HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-09-09 MinutesClarington Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes for the meeting of September 9, 2020, 6:30PM Via Microsoft Teams If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Present: Shea -Lea Latchford, Chair Sylvia Jaspers-Fayer, Vice -Chair Pinder DaSilva Councillor Janice Jones (until 7:00 p.m.) Deb Kalogris Sarah McConaghy Catherine McConaghy Marina Ross Tim Van Leeuwen Also Present: Councillor Ron Hooper Erica Mittag, Community Development Coordinator Absent: Sarah Taylor The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. 1. Review of Previous Meeting Minutes 1.1. The Members reviewed the meeting minutes from the March 4, 2020 meeting and the meeting notes from the June 3, 2020 meeting. Moved by Deb Kalogris; seconded by Marina Ross Carried 2. Business Arising out of Previous Minutes 2.1. Request from Newcastle resident for additional accessible parking in Downtown Newcastle Erica has followed up with Public Works on the status of this; will provide an update once received. 2.2. Community Diversity Survey results. Erica Mittag shared an overview of the results of a Community Diversity Survey, an initiative of Clarington's Diversity Advisory Committee that was available November 2019. Highlights included: Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes — September 9, 2020 • 141 responses • 60% identify as living in Bowmanville • 62% have lived in Clarington for over 11 years • Largest age demographic were ages 35 to 44 years • 50% indicated Clarington is a diverse community • 68% indicated Clarington is an inclusive community The Diversity Advisory Committee is looking to re -launch the survey this fall. 2.3. Accessibility of Air Travel Erica Mittag shared this issue with the regional Accessibility Coordinators. They stated they have not been involved in any advocacy on this front. They were unsure if it was in their Committee's mandate to do so. Pinder DaSilva suggested accessibility is not a check box — if we only look at mandates created when the group was formed, then we are stuck in that moment. Tim Van Leeuwen indicated he had brought this issue forward to the local MP, Erin O'Toole's office but received no resolution. Upon discussion, the Members felt an invitation to MPP Lindsey Park would be in order to share their concerns. TO DO: Erica will invite MPP Lindsey Park to a future AAC meeting. 2.4. Minute taking for meetings. At the June meeting, Pinder offered to take minutes; Deb also offered to assist with minutes when needed. 2.5 Active Transportation and Safe Roads Committee Tim, Shea -Lea and Erica will be attending a meeting of this Committee to provide input and feedback for things to be considered in terms of accessibility when designing Clarington's active trails, walking paths, bike paths, sidewalks. Councillor Jones indicated that the Committee is looking to think broader than just cycling paths so our input could be valuable. 2.6 Correspondence from Resident regarding Local Businesses A resident reached out to the Committee with a concern that the operating hours signage on local business storefronts is difficult to read from afar. It was discussed that while the Committee could not mandate signage, Councillor Hooper, who was a guest at the meeting and a member of the Bowmanville BIA, offered to share the concern at an upcoming BIA meeting. Pinder offered to provide a template for accessible signage to Councillor Hooper to share at the meeting as a reference. 2.7 Region of Durham Accessibility Award Page 2 of 4 Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes — September 9, 2020 In light of COVID, the Region is hosting the annual accessibility forum virtually. They are requesting a nomination from each municipality. Nominees are due October 16, 2020. TO DO: Erica will re -share the nomination form and will include information about past years' nominees. Members are to review and bring nominee suggestions to the October 7, 2020 meeting to select. 2.8 Durham Region Transit — On Demand Service Durham Region Transit (DRT) presented at a recent meeting of the Durham Accessibility Coordinators. DIRT is moving to an on demand service in much of Clarington. Service will be extended from Oshawa through to Bowmanville along Highway 2. TO DO: Erica will invite a representative from Durham Region Transit to an upcoming meeting 2.9 Re -opening considerations As we re -open recreation facilities with new protocols and PPE, is there anything specific that should be considered from an accessibility perspective? Sylvia indicated that a lot of people rely on lip-reading, which is impacted by wearing a mask. Could look to options such as clear masks (which may fog up). A suggestion was made for staff to wear a button with their face on it to show who is behind the mask. This may help customers who have anxiety. 2.10 Service Ontario —Accessibility Issues during COVID. Challenges at the local Service Ontario outlet in Bowmanville have been amplified during COVID as people are required to line up outside to ensure physical distancing. There have been several concerns brought forward to the municipality. A meeting has been requested by the Municipal Clerk with the Manager of the private Service Ontario buildings to discuss their plan for accessibility, especially considering the winter months are approaching. Suggestions by Members included scheduling appointments, numbering system, share with MPP Park's office for advocacy to the appropriate ministry. This could also be a topic for discussion when MPP Park is invited to an upcoming meeting. 2.11 Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations Additional EV Charging Stations are coming to Clarington and are to be installed at the parking lot at Division and Church Street. Clarington's Public Works Department consulted with the Accessibility Advisory Committee's Site Plan Review subcommittee for recommendations. One of the charging stations was recommended to be designated as an accessible / charging station and to be designed as per AODA design standards. As well, accessibility was a strong consideration in the development of a draft EV policy for the municipality. Page 3 of 4 Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes — September 9, 2020 3. Other Business 3.1. Representation on Ontario Business Improvement Area Association (OBIAA) Councillor Hooper shared that he is representing the Bowmanville BIA to the OBIAA and has been asked to provide a listing about what specific businesses have done to support accessibility during COVID. For example, providing chairs outside of businesses for people to sit at the crosswalk location in front of Hooper's Jewellers. As well, CIBC Bowmanville removed two of their cash machines to improve accessibility at the remaining two; they also handed out water bottles and provided canopies for people lined up outside in the heat and sun. 4. Adjournment 4.1 The meeting was adjourned at 7:42 p.m. Moved by Sylvia Jaspers-Fayer; seconded by Sarah McConaghy That the meeting be adjourned. Carried Next meeting Wednesday, October 7, 6:30 p.m. Via Microsoft Teams Page 4 of 4