HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD-69-87~ ~ l l ~~~) TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # t, ~~~: Res. #~f~~t~4~ ~~,~~'~ By-Law # hE~-Tj(~(;; General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, Idover~er 2, 198 RET-'ORT #: CD-69-87 FILE #: 68.29.5 SllB.~CT: ANIMAL CONTROL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 1987 RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT this report, #CD-69-87, be received by the Committee for information. BACKGROUND: (1) the number of animals that are being processed through the pound; (2) the resulting revenue generated through the pound; and, (3) the enforcement being done by our Animal Control Officers. Respectfully ^subm~ted, ~~, a B- P. Irwiy~, By-law~,Enforcement Officer. `., BPI / d~.~_ Recommended for presentation to h Committee r ' Ira rence E otseff, Chief Admi i trative Officer. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ~C ANIMAL CONTROL MONTHLY REPORT PATE: SEPTEMBER. ~9 87 ANIMALS ANNUAL TOTALS TO-DATE PICKED-UP -BROUGH'D-IN TOTALS ___ Dogs Cats Wildlife Calls Dogs Cats ildlife Ca11s Dogs Cats Wildlife Calls 1987 210 9 124 77 76 - 287 85 124 1986 249 17 139 80 37 - 329 54 139 1985 217 24 112 70 73 - 287 97 112 DISPOSITION ENFORCEMENT ANNUAL TOTALS Total ANNUAL TOTALS Total TO DATF. 1985 1986 1987 fnr Mnnth Tn nAmF ~i985 7986 1987 for Month Dogs 121 130 .135 16 P.O.A. TICKET RETRIEVED - Cats 1 3 0 0 IssDED 79 14 9 2 Dogs 21 43 37 9 WRITTEN SOLD cats 0 0 0 0 wARNINCS 132 143 152 33 GIVEN HOME- Dogs 2 O O O ODURT 5 3 2 0 cats 9 5 19 6 APPEARANCES Dogs 85 92 80 10 ?STROYED.- Cats 68 40 45 6 coNVICT1ONS 8 0 0 0 1 IES sos.-Oats 13 22 8 ~. CALL-OUTS 36 37 15 2 Dogs 58 77 35 i sEAxcH -cats 18 5 9 0 OVERTIME (hrs.) 108 111 63 24 R E C E I P T S ANNUAL TOTALS TO DATE 19 85 19 86 19 87 Total £or Month Lll ..CES OTHER SUMMARY OF TOTALS $ 7,603.07 $ 8,962.60 $ 8096.98 CURRENT TOTALS: 1985 z~86 19.87 LAURA GRAY, A.C.O. OFFICER $ 8.00 $ 896.00. $ 904.00 986.00 24.00 $ ls.oo 2,520.00 2,367.00 2,388.00 120.0 .50 0 0 0 0 .25 1.75 4.00 1.25 .75 2.00 Fine 302.00 172.00 200.00 14.00 $ 25.00 0 25.00 0 0 $ so.oo 0 0 0 0 ANNUAL TOTALS' ~q R5 i~RF, 1987 Total for Month HOARDINGS $ ~ $ ~ $ 0 0 Dots SOLD 105.00 200.00 165.00 40.00 Dots soLD TO RESEARCH 1,076.80 1,439.90 499.26 16.42 CATS SOLD TO RESEARCH 49.52 10.70 24.47 0 VIOLATIONS PAID ~ ~ ~ ~ CATS RELEASED 60.00 148.00 240.00 44.00 DOGS RELEASED 450.00 1,396.00 1,018.00 170.00 DOGS REDEEMED 2,142.00 2,296.00 2,572.00 355.00 ANNUAL TOTALS mn nnmF i 4QG 1 9S2C. 1 9527 Total for Month RESEARCH sALES $ 1,126.32 $ 1,450.60 $ 526.73 $ 16.42 RECEIPTS 2,757.00 4,040.00 3,995.00 609.00 LICENCES 3,719.75 3,472.00 3,575.25 158.75