HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-12-08 Minutes I - 9 CLARINGTON MUSEUMS AND ARCHIVES C 0 b ry--� BOARD MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 2004 i Location: Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre Bowmanville, Ontario Present: K. Isnor, Chair S. Laing M. Van Dyke D. Climenhage T. Oke H. St Croix J. Witheridge Councillor G. Robinson Regrets: Councillor P. Pingle J. Rowe J. Vinson P. Ford Staff: M. Rutherford Conrad, Administrator M. Horne,Recording Secretary 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by the Chair. 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Moved By: M. Van Dyke Seconded By: J. Witheridge THAT the Agenda be approved. MOTION CARRIED 3. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF October 13, 2004 Moved By: S. Laing Seconded By: Councillor G. Robinson THAT the minutes of the Board Meeting of October 13, 2004 be approved. MOTION CARRIED 5. CORRESPONDENCE Moved By: Councillor Robinson Seconded By: D. Climenhage THAT a letter be sent to Jane Rowe expressing regrets of the Museum Board on her resignation and thanking her for her valuable contribution to the Board; and THAT the remainder of the correspondence be received. MOTION CARRIED 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Finance Committee: The Finance Chair reviewed the report with the Board stating that a balanced budget is anticipated for 2004. A review of the 2005 Budget Summary was discussed. The Administrator advised that grants are available from Trillium, Young Canada Works, HRDC, Heritage Works, which is a federal funding program, and the Municipality, stating that it is hoped a 5% increase from the Municipality would be received as the Museum now has another building. The Finance Chair advised that total expense would rise 5%, reasons being extra reserve for utilities, and the expense of another building. Moved By: D. Climenhage Seconded by: J. Witheridge THAT the Finance Committee report be received and the 2005 budget be accepted. MOTION CARRIED Moved By: D. Climenhage Seconded by J. Witheridge THAT $10,000 be requested from capital funds for the engineering report for the Bowmanville Museum. MOTION CARRIED The meeting agenda was altered at this time to item number four on the agenda"Business Arising"with the arrival of S. Mariglia Bosgraaf. i 4. BUSINESS ARISING S. Mariglia Bosgraaf attended at this point with a close out report on the Clarington History Gallery stating that the tours of the site had been well accepted by the schools and public as well. There are two different tours being presented to the schools, one for grade three, and one for grade six. Questionnaires have been distributed to teachers in order to get comments and/or suggestions. Moved by: T. Oke Seconded by: J. Witheridge THAT the report be received with gratitude extended to S. Mariglia Bosgraaf on behalf of the Board for the History Gallery. MOTION CARRIED At this point the meeting returned to item number six on the agenda, Committee Reports. 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS b) Collections and Event Planning Committee: The Chair of the Collections and Event Planning Committee stated that no report was available. C) Property Committee: The Chair of the Property Committee informed the Board of the AMEC report which had been received regarding Clarke Museum, the school house. Extensive mould has been discovered in some places of the building. Lengthy discussion was held on the subject. It was stated that Director of Operations has $40,000 available in the capital budget for Clarke and will be requesting an additional $60,000 for capital expenditures. Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: D. Climenhage THAT the Property Committee report be received. MOTION CARRIED Conein was expressed from some Board members regarding the plan to rectify the situation at the Clarke Museum. The Administrator informed the Board that Mr. Horvath had known of this meeting and that no reply had been received to her request for information. She will follow up with F. Horvath in order to determine the plan of action for Clarke Museum and then communicate that plan to the Board members. T. Oke suggested to the Board that all members receive a copy of the entire report and review it at length as he himself wishes to make an informed decision. It was decided that the members will review the report in their homes, and contact each other by email with their considered opinions. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. for a short recess. At this time H. St. Croix left the meeting stating that he had another meeting to attend. d) Executive Report: The Administrator discussed the Executive Committee Report with the Board which deals with staff matters and board meetings. Moved by: J.Witheridge Seconded by: S. Laing THAT the position of Registrar be changed to Program Co-Ordinator; and THAT the Executive Committee Report be received. MOTION CARRIED e) Friends: S. Laing reported that the craft and bake sale held recently had been a huge success and yielded $1,000. Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: J. Witheridge THAT the Friends Report be received. MOTION CARRIED 7. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT The Administrator advised the Clarke Christmas Open House was a great success with 105 people attending. A report of current and future museum activities was given with recommendations to the Board regarding future museum hours. Lengthy discussion followed regarding museum sites hours. Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: T. Oke THAT Clarke Museum be opened one day during the week between January and March. MOTION CARRIED 8. NEW BUSINESS The Administrator advised that Bethesda House had approached the Museum regarding obtaining free passes to the sites. Decision was made not to pursue this request, as it would set a precedent for others. Councillor Robinson will communicate this decision back to Councillor Pingle. 9. OLD BUSINESS This subject was inadvertently omitted during the Property Report so now appears as Old Business. The Chair of the Property Committee presented the Board with a copy of cost estimates from Totten, Sims, Hubicki on moving Kirby United Church. The Administrator presented a report comparing estimates of Totten, Sims,Hubicki with other professional estimates. The Board was in agreement that the figures received from Totten, Sims, Hubicki seemed out of line with other professional estimates and included items that the museum would not include with the project such as `new windows', among other items. The Administrator advised that she has not received a copy of the report from Mr. Horvath yet just the cost estimates. Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: T. Oke THAT the Administrator procure the Totten, Sims,Hubicki report from Mr. Horvath. MOTION CARRIED 10. DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT BOARD MEETING The next meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board will be held on 12t" of January, 2005, at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre. Moved by: Councillor Robinson THAT the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board adjourn at 10:25 p.m.