HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-11-11 MinutesANIMAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on November 11, 2009 at 2:42 p.m. at the Municipal Offices in the Ante Room. ROLL CALL Present: Jon Stoner, Chair Laurie Arnott Councillor Ron Hooper Rhonda Johnson Peter Klose Dr. Helen Koseck Tracy O’Donohue, Animal Services Officer Anne Greentree, Deputy Clerk June Gallagher, Clerk II, Secretary 1. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES OF MARCH 11, 2009 Moved by Rhonda Johnson, seconded by Peter Klose THAT the minutes of the Animal Advisory Committee for the meeting of March 11, 2009, be approved without comment. CARRIED 2. QUARTERLY REPORTS Anne provided the Committee with copies of the Quarterly Reports covering the periods of April – June, 2009 and July – September, 2009, and commented on the statistics. She noted that the quarterly reports are much more detailed than they had been previously, now that they are using the Shelterbuddy software application. Anne pointed out that, since they had started microchipping cats, there has not been a change in the number of microchipped cats being returned to the Shelter. The door-to-door licensing has proven to be fruitful. She noted that the licensing numbers indicated to the end of September are not complete as there were approximately 1000 more licenses to be entered by the end of September, 2009. Anne noted one of the significant issues for 2009 has been enforcement of off-leashing at the Soper Creek area and at the Port of Newcastle and indicated that the Officers have been doing their best to deal with the situations. Regarding “dog bites”, Anne indicated the number of “Order to Restrain” have been up this year over last year. Animal Advisory Committee -2- November 11, 2009 Jon raised the issue that one of the brochures indicates that a “dog is more likely to bite if they are on leash.” Anne indicated that we can clarify the wording with the new brochure to indicate that a combination of a muzzle and leash is recommended. Jon asked whether we were aware that Newmarket has a low-cost spay/neuter program through the OSPCA, but that the waiting list is longer. Anne indicated that we disseminate the information to the public but that Clarington is under contract to the local vet to provide the same services. In addition, Anne pointed out that if the local vet could not meet the needs of the Municipality, then the Municipality goes to the local vets prior to going elsewhere, in order to continue the good working relationship with the local vets. There was also a discussion that Lindsay and Peterborough may be opening similar low-cost spay/neuter programs. 3. PROPOSED BY-LAW AMENDMENTS: Anne noted that, in 2007, the Kennel licensing by-law was introduced in order to regulate the activities and have the kennels meet the minimum requirements. In addition, there were some kennel owners that did not have kennels, but wanted to maintain the zoning. When the by-law was introduced the choices were: commercial breeding, commercial boarding, and private kennel. In addition, the Responsible Pet Owner by-law, regulating licenses was amended so that there would be $100 agricultural license established to provide for a “group” rate. This by-law has been in place for a couple of years and now it is time to perform an internal review of the by-law. One of the changes that are being considered is to limit the number of dogs, throughout the municipality. The Committee discussed, in detail, the number of dogs that should be on agricultural land. The discussion surrounded the purpose for which the dogs are being used, such as: animal rescue operations, guard dogs, herding dogs, hunting dogs, sled dogs, and as pets. It was noted hunting and sled dogs fall under the “private kennel” section of the Kennel by-law. Animal Advisory Committee -3- November 11, 2009 The following are the issues that need to be addressed with future changes: ? Limit the number of dogs on agricultural land. ? Require you to reside on the property where the dogs are being kept, unless the working dogs are working elsewhere. Otherwise, if they are not working, they must be cared for and maintained on the property where they reside. ? The number of litters that an owner can have before it is considered to be commercial breeding. The Committee agreed with the concept of capping on agricultural land with a leaning towards 3 unaltered to a maximum of 8, with altering requirements incorporated. The Committee agreed that a maximum of two litters per twelve month period per household would be reasonable. 4. SPECIAL EVENTS UPDATE The Santa Photo Event will be held December 5, 2009 at the Animal Shelter. There will be a professional animal photographer taking the photos, from “Buzz Dog Services”. The cost will be $10 each, $14 for 3 photos. Anne indicated that posters will be provided to the local vet offices and will be advertised on the Municipal website. Jon asked whether the publication, SNAP, would advertise the event, which Anne will check on with the Marketing and Communications Department of the Municipality. Posters will be emailed to the members of the Committee. 5. OTHER BUSINESS a. Mary Zilney’s Biography This matter was received for information, by the Committee. b. Background and Follow Up on “Phoenix” Tracey informed the Committee that “Phoenix” was picked up on the Sunday night and a vet saw the dog the same evening. In addition, due to the condition of the animal, the Humane Society was called and picked up the animal by Tuesday. The Humane Society brought the animal to their own vet at that time. Animal Advisory Committee -4- November 11, 2009 c. Off Leash Area Anne informed the Committee that the Shelter is receiving a great number of calls complaining of residents allowing their dogs to run off leash, especially in the Port of Newcastle. She indicated that, even if the Municipality opens up an off-leash area in the Port of Newcastle, there might be a need to open one each of the major geographical areas of the Municipality. Anne indicated that she has discussed the issue with Peter Windolf. Anne is to provide him with information on the requirements for an “impromptu” off-leash area, as well as a “formal” off-leash area. There was a general discussion about the requirements of an “impromptu” off-leash area to be proposed as a pilot project. The following issues were discussed: ? whether there should be a fence (in general, it was felt that a fence is not required as the dogs that are allowed off leash would not be running away); ? signs; ? size of the area (ideally, at least 5 acres); ? possible locations; ? proximity to residential areas; and ? whether animal control by-laws would be enforced. d. Cat Poisonings in Neighbourhood Jon indicated that this issue was placed on the agenda as an information item about recent cat poisonings in Bowmanville. He indicated that there is a recent push to put a certain taste in the antifreeze to deter cats from eating it. e. New OSPCA Regulations Jon indicated that he wanted the Committee to be aware that the new regulations were now released. They are available on e-laws. f. “Sled Dogs” north of Newcastle Jon noted that he had attended the site himself and reported what he had viewed to the Animal Shelter. The dogs were roaming down the street, but that they appeared to be healthy. Tracey reported that, at the end of August, 2009, there were no longer any dogs in that area of the property, but that they were still licensed to the property. Animal Advisory Committee -5- November 11, 2009 g. Shelter Updates See Item 2 above. h. After Hours Emergency Call Out Service Anne indicated that, as a cost-cutting measure, the Shelter is no longer providing after hours emergency call out service. She indicated that there has been a discussion with the Police, emergency veterinary clinic and fire dispatch. In addition, the website has been updated as well as the screen in the Municipal Office. Councillor Hooper asked that Anne look into the possibility of providing information on the recreation centre information/message screens. i. Changing Scientific Names in Responsible Pet Owners & Kennel By- law Peter provided corrected wording for the scientific cat names. Anne agreed to update the definitions at the time the by-law is amended for the other matters discussed earlier in the meeting. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:33 p.m. 7. NEXT MEETING January 13, 2010 – Animal Shelter