HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-02-11 Minutes n COUNCIL INFORMATION I-4 CC)(0 .C�- CLARINGTON MUSEUMS AND ARCHIVES BOARD MEETING MINUTES February 11, 2004 Location: 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Present: D. Climenhage P. Ford K. Isnor S. Laing T. Oke J. Rowe H. St. Croix M. VanDylce J. Vinson J. Witheridge Councillor P. Pingle Regrets: Councillor G. Robinson Staff: M. Rutherford Conrad, Administrator M. Horne, Recording Secretary CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by the Administrator. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Moved By: Councillor P. Pingle Seconded By: K. Isnor THAT the Agenda be approved. MOTION CARRIED REVIEW OF ELECTION PROCEDURES The Administrator reviewed the election procedure with the Board, and explained that if there was more than one nomination a vote would be taken. The Administrator and the Recording Secretary would then retire to count the ballots. Page 2 NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF CHAIR Moved By: Councillor P. Pingle Seconded By: T. Oke THAT H. St. Croix be nominated for Chair. Moved By: S. Laing Seconded By: D. Climenhage THAT K. Isnor be nominated for Chair. The Administrator asked each if they would stand and both agreed. The Administrator moved nominations be closed. H. St. Croix and K. Isnor then gave the Board members a brief introduction. The Administrator and the Recording Secretary then left the room and the ballots were counted. Upon returning the Administrator announced that K. Isnor is Chair. Moved by: S. Laing Seconded By: J. Rowe THAT the ballots be destroyed. K. Isnor, Chair resumed the meeting. NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF VICE CHAIR Moved By: Councillor P. Pingle Seconded By: J. Rowe THAT H. St. Croix be nominated for Vice Chair. S. Laing inquired if D. Climenhage would stand for nomination for Vice Chair, which was declined. Moved By: S. Laing Seconded By: J. Rowe THAT nominations for Vice Chair be closed. The Vice Chair is H. St. Croix. NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF FINANCE CHAIR Moved By: J. Rowe Seconded By: J. Witheridge THAT D. Climenhage be nominated for Finance Chair. Page 3 Moved By: M. Van Dyke Seconded By: S. Laing THAT nominations for Finance Chair be closed. The Finance Chair is D. Climenhage. NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF COLLECTIONS AND EVENT PLANNING CHAIR Moved By: M. Van Dyke Seconded By: J. Witheridge THAT S. Laing be nominated for Collections and Event Planning Chair. Moved By: J. Rowe Seconded By: P. Ford THAT nominations for Collections and Event Planning Chair be closed. The Collections and Event Planning Chair is S. Laing NOMINATIONS AND ELECTION OF PROPERTY CHAIR Moved By: S. Laing Seconded by: P. Ford THAT J. Witheridge be nominated for Property Chair. - Moved By: D. Climenhage Seconded by: J. Rowe THAT nominations for Property Chair be closed. The Property Chair is J. Witheridge. APPOINTMENTS TO STANDING COMMITTEES The Chair called for members for the various Committees. The Finance Committee will consist of D. Climenhage Chair, J. Rowe, H. St. Croix, K. Isnor, and Councillor P. Pingle, The Collections and Event Planning Committee will consist of S. Laing Chair, M. VanDyke, P. Ford, T. Oke, and K. Isnor. The Property Committee will consist of J. Witheridge Chair, H. St. Croix, J. Vinson,D. Climenhage, K. Isnor and Councillor G. Robinson. Page 4 BOARD RECORDING SECRETARY Moved By: Councillor P. Pingle Seconded By: J. Witheridge THAT H. St. Croix be Board Recording Secretary. Discussion followed re the merits of having a Board member or a staff member as Recording Secretary. It was noted that the current By-law states the Board may have a Secretary/Treasurer. The Administrator advised that the Secretary/Treasurer position is redundant. J. Rowe called for a question on the motion. MOTION DEFEATED Moved By: S. Laing Seconded By: J. Rowe THAT a staff member be Recording Secretary. MOTION CARRIED Moved By: H. St. Croix Seconded By: J. Witheridge THAT an ADHOC Committee be struck to update the By-law, and the Chair is to call and chair that Committee. The members of the Committee are J. Witheridge, P. Ford, H. St. Croix, S. Laing and K. Isnor. MOTION CARRIED NEW BUSINESS a) The Administrator presented an overview of the Museums to the Board and provided a brief history of the Bowmanville Museum, the Clarke Museum and 62 Temperance Street. The Board was advised that the move from the Hampton location was completed, and that the 62 Temperance Street site will have displays upstairs and the research facility on the lower level. A research fee will be enforced. The Administrator advised that Evelyn Strahlendorf has donated her collection of dolls to Clarington Museums. A portion of the collection recently arrived from the Museum of Civilization where it was previously on display. Page Five The Board was advised of upcoming events at all sites, including the April 3rd open house to be hosted by the Board. J. Rowe suggested that Board members have membership in the Clarington Museums. The Administrator stated that the Museums would be making a presence in Courtice. Councillor P. Pingle asked that the attendance statistics including research requests be included with the monthly minutes. The Administrator advised that these statistics are included in the monthly Administrator's report. b)The Administrator advised that the request to name the building at 62 Temperance Street had gone before Council had been referred to staff. The Community Service staff contacted the Administrator and requested the Board forward their name preference. The Administrator requested that the Board consider"Sarah Jane Williams Centre" as a name for 62 Temperance Street. Explanation was given for the reason for the name, along with a handout of the history of Sarah Jane Williams. Moved By: H. St. Croix Seconded By: J. Witheridge THAT 62 Temperance Street be named"Sarah Jane Williams Centre". Friendly Amendment by D. Climenhage THAT the name be"Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre". MOTION CARRIED Moved By: D. Climenhage Seconded By: P. Ford THAT status on the Policy Manual including completion date be provided for the next meeting of the Board. MOTION CARRIED DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT BOARD MEETING Discussion was held regarding dates of meetings to be changed from the 2nd Wednesday of the month to the 4th Wednesday of the month. It was agreed that the meetings of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board be held the 4th Wednesday of the month in future. The next meeting of the Board is Wednesday, February 25th' 2004 at 7:00 p.m. at 62 Temperance Street. The meeting following February 25th, 2004 will be held March 24th, 2004. Page Six The Chair advised that refreshments and a tour of the building will be held following the Board meeting. Moved By: M. VanDylce THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:45 p.m.