HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-40-87Ci ,µ,, ,..,~~~~, ,,,,, ~,;, ~.d'~ ~ '1 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REP 0 R T File # ~~,- ~~ f®~, Res. # f. ~~1 By-Law # (~(j~,; General Purpose and Administration Committee pA~; Monday, February 2, 1987 T #: PD-4o-87 FILE #: O.P. 3.13(3) CT; AMENDMENT NU. 3 TO TYRONE HAMLET PLAN J OST PART LOT 9, CONCESSION 6, DARLINGTON OUR FILE: O.P. 3.13(3) X/REF: 18T-86062 RECOF4MENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-40-87 be received; and * 2. THAT Amendment No. 3 to the Tyrone Hamlet Development Plan attached hereto be approved in principle; and 3. THAT Ameridrnent No. 3 to the Tyrone Hamlet Development Plan be forwarded to Council for final approval at such time as the Council of the Region of Durham has considered the subject Amendment; and 4. THAT the proposed Amendment be forwarded to the Region of Durham for their information and consideration. BACKGROUND: Un October 15, 1y86 the Planning Department received an application submitted by Mrs. E. Jost to a-nend the Tyrone Hamlet Development Plan. The purpose of the Amendment would be to increase the permitted density of the Short Term Residential Expansion area located in Part Lot 9, Concession 6, Darlington, from six (6) units to eleven (11) units. Currently, ...2 -~c- REPURT NO.: PD-40-87 Page 2 Staff i s also reviewing an application for sub division approval (File: 18T-86062). The draft conditions for this application will be brought forward in the near future. The Newcastle Official Plan contains a lengthy discussion of what studies must be completed prior to development being approved. The subject lands are within the area considered as "Short Term Residential Expansion" with an approved density of six (6) units. In accordance with Section 9.11(ii) of Amendment No. 22 to the Newcastle Official Plan, any adjustment to the number of lots rrrust receive an amendment to the Plan. This application to amend the Hamlet Plan was circulated in conjunction with the proposed subdivision. Staff has received comments from the majority of the agencies and has contacted the remaining ones for verbal comments. At this time the concerns raised are issues which shall be addressed through the draft conditions of subdivision. There has been no objection to the principle of the increase in density. Section 9.4(ii) of the Official Plan requires that: "All new residential development within Hamlets shall be serviced by a private drilled well, drawing from deeper aquifers than existing wells, and a private waste disposal system which complies with the standards of the Ministry of the Environment as amended from tune to time and as administered by the Medical Officer of Health or otherwise." While written comments have not been received from the Regional Health Services Department, Staff contacted them and was informed that there was no objection to the principle of the increase in density, although a number of conditions shall be attached as conditions of draft approval. There is also the general requirement that all new residential lots be a minimum of 0.4 hectares, unless specifically changed (Section 9.4(viii)). This lot area may be reduced to a minimum of 0.3 hectares (Section 9.11(ii)) provided: ".... a detai 1 ed Engineering Report, based on test dri 1 li ng which confirms: ...3 y C~~ REPORT NO .: PD-40-i37 Page 3 - soil conditions satisfactory for the effective operation of a private waste disposal systems; and - no adverse effects upon existing water supplies and an adequate supply of potable water to service the proposed development; and - an adequate separation between water table and septic the fields. " The applicant has submitted this Engineering Report completed by W.H. Gibson and Associates Limited. This report has been reviewed by Staff and the Health Services Department. As noted above, the Health Department had no objections to the principle of the increased density. The last Section of the Official Plan, which should be addressed, is Section 9.4(vi~i). This requires new development to comply with the Agriculture Code of Practice. The Ministry of the Environment has noted the proximity of the barn on part of the Jost property. Staff has been assured by the applicant that the barn shall be removed if necessary. The demolition of the barn will be a condition of draft approval. CUNIMENTS: The following is a summary of the comments which have been received to date. The concerns raised shall be addressed once Staff prepares the conditions of draft approval for the subdivision. The following departments had no objections: - Newcastle Building Department - Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education - Ontario Hydro - Ministry of Transportation and Communications - Ministry of Natural Resources At this time there are no written comments from Regional Health Services, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and Ministry of Agriculture and Food. ...4 f ,I.'~ C~' REPORT NO.: PD-40-87 Newcastle Fire Department Page 4 ""this Department has no objection to the above-headed application. Emergency fire protection would be from Station #1. I would note that the subdivision is located outside of the recognized response limit from a fire station. Water supply for firefighting is with the Fire Department tanker trucks. Consideration should be given to Planning Department Report No. 40-84, Fire Protection for Rural Development." Newcastle Community Services Department "In reference to the above application, our Department has the following comments: 1) No objection to the application. 2) Cash-in-lieu of 5% parkland dedication will be required based on current policy." Newcastle Public Works Department "1. That all works are completed in accordance with the Town of Newcastle's Design Criteria and Standard Drawings; 2. That any easements required by the Town be granted free and clear of any encumbrances; 3. That sight triangles and 0.3 metre reserve as shown on the draft plan be dedicated to the Town; 4. That the utility distribution on the cul-de-sac (Hydro, Bell, Cable TV, etc.) be installed underground (both primary and secondary services); 5. That the applicant be responsible for any external works on Clemens Road which may be necessitated as a result of this development i.e. ditching; 6. That Lots 10 and 11 be revised as shown on the attached plan with frontage being obtained from the internal street; 7. That the Owner meet all the requirements of the Public Works Department, financial or otherwise; 8. That the developer contributes to the costs reconstructing Clemens Road in accordance with Town Policy; ...5 yv_ C `% REPORT NO.: PD-40-87 Page 5 Newcastle Public Works Department (Cont'd) 9. That the Owner enter into a Development Agreement with the Town, and that this department be kept informed of the status of same at all times; 10. The developer should be required to provide street lighting at the intersection of Clemens Road and the proposed cul-de-sac; 11. All of the other standard requirements re: Lot Grading, Schedules of Work, Performance Guarantees, Costs Estimates, etc., should be included in the Subdivision Agreement." Regional Works Department "The Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department has reviewed the above-noted proposed plan of subdivision and has no objection to same. Municipal water and sanitary sewer services are not available to subject site and the Region has no plans within the capital budget and four year forecast to introduce services to the said area. The following Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department conditions shall be complied with prior to consent by the Works Department for registration of the plan of subdivision and said conditions shall form part of the Subdivision Agreement: a) That the subdivider pay for those service charges and/or development charge levies which are in effect at the time of registration of any portion of this plan. Said service charges shall pertain to those services which are the responsibility of the Regional Municipality of Durham. b) That the proposed final plan of subdivision be submitted to, and approved by the Regional Works Department prior to the preparation of the Subdivision Agreement. c) That if this subdivision is to be developed by more than one registration, the subdivider be required to submit a plan showing the proposed phasing, all to the satisfaction of the Regional Municipality of Durham. d) That the Owner agrees in writing to satisfy all requirements, financial and otherwise, of the Region of Durham concerning the provision of roads." ...6 ~ ~,~~ ,~ REPORT NO.: PD-40-87 Page 6 Regional Planning Department "Further to your letter of November 3, 1986, we have reviewed this matter and have no difficulty with permitting some additional growth in the Short-Term Residential Expansion Area identified in the southwest quadrant of the Hamlet. Our only concern relates to the relatively small lots being proposed and the suitability of the site for individual services. This matter should be discussed in some detail with the Regional Department of Health Services. We note that the Tyrone Development Plan presently suggests a minimum lot size of approximately 0.4 ha while some lots proposed in the subject subdivision application are less then .3 ha. Eleven (11) lots would appear to be the maximum number of lots which would be accommodated in this area and a fewer number may ultimately be approved in the related subdivision. It is a1 so noted that any amendment to a Hamlet Development Plan must be reviewed by Regional Council in accordance with Section of the Durham Regional Official Plan." Prior to approving a draft plan, Staff is examining a number of modifications. Une of these alterations will ensure that the sm allest lot area will be no less than 0.3 hectares. The Hamlet Plan does permit this lot size provided that private water and sewage systems are capable of supporting the development. * Staff have prepared a draft amendment to the Hamlet Development Plan (see attached). This would increase the permitted density on the subject lands to eleven (11) units. It is respectfully recommended that Amendment No. 3 to the Tyrone Hamlet Development Plan be forwarded to Council for final approval at such time as Regional Council has considered the Amendment. ...7 .~(~~ REPORT NU.: P~-40-87 Page 7 TFC*TTE*jip *Attach. January 21, 1987 CC: Mrs. E. Jost Box 149 HAN1PTUN, Ontario LOB 1J0 CC: rvir. L. Stavrakos R.R. #5 BUWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3K6 Recommended for presentation to the Committee ~~ ..~_,~. 4. , wrence ~ot se Chi of Ad i, strati ve Officer ~'. AMENDMENT NO. 3 TU THE HAMLET DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE HAMLET OF TYRONE PURPOSE OF ArviENDhIENT The purpose of Amendment No. 3 to the Hamlet Development Plan for the Hamlet of Tyrone is to increase the maximum number of permitted lots within the area designated "Short Term Residential Expansion" in Part Lot 9, Concession 7, former Township of Darlington from "6" to "11". BASIS OF AMENDMENT This amendment to the Hamlet Development Plan for the Hamlet of Tyrone is based upon an application submitted to the Town of Newcastle to amend the Plan to permit the development of an 11 lot residential subdivision on the subject lands. ACTUAL AMENDMENT 1. Schedule "1" to the Hamlet Development Plan for the Hamlet of Tyrone is hereby amended by changing from "6" to "11" the maximum number of residential lots permitted in the "Short Term Residential Expansion" area in Part of Lot 9, Concession 6, former Township of Darlington, as shown on the attached Schedule "X" hereto, and by expanding boundaries of the Hamlet, as shown on the attached Schedule "X" hereto. 2. Schedule "X" hereto shall form part of this Amendment. IIYIPLEMENTATIUN The provisions set forth in the Town of Newcastle Official Plan regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. I NTERPRETATI ON The provisions set forth in the Town of Newcastle Official Plan regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. This i~ SCHEDULE "X" to Amendment ~ 1 to the HAMLET DEV. PLAN for TYRONE o 0 W REGIONAL ROAD 14 CONC.ROAD 7 :i: ~: i ifi' ~~~~ ~; i ~ii ~ ~: 1 1 _: _: o a 0 a _: W J U ~~ HAMLET BOUNDARY 3 SHORT TERM RESIDENTIAL EXPANSION 1 1 MAXIMUM NUM6ER OF LOTS LOT. 10 ~ LOT 9 ~ , ~.,,,,.,,w-..-..,.,,,..,,,,,,,., .,Y,..,,,...,.,»,,.-. ...............-,,,,,, . LOT 8 ~ ti ,,,.,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,.,. ~ I . I O ~, I o ~'~ ' R ~ it _ N ~ N W ii ~ EP ~ i (H)RH ~°-, ~~ w i RH ~ z - C3 ~ w EP V )~ ~ ~ ' ~ RH REGIONAL ROAD 14 I RH•5 - RH ( ~ a Z ' J ~ C N ~~ = RH U I~ ~ ~ Z I ..._., .,.,,...,.~-,,,,.,,.,..,.,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,..,,U .,,..,.,,,,»..,.,,..,.,,,,,..,..,.,~,,,..,, ~u AREA OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT o~~ ~ ~m v°I ~, 60m ~~"~ This i~ SCHEDULE "X". to Amendment ~ 1 to th AMILET DEV. PLAN for TYRONE REGIONAL ROAD 14 •ii~' ®.r ~~ i ~. ~ 1 1 _: ..: _: ~ HAMLET BOUNDARY SHORT TERM RESIDENTIAL EXPANSION I~ 1 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF LOTS 0 a 0 w GONC.ROAD 7 0 a 0 z w w U