HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-05-09 Minutes ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on May 9, 2007 at 2:30 P.M. in the Ante Room, Municipal Administrative Centre. ROLL CALL Present: John Stoner, Chair Laurie Arnott Sheila Elkington, Sr. Animal Services Officer Anne Greentree, Deputy Clerk Councillor Ron Hooper Rhonda Johnson Dr. Helen Koseck Ellen Atkinson, Clerk II, Secretary 1. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Anne Greentree welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Ellen Atkinson as the new Secretary for the Committee. Members then introduced themselves. 2. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES OF MARCH 21, 2007 Moved by,Councillor Hooper, seconded by Sheila Elkington THAT the minutes of the Animal Advisory Committee for the meeting of March 21, 2007, be approved without comment. CARRIED 3. TERMS OF REFERENCE The Terms of Reference were reviewed. They were amended to add “and welfare” to the first bullet. The Committee concurred that the draft revised Terms of Reference more accurately reflects the role of the Advisory Committee and the Committee then agreed that the revised Terms of Reference will be forwarded to Council with a recommendation for approval. 4. ANIMAL SERVICES QUARTERLY REPORT Sheila highlighted the Quarterly Report and advised that sales were up due to the fact that the selling of licenses door to door was implemented earlier this year. Animal Advisory Committee -2- May 10, 2007 5. WILDLIFE POLICY Anne presented the internal procedure for handling of wildlife. She stated that the legislative authority rests with the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), and she gave examples of calls the Clarington Animal Shelter had in the past and how they were handled. At the back of the internal procedure a list was provided for alternate services that are available for the public if they need help with wildlife John mentioned that Earth Rangers is no longer active. Sheila advised that the police can be called if the incident occurs after hours, but only if it involves injured wildlife or a rabid animal. Shelia advised the Committee that the bear that was sited in Newcastle has actually been there for quite some time now, and that she was only more noticeable due to the fact that she recently lost her cub. John will check with a contact that he has to see if the Committee can arrange for wildlife training. The Committee may consider inviting other municipalities shelters to this training session as well. John stated that if wildlife is not handled properly the Municipality could be held liable. 6. OTHER BUSINESS Anne requested that the Committee compile an action list for what the Committee would like to accomplish (#7 from minutes of March 21, 2007) and to have this for the next meeting. The next meeting agenda will only include the wildlife training. Anne explained to the Committee that the training would not alter the Municipality’s responsibilities but would better prepare staff to answer questions and facilitate assistance. Sheila will forward an outline of the training to the other shelters if there is one available. Anne advised that she will arrange for the “disposal of animal waste” to be included on the September agenda. John encouraged members to participate in community events. Sheila requested that the Committee try to think of more exciting activities for the children attending the community events. Sheila invited the Committee members to come and see the new “maternity ward” at the Clarington Animal Shelter. Animal Advisory Committee -3- May 10, 2007 7. ADJOURMENT The meeting adjourned at 3:35 P.M.