HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD-62-87.n _~ . TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ~c~) i~~~ REPORT File # /d~/3 Res. # -~~ °c~~~~~~~~' By-Law # hEFf ING: DATE: GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE OCTOBER 19, 1987 T #: CD-62-87 SU CT: FILF #: 10.13.3. REPORT ON NOISE BY-LAW EXEMPTION FOR LICENCED KENNELS. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose & Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Clerk's Report CD-62-87 be received; and 2. That the time-line for reporting on the subject matter be left to the discretion of the Clerk. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Following a presentation by licenced kennel owners relating to the impact that the Noise By-law (87-131) might have upon their activities, Council directed that staff review and report to Committee on the matter. Subsequently, letters were received from other individual licenced kennel owners advising that they were satisfied with the by-law as enacted by Council. At the meeting of September 29th 1987, Council directed that a meeting be held with the licenced kennel operators for the purpose of establishing whether an exemption to the Noise By-law was in fact required. Notice of the meeting was mailed on October 1st 1987 and the meeting was held on October 6th 1987. Approximately thirty-four (34) licenced kennel operators attended. Three others sent in letters. Continued ...../2 Report CD-62-87 - 2 - October 19, 1987 l ~ (~~ Briefly, I would advise, that there were two<,camps. The majority of those present favoured an exemption from the requirements of the By-law. However, rather than deal with this as a single issue matter, the kennel owners asked that they be permitted to establish a committee to review the concerns and, with the help of Town Staff, establish reasonable, workable guidelines for the industry. This was agreed to and the meetings will commence shortly. In the meanwhile, it is my request that staff be granted an open-ended extension to the reporting time-line which had originally been established as October 19th 1987. It is staff's intention to report on the matter as soon as the committee has completed its work. In the meanwhile, the Noise By-law is to remain as originally passed by Council. Respectfully submitted, David W. Oakes, B.A., A.M.C.T., C.M.O. Town Clerk Recommended for Presentation To Committee ~.~ ~ ~,~ / Lawrence E~ otseff, M.C.I.P., Chief Adrn~i~trative Officer DWO/ms coRPORATioN of THE TowN of NEWC~sTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 October 1, 1987. T0: SUBJECT: TIME: LOCATION: DATE: ALL OWNERS AND OPERATORS OF LICENCED KENNELS IN THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE. Cpl ~ ~ .~ ~c~) TELEPHONE 623-3379 MEETING FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXAMINING THE NEED FOR EXEMPTION BY OPERATORS OF LICENCED KENNELS FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE'S NOISE BY-LAW 87-131. 7:30 P.M. COURT ROOM N0. 1, POLICE AND FIRE BUILDING, 132 CHURCH STREET, BOWMANVILLE. OCTOBER 6TH 1987. Council has directed that municipal staff meet with the operators of licenced kennels and establish whether in fact, there is a need to grant an exemption to them from the Noise By-law. It is anticipated that at this meeting, we will reach a concensus as to the position to be taken with respect to the subject matter. The conclusions reached will form the basis of a report to be prepared for the consideration of the General Purpose and Administration Committee on Monday, October 19, 1987. Please plan to attend. Your comments are of importance to the licenced kennel operators and the municipality. I apologize for the calling of the meeting on such short notice. However, if we are to report to Committee on the designated date, then it is important that we meet early. Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to your attendance at the meeting on Tuesday, October 6th 1987, at 7:30 p.m. Yours truly, ~„ , _,~~~~ ~`.~-~ ~> ~. David W. Oakes, B.A., A.M.C.T., C.M.O., Town Clerk. DWO/ms ~.~ ~ =~~