HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-08-20Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Members Present: Regrets Staff: Guests Thursday, August 20, 2020 Eric Bowman Ted Watson Richard Rekker Councillor Zwart Jennifer Knox John Cartwright Tom Barrie Les Caswell Ben Eastman Don Rickard Henry Zekveld Brenda Metcalf Amy Burke, Faye Langmaid — Planning and Development Services Dr. Robert Williams, Watson & Associates; Allison Brown, Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development Due to COVID 19 restrictions and to ensure social distancing, participation in the meeting was electronic (using Microsoft Teams) and by conference call. Eric welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions. Declarations of pecuniary interest None. Adoption of Agenda 020-17 Moved by John Cartwright, seconded by Richard Rekker That the Agenda for August 20, 2020 be adopted. Carried Approval of Minutes 020-18 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Henry Zekveld That the minutes of the July 9, 2020 meeting be approved. Carried Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington August 20, 2020 Presentation Dr. Robert Williams, Watson & Associates - Municipality of Clarington Ward Boundary Review: Dr. Williams is a member of the Consultant Team retained by the Municipality of Clarington to undertake the Ward Boundary Review 2020 project. Clarington is reviewing its ward boundaries to ensure residents across the municipality are fairly represented by their chosen officials on Clarington Council. Dr. Williams explained that the existing ward boundaries have been in place since 1996 and the Municipality is looking for feedback from residents to help determine how these ward boundaries should change. Any changes would need to be approved by Council by December 2021 in order to be implemented by the next municipal election. Dr. Williams provided an overview of the process. In advance of the meeting, Committee members had the opportunity to participate in the community feedback survey and Phase 1 Public Information Sessions, and to review the Phase 1 consultation video. Dr. Williams reviewed the range of considerations examined as part of a ward boundary review, including current population, forecasted growth, existing boundaries (e.g. major roadways, topographical divides), communities of interest. With respect to community engagement within wards, Dr. Williams explained the challenges with objectively and accurately measuring and gathering data on public engagement, which can also fluctuate significantly over time. The Review considers if there are other ways to better address the needs of the community, ensuring balance and fairness. Dr. Williams clarified that it is beyond municipal jurisdiction to examine local / municipal boundaries, as is the composition of Regional Councillors. Further, while looking at the composition of local Council (i.e. the number of Councillors) was not in the original scope of the project, there has been significant feedback to date on this topic, which will be given consideration in the pending interim report to Council. Committee members commented on some of the challenges they felt currently existed with the current system and fair representation for the agricultural sector and considered the potential pros and cons of Clarington's rural area being a single ward. Dr. Williams explained that numerous options will be presented during the next round of consultation for feedback and exploration by the community. Committee members were encouraged to submit any other ideas they may have on potential ward boundaries to the Project Team. An interim report on the Review will be presented to Council in September (tentatively Joint Committee - September 14). The Committee requested to be provided with a copy of the report, once available. Further public consultation will take place this fall. The Committee expressed interest to participate in consultation and provide feedback on the preliminary ward boundary alternatives. Project information and updates are available at www.clarington.net/WardBoundarvReview. Delegations None. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington August 20, 2020 Business Arising from Minutes On -Farm Special Events By-law: Second working group meeting held August 18, 2020. The meeting focused on the regulations proposed in the first draft of the new by- law, including number of events, frequency of events, event hours and number of guests. Participating Committee members commented that the discussions have been informative and valuable. A third working group meeting is scheduled for September 22. This meeting will look at potential approaches for regulating on -farm special events, including licencing and site - specific zoning. To learn more about the proposed rules, visit https://www.clarington.net/en/town- hall/proposed-on-farm-special-events-by-law.asp, email bylawenforcement(@clarington.net, or contact Duncan Anderson at 905-623-3379 ext. 2110. Supporting Local Agriculture — Online Campaign: Promotional social media campaign and new webpage launched in early August. www.clarington.net/Agriculture provides a central page for agricultural resources. It includes information for residents looking to source local farm -fresh food. It also includes information for the local agricultural sector on employment opportunities, funding and financing, government websites and industry news. Committee members can send comments about the webpage and any additional or new agricultural resource links to Amy (aburke@clarington.net). It was questioned whether individual farms could be listed within the "accessing locally grown food" section of the webpage. This section of the webpage is intended to provide a one -stop shop to the numerous forums / networks / organizations that have formed locally to support individual farms in listing and selling their products. Individual farms are encouraged to reach out to these forums / networks / organizations directly to have their farms added as vendor of locally grown food. Correspondence, Council Items and Referrals None. Liaison Reports Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee: Tom provided an update from the July 15 and August 18 DAAC meetings in his email to all prior to the meeting. A virtual, invitation only event will be held on September 17 in place of the annual in - person farm tour. This virtual spotlight on agriculture in Durham Region will include a behind the scenes look at an egg laying barn and hog operation, both in Durham Region. Invitations were circulated to all members of Durham Region and local area Council, select Regional and municipal and staff, Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington members, and other past event participants and key stakeholders. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington August 20, 2020 DAAC provided a letter of support for the Region of Durham's application to the Improving Connectivity in Ontario Program (refer to New Business). Durham Region Federation of Agriculture: Richard provided an update from the July 15 DRFA meeting in his email to all prior to the meeting. No further questions from Committee members. DRFA provided a letter of support for the Region of Durham's application to the Improving Connectivity in Ontario Program (refer to New Business). Durham Farm Connections: Alternative format for Celebrate Agriculture 2020 awards ceremony in development. Award nominations now being accepted. Durham Farm Connections is searching for a new, clean and readily accessible storage location (approx. 10 x 20 feet) for their display / educational resources. Clarington Board of Trade: New video with messages from local businesses promotion that Clarington is Open for Business recently released - https://youtu. be/CT388vxIT7c. New Business Region of Durham Application to the Improving Connectivity in Ontario Program: In response to a request received from the Region of Durham, a letter of support has been provided on behalf of the Committee to support their ICOP funding application. If successful, the grant would support the development of a Regional Broadband Network. The Region would contribute to building "middle -mile" infrastructure, making the network available for lease by the private sector. Next Meeting Thursday, October 8, 2020 @ 7:30 pm Location to be announced. We are looking to hold this physically distanced at an outdoor facility. Guest - Carolyn Novick, Fairlife Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington August 20, 2020