HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD-61-87-~ ~'. ~~ hEETIf~: DATE: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # ~~ ~. ` Res. # By-Law # GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE OCTOBER 5, 1987 T #: CD-61-87 SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATIONS: FILF #: 77.2.2. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST TO CHANGE THE NAME OF A ROAD - LANGSTAFF ROAD TO SHILOH ROAD (ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 4 AND 5, CONCESSION 6, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE) __ It~it respectfully requested that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Clerk's Report CD-61-87 be received; and 2. That the name "Langstaff Road" as approved by By-law 86-112 be retained as the name for the road allowance located between Lots 4 and 5, Concession 6, former Township of Clarke; and 3. That h1rs. Wilma Martinell, R. R. #1, Newtonville, Ontario, LOA 1J0, be advised of Council's decision. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: By letter received on Septenber 2nd 1987, Mrs. Wilma Martinell requested that Council change the name of the road allowance, located between Lots 4 and 5, Concession 6, former Township of Clarke, from "Langstaff Road" to "Shiloh Road." The basis for the request was that Shiloh Church is located on this roadway and has served the community as a church for more than 125 years. Mrs. Martinell also indicated, that the name Shiloh has greater significance in the area than Langstaff. Continued ...../2 ~--° Report CD-61-87 - 2 - October 5, 1987 ~~` ~ ~ ~ } Langstaff Road was the name assigned to the subject road allowance in the inventory of roads detailed in By-law 86-112 passed by Council on July 28th 1987. Members of Committee will recall that the plans detailing the names proposed for the many streets and roads in the municipality were circulated, posted and published in an effort to reach and inform as many people as possible. The process spanned several years, a number of reviews by Members of Council and the public and the posting of plans and street names in strategic locations throughout the community. In every case the public were requested to review the material and to comment upon the names given to each road and street. Council has now established the directory of names and passed a by-iaw giving effect to their action. From time to time, Council will receive requests that a street be named so as to identify its existence with a particular event, activity or family. This is most appropriate and serious consideration ought to be given to such requests. In this case, Mrs. Martinell has requested that the road be named to reflect the existence of the Shiloh Church.; That is, that the name Langstaff be removed and Shiloh substituted. The level of concern with respect to this particular case has been limited to the communication from Mrs. Martinell. We have not received any additional correspondence with respect to the request from any other persons either supporting or opposing the name change. It is recommended that the name of the road not be changed at this time, and Mrs. Martinell be advised of the decision and,as well, provided with the process by which name changes are carried out. For the information of Members of Committee, I would advise, that there is a specific, fairly costly and time consuming process that must be followed in the event the Committee determine that this road name change (or any other street/road name change) is appropriate. Briefly the process is as follows; The procedures applicable to the changing of the name of a highway (highway means a common or public highway and includes a street...) are established within the Municipal Act. Specifically, Section 210(105) of The Municipal Act provides as follows: Subsection 105: "To provide for surveying, settling and marking the boundary lines of highways and giving names to them or changing their names, and for affixing the names at the corners thereof, on public or private property." (a) "A by-law changing the name of a highway has no effect until a copy of it, certified under the hand of the Clerk and the seal of the Corporation, has been registered in the proper registry office." Continued ...../3 -~'`"tt Report CD-61-87 - 3 - October 5, 1987 ~I° ~, Cb ~ (b) "before passing a by-law for changing the name of a highway, (i) notice of the proposed by-law shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks in a newspaper having a general circulation in the municipality, and (ii) the Council shall hear any person who claims that he will be adversely affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard." Having established the method by which the street name change can be accomplished, it would be appropriate to: (a) now establish the new name; (b) have the proposed name checked against the Regional Planning Department's list of reserved names; and if acceptable; (c) publish an advertisement in the local paper for four successive weeks as required by the Municipal Act; and (d) if no one objects, pass the by-law authorizing the change of name; and (e) have the Public Works Department order and install the new street name signs, and advise all appropriate agencies of the change. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for Presentation to Committee t ~~ ~ ~ ~~ . ~ ems. ~,. ~; '; ~`~ Davi ~W. Oakes, B.A.,A.M.C.T.,C.M.O., ~ rence ~~~Kotseff, M.C.I.P., T i~ox oa -1-- o Q•: a I o ~ ' ~ Q & 1£R- EL RO D 5 -' 0 ~~ o 23 12 2 2p 19 1>I ~~ 16 15 It 13 12 11 10 9W t ) ` 16 5 0 1 3 2 1 a a°c _ ~ ° ~ __ ~ ~ J Q _ ~ W ~ d' O ~ ~ Q Q ~ ~ p ~ 0 ~ ,~, o ~'~ ~ ti ~ \ ~ z °Q ~- ii 9 It 1 ~1 II I~f{b; 0 0 a o. ~. _ ~:> ~ C NC. R0. 6 II 11 11 11 n 11 11 \ .~ J J >II UII~ :OWA VIIL RO. Q ~ ~ 16 IS 11 13 12 11 p ~h II I 'If' ~)~ a ~ ~~~ o AR VI L W o W :: pp ~ Z 10 -~ J.. ~ z: 3 o --- O !-- N a :: :. w ~. Q o ~ ~~ a w a ~ J ~ `~ J ~ ~° e~ ~ 6 s t 3 1~ ._ __.. ~... , . = ' .. Cp,.~.,.c,~"~Iia,/ . OCbR~SUNICATIUA DIRECPICN ~ D-12 ~~.~•---" ' ' ~ Dear council Members: RECEIVED SEP - Z 1987 7 ~ ~' ~ ' ~~ ; ~~, C.. ~ ~~', In July, I phoned Mayor Winter's office asking to 4 •, 4 have the name changed on our side road. Your decision ~ ~~,,',•'. to ignore my request, hoping it would go away, leads me ,';`:_'. ;, to believe I was much to polite. ~:'.. i ,- ~'~ This side road starts at Shilo church and runs _ north to the Ganaraska Forest. You have put the name "langstaff' on the road sign beside Shilo Church. This ~~ is a country church that still serves the community and -~;. ~," has celebrated over 125 years in use. Since no one can ~ '• ' think of any other name but langstaff for this road - ~ ~, ' this is a written request that it be renamed "Shilo Road". Every year there are persons looking for Shilo and this . is not asking too much to have this road renamed for , '- Shilo Church. It takes 75 to over a hundred years for a name to , • be established and used as directions, and some one sitting behind a desk simply cannot wipe out this time , '' by putting up a new name. I would like to suggest to Council, that they consider ~`. placing separate name signs on all road allowances, In t'~ ~, ,' ' case of emergency most persons would remember a name sign . ~ and not a Concession Number. Under the present system, local fire department ambulance and police may travel several unnecessary miles to their destination. ' Durham Regional Police and Town of Newcastle employees are unable to locate residents east of County Road No. 18 ~;~ by use of a Lot and Concession. At least with separate name signs on all road allowances between Concessions, emergency .~~:., personnel and government agencies would have no problem ' locating a particular property. l`:. ~,t 4t. ;•~~ We don't ask for very much and this request for a ~, name change of roads is the least that our elected officials •~ ;~`}: can do for us. ~ ';;( The name "Langstaff" is totally unacceptable for the ~ ` road allowance between Lots 4 and 5, Concession 6 of Clarke +', ~. Township. ~. , In the event this written request does not supply ~ .f ' appropriate name changes, we are prepared to send a delegation ! ; and a signed petition by area residents to meet with Council. ' I would appreciate receiving confirmation of the date and ' time of the next regular Council meeting, whereby this request ~. ,;~ " will be considered by Council representatives. •~ I I look forward to hearing a favourable reply regarding: • appropriate name changes for road allowances. ~ ~ : ; '.`r ~ •~ ~ ;,,, Yours trluly ~~~~ii / ~ to , Mrs Ray Martinell Con. 6 Part Lot 4 ~ ,. R,R.# 1, '. . NEWTONVILLE, Ontario ~ LOfi 1J0 . ~r_'' .. '. ' (416) 963-5177 ~: :, • ~ a F 1 ~ - ~ ~