HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD-3-87..I~~~ TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # ~~ Res o # ~ ~ `~ ~ ~"~ By-Law # jN(;; General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: January 19, 1987 T #; CD-03-87 FILF #: 60.17.111 SUBJECT: Heritage Designation "117 Queen Street" Bowmanville Owners: Richard Edward Horton Florence Bernadette Jerrett RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report CD-03-87 be received; and 2. That the By-law attached to Report CD-03-87 be forwarded to Council for passage; and 3. That the Clerk be authorized to carry out all actions necessary to complete the process of property designation pursuant to the .~ Ontario Heritage Act, 1974, and detailed within Report CD-02=87. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: On April 28th, 1986, Council adopted the report of the General Purpose and Administration Committee which dealt with the designation of 117 Queen Street, Bowmanville, as detailed in Report PD-105-86. The Clerk was authorized to proceed with the designating of the subject property as an historic property. The following actions were carried out: 1. By letter dated May 9, 1986, Mr. & Mrs. Horton were requested to signify in writing that they were prepared to undertake the designating of 117 Queen Street, Bowmanville. The Hortons executed the consent form on May 15th, 1986. wl. i.C~) Report CD-03-87 = 2 - January 19, 1987. 2. Notice of Intention to Designate was forwarded to the owner of the property and to the Ontario Heritage Foundation by Registered Mail on November 24, 1986. 3. Notice of Intention to Designate was published i_n the Canadian Statesman once each week for three successive weeks, December .3rd, December 10th, December 17th, 1986. 4. A By-law to designate the property pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act, 1974, was prepared (copy attached). Report The period for filing objections to the proposed .designation ended on January 2nd, 1987. No objections were filed either during, or subsequent to the objection period. Having regard. to the fact that no objections have been filed to the designating of the property and the owner has consented to the designating, it is appropriate that the following actions now be undertaken:_ 1. That the By-law to designate the property be recommended to Council for passage; and 2. That the Clerk be authorizEd to publish a Notice of Designation in the newspaper, and forward a certified copy of the By-law to the property owner and to the Ontario Heritage Foundation;. and 3. That a copy of the By-law designating the property be forwarded to the Town's Solicitor for registration on title, so that future owners and anyone else t-hat might be interested in the property will be aware of the fact that it has been designated ~ and 4. That the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (LACAC) be advised that the property has been designated. Respectfully submitted, Rosemary Rutledge, A° M.C.T. Deputy Clerk Recommended for .presentation to the Committee L'awren`~ Kotseff Chief d i istrative Officer RR/os. Attachment. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW being a by-law to designate the property know municipally as 117 Queen Street, Bowmanville, Ontario as being of Architectural and Historical value or interest WHEREAS the Ontario Heritage Act, 1974 authorizes the Council of a municipality to enact by-laws to designate real property including all the buildings and structures thereon to be of architectural and historical interest; and WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle has caused to be served upon the owner of the lands and premises known as 117 Queen Street, located in the 'Town of Bowmanville in Part of Township Lot 12 in the first Concession of the Geographic Township of Darlington now in the Town of Newcastle and upon the Ontario Heritage Foundation, Notice of Intention to Designate the aforesaid real property and has caused such notice of intention to be published in the Canadian Statesman, a newspaper having a general circulation in the area of the designation, once each week for three consecutive weeks namely December 3rd, December 10th and December 17th, 1986; and WHEREAS the property located at 117 Queen Street, Bowmanville has a very significant architectural and historical value of interest to the Town of Newcastle and its people in that the property, built around 1888 is one of only a few houses in Bowmanville built in the elaborate Queen Anne Revival design. In particular, the exterior of the original house including the use of red brick with horizontal bands of "tarred".brick running across the facades, the complex arrangement of the pitched roofs, the simplified gable bargeboards, the windows which contain a border of small, square panes around the upper sash, the verandah which is designed using turned members, the finely panelled oak front doors with their bevelled glass windows, the "bull's eye" coloured glass set into the window within the verandah and the mixture of wood shingles and panelling used to finish the sides of the verandah roof are being specifically designated as being of Architectural value; and WHEREAS the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee of the Town of Newcastle has recommended that the property at 117 Queen Street, in the former Town of Bowmanville be designated under the terms of the Ontario Heritage Act, 1974; and WHEREAS no notice of objection to the proposed designation has been served upon the Clerk of the Municipality; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. There is designated as being of Architectural and Historical value of interest, the real property at 117 Queen Street in the former Town of Bowmanville, now in the Town of Newcastle more particularly described in Schedule "A" attached hereto. 2. The Municipal Solicitor is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this by-law to be registered against the property described in Schedule. "A" attached hereto, in the proper land registry office. 3. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this by-law to be served upon the owners of the aforesaid property and on the Ontario Heritage Foundation, and to cause notice of the passing of this by-law to be published in the Canadian Statesman, a newspaper having general circulation in the area of the designation, once each week for three consecutive weeks. i By-law read a first and second time this day of 1987 By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of 1987 Mayor Clerk .. .... 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"nom' ALi, AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tr'act' of land and premises situate, lying and being in the 'T'own of Newcastle in the Regional Municipality of Durham i'ormerly in the 'Gown of Howmanville in the County of Durham and being part of Township Lot 12 in the first Concession of the Geographic Township of Darlington lying south of Queen Street, containing U.54 acres more or less and being more particularl.,y described as follows: PREMISING that the bearing of the northerly limits of Lots 8 to 10 inclusive in Hloclc "N" according to a plan of the Town of Howmanville made by John Grant, P.L.S., registored April. 20th, 1852, is North 67 degrees wort and relating all bearings herein thoreto; 9'O P'LNll THE POINT Of COMMENCEMEN9' begin aC the south-east angle of Lot 102 in Hloclc "N" according to said Grant's Plan; THENCE South 24 degrees 27 minutes 30 s®nds West, 44.53 feet to a point in the southern limit of Rueen Street; TttENCE South 67 degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds east along the southern limit of Rueen Street a distance of 193.90 feet to an iron bolt WH1CH IS 'Ct{E POINT OG' COMMENCEMENT. THENCE South 6T degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds East in and along the southern limit of Rueen Street a distance of 135 feet to un iron bar placrd in the line o1' a chain link fonco running southerly; 'CHENCE South 23 degrees 54'minutes 30 seconds West in and along the said chain link fence a distance of 178.38 feet to the point of intersection with a chain and link fence running Westerly; THENCE North 65 degrees 37 minutes west in and along said chain link fence a distance of 132.45 feet Lo an iron bar; THENCE North 23 degrees 05 minutes Eust to and along the eastern face oi' a concr~ ,e wall and t:o Ruoon St^~ ~~' in ;•I . a distance of 173.30 feet to the POINT OF COMMENCEML;N'I'. The above described .lands are shown in heavy outline on a Plan of survey No. 69008 dated January 31st, 1969 and made by M. D. Hrown, O.L.S., a copy of which is aCtar.hed herel.o. 1 .~'r E ~ '~ ~ -~ r; { e , ;; gg t I4: j - S ~ ~:.1 ' ~ i s i ' - r' r ~ ~` , { } ( t r~ tr 1 '~, ;, ~ d,,;,~ tI ~ i 1 ~ i C+,' i . i ' 'II I~, , h .i.. , '' ,t ,. ill ~ (~ P~ R "O r y ~,~ ~.. /2~~g 2 ~i ~ ~. z h t.' ~; j .. .. . ^, { ~ I ,;n , r~' ~ gg u C! ~~, a U ~, b T Z t uu, ~ ~r.. ~~N Fyu ~~ ~ ~ , li ~ r u~(tuA-rW"t'd~f~fi'~ t • ~,: ~ q :G i:.ky j~ ~~ ~i y Z oo '.. j ~ ~ ~ ~~~ z ~ '~' .: i ~ a = ~ TEMl~"RANG~ .._. , ~ ~ ~ ~ STREET ~ , ~ ~ ,}i o ~.' ~ ., /nsl. Np N/9546 u~sraw rat[ C-' acwcRCrt wcc J ~ ~ ,~ q io O A O w a y Nzd~ AJO ~- " -+~. ~~ ~ (C "'V ~ ~, i N{K•' 4 v Q A N ~ ~ •-, 3 `--- 0 .° N 4 a fl ~ O o t5t p N j O 3 $ 4 r O O :, ~n ~ ~~ 0' a a s ~ ~ 4 ~.",~ a an ~ p 4 ~ ~, m ~ t ~ ~. ~ p a ~ , ~ ; J N 4 0 ~- 9'/aH0/ ~r ~Q~ ~ /~a..3s' o b h RR M1y$~~ if Y 7 1 rt ~' ~~',' {{~~~ s ' ~ P ~ ;+ ! ; s q ( ~~~~_.; ~f~ i i { ~ 7 . r r.:. ......--.-...~~;~"i ~.~ O~n ~,' ~-1 ~ ~' , . ~. _, a , (~ .. . ~'' 1 "i :t ~.x ,1 ;~~