HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-21-2020Clarington If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Council Minutes Date: September 21, 2020 Time: 7:00 PM Location: Microsoft Teams Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Jones, Councillor M. Zwart Present Via Electronic Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor C. Traill Means: Staff Present: A. Greentree, M. Chambers Present Via Electronic A. Allison, G. Acorn, R. Albright, S. Brake, F. Langmaid, R. Means: Maciver, M. Marano, T. Pinn, G. Weir 1. Call to Order Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Recess Resolution # C-368-20 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Council recess for 20 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 7:28 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. 2. Moment of Reflection Councillor Neal led the meeting in a moment of reflection. 3. Land Acknowledgement Statement Councillor Neal recited the Land Acknowledgment Statement. 4. Declaration of Interest There were no declarations of interest stated at this meeting. Clarftwn 5. Announcements September 21, 2020 Council Meeting Members of Council announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. 6. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 6.1 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council dated July 6, 2020 Resolution # C-369-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on July 6, 2020, be approved. Carried 7. Presentations None 8. Delegations None 9. Communications — Receive for Information 9.1 Faye Langmaid, Acting Director of Planning and Development Services, regarding Lighting in Commercial and Industrial Developments Resolution # C-370-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Jones That Communication Item 9.1 from Faye Langmaid, Acting Director of Planning and Develop Services, regarding Lighting in Commercial and Industrial Developments, be received for information. Carried 10. Communications — Direction 10.1 Steven Zakem, Aird Berl is LLP, regarding An Application by Goldmanco Inc. to Amend Sign By Law 2009 — 123 to Permit a Monolith Sign Along Highway 2 at the Courtice Urban Centre Development 10.2 Memo from Faye Langmaid, Acting Director of Planning and Development Services Department, regarding, Sign By-law Amendment, Recommendation to Permit a Monolith Sign along Highway 2 at the Courtice Urban Centre Resolution # C-370-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Hooper 2 Clarington September 21, 2020 Council Meeting That Correspondence Item 10.1 and 10.2, regarding Report PSD-031-20, An Application by Goldmanco Inc. to Amend Sign By-law 2009-123 to Permit a Monolith Sign Along Highway 2 at the Courtice Urban Centre Development, be referred to the consideration of Item 4 of the Joint General Government and Planning and Development Committees Report. Carried 11. Committee Reports 11.1 Advisory Committee Reports 11.1.1 Minutes of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee dated September 8, 2020 11.1.2 Minutes of the Clarington Tourism Advisory Committee dated June 9, 2020 11.1.3 Minutes of the Clarington Diversity Advisory Committee dated July 23 and August 27, 2020 11.1.4 Minutes of the Newcastle Arena Board dated August 25, 2020 11.1.5 Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee dated July 9 and August 20, 2020 11.1.6 Minutes of the Accessibility Advisory Committee dated September 9, 2020 Resolution # C-371-20 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Jones That Advisory Committee Report Items 11.1.1 to 11.1.6, be approved. Carried 11.2 Joint General Government and Planning and Development Committees Report of September 14, 2020 Resolution # C-372-20 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the recommendations contained in the Joint General Government and Planning and Development Committees Report of September 14, 2020, be approved on consent, with the exception of items 1 b, 13, 17, and 4. Carried 3 Clarftwn September 21, 2020 Council Meeting Item 1 b - Ward Boundary Review Resolution # C-373-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones The Report CLD-014-20, Ward Boundary Review be referred to the September 28, 2020, General Government Committee Meeting. Yes (3): Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, and Councillor Traill No (4): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, and Councillor Zwart Motion Lost on a recorded vote, Later in the meeting, See following motion (3 to 4) Resolution # C-374-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Jones That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Council to speak to the foregoing Resolution #C-373-20 for a second time. Carried The foregoing Resolution #C-373-20 was then put to a recorded vote and lost. Resolution # C-375-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Hooper The Report CLD-014-20, Ward Boundary Review, be received for information. Carried Item 13 - Memo from Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk, Regarding Appointment of Department Liaisons- Change Departments Resolution # C-376-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That the Members of Council be designated as a Department Liaison as follows: Planning & Development Department ' Councillor Anderson Public Works Department Councillor Hooper Emergency Services Department Councillor Margaret Zwart Community Services Department Councillor Corinna Traill 0 Clarftwn Legislative Services Department Counc Finance Department Counc Corporate Services &Administration Mayor That this matter be reviewed at the November 30, Committee meeting. Carried Item 17 - 2021 Budget Guidelines and Update Resolution # C-377-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That Report FND-030-20 be received; September 21, 2020 Council Meeting for Jones for Neal %drian Foster 2020 General Government That Staff prepare a draft budget with a target municipal increase of 1.80 per cent; That Staff include within the draft budget requests for funding from external agencies up to a maximum limit of 1.80 per cent; That the 2021 budget schedule, as outlined within the report, be approved; That Staff develop a Determination of User Fee Revenue Policy, and review the current user fees charged by the Municipality to determine if they are appropriate; and That all interested parties listed in Report FND-030-20, and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Yes (3): Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, and Councillor Traill No (4): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, and Councillor Zwart Motion Lost on a recorded vote (3 to 4) Resolution # C-378-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report FND-030-20 be received; That Staff prepare a draft budget with a target municipal increase of 3.55 per cent; That Staff include within the draft budget requests for funding from external agencies up to a maximum limit of 1.80 per cent; That the 2021 budget schedule, as outlined within the report, be approved; 5 Clarftwn September 21, 2020 Council Meeting That Staff develop a Determination of User Fee Revenue Policy, and review the current user fees charged by the Municipality to determine if they are appropriate; and That all interested parties listed in Report FND-030-20, and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Yes (4): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, and Councillor Zwart No (3): Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, and Councillor Traill Carried (4 to 3) Item 4 - An Application by Goldmanco Inc. to Amend Sign By-law 2009-123 to Permit a Monolith Sign Along Highway 2 at the Courtice Urban Centre Development Resolution # C-379-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report PSD-031-20 be received; That the amendment to the Municipality of Clarington Sign By-law 2009-123, be approved and that the By-law, contained in Attachment 1 to Report PSD-031-20 be approved with the elimination of the sign at northwest corner; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-031-20 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Motion referred later in the meeting, See following motions Recess Resolution # C-380-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Jones That the Council recess for 10 minutes to allow for Staff to ensure all Members of Council are connected remotely to the meeting. Carried At this time in the meeting technical issue were occurring. An additional recess was requested by staff to allow them time to correct the issue. The following motion was considered, therefore, by the four members physically in attendance. 0 Clarftwn Recess Resolution # C-381-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Council recess for and additional 10 minutes. Carried September 21, 2020 Council Meeting The meeting reconvened at 9:14 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair and all members in attendance. Resolution # C-382-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Jones That Report PSD-031-20, be referred to the October 5, 2020, Planning and Development Committee meeting. Carried 11.3 Special General Government Committee Report of September 21, 2020 Resolution # C-383-20 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the recommendations contained in the Special General Government Committee Report of September 21, 2020 be approved on consent with exception of Item 1. Carried Item 1 - Operations Needs Assessment Resolution # C-384-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report OPD-006-20 be received; and That the Operations Needs Assessment, as prepared by Resource Planning Group (RPG), be approved as the strategic guide for the development of the facility and site requirements for the future Public Works Department of the Municipality of Clarington. Yes (5): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, Councillor Jones, and Councillor Zwart No (2): Councillor Neal, and Councillor Traill Carried on a Recorded Vote Later in the Meeting, See following Motions (5 to 2) 7 Clariiwwa Resolution # C-385-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones September 21, 2020 Council Meeting That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Council to speak to the foregoing Resolution #C-384-20 for a second time. Carried The foregoing Resolution #C-384-20 was then put to a recorded vote and carried. 12. Staff Reports None 13. Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion None 14. Unfinished Business 14.1 Report CLD-013-20 -Addressing Frivolous, Vexatious or Malicious Enforcement Complaints Resolution # C-386-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Jones That Report CLD-013-20 be received; and That Staff be directed to report back on developing a By-law that is the similar to St. Catharines' regarding frivolous, vexatious or malicious enforcement complaints. Carried 14.2 Memo from Brent Rice, CBO, Planning and Development Services, regarding City of Oshawa Correspondence - Construction of Accessible Units as Part of all Residential Projects (Referred from the September 14, 2020 Joint Committees Meeting) Resolution # C-387-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the following resolution from, the City of Oshawa, regarding Construction of Accessible Units as Part of all Residential Development Projects, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington: Clarftwn September 21, 2020 Council Meeting That, pursuant to Report CNCL-20-149 dated July 8, 2020, the Province of Ontario be requested to amend the Ontario Building Code in consultation with municipalities, the building and development industry and other stakeholders to permit individual municipalities to establish in consultation with the public and the building and development industry unique approaches and standards applicable only to that municipality to advance accessibility such as a minimum number of accessible units in new development projects. Carried 14.3 Elaine Baxter-Trahair, Chief Administrative Officer, Region of Durham, Regarding Mixed Waste Pre -Sort and Anaerobic Digestion Project 14.4 Andrew Evers, Manager, Environmental Assessment Branch, Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, Regarding Proposed Recycling and Anaerobic Digestion Facility Closed Session Resolution # C-388-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Anderson That, in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing two matters that deal with litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board. Carried Rise and Report The meeting resumed in open session at 10:34 PM. Mayor Foster advised that items were discussed in "closed" session in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and one resolution was passed to provide direction to staff. Resolution # C-389-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Correspondence Item 14.4 from Andrew Evers, Manager, Assessment Branch, Ministry of the Environment, Conservation regarding Proposed Recycling and Anaerobic Digestion Facility information. Carried Environmental and Parks, be received for 0 Clarington September 21, 2020 Council Meeting 15. By-laws 15.1 2020-057 - Being a By-law to Exempt a Certain Portion of Registered Plan 40M-2614 from Part Lot Control 15.2 2020-058 - Being a By-law to Exempt a Certain Portion of Registered Plan 40M-2601 from Part Lot Control 15.3 2020-059 - Being a By-law to Amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 15.4 2020-060 - Being a By-law to Amend the Procedural By-law 2015-029 15.5 2020-061 - Being a By-law to Amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 15.7 2020-063 - Being a By-law to Designate the Property Known for Municipal Purposes as 2 Church Street, Bowmanville, Municipality of Clarington as a Property of Historic or Architectural Value or Interest Under the Ontario Heritage Act Resolution # C-390-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2020-057 to 2020-061 and 2020-063. That the said by-laws be approved. Carried 16. Procedural Notices of Motion None 17. Other Business None 18. Confirming By -Law Resolution # C-391-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Jones That leave be granted to introduce By-law 2020-064, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held on the 21st day of September, 2020; and That the said by-law be approved. Carried 10 j P s 19. Adjournment Resolution # C-392-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That the meeting adjourn at 10:47 PM. Carried yor 11 September21, 2020 Council Meeting I eYr__� unicip I brerk