HomeMy WebLinkAbout749 A by-law granting power and authority to William C. Noxon and Associates, to manufacture and supply gas. p .1 _` +,i t.':i,y ,, _ •l '4 - if ., r n i r, 44 s ai ''r =• s ' fig f f .I <if ,.. : .1I t 1 - / .. ,Sid , •it i, ,• .. : � Sy--Law N f�ber 7141Y of the Co, o,r.por�tlon of t a down of Bow l (h(.reinafter c���_l� d tale Cor ora . ion ) ;ran ins, tv . illia many 1 e 1 , N Oxon and his � saociates o qer -and Authority to r,anuf`acture and ` ly Gas - for all jour ' oses Lnc i dcrit .�, thereto . ,tq I �i � LA3 the said '1'1i11iam Gs. Noxt�n 'and his Associates pro nose' to become or�an1Zbed as a Coi-lpany under the laws of the Province ' ' ' s the intention that said Company s:ia.I�V6 incur of Ontario and it 1 Y a or the - Urpose of erecting in the Town of Bowiiianvills , build- or ted f i M act ' uiic , s and tr; Jay Mainsf adaul.. Gas pipes and ings and otue r necessary J ;� �� 1i�ances for tfie � .urpose of Manufacturing and dis- o'ther necess ry _ ; r -- and the said 't i.11iai i C . ijoxon , and Iiis Associates have tributin6 gas r I rs �ues.t,ed ;tbd or ;prat c�l� of tlip, gown of Bowmarivi,ile ' to Brant exmis- 4 00 s i on atnd aut hor i ty, for p TJ tM r .S it is d ;E�aed to b® in trio interests" . of tie Cor- •s '` AND M 1. 5 L orat ion t.o rant such rig hts and- pr,ivile es t© ' the said "'7` 1 Ii am C xz . As 1 , Noxon and his sociate's wh©n incor,�orat ad, as a Co apany•.I f .� �� TH oA : The C0 ORS,--TI0V1 ,of, .the T ��N of BO��t� �NVIT by its COUNOIL , as . follows --- ., 1 T� ' T the , said '., 111 a�.,. C`. Noxon and his Associates When 1 ' �: , Y l)6ra ed as a Corgi pan undEr the laws ; of the Province of Ontari , incorl t,,...: .. .r, I Y r. herei n after reformed to as tI 's Co ui}any shall have the right and pri vile ce of constructing and operating Gas a irks in the Towu of Bowman- v: lle and of la in and cunt inui r gas via ins and . pipes under , al n, a across any. and all treet s sbzd'walks , lanes , alleys and public places SI nd • r' se ofI"anufacturi -Yap and distributing it in the own, for the puri o t ,for cookie .,keating, lightin►g. and all 'other fr sale and gu ,pl y in Gas,, f t odes -for which it is capable 'of ­bc ing used . ARD the said Corpora- p n tion agrees t4st said CompanIF shall have all' the right 's ,p' rivilogos and t ewers conf erred u n such Compaties by B. S .O .1897 , Chapter 199 and amew S;. p t f x�di acts save as varied b' this By-law; , it being, understood that . e Y said Campany shall be subject to all the elauses ,c�:nditions and proem . u visions of said Act and , amending Acts ,save as afo resaid a F , ^« THAT the said Corapany for such purposes shall have the , sK k i OLUKE f LLB.. h A I F 1 such streets end ic ablict laces , as y be noE ;ss ri j;ht to ent er upon such • - mains to conduct as frorl the Go.:I )ally' s ary t o . lay d owaa. �� i Ass e s ��nd rya g works hs to , tile corl3ut�er:-) �r i i,ii r)o'�;e to take u, alter and r �ne�►� and ex- tend ' the s ��c�e as and �, lon t,jle got (�! any may find it necessary or adiris I t a4 able so to do , in each an all . such �ca,ses doing no unnecessary daula�e 6 'performance o f tie vror,k�l" < d taking care as far as j..ossible to f in t h T d uninterru ted �)r3ss�S ;e for �j) ra�.� rls and veY�ic],@ preserve a free 3n .� +� all str eE t 1 , or �a�al.ic� , . laces such �>rork is in throu ,�� and al on , r , lace and r�la alt a'in uar. ds and li ;llt s. for t ne preven- progress i and to � • „. ' - � e occasironed b' or by rt;�ason of said tion . of : cc "dents I ��iiic« . �1 ,llt Yr • t , • ways and' x r � Knish tl� word end re ; lac® the streets ; y work , and ,� �all f - before tri8 CO :,IGI1C8- • s in.. as ood condi tio�n as t� -ey w Ore of public lac. �, cas® t� ithout unnecessary,,.1 delay . . s ent �o f he work �n a {c h a.nu 6vc:ry al excawat a.Pns m)ad9 o uly f up in c a s e t he C om any , shall nt d a I , • • and uti© � of their, yYork �.i�on cor: ,I�.etion t ��reo:f by them �n the exec Q 3^r the s-.tid Cor aorcet ion may proceed restore tha highway as aforesald, . ire col Bets, and iii ���� . s at' 't It . exp.anse' of t - } 4 to restore such str Y • f r as o • overdue - taxes , or sue p; and recover ,{w many. and nay dusty in of fi11inf- in and restoring, in 6 �. ch and . 'fro ta the G omi� the cost , every Case . � .►�.�. ►, of t ,e paid streets , . '� ID that In t e occ:upat �on • h bli t.1 ro fa, �� c � r1 ��y , said e -- ---- ' . . �o u 1 the - h�a �----aid--o-t er - 1. oz�� _-_ - ---_ ur g Y • t Le progY' works or of' rnenu in or re�aaitia ess of the said the s=.xe { the Cori Drat • on of the down of Bo��r�lanville shall not be res�lonsib e, „ u t��r0,11 h ti, ne;llligbnae or carelessness for aany , a;c id.ent, tr:.a t nay occ g e vants and tllat' the said Go�1p�any shall of the said Company or tri er s r • V said' Cor��orat ion from all, loss , Costs , ex ®nges or save harnless the 1 reason of a of sueh, accidents. lama, a that may , arise .fro.. or y � that th® 0o�,r,;an shall have th(Ar works as e 4. �'RCV iDLD t Y ' ation on o,r before the ;r.�first day of I Jan- o ' ooleted as t o be in op®r vary , A. D. 1910 , and sui,ply ink Mp as other W is a the r iv i leges Wand rights :fx herebyr anted shall forthwith 'bc corne nua 1 ' and void and of no ' of f e0t . ow and Herein .time is to be of the 683eti:,re of the Contract . 1 f-, ' y, ! '= -..- i y- s Ad. i i G`- adt;° 1!;�i u,• y, Id, .e. € w.,. •k,R w+eraas ,gtyww;sicarbt�'ed';# ,+.t5t +��a1a+J9' f " I Y I VOLUME :fix g MAAR �' .d" +M.a;' ' ( 3 ) -- F . a d privileges , here .by conferred shall be us- . THE ri' hts n p ed 10. e for a period of thir '. W1rs com ed by t� ora and en ! uted from tllc; :assln�, of! this ;, � , ire id Co )prat ion on giv ing PROV113 HOB V that t rl • tbntion wa on and after the $ , three months notice in r.riting of thou in Y • A a of this ..la�ri 'nut not sooner , expiry of years from the pass � .� a ins aid a ui enlEnt generally of �urcl�a:�e the bui Id ink , ,corks , a giant , _ p ass o in concern to be f ixc:d by the Cam ny at a pr�ce� or r valuation � � -part i �s do not aZree on a price , one to n® ap- arbitrators �n case the 1 k � and the two so a%;po int on f a - 'Po by the . Corporation , one by tiie C any . o f said arbit'ratora ed �to select a rthird , t1fe dLCiSiO11 of the majority to ,overn. In all ot . .er respects said ar' �itratian to; be sub j eet to �� tration ;pct " in consi aria such valuation .. thE �prov�.sions of The �'�rb�. f or any ood' w ill or ' franchise of however no stun is to ire alto t v ed , the ,bus iness o, , erc orat ion 81411 n't hav h rRGV IDD that i f the tor • he Coin an before • one, and .. a�_ ni pc went of, t p y ed the said buildings . plant ,m s ears the, privileges or tion .�o�f ^sai.d eriod of til rt ; y the ex:ira p chase hereby, granted shall uc� a ctend ed for such -lfurther ' time .and u�psn i ai r ' ; It t e p to • o the Cor _ __ ration and cond i.trloris , n .such terms ' a t s a ercenta a of the Company' s r urc�i�se a,s afores=aid, . upon a basis o f p .. • �! P `7 , • aid to the Cor oration",�or otherffis0 as may f;r e a treed , earnings to be p �' on betty�..cn the Cojt�pa and the Corpora t ion and in case trey cannot s a a ee. then, ui)on s conaitions in the right to pur . uch t erius and eo arbitrators or a ruajor.ity of them t� be } chase as aioresaid as thr w • shall dir'oe t and 6ppo int . 'a o ant ed as afor esa�d PP w granted Are ,riviJe es and powers. hereby [` 7 . ROV I�bD the i a . Corn>>a�i®s, now in ', existanae in pub . sat - to. th® existing rig��ts of other j s s uares arks or public places and the CosYpMY s the sand streets,, lane ,p • ®s and underground electric conduits n see and consents thm ma �ng lei • distance o f five f ea t from the mains any purpose may be laid to a distan } laid b the ]3 -law and at int ers ec t ions up -and pipes. aut l for x?®d t o b® la y Y ___ but ��. es shall hereafter he to a diatanoe of two f,eet no pip 4. rer tie pipes ©f tile Company except s aros s s. . ! t r - lLni{.'„i-rte•... r VOLIft i �� an s often as i t me► b ec� es sa 8. FRaVID� D that hen d o y V r�r y= or, convenient" for, the Co..i to o'),an a}) any strc;L;t, lane , nar$( s :uare , sr w , or other )ublic ,lace for , the ar,;ose of, laying ,;as ruins therein , �r • ut days notice in vrriticr n to tt,�e "a. y or o.f the Cor- , they, shall zve, thr ,� . , � y -oration of the' it desire to Mike such openings , S"Otc 1 fy ins; the portion � of the strC t. lane s 1 uare , i)ark or " other r;ub,lic place in which they may, desire such openings . to be made, thL Council of the Corporation shall. have the right within t"h• said period of three , days to prohibit the Company from making op ealngs, . for the purpose of laying ' gas mains if there be an �'ust cause wl the salve shall not be laid ,,and if Y J another- part o f the �"� said s tr.eet lano, s. uare , part/ or other public place be 'design ,ated and set aside �� said council for that purpose ( it is understood, however , that this' re�;alation does not apply to services in- to hous"as ) All work to be done hereafter apo�n ,any street , lane", square , 5 ark, or public lace ' to be done under. the smi�ervision and sub jeot to " P I p c satisfaction of the etandin Comittea"; of 1-treats and x. the reasonable I ►; rovemeuts of the said Council. k .. 1X11 99 IN C Ho�' VR �i t :shall bacome necessary . for.` :the Con- r a PAY to op4i up, any of. the streets ,s luares , alloys or other , public P laces, In said 'Town , for the purpose of naak�.ing any necessary "and urgent t " repairs to their pipes or ,mains or for the instala"tion of any sLrvice r , it is c��ndrs-teed : hat t +e C+�r� ,a eet�ta--. such [_work �► on eav � J p with the Clerk of the Corpo ra ion ` 00 'as. security f or " the due per- f or ?a�ice of such work accord ing' to this Bay-law, --� and each sum may be : returned to the Company upon "tire• Report of the Chair' man of the x Standing CoDunittee of Streets and Inprovements upon that Comittee be ing satisfied that it is no t neoesaary to ho Ld the same for purposes Of such security ___ it being understood however that no. mere- tham 45o.00 seed be on , deposit . PROVIDED HaKIVIM that -th® of B -la* shall passage t� y , Set ;give the . Company' om p any right - to O bct to the Corporation purchasfw. and offeat's of The Bowmanvi l le lileo tr is Light Company or rf "Ago in -thtm­ff any other suah 446 WT M C©� I an that may be hereafter establ ighed to the , Townof Rowmanvtl�.s� y �' t 3 Y 3 95 MEW / S ao VOLUKto 1 or of any o ther , person or cor ,or, t on without at' the, same time -ur- U chain' t he r lant 'and ref rests of the Company and that Clausd 566 , erection 4 of the fo1101 xing ub-sections a , 82 ;a3 , a4 , and a5 of the Con- g solidated l Au Acl f)a1 � Act .1903 ( kno,►;�n as the Conxu6E izct ) and the ar�end , ments thereto shall. not be read 'or construed as applyin the Com- z not to ri lit,, s ,g a' ted or established . in jur a nca of this pan . � B -l.aw, 110' ,-AND INAS� UCii as the Comp ny may d 'sire t ' fuxn1sh , t r < leatxnc Current for�lig�iting , heat �ng or power or other. purl ores , IT 1'Ui �i r t txi� 111 that the Cof Vsn ul ;on rc west , in ;ritin� to the I3 i Y t. 1 Cor;;orat �i on t u the Com- . an ' ewer to erect and lu intain works ,,po1es ,,vitres ` and other appli P , YAP arses through, over , undor and •.along the streets , highways and public .,,places: in the s A.id '"Town for the `cur pse o f een( rat ink, trar�srslitt in and d atribut�i �Elec'tricit , for li hting,8�eating and power or other pur- uses an the :'ewer ri -ht and privilege Vern sogrant ed shall be' co--' terminoue pith the r. di ts and privil.eg�s acreby granted to the Comte Pally for the maniif ac Lure . and .9ut ;o .Y , o f has aAd he t .t t hera,o f shall p Y be under and , sub ' eet :to the sane right of purchase by .the' Coriporation. T poles shall be re, sonably straight ,painted poles � and shall :. be planked in such positions ,only oil -the, said strc,etshighways R W and,, ,public `laces as ray b.e approved of by tl�e iotivn %n iheer or of er erson. or ierson a oiii od b the Council, and shall be subject to the L:Mediate su ervision of the , said Engineer or other `person or ersons so a oint�ed' who ma rye ect and cause to •�e removed any ole or oles that may not conform a�n every respect . to this �3y-law. Thek p . , ors an is to ive 48 fours not ioe o f their int ent i.on to era ,-t any• C p y g , o ea tb.® said olds shall not be less than 30 feet - in height; pl p abov •the ound and shall be ke t painted from t i: �e to t ins. ACID such oles wires and avppliances shal]. be so place& .and maintained as, . p not to interfere w th or injuriously affeQt the wires or plant• • of any Y �oth+er person : or Corporation that have or may be 'entitled to rights s nd e,ll distributi wires shall properly be insu,l� on said street . , Ated snd rotec�ted oord tb the Firs Utide titers regula�iohs. p , w,p +.¢!ltrrltJit`,? fiAt!�t'st'.;Sn' ' 'ktC!!!kfAY °Mat.: tk``+ +"• K4' VOLUM ... ,_,:Mr _,..[ ., k _sv. ..,, x...r'.,. . ;G ,•,,..r . ._ _ Ac atx.... .... ., ;'... z ..., .ar• „+ ,rr .7t .. ° l r ionr and inhabitants o f said ,n ' 0'.• And the charge tovthe Corporation f= for Electric • ou.rrent shall not exceed cents not r off£ thousand Tatts . 12- PROVID10 AND IT IS HIMaY DLCLAR0 that this By-law 5` and everything herein contained shall respectively enure to the, ben- y efit and be binding upon the Company ng u its sucaesos �.r_ � �� �•ng . p 13. PROVIDa that in casam , after having commenced to inhabitants h as as hereinb®fore rovidsd said Com any �= supply the �nhab i t ant with g p p are unable to maintain or, make , default in continuously , s;teadily and ��re lrlmaint ainin an ample supply of said gas for' the purposes } y g ' and as herein specified , or shall ' go or' be forced into liquidation, ` a e when ninet days shall -have ela ne,d 'without the up- :. and in any c y y P of gas having, been - suf ficientl • augmented and supplied: toy th'' in- nd the Town as herein rovided , according - to the true in-, habitants, p on may , upon giving the t en t and meaning hereof , them the Cor p orati said Com an fifteen da s tier notice in writing of its intention so _ r P Y Y p 1 o such of th ' ri hts and ri-- to •do.,, byBy-law "repeal and annal al f ® g p , --- i loges grant®d to the said Company ia and by this By-1 aw and under or, by any other agreement made, or . �y-law or, By-laws of said Corpora- Y y ' tzon assed in res ect there as said Corporation may. see fit . , P n PI�avID1D however that if the failure to maintain sac • I sup ply be owi to damage., by, f ire dr, serious accident to some part of h works of the Cow an the Comp any shall be entitled to sixty dais _ . ' the p Y � F further time to , repair' the dwua a and res tore the. works of C , fur p � , pany to working ord®r' . PROVIDhD ],ao that this By shall. not . go into 14 ass and until said Company gntere into and f oroe nor take effect unless pY *autos an agr semen t with and to- the satisfaction of the Mun oipal ' Corporation embodying the terms of this By-law. I > �ounail of this cop Y g , ( The PROVULD that anv not ia-e required to be served on or. s b marlin -the same at i�ren to said Company may be served or given y g io ost off ice in Bowmanville addressed to th e Company Publ ►t •; P ae at the office or plan ` o bilet'' 2owmanville or by leav'Ing the ar►a rf the said Company in Bowmauvillo. I t • ... .. ..,., I..L !;wl;«y,1iti. r} m!FIr!,+ .n,M yw+1K�.., _ I i1% - !I a k k \ VOLUM :L f .. Ei'. "(7 `+U r= • .t * , - ' ' .. a S0 FAR as the Cor por4tion has power to. 'exaot th ' 16 f the real and -.personal property of the said Cora amnual assessment o � , c with and necessary to its �,AS manufacturing Plant pany connected y including `"ohool taxes mains , pipeg , revenues or otherwise , hoiso©ver , shall -be fixed at ' the sure of 2000s, 00 for a period often years ' from dhd , iznclusive of� the r first day of •, anuary 19100 f y PRDVIDLD YURTH�R that the annual assessment so f fixed shah, n to and include an and all additions to said manufacturing exte d , Y ' s i �' ildi :� �d off ices , and maci�inerr erected four p lent , mains , es �r pipes , purpose of said' z)lant . at an tire: after said. date and during thy► the 1u i I � Y , T/ z w period , f pr which said / annual assessrenrt,, is fixed as , forasaid . 17 , ri I COR, I?Bf UT I ON shall if so re 4aes t6d by the, Company � � � the Le - -� N. use its best of sort to faa illtate t��e passage of an pct of g `is'laturo , of t1he Province of Ontario corif iming this By—law, the same r, however to boa l.i.ed for the expense of th ' Company who are, to bear all , charges , costs and expenses connected therewith. 1 i C ld. THAT the Company shall supply ' ,gas to the in�bitants �� situated c'�lCi t118 hi rle of . their mains and who shall �o of t1.® said � on lip ro erl a ui their , ret��%s es for � tt a use of tree same and subscribe p P Y i i to the: Co�:apan� � s rules and refulatlons atthe prices viz . For light t to exceed net er 1000 cubic feet after Aiscount for �:ng no p , ' prompt payment has been allowed. 1 FOR cooking, heating and' mechanical , pu rposes 1. v0 per 10401 Cubic feet after disc oust for prompt payu�ent has been all©wed�,c w nth• annual consu:ant ion df the Town reaches . l0 000 OQ,�; �blo and he .. feet the . pries. to be reduced , by fficoentseper 1O00 oubia, deet ' for ' all, ur os®s ---- and when the a-id annual aonsumptlon reached 20 ,000 , 00e .N f et a further reduction od 10 oents shall be made. ' Meter rent ka r oub is e exoeed 25 cents er month per meter --- nand if two meters are not to p ., taped in one . building'bui Id i for the earns ous t Amer one for light tx aid in � r cooking �r of . or ur posc;s the Meter rent shall not 1. 6he other for g p z IP ' k exo+�+ed 25oonts for such two meters per month. ._.. r 4 ��f, '41 11. 4 I a TIMM 4 voLUM I a 4 71 •. i 5 Icy �� �� � �� I �i. 1 1 }� li :rtl kd I d,. 1 4 ' •' � _ � ,��� L • --1,aw rear d a zrat ti. e t i 6 19,E . read a decond r't rf k c r I• f ad '� bird: ti �� i Ell Of Op f 1 tr l 1 , , A, y Ow. Ger1c1',, :Yayor. 1 r lilt, 2 J< it ,! ,.. 1:'111• 4-..V 7 y.' f ," , ,l 1 .0 �. , }`.� 1, �1' •r� 1` I � f 1 , , • r , r, 1 ' v e t ' f 1 It • - 1 k1 f 14, 1�1,, 6� 1� � t x. N 7 x5 it '� Y''•' I ' iA ;1 1 �r �� I °}u II t4 11• � "PA i ne 1 rr . sis x 1: irk -1 r r at i it 1 isp .5' 1, R 1 J 1 it 1 4 OV M '• �, (ryR 1. 1w .,1 r I irl.•01•.1. .1:1 jQQt�) '�.I I /�',� 1 1:1 f. ,�.1 3.C' 1 ,� '� l� 1'i i• l i r. _ .rn.' 1� r !'fir. 44 � 1 •i r m iti' :h. t41, £f x , � b a ai' '�� ' •1, 40 I if It f ,11 I ,411 I It 11.,, in. �e •i7 ( 1�1V r i 1, it r 1 ' ,t1` .i 1• 1, :1� 1 , , Ir 11 It II �i.. li,,.t• 11 41 :i, ,u" �'.1„ tq, Iv it r ,7 •4'te It f G+ , ff 1.. I .11 L .,, ::: .. ..... �.1, I Ii,i r �,,,: � 1 Ifl ^rl� •:iF -'(Y , A tir 1lY" d. r II ` { t• 1 Ivl, 1 1a.'I. �" yr, I 1; o; w e 1.r t. 1'• 11 , , 1'I,•::. '.rtia"is 'i .•.Y 59• /. '.:1, ' ' if .. •.,t ir•, U ,ug:: y r �;; 1 I s , I 1 41 I I i .! Orr \11 1 e: (t •� '11 , „ 5 s., ,r` ,ir• ? e i•, n'- r. ,j( tai. , i 1. lAx +r dl l I, 1 r• 1 v If' t 1 11 1t I ',1 •(,y 1, I' 1 '1,1 '} t } m*.:"F 1�I 1 ( , Y� v fJ •'� At l A: "l. • S '1 ' - 1 � �n' lil >• ,1 ''4 r 'i yv e I'„ I ' � 1• .P v 1 ' '�'.l 1 S,. ., I 7 .,111, 'V•.�r.l It.11��,I �ll(. .la j1 I, 1 1 5 r , .fir • 1 r , - 9 l { ! I. :ip i .,1. 11 .01 -i, • - . i -' , 1 �� .' _ 1. 1, 'I 11+I _ „ 7 . *M 1 i I fi VOLUM L 3Y. 1"7 , Xy... 3 gg ­otj:j� t, J� ....is" '�­l r"tit, �X� , roll ,F, X_!T it, :t 4!, i,at'i�'��," , ��i- �:, IV. ...... �I�' ,I" A, "Al'.t"leit"''i, .;f";,l ,)t,,� ti,it ;I� t ........... ............ tt .......... If0 fLaw Number ftItItIIIC ' I`%A t6 tItitIittIfAS SOC a# IAT11,40 W16t ittititf............. .......... tif7717 it ;ilk f I z 74i It'Aff VOLUM I