HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-10-13 Minutes p C-0 COUNCIL INFORMATION I-6 CLARINGTON MUSEUMS AND ARCHIVES BOARD MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 13, 2004 Location: Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre Bowmanville, Ontario Present: K. Isnor, Chair P. Ford S. Laing J. Rowe M. Van Dyke J. Vinson D. Climenhage T. Oke Councillor P. Pingle Councillor G. Robinson Regrets: H. St. Croix J. Witheridge Staff: M. Rutherford Conrad,Administrator M. Horne, Recording Secretary CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by the Chair. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Moved By: Councillor Pingle Seconded By: Councillor Robinson THAT the Agenda be approved with the addition of an item 4 d) letter from the Clerk of the Municipality. MOTION CARRIED Draft APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF September 8, 2004 Moved By: M. Van Dyke Seconded By: P. Ford THAT the minutes of the Board Meeting of September 8, 2004 be approved as amended with a correction to "Business Arising (a)Kirby United Church". The Administrator advised that as of this date a written report has not been received on the subject of the Kirby United Church and therefore, the Administrator is not aware of the recommendations from the consulting firm. MOTION CARRIED At 7:10 the meeting adjourned to the Bowmanville Museum for the purpose of touring the new exhibit. The tour was conducted by S. Mariglia Bosgraaf. On behalf of the Board, S. Laing thanked S. Mariglia Bosgraaf for the excellent job that she did on the exhibit following the tour. The Clarington Museum and Archives Board Meeting resumed at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre at 7:45 p.m. The Chair expressed congratulations on the new exhibit. BUSINESS ARISING b) Name of Clarington History Gallery: The Administrator suggested the name of the new exhibit be the "Clarington History Gallery" and that a plaque be placed on the door of the new Gallery in honour of Elsie Lunney. The first tours of the Gallery are scheduled for the middle of November so it was agreed that the Grand Opening be held Sunday, November 7th from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: J. Rowe THAT the name of the new Gallery be the"Clarington History Gallery" and that Elsie Lunney be acknowledged as per the terms of the bequest. MOTION CARRIED c) Corporate Membership: The Administrator advised that the Museum does not have a corporate membership policy at this time,however the Administrator is currently working on a policy in conjunction with other museums. The policy will be brought to the Board for final approval. Draft d) Letter from the Clerk: The Chair provided the Board with copies of a letter that had been sent to the Administrator from the Clerk's Department. Discussion was held with regard to the contents of the letter and as to the response that should be sent. It was agreed that the Chair would work with the Administrator to respond to the requests and that the Chair would send a response to the letter. MOVED BY: T. Oke SECONDED BY: S. Laing THAT a true copy of the rental agreement with the Conservative Party be sent in confidence to the Clerk. MOTION CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE Moved By: Councillor Pingle Seconded By: J. Vinson THAT the correspondence be received. MOTION CARRIED COMMITTEE REPORTS: a) Finance Committee Report: The Finance Chair reported on the expenditures and revenue to date. It was noted that a balanced budget is expected for the end of the year. A grant of$3,000. from the Optimist Club was acknowledged, this grant to be used for Educational Programming. Moved By: D. Climenhage Seconded by: M. Van Dyke THAT the Finance Committee Report be received. MOTION CARRIED b) Collections and Event Planning Committee Report: The Collections and Event Planning Committee Chair reported on budget lines and it was decided to have some of the woodwork on the organs and pianos repaired. A schedule of 2005 activities of the Clarington Museums was submitted. Draft Moved By: S. Laing Seconded By: J. Vinson THAT the Collections and Event Planning Committee Report be received. MOTION CARRIED c) Property Committee Report: The Chair of the Property Committee being absent, the Administrator advised that the Committee had dealt with a number of outstanding items with great support being received from Fred Horvath. The Clarke Museum site has had numerous issues addressed with the administration office including the repair of improperly sealed plumbing fixtures. The laneway at Bowmanville Museum is now completed, and the Administrator has been advised that the roof of the Museum will be started by the end of October. The Administrator advised the Committee of the leaks in the ceiling of the new display which had recently occurred and expressed the importance of having the roof completed as quickly as possible. Moved By: Councillor Pingle Seconded By: D. Climenhage THAT the Property Committee Report be received. MOTION CARRIED d) NVDHS Report: M. Van Dyke reported on recent activities of the NVDHS and advised that the Municipality has been requested to re-furbish the Historical Placque at King and Mill Street and that the Municipality designate the Lakeshore Road between Newcastle (Bond Head) and the Hope Clarice Line as a Heritage or Historical Road. Moved By: P. Ford Seconded by: T. Oke THAT the NVDHS Report be received. MOTION CARRIED ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: Draft The Administrator advised that the Collections and Event Planning Chair and the Administrator attended the Standards Workshop provided by the Ministry of Culture on September 30, 2004. Current and upcoming events were discussed. Clarington Museums continues to network with other museums and the outreach service is active with a display at the Durham Central Fair and the Chili Festival in Orono. The Curator has made several presentations including an Ajax Seniors Group, Pickering Historical Society and historic talks on tours both in Newcastle and Orono. Moved By: Councillor Pingle Seconded by: M. Van Dyk THAT the Administrator's Report be accepted MOTION CARRIED NEW BUSINESS: The Administrator provided a draft resolution to exclude part time employees from mandatory enrolment in OMERS. This resolution will correct Resolution Number 00-A-12 with respect to employee membership in OMERS by repealing Clause 6 that provided mandatory enrolment to OTCFT employees Moved By: S.Laing . Seconded By: J. Vinson THAT the Clarington Museums and Archives Board accept the draft resolution MOTION CARRIED Councillor Robinson requested an update on mould at the Clarke Museum. The Administrator advised mould had been discovered in the basement at Clarke. Scrapings had been taken by a mould specialist. Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: P. Ford THAT the Administrator obtain a copy of the report of the mould scrapings on behalf of the Board. MOTION CARRIED DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT BOARD MEETING The next meeting of the Clarington Museums andArchives Board will be held on November 10th 2004, at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre beginning at 7:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Draft Moved By: J. Rowe THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:50 p.m. Draft