HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD-40-87~ ~~ TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # ~~_ ~~~~ m, Res. # ~ :~ ~ ~~~~ By-Law # NIEETIIVG: DATE: GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE JUNE 15, 1987 T #: CD-40-87 SUB.>ECT: FII~ #: 10.13.100. STATUS REPORT, CLERK'S DEPARTMENT PROPERTY STANDARDS ACTIVITIES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Clerk's Report CD-40-87 be received for information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Some weeks ago, Councillor Hubbard commented upon various activities within the purview of the By-law Enforcement Section of the Clerk's Department, and requested a brief update on matters relating to Property Standards. The request was passed along to Mr. Brian Irwin, the By-law Enforcement Officer and he has provided me with a brief review of his activities in the Property Standards area for the period from May 12th 1986, to date. A copy of Mr. Irwin's report is attached for your review and, I would recommend that this report and attachment be received for information. Respectfully submitted ~,~ ~ }} L~ _ CP`r y i:7 C1?~.~~;~.~1~iw k.J David W. Oakes, B.A.,A.M.C.T.,C.M.O. Town Clerk Recommended for Presentation To Committee /; wF~ /,~ r ~ L~wrence E. Kotseff, M.C.I.P., Chief A mi istrative Officer DWO/ms: Attachment ibJ l ~ ( ~~ T~fiV OF NEWCASTI~ NENbRANDUM ~~~ TQ; David W. Oakes, B.A.,A.M.C.T.,C.M.O., Town Clerk. Fes; Brian P. Irwin, By-law Enforcement Officer. DATE; June 4, 1987. $~JE~; Status Report, Property Standards File #10.12.1 - .. .. ,. Pursuant to your inquiry regarding the property standards situation to date, I have prepared the following report. As you are aware, the Clerk`s Department, By-law Enforcement Secti-on, assumed responsibility for the enforcement of Town of Newcastle By-law #82-63 (Property Standards).on May 12, 1986. As you .are further aware, and in keeping with the proviso-~s of Part III(1), this By-law is enforced on a written complaint basis only. From the above-mentioned date to the present, .our office has received 89 .written and signed complaints regarding property-related matters. Follow-up investigations r.evea1ed 21 of these comp'1aints to be zoning matters, and they have been dealt with accordingly; a further 28 were revealed to be of the borderline or purely "crank" variety and as a result no further action was initiated. The complainants involved were notified accordingly. Of the remaining 40 maintenance and occupancy matters, 31 have been dealt with to the satisfaction of the complainants involved and :are now considered closed. Of the remaining 9 files, 2 (Roy Al ton Eldridge and Myko1a Uriadka) are presently before the court, a trial date of June 16 having been set in the Eldridge matter.' I think it appropriate, at this time, to make mention of .the East and West Beach matter. The East Beach area, originally.brought tp our attention via a petition from residents of the Port Darlington Marine Villas has, in my opinion, undergone quite a transformation. Rotten and dere1i.ct boathouses have been demolished, new docks and walkways installed, piles of rubble removed. If Council concur, I, should like to closethisfile. West Beach, the file on which shall remain open, is far from perfect although, given the transient nature of many of .its occupants and the general standards of the area as a whole, I take satisfaction in the progress to date. I will continue to monitor this area and at the same ....2 tom' _ 1.. ~~ ~ -z- time explore .various .avenues of possible legal redress relating to the land-1 ease situation between the Port Darlington Habour Company and its tenants. By-1aW Enforcement Officer. BPI~os. Respectfully submitted,