mills, apple orchard and reducing black shading. The Board voted to accept the oval with a banner with two point ends as the general shape of the logo. CORRESPONDENCE Moved By: T. Oke Seconded By: J. Witheridge THAT the correspondence be received. MOTION CARRIED COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Property Committee Report The Property Chair advised the he conducted a Property Inspection with the Administrator. He will be arranging a Committee meeting to review the results of the inspection. b) Collections and Event Planning Committee Report DRAFT The Collections and Event Planning Chair noted that the Committee has decided to, start the Canada Day celebrations 30 minutes earlier this year. The Committee reviewed Section 9. Amendments will be made for final consideration at the next Committee meeting on April 15. The Shop area at the Bowmanville Museum will be expanded. The Committee has approved spending$5,000.00 from the Clarke Museum Fundraising Account to restore the McLaughlin Cutter. Moved By: M. Van Dyke Seconded By: H. St. Croix THAT the Collections and Event Planning Committee Report be accepted. MOTION CARRIED c) Newcastle Village and District Historical Society Report M. Van Dyke advised of the following upcoming events; April 5 General Meeting of the NVDHS. Lynn Philip Hodgson will be the Guest Speaker on Camp 30 and the Annual Restoration Award will be presented. May 3 Family Presentations. May 27 Spring Trade Show June 13 Presidents Annual Pot Luck Picnic October 17Antique Road Show ADMINISTRATOR'S MARCH 2004 REPORT The Administrator presented the March report. H. St. Croix requested the name tags be made for new Board members. Moved By: J. Witheridge Seconded By: D. Climenhage THAT the Administrator's Report 2004-A-0301 be received. MOTION CARRIED NEW BUSINESS a) Kirby United Church J. Witheridge advised that the Administrator was asked by the previous Board to conduct a Feasibility Study regarding the Kirby United Church and that he would be presenting that Study tonight. DRAFT Moved By: H. St. Croix Seconded By: P. Ford THAT the recommendations in the report be tabled and the Board hear the report. MOTION CARRIED Following the presentation of the report, D. Climenhage suggested that the Property Committee draft a proposal to accept the Church and its chattels. J. Witheridge committed to setting up a Property Committee meeting to that end. b) Recommended Changes to the Policy Manual H. St. Croix indicated that he had several proposals for changes to the policy manual. Moved By: H. St. Croix Seconded By: M Van Dyke THAT in Section 7 Human Resources Policy, Subject Employment delete"To avoid conflict of interest, applicants related to Museum Board members,Municipal Council Members or members of Municipal Staff shall not be considered for employment"and replace with"The Employment of Relatives. a) The Municipality will not favour nor will it discriminate against any relatives of employees or elected officials who wish to seek employment or seek promotion with the Municipality b) Employment or promotion will not be allowed where the potential employee would be subject to the direct supervisory control of a relative which is defined to include such relationship as parent, spouse, children, siblings, in- laws and grandchildren. c) Where a relationship occurs between two employees after employment that contravenes the supervisory prohibition described above, every reasonable effort shall be given for placement and work for wither one of the employees outside the supervisory control of the other." MOTION CARRIED Moved By: H. St. Croix Seconded By: T. Oke THAT in Section 7 Human Resource Policy Subject Employment delete the line"Also persons with private collections which are in conflict with the Museum's collections shall not be considered for employment." MOTION CARRIED Items 3 and 4 on the report did not receive the support of the Board. DRAFT Moved By: J. Witheridge Seconded By: S. Laing THAT the report be tabled and the Vice Chair be requested to prioritize the remaining items to only occupy 30 minutes per Board meeting and distribute items to the Board members in advance of the next meeting. MOTION CARRIED DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT BOARD MEETING The Chair will contact the Councillors to discuss their availability for future meetings. THAT the next meeting of the Board is Wednesday, April 21, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. at 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. MOTION CARRIED ADJOURNMENT Moved By: S. Laing THAT the meeting adjourns at 9:27 p.m. DRAFT