HomeMy WebLinkAbout801A by-law to provide for the issue of debentures for the sum of $111,000.00 for the construction of waterworks in the Town of Bowmanville. �, �% , P i 1J , J i u �. / t ' •. ':. �..: . ..., F4y.`�3 {.......� thh�`�,Yry+h.. �,;1,'��j i1�., t n�'- + .4::.,s .�:) .- :.• wy, I,.., .t k ;' .. ;. .. - ... °.� { S4 .« f r �, •'.., � '.. ,» A —71`x' , ..':.i ; ?.. v i -; �., " :,: ...,: .a 4LUM t 2 tk t v § k BY-LAW NO. ...... 1'?�4. � .. a. 1,372 341.089 r8 s,60�s 0�i summing u h tho -Te n- Clerk 0 P 3' - x 5. 1926. .. -•i'R 2.602 06 2, 06 �- the votes polled vn this 'by -lavr. Of the Corporation of the town of BY-LAW NO. ...... 1'?�4. � .. a. 1,372 341.089 r8 s,60�s 0�i summing u h tho -Te n- Clerk 0 P 3' - x 5. 1926. .. L.590 86 L.0e1 21 l,4r� 79 1.132 sir 2.602 06 2, 06 �- the votes polled vn this 'by -lavr. Of the Corporation of the town of �1.19v. •� :: 1 :&W 4x.111','251 6J �6U � and 041030 to appoint one! per£4D7� to Bgwmanvilfe to - provids for the ! 1929, .' .. 1.287 84 1.314 -22 1.W2 06 attend at ©acb polling place on be- I mmue of debentures foi the igum of 1930 •• -.. •s .+ 1.E.2'S 131.3'79 93 2.503 06 half o the persons intemated is " *111.000 for tbe� eopstruetiotl of 1931. - 29d2. .. .. _ 1,153 141.448 92 1,0SO 691,521 37 2.602 06 8,602 06 and d irons of p�ornatifig the pa:►ss- 1111r'attvrw orkm in and !or the 1933. .: .. .. 1,004 621,597 44 2.602 06 ing of this -by-jaw, and a like nurn- -town of BowmalGnville. 1934. 1932, .. .. 751,677 31 80 as 1.761 lax 2.602 06 2.602 06 her on behalf of the persona i114#cir- 1936. .. .; .. 758 831,0349 23 77,602 06 ested in and d sirou�s 'Uf opposing v # �•, r ; �+ Y� R E R P:? S 1 t 1 s expedient t o 1937. isas, " a, .y... r. •660 37 1,941 69 60 20 2,OM 78 8.682 06 2.602 06 the p a; ssi n g of h l s by-law'. construct s s4 stein. aE voa�terworka 193v, 194°' .. .+ 461,34 2,140 78 3� 312,247 2.602 016 8,Ee0`d (I1 } On Bas y, th8 t elfth dap October, 'cluck for the town of B*vvmanvilie in t 1 19Vit .' ... �5 241 92 2,360 14 016 $•.602 06 of z91� at ten is the County of Dueham, together "U. .. •... 123 91 2. 47$ 15 2,62 06 t :La forehoon, in the Council Chain. with thy+ necessary machinery and SERIES NO+ 4, $40,000+ ber aforeasi the Clerk of sa4id 3 plant therefor far the purExose of Dirt,e town will Proceed to $um up the _ � - suf+plying outer for d4iuCesbic use, 1933: Norembev Interest Prirwi 1,. 18,040 00 8 602 al Total 82.610E 06 number of votes given for and fire prot4etion and other purposes, 1914, ;; .. 1.9090 532 t6 2.602 06 a aa�inat 11112 S by-law. According to plans and estimates 1916, 1226. .. .. - .. I'm 29 663 77 1.905 10 696 96 2,6M 06 2,602 46 SCHEDULE ONE- therefor prepared by Willis Chip_ 1917, •• +# .. 1.8'70 26 731 80 2,602 06 Following are estimates of m3fi, Civil and Sanitary Engineer : 1916, ' • .• 1.23,1 66 768 40 80 81 2.642 06 2,602 06 _the the i me nde•d expenditure u n de r AND WHEREAS the said plan of "20-- ;; ,.. • 1.754,90 947 16 8,6M N the foregoing by -lave to raise bA ft'l. 1.773 55 889 51 2,602 06 said proposed s stem of waterwor •. .. way of loan $I1I,000 for the *on- P P �• 192:Z. .. #.658 07 �� 94 8,603 p6 has been apf)ruved by the Proven- 1915. ., ,' • . 1.661 37 9$0 fig 2.602 06 etructiafl of waterworks In the _ 1954, 1.572 34 1,089 72 2.6471 der town of Bowmanville in aeco vial bard of Health and such ap- 15r5, .. 1.520 e5 1,0031 21 2.602 06 l•elal4nae Pro }al bas been certified to in _writ- 1926, :: 1.4&b 79 3. US sr 4,604 06 with the plan and report of Willts ing anal signed by the - hairtua n 1957, ., .. 1.414 03 1.192 03 2,602 06 C:hi_pman, Civil and Sanitary and Secretary of said Board ; Ea- imp .. ...: 1. B4 1;314 2222 2.602 06 Bineer, published pursuant to i�ub- A N 17 WHEREAS the total esti- � 19M. ,. 1.222 13 1.379 93 2,602 D6 Bections • 4 and 5 of section 569 of 1931. • .: 1,153 14 1.040 98 8,6073 06 the Municipal Act ; tuat-ed cL gt of the said waters�orkc, 193 .... 1,080 69 1.221 37 1.602 Q6 with the necevssry machinery and 119U. :• 11 .:. 1r9�L4 7s_i.597 31 � 006 COST Off` WATERWORKS. plant therefor, and necessary land 1 . MO 88 71,761 10 2.W2 06 1. Land " -- - ...0 2.000 00 required and right of -w-ay, has tom. .. 752 81 1.549 U 8.603 D6 '3. C- ollertins _ 71.004 604 1437 660 37 1.94169 2+608 06 J. Gravity oondult. 36.000 fret of been estimated at $111,0W as iset 1938; .. .. 563 28 8A319 70 2, 02 06 9 inch pipe ...... 30,000 00 forth in the estimated cast append - 1934. .� ... , 461 34 2.140 7E 2.£02 06 4 EgnslisinK reservoir 4,DW Oa sl ed hhereto ncl 19". .• 354- 31 2,247 75 2.602 06 6- Gravity oonduit. 18,000 feet of er the head of 1941. ., 241 92 2,3M r*- 2.60'2 06 8 inch pipe .... mom 00 S'chedu le One ; � 1942. .. .� ' ---N4 91 X479 15 2,6a8 06 � Pain i n vi a r'esserwFoir _ ..... _ : _ 6.000 00 AND HER l~ : S 1rr order to pro- SER_ BS O. 3 $31,000. 8 Purnpint ma.:hinerr :- - 4 06 sick for the said G��m u[11],ODO 1t 9. Ui riatiII as stem, 33.017+0 feet 31.040 00 will be necessary to issue de -ben- Date Ir�tereert Priacip447'I`ot4<] _ L�rY a' atrr�, 'EOa 3.000 go 4 -1913, 9ior4mtser 1",$1.550 00 # 466 54 V,0:6 59 _ i17Prrio exi inReodrnce r tures of the said Corporation of the . 1914, •• . 2,SZ6 66 4s9 93 2.01 way tosWn of $ors-rnanvllIe for the sum f : 1915. •- •' .. 1.6102 17 514 42 2,016 7.000 a@ +� 1916, .. •� .. 1,476 46 s'4a 14 k01k $1111,000 as here_1- naft•e`r prov` ed { 927. •• •• _. 1.449 44 567 15 2,016 f11.000 E10 (which is the amount of the de in- _ L _ •, .... 1,421 eat 5% 51 2,016 5W (�`31e alwbnve3 estimates includes all tended to he created b • this b 1 11 0• :: _ ::: 1.391 .31 .31� s(5z�s X28 2.01659 7 a fire u s .T fT - maw. . + 1 "M 04 wq 54 A016 5T fire hydrants, gate valves, blow-.02 tai-es e : the proceeds of said u n- 1 .. .. 1.M 7 284 8 0 b 39 laPes, air valves and accessuries.) taa're,s t� be applied 1007 the pu ease 1, .. ..,1.23116 56 rho 03 LM6 59 NOTICE_ afo re said ; - 1g*.,a, .. - -� .. 4.218 56 798 03 2.016 �9 AND WHEREAS it ie desirable . 1�_s, .. •• •f 1•,178 65 637 % 2,016 34 TAKE NOTICE that the forego- A to issue the said debenturee at caste lg �. .. - 1.136 76 M 03 2.016 59 ing its a true copy of a proposed by- to Tl 923 D1 2.016 59 Iaw which has teen taken into con - #ime srld to make the pri ipaa4l of 1 •. 1`9 07 t,09is sQ ib s9 s4iderativa, and which will be final- 1 debt reparable ire year13• sums 19m. .. .. -. 9% 15 1,07,9 ss �.oa6 59 during a peri«d of thirty years be- ' 1931, 8'93 67 1.122 92 2!016 59 1, paste by the Canricil of the. ing the cufr"rencv of the said deben- '19;32P 237 53 ;,179 06 U16 59' #•awn of B-owrn nv'lie the event - g X933• •• -. 7 1,Z38 z 4i 2,oi� 5g i of the assent of the e�trors being tures. said •early sum bein �A such 1934, obtuirted thereto aft v+ one month reBpectiv-e amounts that the sggre 1933, ;; 651 68 1,364 91 2,016 59 , 1936 59.3 43 1.433 16 2,016 s9 frutn the first publication in The gate amount f a s}3le in eseb year 69,3'7, 611 79. :.586 e; 2.016 sv for principal and interest ca3lct11at- 143$ ' 4% 34 t.sso_0� 2.016 59. Canadian Statesman newspaper, twh 357 s3 1.65g 66 "16 59 the date -uf which first publication edt the rate of fire per cent. 1x-7 1, .. • - . 274 55 1.242 Of 2.016 s9 annuin shall be as nearly s pips- 1941, :: ;' _ _ raj 48 l.ff?9 11 £,016 59 : ]S as the twelfth day of $eptt-inber, Bible equal to the amount pati-abh- 294Z, • .. % 01 1.9M sa 2,016 59 � 11912, and that the votes of the elec- yf 1n each b ear of the other twent }' (t} The sa9►id debentures as to both Ir tors of the said Municipality will +� nine eo-� of said period as shun ii Q�ancip.al alad interest r Hall be pay - be takers thereon at the respec + "a in claus• (3) hervander written : able at the office of the Treasurer polli>zg places named in the- �i AND' . WHEREAS the t•�ial of the said t. wn of Poumaaville in � by-Law, on Tuesday, the eighth dap r aB►mutint regUirtrl bV the C- Ons01ILLIt- 13uwmaavilie, of Oetuber, 1912, cotnmencin x ed Municipal Act 00., and anv (5) It shall be lawful for the f the hour of nine o'clock in the fore - amendments thereto, to be ra1,i�ed Ma vvr of the said Corporation, and noon and continuing until five annually by special rate for paying he is hereby authorized and in- o'clock in the afternaorl. the said debt and interest is atructed to sign the said debentures -- Dated at the town of Bownian� moo- 71 ; and afiwc t seal of the irpura- Ville, this teent,h day -of Septe ter, *) WHER eas EAS the amount .'f tion W the e, and th tereat 1912_ - th. acle rate4%ble •property of the., couPoils aUREArhed to the saMldeben- JOHN LYI_,E, 1.0210 of Bowmanville, according tax `tuns shall be signed by the said F Town Cleric the last revised assessment _roll Mayor and the Treasurer 4of the thereof, is 81,276,680; said Corporation- NOTICE TO f� F,ASE HOLDF..P-$. WHERE NS the amount of € (6) There 11 be raised 1 lev-i- A lease holder -'s entitled t� the dating clebesture debt �4 the { ed In each during the renoy I con the foregoing "by -late who bas a said i.urp+�r- atibri of the t awn of , of the saUd� ebenture5 by a Kpecial lease of property in the town of R+#t-nianVille is 078,419.Sl and no rate on all the ratable property of, Bowmaanville which extends over principal or interest in respect the Municipality of the town u!' - the period of time within which the thereof i8 in arrear, 01071 against Bow7naanville the Qum of7,440_r1 i money to be raised by this by -lase s said debenture debt the said Coe- to discharge the several instalments is made payable, err far at least poration hag a sinking fund in pos- of principal "and interest accruirig'tvrerlty -one ye�4ra, and for which session in cash and debentures of ji due in respect of the said deben- property he or she is rated on which .oche? C•arpurat.iona which it has turers as the same become respeC- tivel • s abIc i>3 accordance with last revised Assessment JR011 to the purchnaed am�uniing _W� L3 i s _ L_L ya - - THE)E THEREFORE, the 'Municipal section (3) of thi r -lava. nder of at Iaast g3�_D�, and who Council of the Corporation of the (7) The said as rworks and all under his or her lease has woven+ lands acquired anted to pair all municipal taxes in fovea of Bowma3nville ENACTS $a quirod ter the pii>rpose respect of the property 3ea5ed falc�ivs - _ thereof, And ever_ matter and thing (1} That it shall be lawful for the therewith oonneet shall - sped- (other than taxes assessed for loci Corporation of the t4.)wn of Bow- ally charged with t re payment of Improvement). provided, however, 1 man; ills to c*onatruct and maintain any utn err sums w ich may be bor- that every lease ldiar olio deslrea, as system of vvatervrcrrks, together rowed by the Coe r Minn for the to vote on the by -lave must file a t. -- - r>1 ark 1311i1diugs, -4naa~hinery and purposes herein dec erred and for the aQgce of the Town Clerk at less$ _ plant therefor, subject to the pro- any debentures which make be i$_ ten days pricer to the date of the viaions of The Gunsolidated ?Muni- sued Ilherefor, and the holders of voting as statutory declar sea cipal Art IQW, and any a�xend- such debentures aba11 have a pre stating that his or lice lease mete meats thereto, and of The Munici- ferential charge on the s W water- the above 0 holc�nta_ The 01+4 wer-ka and iaa�de sad eve of the lease holders gle3etang to pawl VVatelrworke del and ■n ry 1�.atter file snob • �vclaara #son will ant be ti amendments thereto, and anbject and thislig therewith' connectled and �Iaso oa the voters' 1161 for such W &my - bg -J&w of .this Corporat�a the property appertainiug tlae Ct0, _. for securin th vet erg. lawfully' to be plsaalled re l a ;ti pg 8 3' me tl t of the de- Da1►tad , a 6 the town of Bo rrassys- . thereto_ bentures and the in "rest thereon• villa, this tenth day of Septemb'ern (4) It shall be lawful for the said (8) This by -lawn shall come into 1975. Corporation .ter rent or purchase force and take eR4ict on the first JOHN LYLE, iimch rights of way, lands and build- day of N*veamber, 17 1$. Town Clerk. , iuga, waters and p1rilvileges an �a�y {9} That the votes of the �t.epasy- ` be necessary to enable the said ers of the said hfunicipality n•ho ti Corporation ~to fulfil its duties• wan are qu&Iified W vole shall be 7t•aken the premiss in constructing and � on this law on Tuea3day, the maintaining said w ate rw*rka ; such I eighth day;' of October, 1914, corn- righta of way, lands aard buildings, menC!Dg at the hour of mine o'e oc ,rater% and privileges may be coon- in the forenoon and continuing "n- structe'd and maintained partly til five o'clock in the afternoon of within and partly without the lim- the rime day at the several polling its of the said Gurporaation. places, under the directlio - f the (3) t awhasll be lawful Jo r the fallowing Deputy Returning Offi- , Mayor of the Corporation of the sere and Poll Clem, that is to say town of Bowrmanville, for the pur- For the West Warc1 at the Coun- poses aforeax", to borrow the 1sa>td cnl o-mm in the Municipal Build - stem of $111,000 and to. issue de- _ ngt In the town oI Rotrmanville by benture is of the aspw'd Muuici lity Xo Lyle as Deputy Returning Of- ' � to the aggregate amount of #z r, and R. L. F. Beith as Poll W; all such 4ebentures to be pay- Clerk ; ` able oa the 6r*L dAy of Xovember • For the Kurth Ward at tre-0 offiee n each- add every year during as of the Bowling Club on north - period • of #dirty years from the daste 11,ide�� Church street, beltwee ■rh a Torn- on ich this by-law takes elfeatt, + Peraambe and Division atreets, in with jn rest it the Irate of '_ ,Ave sled •t DWU of Rowlmamv Ulea, by _ per c+epi. per annual, p le' ens- ,lrohn .- ,- Moorcraft era. Deputy Ile - fy, aq the films[ dsy► of November is turnia ea aad David MaDou- 1 each and every- yaeat during the car- S&U, aas� oil A 4 , ;. . rency of the said debentures; and For the South' Ward in 47 he base - the sasid debesltnar a :hail be issued went of the PubUe Sebool an Vic- in three series for thei'slaoantet and Loris street, in 9&id town of- Bowl$; payable >fi the walrlNneir sad at the Manville :, by Janee N*'kes as Die- time @ respectiv+ely► following, that is puty Returning Olfie7ser, and Cha Ies to r8ay : Woe " Poll Clark.' 410 On Wnesd, the 'SERIES INTO. is 4140,0M. d i%y of October, 1932 s* the Lour of Darter it ter"" Peilac,ipal raw tea o'clock in the' forte, the - ; • 19M X4a wmbar s: _ swats it 0 OWSLUS f Mayor of the mid town of Boar- ilk * 1e r Ats7svills. wM &"end m# Meer Council .. d" IAN is d" a Ober .in -the 394mt cip mild- v Um SAM-0 irlim -the south-wea 14wrzkhr of an Y_ Wit#. - y _ �• i 7 aD ;� a �, �TO�_I t-#.7+ L�Iwj_ - � �5 R.- �*t_+ i.. ; DIY I�i't`� r � � °� ���'��' L :I,.•r, .� .- ` " l � -, ` .-i,{ `.iti+ } '1- L' -� �a�` Y �y•'"k` +� � �4',yy •]. 1 , F 4y .aJ •, '�- 'y .,� • � � �3 .1 � I . �+n.,k.. II ' � i' .I•I' , r'r` F i•i�l �w, lip ' .., . 'I^''�.`.. 1 Ij•� 4. f l `la T4 i� 2 - LL