HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-06-09 Minutes CLARINGTON AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2011 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ted Watson Eric Bowman Brenda Metcalf Mary Ann Found Les Caswell John Cartwright arrived 7:50 Tom Barrie Mark Bragg Gary Jeffery Don Rickard Marlene Werry arrived 7:40 STAFF: Faye Langmaid, REGRETS: Jennifer Knox, Councillor Wendy Partner GUESTS: Sheila Hall, CBOT Gary Jeffery welcomed all to the meeting, members of the committee introduced themselves. Adoption of Agenda 011-12 Moved by Eric Bowman, seconded by Donald Rickard Agenda for June 9th, 2011 be adopted CARRIED Approval of Minutes 011-13 Moved by Ted Watson, seconded by Brenda Metcalf May 12th, 2011 meeting be approved CARRIED Guest: Sheila Hall, Clarington Board of Trade Executive Director and Economic Development Officer Sheila thanked the committee for the invitation to attend their meeting. Sheila provided a presentation on the role of the Clarington Board of Trade, the activities that they do on an annual basis, the sectors that they are pursuing for economic development and the importance of agriculture to the business community. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington June 9, 2011 Question/Answer Session Q- Explain role in Physician Recruitment A- Change from approximately 7 years ago, when the process was carried out within the community but was not accountable to either the Board or Council. It is a committee of CBOT composed of 5 members. 7 years ago we were 13 doctors short other communities do (e.g. northern communities). What we have to offer is close proximity to Toronto medical community and great life style. If you can attract the spouse you will get the Dr. Q- How is shortage determined? A- number of patients to Dr. based on population of the area. Q- A- CBOT works with new Dr. for some time; when they are signed $20,000 goes to Physician and $10,000 to CBOT for all the work that they have done in the recruitment process, which includes assisting in finding office space, housing, connections to medical community here, a number of meetings, tours of facilities and communities, etc. Q- Cost to join CBOT? A- $200/year (prorated), there are about 300 members, there are only 3-4 that would be uniquely agricultural. Benefits are discounts for membership on items like CAA, insurance, Petro Canada (2 cents/litre), cell phone packages Q- Roundtable on Agriculture, the AACC would be very interested in participating, would it be with a Minister or without, when, etc. A- Could either be with or without a Minister (depending on time of year). September or January may be best for farming community. Time of day is really dependant on whether a Minister is involved (at their mercy). Would look to invite 70 or more hoping that 20 show up. People have to RSVP so that logistics can be worked out. If it was without a Minister then the roundtable would be focused on issues for Agriculture and how CBOT could help get that message out. Q- New Build, impacts on Agriculture, from perspective of very local neighbours, loss of rental land that is currently cropped, construction traffic on local roads is going to be a major concern, drivers are already impatient with farm equipment, this will just make it worse on Holt Road, Baseline, and local roads. A- (Faye) Part of Host Municipal Agreement is commitments by OPG to help improve the road network in advance of the New Build. Commitment for Holt Road interchange to be upgraded. Q- Improvements to Holt Road will mean additional loss of land to agricultural operation just like new build is removing the fields that are currently worked on the OPG site. A- True Q- All of the items that are the target of economic development require land, how do you keep agriculture and support agriculture with those items? Nobody has been hungry enough to really appreciate that agricultural land loss will eventually mean that there is a food shortage. Farmers realize that sometimes you just cannot save agricultural land Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington June 9, 2011 but sometimes it should be the other land uses that give way. Even the moving around between urban areas is difficult and many urbanites do not appreciate being delayed or having to wait for farm equipment. A- The balance is the most difficult aspect and that is why CBOT has dedicated a seat on the Board for Agriculture. Learned a great deal over the past couple of years from Don, the business community has a better appreciation for the issues facing farmers. Gary thanked Sheila and invited her to stay for remainder of meeting. Business Arising Rural Funding Opportunity Faye has followed up with GRCA and CLOCA on the rural road planting idea. A meeting will be held over the summer to follow up on the Maple Leaves Forever program and the funding opportunities. The Grand River CA has a program for funding of rural road and hedgerow planting. A comment was made that part of the issue of die back in maples can be attributed to salt on the roads and that should be considered when program is being designed. Gary inquired as to whether with nutrient management implementation. Faye reviewed the items that funds can be obtained for, well upgrades, new wells, stream crossings, stream plantings, GPS units for seeding, no-till drill units, eavestroughing on barns to redirect water away from barnyard, etc. There is an , if there are things that are missing they can be covered under that category. Limited funds but there are funds still available for this year from GRCA, possibly CLOCA. Province is out of funds for Environmental Farm Plan for 2011, it was tapped out quickly. Council Referrals OPA #80, Provincially Significant Wetlands Planning is working with CLOCA, MNR, the landowners and facilitator to see how issues can be explored and resolved. AACC with be kept informed as process moves ahead and when larger meeting is organized. Accessibility Training Everyone was notified of two time options, if you are unable to attend there will be another session in the fall. Dept. know. Sign By-law Amendment seasonal operations (mobile signs) and display size increase on pylon/monolith signs. Staff Report making changes was approved and By-law has been amended to better address seasonal operations (like farm gate markets). Permits are required. Liaison Reports DAACSeptember 15 is DAAC tour, Uxbridge area. OMAFRA is looking for 10 farms to pilot on-farm food safety audit, it is an assessment tool for farms that do direct marketing. Contact Marlene if you are willing to participate. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington June 9, 2011 rd DRFA June 3 was A at Knox farm. 130 people attended. DFRA will partner with other groups to hold other events. CBOT Roundtable will be a highlight and looking forward to opportunity to have input. Sunday had between 10 to12 vendors, not full yet but produce is behind schedule. Orono Fair Board has been approached by Orono BIA to allocate space for market. The Fair Board is concerned that there will be an issue getting vendors and also the existing events at the Fair would all have to agree to have that area removed from the venue. Faye provided an update of her meeting with Orono BIA where she reviewed the issues of getting vendors. Other Business th Broadband Marlene updated the committee; RFP will close soon, July 8 announcement of successful bidder to provide service. New Economic Development Director for Durham Faye will send meeting dates and invite her to attend any of the meetings she would like to. Future Agendas Faye will provide an update overview on Port Granby project at August Meeting Faye will approach ORM Foundation about making a presentation for October Eric Bowman moved to adjourn. CARRIED Next Meeting July 7th, 2011 Dean Jacobs to provide an update on Official Plan Review Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington June 9, 2011