HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-03-21 Minutes ANIMAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Animal Advisory Committee held on March 21, 2007 at 2:30 P.M. at the Clarington Animal Shelter. ROLL CALL Present: Laurie Arnott John Stoner Rhonda Johnson Councillor Ron Hooper Peter Klose Sheila Elkington, Sr. Animal Services Officer Anne Greentree, Deputy Clerk Dr. Helen Koseck Barb Boffey, Clerk II, Secretary 1. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Anne Greentree welcomed everyone to the meeting. Members introduced themselves. 2. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR Moved by Sheila Elkington, seconded by Rhonda Johnston THAT John Stoner be appointed to Chair of the Animal Advisory Committee CARRIED 3. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 4, 2006 Moved by John Stoner, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the minutes of the Animal Advisory Committee for the meeting of October 4, 2006, be approved without comment. CARRIED 4. SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS Members reviewed the proposed meeting schedule that was distributed in the meeting agenda package which stated that meetings were held every other month, starting at 2:30 p.m., and are not usually held during the summer. The meeting locations are rotated between the Clarington Animal Shelter and the Municipal Administrative Centre (MAC), 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ante Room. Animal Advisory Committee -2- March 21, 2007 5. TERMS OF REFERENCE The Committee reviewed the Terms of Reference and had the following comments. “The promotion of various animal care programs;” is duplicated. Anne Greentree stated that in the past, this has included spay and neutering programs, adoption programs, pit bull issues and new pet in home programs. Combine this with “more publicity/visibility of the Clarington animal shelter;”. Combine “public education relating to animal ownership;” and “help to promote animal education in elementary schools”. Anne Greentree stated this has involved taking on opportunities to educate the community concerning pet ownership. For example, an information booth set up at events such as Winter Wonderlearn. Anne stated that although the Municipality is most appreciative of all donations, she commented that it might not be appropriate for this to be an objective of the Advisory Committee. The Committee decided to delete both of these bullets from the Terms of Reference. Concerning “assist the Animal Control Officers with upgrading/expanding their qualifications by researching availability of animal related education programs;”, Anne Greentree stated this could involve access to information from a Committee member’s own personal experience or a veterinarian association that may offer education programs. Sheila Elkington stated that due to the increase in population the Animal Enforcement Officer job parts continues to expand. Anne Greentree stated there is a necessary harmony between having a combination of by- law enforcement and animal services operations knowledge. It was agreed by the Committee that this would be struck from the Terms of Reference. Concerning “write a regular newspaper column pertaining to pet awareness”, Sheila Elkington stated the newspaper was very good about contacting the Animal Shelter to obtain a story. It was agreed by the Committee to amend the wording to “write newspaper articles pertaining to pet awareness as required”. Animal Advisory Committee -3- March 21, 2007 The Terms of Reference were refined and finalized as follows: ? The promotion of public education relating to animal ownership; ? Review by-laws, policies and procedures – make recommendations and provide support; ? Assist the Animal Control Officers with upgrading/expanding their qualifications by researching availability of animal related education programs; and ? Assist with fundraising campaigns ? Write newspaper articles pertaining to pet awareness as required John Stoner suggested the Terms of Reference be put to a vote at the next meeting once members have had the opportunity to review the revisions and the Committee agreed to this. 6. SPECIAL EVENTS Anne Greentree went through the Special Events that took place in 2006 in order to give the Committee an idea of the timeframes that these types of events would take place in 2007. John Stoner agreed to be Santa Claus for the picture taking session at the Santa Photos event being held this December, 2007 at the Clarington Animal Shelter. Anne Greentree stated the challenge for creating pamphlets at events has been to provide a consistent message and asked the Committee to develop some messages for use in these pamphlets. Sheila Elkington stated the information the pamphlets required would be varied. 7. ESTABLISHMENT OF PRIORITIES Anne Greentree asked each member to share their vision of what they wanted to contribute to this Committee. John Stoner stated he is on the Committee to contribute from an educational standpoint, has an interest in wildlife rehabilitation and Kennel By-laws. John stated he has an interest in educating the community concerning the spaying/neutering of cats and controlling roaming cats. Sheila Elkington stated she is on the Committee to provide the community information on the By-laws surrounding pet ownership, for example, the licensing of pets or allowing cats to roam outside. Animal Advisory Committee -4- March 21, 2007 Peter Klose stated he is on the Committee to contribute to public education for exotic animals such as lizards, tarantulas and scorpions. Peter stated it is also important to educate the public on spaying and neutering programs and stressed that educating the public on roaming cats should be a priority for the Committee. Laurie Arnott stated she applied to the Committee to be involved in a more “hands-on” manner and that she also enjoys working with the public. Dr. Helen Koseck stated she is on the Committee to contribute however she can and stressed if anything is needed, to just ask. Anne Greentree stated by the end of this summer that microchipping will become part of the adoption program available at the Animal Shelter and suggested Dr. Koseck could provide some guidance with implementing the program. John Stoner stated he would speak with the Ministry of Natural Resources and request they come in and discuss wildlife issues as Clarington does not have the resources or authority to deal with these issues. Peter Klose stated Clarington residents should be discourged to put their garbage at the curb overnight as it attracts wildlife and encourages this behaviour. Peter Klose asked Anne to provide members of the committee with a copy of the current wildlife policy. Anne Greentree stated the issue of how residents should be disposing of dog fecal matter needs to be clarified with the Waste Management Department of the Region of Durham. Peter Klose stated he would bring the matter up at the next DEAC meeting and would advise the outcome at the next Committee meeting. Peter Klose reviewed the Private Members Bill with the Committee and commented it currently gives zoo owner/operators no rights with respect to establishing standards for the care of zoo operations. Peter stated he would keep the Committee abreast of the situation as it progresses. 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.