HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-51-87.,~. x~„~, ,~, TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT I ~~ General Purpose and Administration Committee ~~~ Monday, February 16, 1987 T #: Pb-51-~37 FILE #: CT: REQUEST OF THE MUNICIPALITY TO CONSIDER THE ENACTMENT OF BY-LAWS FOR REVIEW OF PRESENT BY-LAWS FOR THE CONTROL OF BOARDING HOMES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-51-87 be received for information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: As Committee may recall, at the regular meeting of Council held on Monday, January 12, 1987, the following resolution was endorsed: "THAT the correspondence dated December 17, 1986, from C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T., Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, Re: Control of Boarding Homes be received and referred to the Director of Planning for review and subsequent report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee." Accordingly and upon reviewing the above-noted correspondence and attachments thereto, Staff would offer the following observations and comments for the Committee's consideration. ...2 v ~~y REPORT NO.: PD-51-87 Page 2 It is within Section 208(61) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302, that the authority is given, that by-laws may be passed by the Councils of all municipalities for the licensing, regulating and governing of lodging houses and the keepers of lodging houses. Within the context of this section, a "lodging house" is defined as meaning a nursing house and any house or other building in which persons are harboured, received, or lodged for hire but does not include a hotel, hospital, nursing home, home for the young or aged, or institution if the hotel, hospital, home, or institution is licensed, approved, or supervised under any other general or special act. Staff would note that this distinction between a licensed operation i.e. group home and a boarding house similarly, is addressed within the definitions of each within the Town of Newcastle's Zoning By-law 84-63; "GROUP HUhIE - shall mean a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling in which three to ten residents, excluding staff and/or receiving family, live as a family under responsible supervision consistent with the requirements of the residents. Group homes shall be licensed and/or approved under Provincial Statutes and shall not be permitted to locate within 300 metres of another group home. Furthermore, only one group home housing elementary and junior high school aged children may be located within the area served by any public elementary or junior high school." "BOARDING UR ROOMING HOUSE - shall mean a dwelling in which the proprietor and/or his agent resides and supplies lodging with or without meals, in rooms furnished by the proprietor with necessary furnishings in return for monetary compensation to more than two persons, but not more than six persons exclusive of the proprietor and his immediate family. For the purposes of this By-law, a boarding or rooming house shall not include a motel, motor hotel, hotel, group home, hospital or any other similar cornmercial or institutional use defined or classified herein." Staff would note that in 1981 a similar request was made of the eight (8) municipalities within the Durham Region for the consideration and passing of by-laws for the regulation of group homes. To that end, By-law 81-156, in consideration of the provisions of the Municipal Act, was prepared through the Clerk's Department and approved by Council thereby requiring the registration and annual renewal of all registered group homes within the Town of 'Newcastle. ...3 ~~~ REPORT NO.: PD-51-87 Page 3 In reviewing the provisions of the Town of Whitby Licensing By-law, attached to N1r. Lundy's letter of December 17, 1986, Staff are of the opinion that the Town of Newcastle Property Standards By-law and the provisions of Zoning By-law 84-63 address a majority of the concerns/comments incorporated therein. Furthermore, the references which have been made to other legislative authorities, ie. Building Code Act, Fire Marshall's Act, and Health Protection and Promotion Act would be administered through individual departments, bearing in mind, their expertise and legislative responsibilities. In respect to the provisions within the by-law entitled "Health and Hygiene", Staff are of the opinion that the provisions requiring that the keeper of a lodging house is to firstly, ensure that every resident maintains a satisfactory level of personal hygiene, and secondly, is expected where applicable, to keep all medication dispensed by Staff in a secure location to which only Staff have access, are beyond what could possibly be conceived as normal regulations and would appear to be more fitting to an operation in which individuals require considerably greater care. This would suggest a situation where the operation is licensed, approved, or supervised under Provincial mandate and regulatory provisions. Staff would note for the Committee's information that in 1986 the Minister of Housing commissioned an independent task force to examine and propose solutions to the accommodation problems facing roomers, boarders and lodgers in Untario. Among the terms of reference, the Study was to develop and ensure adequate standards in accommodation and tenant protection. Within this comprehensive report the aspects of licensing of rooming and boarding homes, the applicability of local property standards, and the implication of the Ontario Building Lode and Ontario Fire Code requirements were investigated. Recommendations of the author suggested that the Province may wish to explore a fundamentally different approach towards rooming house regulations with both the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the owner/operator representatives. This would include a province wide licensing standard for all rooming and boarding homes with special provisions for specific types of care where provided. Additionally, it was ...4 ~~~ REPORT NO.: PD-51-87 Page 4 noted that the Ministry of Housing should consult with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Landlords and Federal representatives to agree on a strategy for meeting minimum physical safety and health standards. This would include, among other items, financial assistance for the renovations through either or both of the Low Rise Rehabilitation Program or the Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Programs. It was noted that there seems to be merit in the consideration of a single provincial regulatory document not unlike the Untario Building Code with appropriate flexibility to cover greater or lesser amounts of on-site care and facilities. Staff have been advised that the report has been forwarded to an Advisory Committee on roomers, boarders, and lodgers consisting of twelve (12) members who represent the interest of residents, landlords and municipalities. Furthermore, the Advisory Committee is scheduled to review the Report during the next six weeks and advise the Minister of a course of action for the future. In consideration of the recommendations proposed within the Study, it would appear advisable that the question/issue of licensing lodging homes above and beyond present legislation and Town By-laws (Property Standards and the Ontario Building Code) be deferred pending a review of the findings and conclusions of the provincial agencies in light of the Commission's Report. At such time as the task force issues its report, further consideration could be given to this issue including any financial implications related to enactment and enforcement of such a by-law. Respectfully subrnitted, `~T:l`. r: war s, 1. .P. Director of Planning Recommended for presentation to the Committee ~f, ~ L ence ot!se Chi of Adm`ni st,~ati ve Of ficer LDT*TTE*jip *Attach. February 5, 1987 l'"~ 1 ~.f 5~ ~: 0 F ~' I '. ~i i ~ a .u ~ A~ .., v:x. The Regional Municipality of Durham ~=-®u~c-f+:~ Communications Direction (~ r~~ ~ ~°t'C ~ r~ December 17, 1986 Clerks Department Mr. D.t:d. Oakes, B.A., A.M.C.T. 605 Rossland Road East C 1 e rk P.O.Box623, Town of Newcastle Whitby, Ontario 40 Tern erance Street Canada, Lt'N 6A3 p (4161668-7711 Boavmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 GW. LUNDY, A.M.C.T. Regional Clerk Control of Boarding Homes Enclosure Mr. Oakes, attached hereto is a copy of Report #8645 of Dr. J.K. Gray, Medical Officer of Health concerning the above matter. The report was considered by the Health and Social Services Committee and at a meeting held on December 17, 1986 Council adopted the following recommendation of the Committee: "THAT all municipalities be requested to consider by-laws, or review present by-laws, for the control of Boarding Homes." D-6 ~~ ,~~ , ~d~-~- ~ ~~~ {](]nn ~,J; w ~ ~ k~ 1~ ) U ~ J~ E 6 ! Sa "i~ ~u:u jr ~~~~"~I Eli LiUl C~_~_;,., _ . . I n;~>> ~~,~ ~~.r cc: Dr. J.K. Gray, Medical Officer of Heal h~~~ '4F~ ~~~ I _ -~ ~"' ~ ~= Would you kindly place this matter before your Council for their consideration. s ' r/'~ ` C.W. f_undy, A.M.C.T. Regional Clerk C4lL/cg i