HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-09-12 Minutes ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on September 122007 at 2:30 P.M. in the Ante Room, Municipal Administrative , Centre. ROLL CALL Present: John Stoner, Chair Laurie Arnott Sheila Elkington, Sr. Animal Services Officer Councillor Ron Hooper Dr. Helen Koseck Peter Klose Patti Barrie, Municipal Clerk Ellen Atkinson, Clerk II, Secretary 1. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES OF MARCH 21, 2007 Moved by Sheila Elkington, seconded by Helen Koseck THAT the minutes of the Animal Advisory Committee for the meeting of May 9, 2007, be approved without comment. CARRIED 2. SPECIAL EVENTS Sheila informed the Committee that Family Safety Day will be held on September 29, 2007 at Fire Station #1 and they are looking for volunteers to help man the Animal Shelter Booth as well as suggestions of messages to focus on or fun event ideas. John offered to volunteer at the booth from 10:00 am to noon, Laurie will volunteer from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm if necessary, Counicllor Hooper will be there from noon until 2:00pm and Helen will be available at the end of the day. Suggestions for messages are; Wildlife, Pit Bulls, Poop and Scoop. Sheila will call closer to the day and confirm the time schedule for those volunteering. 3. ORDER TO RESTRAIN Sheila informed the Committee the current details when an order to restrain has been issued, they are muzzling when out walking, microchiping is required, must be in an enclosed area when outside on owners property, leash must be 6’ and can only be walked by a persons 16 years and older. Issuing orders to restrain are time consuming and are done when the dog has either bitten or attacked another animal or person or behaved in an aggressive manner. She informed the Committee that individuals can appeal the order and fines are usually not charged. Sheila asked the Committee if they had any suggestions regarding the current Animal Advisory Committee -2- September 12, 2007 order to restrain methods and requirements. The Committee, at this time, did not have any thing further to add to the methods or requirements. 4. UPDATE ON ANIMAL WASTE Peter informed the Committee that he has tried several times to contact someone at the Town of Whitby regarding how they handle animal waste and he has not heard back from anyone yet. He will keep trying and once he has some information he will advise the committee. He is also going to check with other municipalities to see how they are handling the matter as well. 5. EXOTIC PETS Sheila informed the Committee that staff have received an enquiry to establish an exotic pet education centre within the Municipality and Sheila asked the members if they were aware of any governing body. Sheila expressed concerns if the By-Law were to change because a person with expertise will have to called upon to deal with the exotic pets that are found in Clarington. Peter stated the only body he knows of is CAZA, but they are only responsible for Zoos. The Committee recommended that the By-Law not be amended. 6. OTHER BUSINESS John is still trying to get in touch with Kip to set up a date for training. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 3:25 P.M.