HomeMy WebLinkAbout859r , 1 ( i 1 B Y L o ' rJ . A 8y•LAw of the Corparat on o f t he Town of Dowmanv i lle to authorize the purohaee of certain land o situate lying; and being Town of �3owm�nvil�,o fro Gharlee II�i. C awker and Andrew in the said T • said lan ds to His %�� esty . King hernington and n the conveyance .f Gaorge V., for the erection thereon of a Drill Hall or Armoury• . r ment of Militia and Defenoe of 1. A S ,the D�part .. / r the Dominion of Canada has �x�,�e8 to build � Drill Hull or ArMOUry wn ®f Baanv...e, the said Town of 1, in- the Corporation of the To t of 11H11 Company of the "46th" i 1J* Bowma'nville be tale headquarters Durham T�egirnent on the card ition that a suitable sits be furnf$hed. b the Corpora tion of said Town of Bown. anville. lD b the, Corporation of the Toy�n. IT I S THEREFORE �aNACT 31 d b its Municipal Council under the powers .6f Bownanv i lie through . an �' . given to it by the n force in he Pro of Ontario tatutes. relative to sue h matte:•s and all other ite . powers hereto :enabling• 1) THAT the Corporation of the to wn, of Bowmanville purchase rles M. , Caw er of the' same p 1aoe • from, 'Cha , .... . 1 o . SINGULAR that oartain parcel r t rao.t of lend .. _. ,... t „1:. 5. a\.u. J.... h ;,,,. .,;, ,1,4 ,A. :.r -, ,,1 , ... .. . ... .1 ..., , r ..., .., t. ,•t -., .. ., .. -.1 .. . ... , :4,. ,,:.,(, ....1 . ,:. .. ,, ... ... ..7.n .., lr v ` in the Town of Bowen ills and remises situate , lying and U��ing ; . D _ u the Count of Durham ,sand Province of Ontario containing t , in Y 4 1' r he ' quarter of an acre be the same more or less and. a ng . o► , q all that art o To number Twelve in the ,Pfret oompo sed of a �a ' �1• Ir,l ... • • ' 1 t Count o hi of Darlington in- the y Concession of-the Town ? 3 Durham which no w forme, *part -of said Town o f Bowrnanvii.le and which is described as follows, ]iamely: - 1 CO�I�CING on the southerly side of Queen Street at a 1 tµ de of Teri erance Street, if if point where. the east si D southerly ���ou.ld intersect the. south limit . of Queen Street; sout Y limit degrees weot along the south, thence north seventy-two t -three feet; then south twenty -nine of said Street, sixty - o .. degrees west �, hundred and four feet: to the top of, the bank; G =: Y to of the bank sixty -three feet thew south- sater.y ahon the p t: t r -_. ra- sr.... a... 1Kia.'..':,s .; v .Y. ..:....emu ,. _:,✓;: .v+r.t k>,... .. .x ;::'. M r ,. to the west limit of lazed now ,owned by Andrew more or leee� s r r penAin ,ton; then north 'twenty -nine degrees east along; said west limit of Andrew- PenninCton's land two hundred and three to the lane of o ©innin and ray therefor feed more or less n F the sum of Five hundred dollars 'of lawful �nOM Y Of Canada. . , THAT the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville purohass from Andrew Bennington of the same place -- �-- ALL and SINGULAR that c ertain parcel or tract of land and premises sit. .� � uate It in and being in the Town of 3owmanville { y bein aor��oeed in the Count of Durham and province of Ontario. P of that art of Lot number Twelve . in the Township of Darlington , forms art of the said Town of Bowmanv111e and is „ which now p 4'e�scribed as follows, namely:. CCMT UCING at a point on the southerly aide of Queen treat easterly of and forty, .feet distant from where the, sash i S y de :of Tem stance. Street prolonged would, intersect the south side p s.: f ueen Street • thence south twenty -nine degrees west limit o Q , and parallel to the west limit of land owned by one Carrie e to the to r amd forty feet, l Till. y. of -the bank two hu.ndre ':i. ..: '::r • 1l.i.f••':7 .. IlCr. ill. rY• l' i4L .111•i{[:i•1.1•ll'il�ttii•.t•. }7111 t..l 14•.... . • thence running in a, westerly direction along the more'or less, ., r t .rr.�r ,,,rr• r .rr rr o o f "the bank fortfeet more or 'less less to y the east limit o ,7 land sold 4 to the ,said Grantees- by one . Charles I. Cawker; th twent -nine degrees east along the east limit thence nor y 1 nd so conve ed to the said Grantee o by the said of said a y . , t Cawker two hundred, and ,three feet more or less to the souk. 1 of Queen Street • thence runni �n--.­an, easterly direction limit M > o t ft` y ueen Str ®e�, fee � to the p lane. sloe the south limit of Q may, • 1. . , innin and pay therefor the, sum of Five hundred dollars of be#�, � gr y. of lawful money oT Canada. after obtaining oonveyanaee thereof the Corporation 4 { 3.i THAT g Sowinaxw'ille convey to His Maj a sty, King George of the Town o f all the above - mentioned lands for the, purposes of the t;;:;rt�on •Y.• ere ction of a Drill ,Hal] , or armoury• , r r z kw k t VOLUME' 2 f Et<