HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-07-09Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Members Present: Regrets: Staff: Guests: Thursday, July 09, 2020 John Cartwright Ted Watson Ben Eastman Eric Bowman Les Caswell Don Rickard Tom Barrie Councillor Zwart Jennifer Knox Richard Rekker Henry Zekveld Brenda Metcalf Amy Burke and Faye Langmaid - Planning Services Michael Longarini; Dave Kranenburg; Stacey Jibb, Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development Due to COVID 19 restrictions and to ensure social distancing, participation in the meeting was electronic (using Microsoft Teams) and by conference call. John welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions. Declarations of pecuniary interest None. Adoption of Agenda 020-15 Moved by Richard Rekker, seconded by Ted Watson That the Agenda for July 9, 2020 be adopted. Carried Approval of Minutes 020-16 Moved by Don Rickard, seconded by Henry Zekveld That the minutes of the June 11, 2020 meeting be approved. Carried Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington July 9, 2020 Presentation The Committee was joined by two guests who provided an overview of virtual farmers market models that they have spearheaded in Clarington this year. These new models have supported a continued connection between local food producers and local consumers throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Both models have seen success to date and plan to continue into the foreseeable future. The Committee commended these young entrepreneurs for their efforts and innovation to evolve the local food distribution system. An overview of both farmers markets is below, including benefits realized and present challenges. Michael Longarini - Bowmanville REKO Network: REKO (meaning "fair consumption") is a local food model that began in Europe and has now expanded to four locations in Canada. REKO-Groups are Facebook-based direct sales of local food products and locally produced food -based goods from producers to customers. The Bowmanville REKO network was started by Michael and launched in March 2020. Vendors post an ad on the Facebook page each week with the products they have available. Customers place their orders with the vendors via their ads and complete payment directly with the vendor. Every Thursday, for one hour, vendors and buyers meet at the Garnet B. Rickard parking lot for the purchased products to be picked up. There are no on -site sales. All purchases and payment must be done prior to the scheduled pick-up. Michael outlined a range of benefits for local farmers. The set-up is simple, low cost, and requires significantly less of a farmer's time than a traditional farmers market. Farmers only bring to the pick-up what they have sold, so food waste is reduced. No tents or signage is required. To date there is no cost to the farmer or consumer to participate. Michael indicated that overall, REKO-groups have fewer barriers to entry for small local farms. The goal is for other farmers to adopt and adapt this less costly pre -order format and grow the availability of farm markets. A foreseeable challenge is expected insurance requirements, which will add cost to the farmer. Information on Canada's network of REKO-groups is available at www.rekocanada.ca. The local group's Facebook page is called the "Bowmanville Reko Network". Dave Kranenburg - Green Circle Food Hub: Green Circle Food Hub originates and is run out of the Kendal Hills Farm. Dave shared with the Committee that at the outset of the COVID pandemic and with the shut down of the food service sector, Kendal Hills Farm was facing a 95% loss of sales for the year. This online farmer's market model evolved in response and ensured continued viability. The Green Circle Food Hub provides a one -stop shop for food producers and food - based product producers to sell their goods. Each week, vendors estimate what they can harvest or have prepared for sale and it on the Green Circle Food Hub website. The products are available for purchase Thursday through Sunday. Consumers can shop multiple vendors at once, assemble a "shopping cart", and then check out and pay via the website. Vendors bring all of their products sold to Kendall Hills Farm and customer orders are assembled for delivery. Delivery is direct to the consumer Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington July 9, 2020 (contactless) or deliveries can be picked up by consumers at a select number of partner locations where Kendall Hills Farms has established pick up points. Benefits to the farmer noted by Dave are similar to the REKO network. Similarly, the Green Circle Food Hub model caters to small and medium producers and local food - based artisans with fewer barriers to entry. Dave indicated that performance in the 17 weeks since the Green Circle Hub began has been overwhelming - $617,000 in total sales; 7,500 total orders, 5,700 food items sold, 850 regular customers; $5,000 contributed to 8 charitable causes that are supported by the initiative. Growth of the Green Circle Hub is currently challenged by a lack of cold storage space at the farm, which Kendal Hills Farm is in the process of addressing. The Green Circle Food Hub virtual farmers market is found at www.virtualfarmersmarket.ca. Ben Eastman, committee member provided information to David and Michael about insurance products that they may find of benefit and address their specific needs. Delegations None. Business Arising from Minutes On -Farm Special Events By-law: First working group meeting scheduled for July 14, 2020. The meeting will review public comments received on the draft by-law to date and discuss how on farm events are defined. To learn more about the proposed rules, visit https://www.clarington.net/en/town- hall/proposed-on-farm-special-events-by-law.asp, email bylawenforcement(a�clarington.net, or contact Duncan Anderson at 905-623-3379 ext. 2110. Supporting Local Agriculture — Online Campaign: Webpage development is underway and anticipated to be complete in the coming weeks. Notice will be provided to Committee members once live. Feedback welcomed and encouraged. Comments can be sent to Amy at aburke@clarington.net. Durham Region Abattoir Opportunity: Updated provided by Stacey Jibb. Region of Durham Economic Development and the Clarington Board of Trade continue to collaborate with the interested investor to identify potential sites. Municipally serviced lands are required. Condition of Regional Roads: A motion prepared by Committee members following the June 11 meeting in response to concerns raised about the condition of Regional roads and safe use by cyclists, motorists and large farm equipment was brought forward by Councillor Zwart to Council on July 6, 2020 and carried unanimously. Clarington Engineering Services is engaging in discussions with Regional Works Staff on the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington July 9, 2020 matter. Region of Durham Staff will be asked to address the matter when they attend a Committee meeting this fall (date to be confirmed). Correspondence, Council Items and Referrals Letter from Ernie Hardeman, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, regarding Bill 156 — Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020 thanking the Municipality for the strong written support for the Bill. Bill 156 received Royal assent on June 18, 2020. The Committee was thanked for their efforts in bringing this matter forward to Council. Liaison Reports Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee: No updates available. Alternative plans for the annual farm tour not yet announced. Durham Region Federation of Agriculture: Richard provided an update from the June 23 DRFA meeting in his e-mail to all prior to the meeting. No further questions from Committee members. Farm and Food Care Ontario 2020 events all likely to be cancelled, with the potential exception of the Breakfast on the Farm events — release of program information pending. Durham Farm Connections: Program and event cancellations continue. Celebrate Agriculture Gala deferred to 2021; alternative format for Celebrate Agriculture 2020 awards ceremony yet to be announced. Clarington Board of Trade: Committee member Jennifer Knox re-elected as CBOT Board President and Kirk Kemp (Algoma Orchards) re-elected as Board Vice -President. New Business Municipal Ward Boundary Review: On June 24 the Municipality announced the start of a comprehensive Ward Boundary Review for Clarington. The Review will identify effective and equitable electoral ward boundaries for the 2022 municipal election and beyond. The current wards have been in place since 1996. A project engagement website is now available at www.clarington.net/WardBoundaEyReview. An online survey is available until July 31. Four virtual public information centres are also being hosted in July. Dates and links to join the meetings online or via conference call are found on the project website. An interim report on the Review will be presented to Council in September. Further public consultation will take place this fall. A final report to Council is targeted for December 2020. The Committee discussed the importance of Clarington's agricultural sector participating in the consultation for this project. Staff will confirm the consultation periods and the comments deadlines with the Project Team. The Review will be placed on the next meeting agenda for a more fulsome discussion by the Committee. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington July 9, 2020 COVID-19 Financial Support Programs: As part of a comprehensive COVID-19 relief package, Clarington Council has approved funding to assist property owners, non-profit organizations and business owners who have been impacted by COVID-19. Council approved three separate financial support programs — COVID-19 Property Tax Relief Program (for business owners that pay residential tax); COVID-19 Community Improvement Program (for businesses to re -open); and COVID-19 Community Support (for not for profits). A website has been established to share information about all three programs, including eligibility criteria and application details, and is found at https://www.clarington.net/en/town-hall/covid-19-financial-support.asp. The Community Improvement Program will be developed over the summer for consideration by Council this fall. A pre -application form is now available (https://www.clarington.net/en/town-hall/resources/COVID-19-CIP-Grant-Pre- Application-Form.pdf) and will help shape the development of a Community Improvement Plan, including grant programs to support COVID-19 physical improvement projects. Businesses such as farm markets that have made physical alternations should apply. Municipal Agriculture Annual Economic Development & Planning Forum: To be held November 18-19, 2020 and hosted by the Town of Goderich. Format not yet announced. Forum theme focused on agriculture sector and municipal government collaboration. Region of Durham Woodland Conservation By-law: Region Staff have completed a supplemental review of the Region of Durham Woodland Conservation and Management By-law as requested by Regional Council in November 2019. A revised draft by-law has been approved by the Regional Planning and Economic Development Committee and will seek final ratification by Regional Council July 29, 2020. Regional Staff Report #2020-P-13 provides an overview of the revisions that have been made to the previous draft. These primarily serve to clarify definitions, achieving consistency with provincial definitions such as those in the Greenbelt Plan, and to more clearly describe both the application of the by-law and exemption from the by-law for agriculture and normal farm practices. Regional Staff presented the revisions to the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee in March. DAAC did not express any concerns with the revised draft by-law. High Speed Internet Deployment: Prior to the meeting, Staff circulated the Municipality's announcement of the partnership established with Rapid Connex to fast - track the deployment of high-speed internet to underserviced rural areas. The three municipally owned properties that will be part of the first phase of tower construction are located in Tyrone, Kendal and Brownsville. Details on the public meeting to occur this summer will be forwarded to the Committee, once available. Next Meeting Thursday, August 20, 2020 @ 7:30 pm, location to be announced, we are looking to hold this physically distanced at an outdoor facility. Guest to be determined. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington July 9, 2020 Future Agendas: Pat Learmonth, Farms at Work Philip Lawrence, MP, Northumberland -Peterborough South Hon. Erin O'Toole, MP, Durham Region of Durham Works re: 2020 capital projects Clarington Engineering Services (Building Division) re: National Building Code changes for farm structures anticipated for 2020 (once the changes have been confirmed) Fairlife (Coca-Cola) Simon Gill, Durham Region Economic Development & Tourism re: an update on the Durham Region Agricultural Strategy and Durham Region Broadband Strategy Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington July 9, 2020