HomeMy WebLinkAbout893A by-law to provide for borrowing $29,453.36 upon debentures to pay for the construction of certaiin sewers under the Local Improvement Act. I r. 1 s„ 1 r • 0 rlw © ss $90061*40 r 4/ 1���en 010111 e 14" Oon"SO 1 al Eton , Division a ft§ AIMA 66*1k of, the work is rat 069003*05 ratiron9 8 doh Is t 0000 of the 008t snd 0550031 is US owners, ' portion �' tho cost for w�tiah a �psolal Assessment doll has. been duly mWW a oertiftiet . �-]1Ad 1e �slama lifetime► of as work is fox* yO . 1, AND gal t'le a�rx 1i�ts - 1 F�c�r►i�cu��1 �lo��sf }, 41W un 'bees► +�►F 'r'8'' ' ,r I Real* of the pr±ovinae of ' Ontario s of n too o 'edit of the ttrpration , and is LL on lot" : Jnt$"8 ll �•�r 1 I f five and. *04whalf, per Sent per. aM , wrhlt�b �s '� , r Of the Asbt Intended to ' be v at 'b ' th - _, - -- it is a d,i►ent t ©- -make the prinafpl zy of the esi�L �7�t repealable in yearly suns the �eri� .: I of 410 years of sub► its re�t�.�►e► � , �'+8�� 1 in year sha31 ► t able for prinapla .interest ► r sr be t0 t as�r t so 9*ab2s for � as In equal as ly csi and interests► of, the eer►oa. 1 , AND it will be necossary 0 raid A lilts a the sum of #2,06.84 dwing fide period of � 0.- . to the said. yearly somas of princI; inunat ,e V � r °3 VOLUME , 4 . t 1 • , ae thilV beeaoae dwe of whioh $474o.97 ii required to paY the ao � oration's portion: of the ooet, � and the $f $1,551. . int►ereet t�ler+eon, and 67` ""in required, to per' t+he re' portion of the oo s t and the interest thereon O" p . S AO the Wount f the ft01e rate" .. r muni ei ality s000rdi ng -to the last prc�pext�r of the �► , revised assessment roll is $29190e020 . t . W� �OUrl f the exist debenture the at't o debt of the corpora +j ioh (ozolusive of 10oal improvement aur+4q svial rates of assess ) . , � manta is • debts s! by p } . ana no of the prin0ipsl or interest . the arms al oounoil of tho Ooriporm.. tLen of toes �o' pot anv lle e� "ts , ss follows t 1. That for the purpose, af©ressid there s1ia11' 'be r • n -the credit of C rporatioh at large the borro�►ed o th0 0 ; . mourn of -nine thoullsnd four hundred and f ing -twee thirty Gents ($29, 463 ") d�ebentomms 1 are siac . ....................... , ,,,,, ,L ,,,,.,. ," iro,.• n _. 8 thal� b� a t�'ian $100 isst� d. therefor in see of Ei , sash' bearing interest at the rat* ©f f�.ve a one per orent per annum, haysaa aouons attsahea for p iI"nt of' trbe inte"Oto d�ehentvres sha�►1 aid. bear 00 safe dats, mall be issued within tiro years after the dar on -1 is assed a nd may bear �' dente grit 3u 1 "& this x'31 3 • tf hl "two years, and shall be able in. 30 ann instal- s s duurf e0 years next after this time sea the �►x� issued anti the � respa0t3we amounts of pr3n0ipal s � , 'f * in a of such Years shall be as aAd Snte�'est► p�ra�ale , _ follows ; 3 VOLUME 2 r °F F iq- «�U � I K3 I i im ........... ...... . ....... ✓ . . .......... .... . 40 r. z