HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-06-09 Minutes COUNCIL INFORMATION I-10 CLARINGTON MUSEUMS AND ARCHIVES BOARD MEETING MINUTES June 9, 2004 Location: Kirby United Church, Orono Present: K. Isnor, Chair H. St. Croix D. Climenhage S. Laing M. Van Dyke J. Rowe J. Vinson Councillor P. Pingle J. Witheridge T. Oke Councillor G. Robinson P. Ford Staff: M. Rutherford Conrad, Administrator S. Mariglia Bosgraaf,Recording Secretary CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by the Chair ADOPTION OF AGENDA Moved By: J. Witheridge Seconded By: P. Ford THAT the Agenda by approved. MOTION CARRIED APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF May 12, 2004 Moved By: Councillor P. Pingle Seconded By: P. Ford THAT the minutes of the Board Meeting of May 12, 2004 be approved. MOTION CARRIED BUSINESS ARISING a) Logo: The Administrator presented the Board with several choices for the new Clarington Museums and Archives logo. Variations in font size, and style were considered and a vote was taken. Concerns were raised regarding the use of the Durham Boat. Those opposed believed it may mislead the viewer by appearing to be a marine museum. Results of the vote were as follows; Yes: P. Ford, Councillor G. Robinson, J. Vinson, M. Van Dyke, S. Laing, J. Rowe, J. Witheridge,D. Climenhage No: H. St.Croix, Councillor P. Pingle, T. Oke b) Regional History Display: Chairman of the Board K. Isnor presented a letter from the Municipality to the Board regarding the contract position for the Regional History Display Project and the four conditions presented. Members of the Board clarified the meaning of the Reserve Fund and the Museum Development Fund. By-law 2004-01, Section 16 was quoted,noting that all private donations be placed in the Museum Development Fund. Moved By: J. Rowe Seconded By: Councillor G. Robinson THAT a copy of the portion of the Will relevant to the Bowmanville Museum be forwarded to Council and; THAT the Director of Operations reviews all capital changes if any are identified in the project and; THAT a copy of the Contract with Ms. Mariglia Bosgraaf be forwarded to the Clerk and; THAT the funds from the donation of the Estate of Mrs. Elsie Lunney remain in the Museum Development Fund in accordance with By-Law 2002-045 and be spent within the year 2004 and; THAT Council be informed of the Board's decision. MOTION CARRIED A Motion to go in camera was put forth by Councillor G. Robinson at 7:50 pm. A Motion to go out of camera was put forth at 8:00 pm. CORRESPONDENCE Moved By: S. Laing Seconded By: J. Rowe THAT the correspondence be received. MOTION CARRIED COMMITTEE REPORTS: a) Finance Committee Report: Finance Chair, D. Climenhage informed the Board that both expenses and revenues are below what was planned. Finance Chair and the Administrator cut expected revenues down by$6,000. Expenses were also cut by lowering office equipment repair costs,publication expenses and travel. A commitment was made to meet with the Administrator in September to review and address other issues ie. Selling more memberships, increasing shop sales and research revenues. Moved By: J. Witheridge Seconded By: J. Rowe THAT the Board go in camera. MOTION CARRIED Moved By: J. Witheridge Seconded By: J. Rowe THAT the Board go out of camera. MOTION CARRIED Moved By: D. Climenhage Seconded By: J. Rowe THAT the motion in camera be ratified. MOTION CARRIED Questions were raised regarding a sizable heating bill which was explained by the Administrator to cover several months. Moved By: H. St. Croix Seconded By: Councillor P. Pingle THAT the Administrator request the Municipality to indicated time period on the invoices for the heating bills. MOTION CARRIED b) Property Committee: Chair of the Property Committee informed the Board of his meetings with Director of Operations and the Administrator regarding vandalism at the Bowmanville site. Chair advised that the septic system for Clarke is currently functioning and there is no need to replace. Fred Horvath has recommended holding on an upgrade until a decision regarding the Kirby United Church is made. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: The Administrator presented the June Report. Moved By: Councillor P. Pingle Seconded By: J. Witheridge THAT the Administrator's Report by received. MOTION CARRIED NEW BUSINESS a) Rental Agreement: Chairman K. Isnor presented the Board with a letter from the Municipality requesting a copy of a rental agreement with the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. The Chairman recommended that it was a private contract between renter and the Board and it was unnecessary to relinquish a copy. Moved By: Councillor G. Robinson Seconded By: J. Rowe THAT the Board will send a blank copy of the standard rental agreement to Council. MOTION CARRIED b) Policy Amendment Considerations: H. St. Croix will present his amendment considerations at the next meeting and he will send out recommended revisions ahead of time. DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT BOARD MEETING Moved By: J. Witheridge Seconded By: J. Rowe THAT the next Board meeting will be held on August 11, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. at Newcastle Town Hall and that the Chairman may call a July meeting if necessary. MOTION CARRIED ADJOURNMENT Moved By: J. Witheridge THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:55 p.m.